What do you guys think about this? The devs have already spoken that they are looking into this because they want to make it "feel gratifying" to kill someone and cost them an injury but they are open to change if this brings frustrations to other players.
Personally, I like this. Makes gold more valuable. Makes killing more of a reward in itself. However, I understand not everyone is as geared as I am, does not have thousands of gold and may find this unpleasant and rightfully so. What do you think? Good idea or change it?
I think it's not going to happen because it's a dumb idea.
edit: unless of course the same guys that created Gauntlgrym 20v20 map are also the same people that make this decision, it doesn't have a chance of happening.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
At least I'll have something to spend gold on now.
Simple solution: don't flag for PvP unless you are ready to spend an injury kit if you die; its that simple.
rank 10 utility people with guilds, emblems, pets ,50 plus hp,millions of ad are going to make 9gs pugs pay for kits lol.nice balance
and dont wory after few ganks and kits people will not come anymore
rank 10 utility people with guilds, emblems, pets ,50 plus hp,millions of ad are going to make 9gs pugs pay for kits lol.nice balance
and dont wory after few ganks and kits people will not come anymore
Emblem is getting a nerf, first of all (1 heals less than a waters now in preview), and what I meant is basically don't jump into the PvP area unless you want/need to after you do everything else in the area. Scout out around the PvP area to see if there are a group of the opposing faction nearby who might jump you before flagging blindly. Don't do your dailies/heroic encounters flagged for PvP and other things of that nature. You are going to have a bad time if you do that; its asking for trouble. Only flag for PvP when you are ready to PvP and expect to die at times. Injury kits are very cheap and unless you keep on stupidly flagging yourself for PvP when you just got killed 2-3 times in that same area by the same people, you aren't going to spend that many at all. Its not like the moment you walk into the zone you can be ganked by half of the map, you need to run to literally the opposite side of the map, to the big red border past the big red letters on your screen warning you that you will be flagged in order the be killed by players. There are going to be multiple instances of the zone available and you can simply change zones if a group is terrorizing the one you are in (or even just change your faction to the group monopolizing the area; you get free protection until they leave).
Will there be people running around in groups with high enchants/gear hunting down the weak? Yes. That happens in just about any open world PvP, nothing you can do about it.
The pets are a whole different issue and I truly hope they reconsider it, but they won't at this point; they are just hoping the people saying "No" to it will quietly go away.
This only applies to open world PvP as far as I know; haven't tried Domination in preview (can never get in, honestly), but I've not heard anything about it affecting Domination at all. If they did make it affect Domination, that is just plain stupid and pointless, but I highly doubt they made it so.
tourage16Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
You don't have to give a penalty to players who die... you need to give a reward to players who kill... But for example, If a player dies more than 3x without killing anybody, he gets marked, and marked players don't give rewards (to avoid exploiting)
Well i didnt make up my mind completely but you could add sth different like revive sickness - sth like
-The lost fight weakend you -150 Def and - 150 Power (or you loose 5% of your damage resistance and 10% of your Attackrating)
stacks up 3 times and disappears after a period of time like revive sickness.
Another idea would be to decrease the time needed to recover from an injury at a campfire for example to 1 minute in this zone. You could make the whole area a campfire too like PE is.
Altars could be interesting again when the healing time is shorter - you just run back to your group and put up an altar...
sure why the **** not, i'll wait 3min after each death. lol **** this
people will just stop playing if they really do this. it's pvp and it's normal that you die, but don't punish for it or you will see the open world area completely empty after 1week of its release.
So basically there's no reward for beating others in pvp (at least currently), but you're punished. Why exactly do we want to do this exactly? On the plus side it's good that it's not a requirement. On the negative side it's just going to be top players decimating everyone else.
What a novel concept. Rewarding players for participating in desirable activities! Brilliant!
Seriously guys, not everything in an MMO has to be "how do we punish players?" The more punishment you attach to an activity, the less people will do it.
Don't punish people for participating in PvP. Reward them.
give us extra glory for killing people while in the openpvp zone.
and give us something small for dieing.. like a 50% mountspeed buff which lasts for 10 or 20seconds after we revive. the small things matter, as long as we get something
give us a reason to do the campaign and don't punish us for it
Your reward for killing someone in PvP is that they now have to spend gold on a kit/wait 3 mins at a fire and (given this community) are probably raging at their keyboard about the fact.
Open world PvP is already going to be a slaughter fest on under geared characters, and this would just add insult to injury (literally? figuratively?)
I just turned 60 over the weekend, and I had to suck a hell of a lot of dirt before I had managed to get my full T1 PvP gear (Now saving up for the T2, but it's time gated with seals - another annoying thing about PvP, but whatever). I still get regularly turned into chowder by players that have way better equipment than I do. The thing that sort of makes this tolerable, is that I don't lose anything for getting my faced punched in repeatedly (of course, I don't get very much reward for that...)
