I am an achievement hunter and would love to see the achievement system get improved. For the most part it is very barebones. The best use of the achievement system is the foundry ones, mainly because it has long term goals with rewards besides titles (not that there is anything wrong with titles). Other achievement types should follow that lead with achievements that take longer to get along with rewards like unique companions, mounts, and fashion gear.
Exploration achievements - I don't have any specific ideas. I just suggest looking at the exploration/collection perks in CO and exploration accolades in STO. Also could use achievements for finding specific hidden quests, like Predator's den in Pirates' Skyhold. Could also use more of these hidden quests and hidden bosses in zones.
General Achievements- Get X amount of gold
- Activate x amount of mimics
- Die x amount of times
- Deal/Heal X amount of damage
- Get x amount of injuries of y type
- Get fully injured (totally red in all spots)
- Fencebane - knock down x amount of fence sections (for fences in Rothe and other zones that fall apart when you walk through them)
Profession Achievements - This is very barebones. There only achievements for leveling up. It could really use some more. Possible rewards could include unlocking new tasks and maybe small permanent buffs that make things a little easier for crafting.
For particular new tasks unlock, I would love to see a way to make certain sets of armor that exist in the foundry, but players still have no way to get. For example, the trickster one is listed as "Master Infiltrator's Masterful Armor - 1", which is one players have requested several times since it was used for the Hero of the North advertising. Could also add more potions and dyes in alchemy, some single dyes would be great.
There could also be a meta achievement, like Foundry Neophyte to Moonstar line for completing a certain amount of foundry achievements with nice rewards.
General Achievement ideas
- Make X number of blues/purples
- Make X amount of Y type armor
- Getting Rank 2/3 results X amount of times
- Using nature/arcana/etc skill nodes X times
- Get X amount of mats from gathering/refining tasks
- Higher level version of multi-task at 6-8 professions maxed out
- Hire/upgrade X amount of workers
- For unlocking all 9 task slots
- Getting a rank 3 result with a chance of less than 15%
Profession Specific Achievements
- Leadership
- Get X amount of AD/gold/XP from tasks
- Get X amount of green/blue/purple chests
- Alchemy
- Make x amount of potions of y quality
- Transmute Goo/crafting mats X times
- Make X amount of dyes
- consume unstable potions and get y result x amount of times (could unlock recipe for stable versions of potions for that result)
- Leatherworking/Mailsmithing/Platesmithing
- Reinforce X amount of bracers
- Make x amount of helm/chest/bracer/boots (could unlock tasks to make pieces I mentioned earlier)
Seasonal Achievements - Just would like to see more events based achievement, even for the smaller events. Though I think the event related achievements should be moved together, as there are a few in general achievements as well as the challenge of the god achievements in skirmishes.
Slayer Achivements - Just take these further. In Champions Online, they go up to 5000 and the final perk unlocks a costume piece. Give us some absurd amount to work up to and when you get the final achievement, you get a fashion piece related to the faction.
Challenge Achievements - New type of achievement. These are for completing dungeons/skirmishes and/or their bosses under certain conditions. Basic ones for beating them without dying or without using potions. Also more specific ones like beating the gnarlroot boss without getting hit with any of the environmental effects or preventing the fardelver boss from remounting his spider.
Sword Coast Adventures Achievements - Another new type. This one for doing stuff in the gateway mini-game
- Completing X number adventures of Y tier
- Completing X number of adventures total
- Completing all the different varieties of adventures of a tier
- Doing a full clear
- Completing event adventures
- Completing an adventure with full health/Completing an adventure with 1 HP left
Completing an adventure with companions below the recommended level.
Ah, yes, meant to include those with the hidden quests idea.
Good idea, especially since Mimic Tamer is already taken.
I suggest, Dardove Disciple.
no no no no no, "Ooooh SHINY!!!"
*hint that there is something for the player to discover (Fallen Tower Jumper)
*encourage a player to play with finesse (Cut the Green Vine)
*encourage players to help each other (like an achievement for drive-by buffing, although that wouldn't work with Neverwinter's mechanics)
I suppose these behaviors could be encouraged with by other means. (Cut the Green Vine should really unlock a bonus reward, so that there's an incentive to make the attempt every run.)
I don't begrudge achievement hunters their grind, but it doesn't interest me much.
However, the real disappointment for me is the titles. So many of the titles are bland and literal, particularly the slayer and crafting titles. Skeleton Slayer could easily have been Skeleton Smasher. Aberrant Slayer could have been Aberrant Corrector.
More acheivements ideas (randomly thought of to encourage brainstorming):
Kick x barrels y times and get title "Clumsy Oaf"
Jump off Lakkar's Axe x number times and get title "Cowabunga"
Kill secret bosses in all dungeons/lairs/areas and get title "Super Sleuth"
Get burned by fire pyres for x amount of damage and get title "Pyrophiliac"
On to a more serious note (I was not trolling), I have suggested before that Achievement Points and Collections be useable for conversion in-game. For example, perhaps 1000 achievement points = +1 to an attribute permanently. A similiar (but scaled system) could be used for collections. After about 8 months of grinding for achievements, I hit 3000 achievement points. An achievement conversion system would support the following:
1) Professions (now there is a reason to do all the professions to level 20, a small reason, but a reason)
2) Doing dungeons again for unneeded gear or collecting all kinds of seals (Unicorn, Pegasus, etc).
