So, which will you choose? Neither seems to be truly better than the others - the Ten-Towners are more sympathetic because it's their home that the Black Ice is on, but the Brotherhood generally isn't lying when they say they're here for the benefit of magical learning for all, though they have a shady past (and anybody who's played the Neverwinter Nights games knows to be wary of Luskans).
So, what's your opinion? I personally Am Likely to choose based on my character. My Guardian Fighter is going to be helping out the Ten-Towners, but if Warlock gets released she'll be all for magical expansion.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
edited March 2014
Nothing good has ever come from Luskan, that corrupt, pox-ridden hell-hole, save those who have fled it to start life anew somewhere, anywhere where that life might be worth more than a plugged copper. So, yeah, I guess it's Ten Towns for me...
It's the same as Luskan(evil) vs Delzoun(good), Ten-Towners are good, Arcane Brotherhood is evil. I think measures to prevent them from becoming unbalanced the same as GG is now might be prudent to implement sooner rather than later...
Depends on the character; Ranger is all goody-two-shoes, at one with nature and all that bleeding-heart liberal sobbiness. But me wizzie is definitely in it for the advancement of power..., er, rather, ummm.. knowledge. Yeah, that's the ticket; arcane knowledge for all. ~cough~
It's the same as Luskan(evil) vs Delzoun(good), Ten-Towners are good, Arcane Brotherhood is evil. I think measures to prevent them from becoming unbalanced the same as GG is now might be prudent to implement sooner rather than later...
The Delzoun are not good. Far from it. Just because they want to rebuild the Gauntlgrymm which was their home does not make them good (while the Luskan want to raid it). The Delzoun always had dealings with the Netherese in fact the majority of their wealth came from those dealings. And the Netherese are as evil as it gets and so are their Delzoun lackeys. The Shadovar, the only remaining Netherese alive at the current timeframe are the worst evil currently on Faerun.
The Arcane Brotherhood is evil though. That much is certain. As evil as the Zhentarim.
Arcane brotherhood, because i'm evil. Experienced players often if not always chose to play the bad guys. It's been the case in every single game i've played and there's no reason it would be different here.
Arcane brotherhood, because i'm evil. Experienced players often if not always chose to play the bad guys. It's been the case in every single game i've played and there's no reason it would be different here.
Weren't most of the "experienced" players Delzoun?
It is only VERY recently that a few top end pvp guilds switched to Luskan with the biggest factor being the long queue times
Weren't most of the "experienced" players Delzoun?
It is only VERY recently that a few top end pvp guilds switched to Luskan with the biggest factor being the long queue times
Most if not all of the PvP guild used to be Luskan when GG has been released. And most of the best pve guilds too. I'm not sure about what happened. Maybe the lack of win on Luskan side because of the astounding numbers of instances and the amount of general derping in pvp made them switch, making pvp guilds just a drop in the ocean... But I clearly remember playing against the best pvp players in GG last year. That's why I chose the good delzoun guys by the way.
I will be siding with neither. Nobody should have control of Black Ice or profit from it. Black Ice is a threat that should be completely and utterly eliminated from all the Planes. Lock it away in a sealed pocket dimension and then collapse the pocket.
I will be siding with neither. Nobody should have control of Black Ice or profit from it. Black Ice is a threat that should be completely and utterly eliminated from all the Planes. Lock it away in a sealed pocket dimension and then collapse the pocket.
You can send all the black ice you find in game to @diogene0. I will make sure it remains locked forever in my profession tab and i promise i will make no profit with it. :rolleyes:
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited March 2014
It will vary between characters but most of mine will join the Arcane Council...err...I mean the Arcane Brotherhood.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
I will be siding with neither. Nobody should have control of Black Ice or profit from it. Black Ice is a threat that should be completely and utterly eliminated from all the Planes. Lock it away in a sealed pocket dimension and then collapse the pocket.
