Hey all,
We'll be performing maintenance tonight, 3/6, to address a few issues with in-game items and increasing the stability and performance of queues.
The downtime ETA is estimated to be 2 hours but may be extended due to unforeseen circumstances.
Full patch notes will be available
here once maintenance begins.
When is it for you?
Click here to find out.
Thanks again for your continued patience,
9:45PM PST: Everything is going well. We'll have you in game shortly.
9PM PST: Maintenance has begun
I second that.
Thank you for finally telling us. I would like to offer you some constructive feedback on the experience I had with this incident today:
You guys took an awfully long time to let us know anything. In the future, it would be extremely helpful and welcome if information were much more forthcoming.
This incident took quite some time to arrive to the "final information" stage. About 8 hours by my count, likely longer since I logged in late after patch. In the future, you might want to consider regularly-scheduled information updates, much like municipal agencies (the good ones anyway) keep media and others regularly informed with, say, press conferences every hour on the hour during important events. Not saying you have to stick to that schedule, but a schedule and some structure to the madness that has been the CSR experience I have had thus far would be extremely refreshing!
Thanks again for letting us know. I guess I can get in a LITTLE playtime before bed, anyway. We'll see what tomorrow brings. ;-) -bp
We have been telling you fixes have been in the works for eight hours.
We really can't do anything other than tell you that the issues are being addressed as quickly as possible.
There has been information given out all day long on Twitter and Facebook. Maybe not what you are looking for but it has been readily available. Issues are being fixed. The only change is that you now have a time and that time was given as soon as it was decided in house.
I certainly hope this haven't slipped past dev's fingers. I'm sad to see there won't be a roll-back, because that means people might be banned instead (temporarily/permanently) and still have the change to keep what they made on it.
Any input regarding this at all? I fail to see any info here, nor on twitter/facebook.
Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
Pretty sure their policy is to not discuss punishments.
Thanks for letting us know when the patch is coming through. I am on the east coast so I get to sleep through it and the immediate fall out.
It is against PWE Privacy Policy to discuss actions taken in connection with illegitimate activities with anyone but the affected party.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
You could not sell them on AH.
An put on AH did not show up.
Thus that is why all the Peeps were selling them for trash monies out n public.
So really; People complain and complain about the economy and "wheres mine, I want some, not fair. now I kill everybody" syndrome is ridiculous.
Most people I know gave the stones out for free and a few sold some foe 20g - whoopdieDo.
I do not see how the Economy was hurt except you people not asking for a free one in Guild Chat - Duh !!!!
What are you all screaming about - jeez, no one profited and became rich while you missed out!!! So, do not cry.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
When I first brought it to the forum moderators attention about a half a hour to a hour after the patch they were listed and visible on the AH
Is the "issues with in-game items" include not being able to put a ring in the ring slot for the Ioun Stone of Radiance?
Well, they have not been visible for at least 6 hours if they were before.
In reality - I paid $10 to get 1000 Zen with the Stone Account wide Unlock as a Bonus - They were not really that expensive anyway if you consider that over 7 characters = roflmao
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
If PWE does anything to the players who got a stone for free, bought it, sold it, or anything like that, you'll have an empty server because holy HAMSTER everyone has one now.
Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
It is more in line with the People who got Definite Nightmare Horse - they could keep them.
Everything should be fine...
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Hi! You can call me Brian. It's fine. :-)
Like I said, I was merely offering feedback on the experience I had personally. While I understand you were, indeed, part of the crew saying "fixes are in the works, please be patient", what I meant was that I was looking for a little more detailed information than just "fixes".
For example, there was a lot of talk of a rollback that didn't really get quashed until very close to the time that a definitive timetable was announced. A server rollback, as I'm sure you're aware, can profoundly affect any progress made in game. I didn't move from the Enclave for quite some time today - a few hours, to be honest - for fear of making progress I would lose.
There's no need to feel defensive, I assure you. I understand. You can relay only the information you are given and it's pretty apparent the CSR team wasn't told very much at all. XD What I'm saying is that if your higher-ups or whatever ask, let them know to let us know what to know before hours have passed. That's all.
Thanks again for your volunteer efforts. -bp
From their point of view I completely understand and agree to some point. To post about individual cases would be wrong, but in general just to mention "Yes, we are taking actions against affected accounts" wouldn't affect anyone's "privacy" at all. But instead as a players perspective it looks bad, and that itself makes it look like they don't bother about it much. It is and always has been a game-breaker not to let the community and players in on what's happening, rather than keeping it hidden behind the scenes.
Would they expect us to ask around among players just to find out if someone actually was punished, instead of just saying for example "Yes, accounts who took advantage of this bug/exploit are being punished in some way"? That would calm people and ensure more trust in PWE as a company rather than wanting to keep quiet about vital things.
And no, this is not a QQ or (cry) post at all. Just something that bothers me that they can't release such information at all.
Either way I do hope it doesn't get ignored. As people HAVE been using an obvious exploit/bug.
Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
Paying player or not does not matter as you are still bound to the same rules and standards as everyone else.
Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
This, in my experience, is rarely true in cash shop games.
