There is too many topics about reducing damage ect on TRs, why not make it harder for them to stay invisible indefinitely?
With shadow strike right now no matter what it will always fill a TR's stealth bar, even if the opponent dodges, why not just make it so it has to actually deal damage to fill the stealth bar, I have played perma stealth and trust me if your opponent knows what their doing then it's going to be a rough time for you. But the other 90% of the NW community doesn't know how to combat perma stealth and it's pretty unfair when I play on my other classes vs it. If Shadow Strike has to do damage to give you your stealth back, that would definatly quiet up some of the cry babies on the forums, for awhile anyway, until they get wrecked in pvp by a tr and demand another nerf to something they obviously didn't know how to counter.

It also would make it more logical an ability in that it's not a 100% guaranteed stealth regen, but you will have to make sure they don't dodge it so you will actually get the bonus back, instead of having it negated like Impossible to Catch negates most damage and gives cc immunity. It also makes sense that if someone dodges a blade to the head, then they shouldn't get penalized for it by having their opponent re-cloak to stay invisible even after they correctly dodge the attack
Shadow Strike has to do damage to refill the stealth bar
Thread: Shadow Strike?
by f2pma
no tr in a right mind would ever use attack which deals no dmg and can be dodged and on top of that is crucial to work coz all build is relying on miss insta dead.
and that is why its never going to be changed
counter to nerfing stealth is removing the stealth all the way nice man.
You obviously did not play againts a good perma
no idea what are u trying to say
never saw perma not using ss lol.
and if tr without ss beat me i would delete instant
yeah sure but think abouth geared tr should one shot low geared pugs if he wants to be viable against 35khp plus pvp players.
then the realy crying would start lol.
Regardless, this is not a good idea. Another thing to mention is the focus is not just on nerfing rogue damage as you stated. One of the ideas they mentioned testing was to make rogues visible to targets they attack while attacking from stealth. This is a much more reasonable solution to balancing it out instead of cutting out rogues only defense completely at times. The other idea being to reduce damage the longer one attacks from stealth. Either way, both of their ideas for solutions are better alternatives than cutting stealth out completely at times. There are already ways to see sheathed rogues, use weapon enchants, and attack them with AOEs to knock them out of stealth. It only needs slight adjustments to make it stealth a little less viable, not removing it completely at times when there are already methods to handle it that are close to being a balanced counters to stealth, but fall just a bit short.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Seen a lot of these topics where suboptimal toons want to beat full rank 10s/perfects TRs.
Prove you have the same gear, the same experience, a toon that is able to 1vs1 (no your tiefling CW won't cut it and is not meant to duel semipermas), and then we can talk about nerfs.
i know you are very good pvp player and one of the best cw in the game but to say something that silly amazes me.
funny how you just keep repeating same scenarios in your head.if ss was dodgable no one using it!!!!!!!!
you are just saying remove the most important trs encounter from pvp.very smart lol.
it would be like saying gwf can use unstoppable only once in a single fight.
I'd say, as annoying as it is, leave it be... For now. You can't change it w/o an immediate witch hunt on other encounters by other classes, imo.
And I'd compare shadow strike more to gwf's takedown, or Iv gwf's frontline surge. You take one or both of them away, you'd be hearing a similar thread(negativity wise) about them.
By the way, takedown has a similar reward the player for missing effect(allowing them to spam TD with basically no cool down penalty for missing. If SS stays, don't want to hear whining about TD anymore either(like a previous poster, forgot about that ability of SS).
Thing is, I've seen many TRs run BOTH
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
SS is much more important to all TRs than B&S. B&S has roughly twice the cooldown of SS, and it only refills stealth when used in stealth. Out of stealth you dodge backwards. A TR using B&S and not SS can stay in stealth a maximum of 20 seconds, after which they can never go back into stealth while being attacked. A TR using SS and not B&S can stay in stealth a maximum of 20 seconds and then restealth again after about 5 seconds out of stealth, if timed right. A TR running SS and B&S, with enough recovery that B&S has less than a 20 second cooldown can stay in stealth indefinitely, and restealth whenever they get popped out.
The reason why people usually take aim at nerfing B&S rather than SS, is because B&S is used primarily by perma stealth rogues, while every rogue uses SS.
I disagree with this suggestion, as it hits all TRs too hard. Unless we get some other sort of defense, I don't think TRs would be viable in PVP with a non guaranteed stealth refill.
Edit: I'd be okay with it if we got something similar to Takedown where SS would have a 2 second cooldown if we miss.
if there is any cw that couldnt dodge ss at least 80% of the time he better delete.
and if the same cw couldnt kill tr before he gets stealth again he better delete to
gf would block 100% of the ss
hr 80%dodge
trs 80% dodge
and you say harder why not say impossibile to stay perma
trs cant kill no full pvp spec without ss anymore.maybe before with impact lashing but not anymore.
i speak for same gear higher end pvp players and even begginers would dodge 50%by pure cant pvp with dodgeble ss or without one. any decent player can say the same
You overestimate the skill of a sizeable chunk of players. Nevertheless who is anyone to tell someone to delete/uninstall just because they're not as good as others. I find that term thrown about so much when really it's just about matchmaking not working it's finest. Though I've not seen it used much over here.
im not overestimating anything if that nerf was implemented no one would ever use it.why? because its to easy to dodge and wouldn even work in pugs
The Shadow Strike sound and the attack occur simultaneously for me.
lol its more then a sec closer to 2