I will side with the group that has intentions of abusing this resource and profiting from it. See you on the battlefield :P
my CW will be arcane brotherhood my other characters will be ten towners i realy hope the brotherhood is evil and not been made fluffy like everything else here lol
my CW will be arcane brotherhood my other characters will be ten towners i realy hope the brotherhood is evil and not been made fluffy like everything else here lol
Black Garrius from NWN 2 was pretty intimidating and DEFINITELY evil, and was part of the leadership of the Arcane Brotherhood before the Spellplague. I really hope we get someone like him, even if he's not leading the brotherhood this time.
Black Garrius from NWN 2 was pretty intimidating and DEFINITELY evil, and was part of the leadership of the Arcane Brotherhood before the Spellplague. I really hope we get someone like him, even if he's not leading the brotherhood this time.
Arklem Greeth is the leader of the Arcane Brotherhood and he's FAR worse than Black Garrius could ever hope to be. He's also a lich and a very powerful one at that. Valindra is his lackey and is nothing compared to him.
PS And guys stop referring to the Delzoun as being good. They are NOT. They're the lackeys of the Netherese and the Netherese are the prime evil in the North. Even the old Netheril Empire (prior to Shade Enclave's return from the plane of Shadow) was corrupt and a political power hungry machine. Gray at their best of times. And the Delzoun were always allied with them. They even got destroyed by the Phaerimm while protecting their Netherese allies and their citadels were in the Underdark...
When Karsus, the Netherse Archmage, slew Mystril, in an attempt to become the god of magic, the Netheril Empire was destroyed due to a moment in time that all magic ceased and caused all their flying enclaves to come down crashing (EDIT: all except one..the one that returned and is currently the evil powerhouse, the Shade Enclave). The Delzoun lost their most important ally and hence started the decline. Their citadels were connected via a portal network that was maintained by the Netherese. Without being able to support that anymore, the citadels became isolated and the Delzoun started abandoning them.
The Delzoun are not Good. In Neverwinter's Gauntlgrimm they just want to rebuild the Gauntlgrimm citadel. That does not make them good. It's their citadel. They would want to rebuild them all and the Delzoun Empire if they could. They would love to reach and rebuild Fardrimm for example.
Sure there are exceptions of some of them being good but one Drizzt doesn't make the Drow a good aligned race if you get my drift.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Arklem Greeth is the leader of the Arcane Brotherhood and he's FAR worse than Black Garrius could ever hope to be. He's also a lich and a very powerful one at that. Valindra is his lackey and is nothing compared to him.
It's a shame when you can find more lore in a post than in the entire supposedly D&D game we play...
Hehe I consider myself somewhat of a FR and Planescape lore expert, so I always chime in.
I'd love more lore in the game as well. And the one thing I had asked for since day one. Evil Deities for character creation. Isn't it silly that there is an option to be aligned with the Shadovar (the Netherese) as a backstory yet there is no Shar option as a deity? Or any evil deity for that matter. All my supposedly evil characters have chosen Kelemvor who is in fact Neutral and quite often works against evil (eg during the trials of Cyric although mostly due to his affair with Mystra heh). But all the other options are way worse for an evil character.
At one point I'd love to see a library building in PE, with books on lore that anyone could go and read and familiarize themselves with the history of FR, the different factions etc etc. You can see and talk to Harpers in the game for example, yet there's nowhere an explanation of who they are (not to mention that the NPCs are actually named as "Harper whatever" when the Harpers would never reveal themselves as such unless they trusted you enough to do so...remove Harper from their name, add it to the dialogue after the player has run a quest or two for them).
I think where there is some confusion concerning Delzoun is that originally Delzoun was a Dwarf Kingdom that did intend trade with Netherese. However, for a long time now (in FR time) Delzoun has been used to basically mean Dwarven decent.
unless I am just crazy and don't know what I am talking about...
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
Nothing good has ever come from Luskan, that corrupt, pox-ridden hell-hole, save those who have fled it to start life anew somewhere, anywhere where that life might be worth more than a plugged copper. So, yeah, I guess it's Ten Towns for me...