Don't make barriers that prevent people from trying out PvP. It's already frustrating to get destroyed by characters with way better loot than you have, why make someone spend money (or even time sitting by a campfire) just because they're new??
You aren't being forced to sit at a campfire or spend gold. You aren't being forced to participate in Icewind PvP at all. You can continue to work on your Tier 2 or your Black Ice gear without having to do any Icewind PvP whatsoever.
There are tons of people selling both potions and injury kits on the AH. You can get an entire stack of major injury kits for under 10k AD
Considering you cant even get into the open PVP areas, until you are level 60, have several boons, and are fairly well geared. I find it hard to believe 10k AD is honestly going to break anyone.
There are tons of people selling both potions and injury kits on the AH. You can get an entire stack of major injury kits for under 10k AD
Considering you cant even get into the open PVP areas, until you are level 60, have several boons, and are fairly well geared. I find it hard to believe 10k AD is honestly going to break anyone.
In a mass pvp area? Are u sure u know what are you talking about? If you think those prices are going to remain the same, you are mistaken.
On topic: A terrible idea!
In a mass pvp area? Are u sure u know what are you talking about? If you think those prices are going to remain the same, you are mistaken.
On topic: A terrible idea!
Yes, especially if they introduce this into domination. Adding a cost per death would be a terrible idea, and you can easily go through a stack of injury kits in 6 games or so. Unless they give injury kits to people killing others, I don't see how this can help at all. Even if they do that, it'd just discourage new players from ever PVPing after the first couple times.
If they want to make people feel better about killing others in PVP, they should just make a res cooldown longer.
Yes, especially if they introduce this into domination. Adding a cost per death would be a terrible idea, and you can easily go through a stack of injury kits in 6 games or so. Unless they give injury kits to people killing others, I don't see how this can help at all. Even if they do that, it'd just discourage new players from ever PVPing after the first couple times.
If they want to make people feel better about killing others in PVP, they should just make a res cooldown longer.
I highly doubt they will add it to domination..that is just going to outrage the entire community over something that should never happen. As for rewards for killing players, the dead ones will drop black ice (an alternative to farming black ice nodes).
There are tons of people selling both potions and injury kits on the AH. You can get an entire stack of major injury kits for under 10k AD
Considering you cant even get into the open PVP areas, until you are level 60, have several boons, and are fairly well geared. I find it hard to believe 10k AD is honestly going to break anyone.
If the new PVP mode in module 3 becomes a slight success and people are routinely playing it, injury kits in AH will arise.
Plus remember that we are in a buyer's market at the moment. That will change when module 3 comes out
What do you guys think about this? The devs have already spoken that they are looking into this because they want to make it "feel gratifying" to kill someone and cost them an injury but they are open to change if this brings frustrations to other players.
Personally, I like this. Makes gold more valuable. Makes killing more of a reward in itself. However, I understand not everyone is as geared as I am, does not have thousands of gold and may find this unpleasant and rightfully so. What do you think? Good idea or change it?
let's be clear: gentlemancrush stated in the pvp with the devs this past friday that they were watching it closely. let's not also forget that anything that is on the preview shard is subject to change before it goes live.
so whether or not this will end up happening is speculative.
**also there has been no official statement or suggestion that states that this will carry over into PvP domination**
let's be clear: gentlemancrush stated in the pvp with the devs this past friday that they were watching it closely. let's not also forget that anything that is on the preview shard is subject to change before it goes live.
so whether or not this will end up happening is speculative.
**also there has been no official statement or suggestion that states that this will carry over into PvP domination**
This is *not* on the table for Domination at this time. Injuries working in Open PVP is partially because of the way your get flagged for PVP here and we have not made a final decision as to its final state. Also, you do get Black Ice for killing enemy players. The Injuries are currently just an aspect of the risk/reward gameplay of trying to get black ice from the PVP areas (where it is intended to be more plentiful and provide a better bang for your buck so to speak).
That said, this is all in flux and we are monitoring feedback carefully to see the pros and cons of having injuries in Open PVP.
edit: unless of course the same guys that created Gauntlgrym 20v20 map are also the same people that make this decision, it doesn't have a chance of happening.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
rank 10 utility people with guilds, emblems, pets ,50 plus hp,millions of ad are going to make 9gs pugs pay for kits lol.nice balance
and dont wory after few ganks and kits people will not come anymore
Emblem is getting a nerf, first of all (1 heals less than a waters now in preview), and what I meant is basically don't jump into the PvP area unless you want/need to after you do everything else in the area. Scout out around the PvP area to see if there are a group of the opposing faction nearby who might jump you before flagging blindly. Don't do your dailies/heroic encounters flagged for PvP and other things of that nature. You are going to have a bad time if you do that; its asking for trouble. Only flag for PvP when you are ready to PvP and expect to die at times. Injury kits are very cheap and unless you keep on stupidly flagging yourself for PvP when you just got killed 2-3 times in that same area by the same people, you aren't going to spend that many at all. Its not like the moment you walk into the zone you can be ganked by half of the map, you need to run to literally the opposite side of the map, to the big red border past the big red letters on your screen warning you that you will be flagged in order the be killed by players. There are going to be multiple instances of the zone available and you can simply change zones if a group is terrorizing the one you are in (or even just change your faction to the group monopolizing the area; you get free protection until they leave).