3) Crafting weapons and armor in professions.
4) Seek out lore and scrying stones
5) Participate in CTAs and Seasonal events
6) Boost idle companion space and maybe even buying companions from Zen market.
7) Support participation and running of foundry quests
And the reward is actually not that bad. +1 Att point of player's choice. A CON +30 GF? If you have 3000 achievement points why not.
And maybe Neverwinter would not want to convert for free. Maybe it costs AD, like upgrading a companion.
First 1000 achievement points or 100 collection points costs 150k AD (like the first guild tab).
Second 1000 achievement points or 100 collection points costs 300k AD.
Third 1000 achievement points or 100 collection points costs 600k AD.
Fourth 1000 achievement points or 100 collection points cost 1.2Mil AD.
And so on...
Makes it harder and maybe less worthwhile to convert, but still an option...
Just brainstorming...
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"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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Yeah, there is a lot of achievements that are just about repetition, mainly because those are the easiest ones to come up. I would love to see more unique achievements that aren't about repetition. Most of those under my suggestions would fall under exploration or challenge in my list of suggestions.
There were plenty of great perks/accolades in CO/STO that fall under this and would love Cryptic to borrow some of ideas of their other products to make the game better for explorers and achievement hunters like me. Some of the nice ones I saw from Champions Online were ones that require you to run across the length of a pipe (something you wouldn't normally think to do), one that required you to jump off a certain building, and just finding hidden spots in the zone. During the Halloween event there were 2 for using a device that transformed you into a werewolf and doing something unexpected in areas outside of the normal werewolf/hunter PvP fight. The first was called Air Wolf and had you jump on top of an helicopter and the other was Sea Wolf where you had to go to the underwater zone to kill submarine.
I also agree the slayer achievement titles are boring.
nothing fancy, something like "Loremaster" or "Sage," perhaps "Sage of Neverwinter"
Yes, the fact that the final lore acheivement didn't have a title always puzzled me.
Icespire Mountaineer is bugged and as far as I know, impossible to get. 'Eye Chirurgeon' is possible but requires doing the heroic (generally slogging your way through all of the chasm to get there), repeating the epic version to get the same orb twice or having a TR use deft strike 50 times to get through the invisible wall.
The sad thing is that both of those two are examples of good achievements as they aren't grindy. There should have been similar achievements for opening both bonus chests in CT, finding the duergar area in ToS, stuff like that. Finding all the hidden quests (Predator's Den, Rod Stave and Wand, etc...) is a good idea as well. There ought to be achievements and titles for completing the racian and class questlines as well.
Parkour achievements for finding the highest/most remote spot in a zone you can actually get to? Maybe not for getting outside of the Tower District, although doing that is ridiculously easy, but things like getting on top of towers, or rooftop jumping until you get to that one spot in TD where if you jump down among buildings you have to use /killme to escape because you're trapped, lol. The game works well with that, it's fun, and people love getting places in this game you wouldn't think to go/shouldn't be able to normally. (I remember the good old days of the ridiculously complicated jumping you needed to do to get back to where Lord Neverember is and you'd have like five people back there dancing around him in their underwear. XD)
Achievement for suiciding off of cliffs/into lava/etc. (TRs will get this fastest, given the number of times DF has killed me... :P)
Fashion achievements that give you a title for getting a fashion set, or an achievement for transmuting four pieces of an armor set, dying things a certain number of times, etc.
'Indecisive' title for respeccing your character a certain number of times.
But the crafting achievements as suggested earlier in this thread would be awesome
I think since we already have collections, they could easily assign achievements for hitting certain milestones in the collections tab.
Also, to go along with accruing a certain amount of money, there could be one for spending money.
- JailBreak (in development)
I really would like more and different achievements
Like finding all hidden caves in the maps
or just talked to all NPCs in a map
Other MMO have "achievements" that require you to buff/debuff other player X amount of times with buffs that can be annoying and onerous to that other players game experience, the "achievement grinder" don't ask the other player if they wish to participate in their buff game, they just annoy the hell out of them, they are so hell bent on the achievement.
Other MMO have a "kill X amount of this mob" achievement, the problem is no thought is given to the possible negative impact to other players that are on a quest to kill X amount, or get Y amount of drops from those same mobs. The higher level player will go to that lower level spawn point for mobs and denude the region of the mobs needed by that other questing player, making them have to compete to complete their quest with someone that's always going to out dps them.
If there are to be kill X mobs then it needs to be a @ lvl requirement to prevent denuding.
If there is to be a buff achievement then it needs to be a non-forced buff but a accepted buff mechanic in there somewhere.
If there is to be a craft X amount achievement, it needs to be planned so as to not strip the AH of resources or artificially break pricing mechanics by achievement grinders. (On this one, I might suggest L60 drop blue gear be used to build L60 purple, the L60 blues AD pricing is a joke.)
In long, it needs to be mapped out on achievements so that it doesn't negatively effect non-grinders while doing so.