The ale is good , and the brothals plentiful. Thats good......right?
Hehe I consider myself somewhat of a FR and Planescape lore expert, so I always chime in.
I'd love more lore in the game as well. And the one thing I had asked for since day one. Evil Deities for character creation. Isn't it silly that there is an option to be aligned with the Shadovar (the Netherese) as a backstory yet there is no Shar option as a deity? Or any evil deity for that matter. All my supposedly evil characters have chosen Kelemvor who is in fact Neutral and quite often works against evil (eg during the trials of Cyric although mostly due to his affair with Mystra heh). But all the other options are way worse for an evil character.
At one point I'd love to see a library building in PE, with books on lore that anyone could go and read and familiarize themselves with the history of FR, the different factions etc etc. You can see and talk to Harpers in the game for example, yet there's nowhere an explanation of who they are (not to mention that the NPCs are actually named as "Harper whatever" when the Harpers would never reveal themselves as such unless they trusted you enough to do so...remove Harper from their name, add it to the dialogue after the player has run a quest or two for them).
All you have to do is look for the harper pin, they all wear one.
The Delzoun are not good. Far from it. Just because they want to rebuild the Gauntlgrymm which was their home does not make them good (while the Luskan want to raid it). The Delzoun always had dealings with the Netherese in fact the majority of their wealth came from those dealings. And the Netherese are as evil as it gets and so are their Delzoun lackeys. The Shadovar, the only remaining Netherese alive at the current timeframe are the worst evil currently on Faerun.
The Arcane Brotherhood is evil though. That much is certain. As evil as the Zhentarim.
At its height two thousand years ago in the Year of Oaths Forsaken, the Empire of Netheril was the largest human realm in the northwest quadrant of Faerun...and Delzoun stood directly on its northwest border. Pray tell, with whom should these "Delzoun lackeys" have been dealing? You see Illefarn, Eaerlann, Ammarindar, Evereska, and Cormanthyr all on Netheril's borders, so why didn't the Elves simply smash the "evil" Netherese? Possibly because they were also trading with them...and feared the consequences of a war that would have devastated millions of square miles of the Realms and killed just as many innocents. Your dismissal of the rights of the heirs of Delzoun smacks of race hatred and equivocation, and both would be set right by a good dwarven hammer.
Your grasp of Realms history rivals that of Volo's, and your "facts" as well. Neverwinter is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of Netherese refugees who would not be slaves to the bleak will of Shar. While I agree with you that the Shadovar are the very pinnacle of evil extant in the world today, I would suggest that broad generalizations are not worth the ink with which they are scrawled.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You gave yours, I gave mine...but the Grand History of the Realms backs me up.
- JailBreak (in development)
Is the Rebel Alliance a choice?
The Delzoun are not good. Far from it. Just because they want to rebuild the Gauntlgrymm which was their home does not make them good (while the Luskan want to raid it). The Delzoun always had dealings with the Netherese in fact the majority of their wealth came from those dealings. And the Netherese are as evil as it gets and so are their Delzoun lackeys. The Shadovar, the only remaining Netherese alive at the current timeframe are the worst evil currently on Faerun.
The Arcane Brotherhood is evil though. That much is certain. As evil as the Zhentarim.
Weren't most of the "experienced" players Delzoun?
It is only VERY recently that a few top end pvp guilds switched to Luskan with the biggest factor being the long queue times
Most if not all of the PvP guild used to be Luskan when GG has been released. And most of the best pve guilds too. I'm not sure about what happened. Maybe the lack of win on Luskan side because of the astounding numbers of instances and the amount of general derping in pvp made them switch, making pvp guilds just a drop in the ocean... But I clearly remember playing against the best pvp players in GG last year. That's why I chose the good delzoun guys by the way.
You can send all the black ice you find in game to @diogene0. I will make sure it remains locked forever in my profession tab and i promise i will make no profit with it. :rolleyes:
Did i said i REALLY hate luskans?