Will there be people running around in groups with high enchants/gear hunting down the weak? Yes. That happens in just about any open world PvP, nothing you can do about it.
The pets are a whole different issue and I truly hope they reconsider it, but they won't at this point; they are just hoping the people saying "No" to it will quietly go away.
This only applies to open world PvP as far as I know; haven't tried Domination in preview (can never get in, honestly), but I've not heard anything about it affecting Domination at all. If they did make it affect Domination, that is just plain stupid and pointless, but I highly doubt they made it so.
to 25 copper a kit.
-The lost fight weakend you -150 Def and - 150 Power (or you loose 5% of your damage resistance and 10% of your Attackrating)
stacks up 3 times and disappears after a period of time like revive sickness.
Another idea would be to decrease the time needed to recover from an injury at a campfire for example to 1 minute in this zone. You could make the whole area a campfire too like PE is.
Altars could be interesting again when the healing time is shorter - you just run back to your group and put up an altar...
people will just stop playing if they really do this. it's pvp and it's normal that you die, but don't punish for it or you will see the open world area completely empty after 1week of its release.
One more reason not to PVP.
welcome to NW PvP
Population: less than 30, all maxed out tho!
What a novel concept. Rewarding players for participating in desirable activities! Brilliant!
Seriously guys, not everything in an MMO has to be "how do we punish players?" The more punishment you attach to an activity, the less people will do it.
Don't punish people for participating in PvP. Reward them.
and give us something small for dieing.. like a 50% mountspeed buff which lasts for 10 or 20seconds after we revive. the small things matter, as long as we get something
give us a reason to do the campaign and don't punish us for it
Sounds decent to me.
Open world PvP is already going to be a slaughter fest on under geared characters, and this would just add insult to injury (literally? figuratively?)
I just turned 60 over the weekend, and I had to suck a hell of a lot of dirt before I had managed to get my full T1 PvP gear (Now saving up for the T2, but it's time gated with seals - another annoying thing about PvP, but whatever). I still get regularly turned into chowder by players that have way better equipment than I do. The thing that sort of makes this tolerable, is that I don't lose anything for getting my faced punched in repeatedly (of course, I don't get very much reward for that...)
Don't make barriers that prevent people from trying out PvP. It's already frustrating to get destroyed by characters with way better loot than you have, why make someone spend money (or even time sitting by a campfire) just because they're new??
Like I said, this is a terrible idea.
Considering you cant even get into the open PVP areas, until you are level 60, have several boons, and are fairly well geared. I find it hard to believe 10k AD is honestly going to break anyone.
In a mass pvp area?
On topic: A terrible idea!
Yes, especially if they introduce this into domination. Adding a cost per death would be a terrible idea, and you can easily go through a stack of injury kits in 6 games or so. Unless they give injury kits to people killing others, I don't see how this can help at all. Even if they do that, it'd just discourage new players from ever PVPing after the first couple times.
If they want to make people feel better about killing others in PVP, they should just make a res cooldown longer.
I highly doubt they will add it to domination..that is just going to outrage the entire community over something that should never happen. As for rewards for killing players, the dead ones will drop black ice (an alternative to farming black ice nodes).
Icewind PvP and Domination PvP are two completely different animals.
If the new PVP mode in module 3 becomes a slight success and people are routinely playing it, injury kits in AH will arise.
Plus remember that we are in a buyer's market at the moment. That will change when module 3 comes out
Add another level 20 alchemy task: Batch of Injury kits (10) 4hours
Ingredient is a couple of the basic crafting resources
They are bound to account and they have no gold value.
let's be clear: gentlemancrush stated in the pvp with the devs this past friday that they were watching it closely. let's not also forget that anything that is on the preview shard is subject to change before it goes live.
so whether or not this will end up happening is speculative.
**also there has been no official statement or suggestion that states that this will carry over into PvP domination**
This is *not* on the table for Domination at this time. Injuries working in Open PVP is partially because of the way your get flagged for PVP here and we have not made a final decision as to its final state. Also, you do get Black Ice for killing enemy players. The Injuries are currently just an aspect of the risk/reward gameplay of trying to get black ice from the PVP areas (where it is intended to be more plentiful and provide a better bang for your buck so to speak).
That said, this is all in flux and we are monitoring feedback carefully to see the pros and cons of having injuries in Open PVP.