So that's it, i hate dem luskans.
I will side with the group that has intentions of abusing this resource and profiting from it. See you on the battlefield :P
How can you see me on the battlefield if I won't be aligned with either faction and thus not flagged for PvP?
Arklem Greeth is the leader of the Arcane Brotherhood and he's FAR worse than Black Garrius could ever hope to be. He's also a lich and a very powerful one at that. Valindra is his lackey and is nothing compared to him.
PS And guys stop referring to the Delzoun as being good. They are NOT. They're the lackeys of the Netherese and the Netherese are the prime evil in the North. Even the old Netheril Empire (prior to Shade Enclave's return from the plane of Shadow) was corrupt and a political power hungry machine. Gray at their best of times. And the Delzoun were always allied with them. They even got destroyed by the Phaerimm while protecting their Netherese allies and their citadels were in the Underdark...
When Karsus, the Netherse Archmage, slew Mystril, in an attempt to become the god of magic, the Netheril Empire was destroyed due to a moment in time that all magic ceased and caused all their flying enclaves to come down crashing (EDIT: all except one..the one that returned and is currently the evil powerhouse, the Shade Enclave). The Delzoun lost their most important ally and hence started the decline. Their citadels were connected via a portal network that was maintained by the Netherese. Without being able to support that anymore, the citadels became isolated and the Delzoun started abandoning them.
The Delzoun are not Good. In Neverwinter's Gauntlgrimm they just want to rebuild the Gauntlgrimm citadel. That does not make them good. It's their citadel. They would want to rebuild them all and the Delzoun Empire if they could. They would love to reach and rebuild Fardrimm for example.
Sure there are exceptions of some of them being good but one Drizzt doesn't make the Drow a good aligned race if you get my drift.
It's a shame when you can find more lore in a post than in the entire supposedly D&D game we play...
I'd love more lore in the game as well. And the one thing I had asked for since day one. Evil Deities for character creation. Isn't it silly that there is an option to be aligned with the Shadovar (the Netherese) as a backstory yet there is no Shar option as a deity? Or any evil deity for that matter. All my supposedly evil characters have chosen Kelemvor who is in fact Neutral and quite often works against evil (eg during the trials of Cyric although mostly due to his affair with Mystra heh). But all the other options are way worse for an evil character.
At one point I'd love to see a library building in PE, with books on lore that anyone could go and read and familiarize themselves with the history of FR, the different factions etc etc. You can see and talk to Harpers in the game for example, yet there's nowhere an explanation of who they are (not to mention that the NPCs are actually named as "Harper whatever" when the Harpers would never reveal themselves as such unless they trusted you enough to do so...remove Harper from their name, add it to the dialogue after the player has run a quest or two for them).
unless I am just crazy and don't know what I am talking about...
- JailBreak (in development)
The ale is good
All you have to do is look for the harper pin, they all wear one.
At its height two thousand years ago in the Year of Oaths Forsaken, the Empire of Netheril was the largest human realm in the northwest quadrant of Faerun...and Delzoun stood directly on its northwest border. Pray tell, with whom should these "Delzoun lackeys" have been dealing? You see Illefarn, Eaerlann, Ammarindar, Evereska, and Cormanthyr all on Netheril's borders, so why didn't the Elves simply smash the "evil" Netherese? Possibly because they were also trading with them...and feared the consequences of a war that would have devastated millions of square miles of the Realms and killed just as many innocents. Your dismissal of the rights of the heirs of Delzoun smacks of race hatred and equivocation, and both would be set right by a good dwarven hammer.
Your grasp of Realms history rivals that of Volo's, and your "facts" as well. Neverwinter is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of Netherese refugees who would not be slaves to the bleak will of Shar. While I agree with you that the Shadovar are the very pinnacle of evil extant in the world today, I would suggest that broad generalizations are not worth the ink with which they are scrawled.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You gave yours, I gave mine...but the Grand History of the Realms backs me up.