Or life in general. All this obsession with others getting punished reminds me of little kids though. This a game. I personally spent over $200 on this game since I started playing in Jan. I could care less what others have or get. It has NO impact on my fun in any way.
I wanted to add; this is a customer service nightmare. A portion of the player base is going to be angry no matter the action taken. They really have to choose what is going to be least damaging.
I feel the same way. I gave stones to my guild mates that didn't get the promotion email. Everyone in my guild that got the email bought zen, and the ones that didn't would have if they did get the email. I paid for my stone and no where in the promotion did it say "you may not share this item with your friends."
And if you don't have friends and didn't get the email there were people all over PE giving them away for free, so I really don't see where the fuss is here.
If you bought the stone you get to share it with friends, and if you didn't buy the stone you get it for free... What am I missing?
Much blabla, you just want to keep them while you knew it wasn't possible. I really hope you get a ban, cause of the arguments you bring. Everyone warned on the Zone chat about not getting involved with this.
The rules are simple don't go exploiting, using bugs or whatever. You knew you weren't supposed to get one but you did. Ignorance (which I doubt, cause I'm pretty sure you knew this wasn't ok. But you wanted to take the risk in case you could keep it). Let's put it otherway, do you find it's fair that I had to pay 10 euro to get it.. (like many others) so I'm paying so you can play this game for free and now you also got the stones for free?
Thing with the Lockboxes, is that they bought keys legitimate and opened the lockboxes legitimate. While I dind't find it that fair (cause I opened enough boxes and never got a mount or companion), but still they did nothing wrong as you're allowed to buy keys and open lockboxes. In this case, a BoA companion (the promotion tells even that it's accountwide, which means BoP just like everything that is accountwide.) which is normally BoP was claimed unlimited times from Claim Agent and were sold/traded/etc. to players which were never be able to get it in the first place. You already admit that you knew this wasn't ok but thought "cause they could keep there mounts, now I can keep mine stones.. which I received from a exploited situation".
Also, if you have to go to court cause you did something. You would tell, yeah I dind't know about it until I did it (your twitter story). The judge will send you away without a punishment?.. To make it short, you knew you were wrong, you just did it and now you should get punished for it
That's not the point. Cheating is cheating. Seeing hundreds of people cheat, and hundreds more defend it, is just sad.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
To speculate is merely to invite unnecessary drama.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
You are missing the point. Abusing free mounts from lockboxes was obviously an exploit which would be against the rules as well. Either way, in that scenario you would've paid 40k for a key for a ~600-1.2m mount. That is even worse than this situation in terms of "fairness of pricing" that you are discussing. Most of the rich players simply hoard keys. For them, it was probably no different than claiming a seemingly unlimited supply of these mounts. Yet, they encouraged the behavior and made it seem as though this type of known exploit that resulted directly from their error upon patching was acceptable. Combine this with the fact that they were not telling people not to engage in this behavior (only that they were aware and going to fix it) and one would only assume it is acceptable.
It was just a result of error. Obviously people knew lockboxes shouldn't have 100% mount rate. How is that different from knowing an item should be boa?
Personally, I don't even PvE, all I do is PvP. I really have no use for the thing and couldn't care otherwise if they decide to delete them all. I didn't even horde them, I think I have maybe 3-4 total on 2-3 accounts, so the argument you decided to fabricate out of thin air by assumption holds no value. However, since people were giving these out for free and the situation made it seem as though it was another harmless exploit that would be passed over, (since it is so similar to the lockbox one), why shouldn't I have gotten it just to have gotten it?
However, ultimately its the players that make the game. It is very confusing and disappointing for me to see community members so bent on removing the others from the game. Without the players, the game would not be funded or as enjoyable with less individuals to experience it with. Especially when it was such a large portion of the community and for the arguments above it would've been perfectly reasonable to assume there was no harm in engaging in this specific situation. Given this it only makes it even more disturbing that people have this mindset with respect to the situation.
They WERE NOT free though... the Stone was offered as enticement to have you to pay "real cash" in order to get it.
*[The Stones were part of a promotion in which was to bring "real money" into the game, but if "everyone" basically got one, the promotion ends and probably well short of the projected amount of cash generated... thus hurting the game and which means they need to figure out another way to get cash from players.] [*the edit]
The Stones were BoP which would not need a "you may not share this item with your friends" disclaimer as you would not be able to... that's what you're missing.
Does not matter if you sold/traded/or gave away for free... people knew it was wrong... and even continued to do so after being warned it was wrong to do, defending their action with responses such as "well I paid I'll do want I want" and "they'll never do anything since it's paying customers who are doing it".
Well, if there is no punishment for taking an item you know is not working as intended and profiting off it... then what is going to stop that mentality next time there is something exploitable?
They can more than likely delete Stones from accounts without the promo unlocked [which would be part of a good solution] and there should be a huge number of Report Spams of people selling those Stones... maybe remove the gold from those characters [if they do it to enough people, it will deter some the next time next to get involved in such things].
It was wrong to abuse/exploit this glitch, people were just saying "well they didn't do anything to people after the last exploit, so I jumped all over this one this time as they're not going to do anything against paying customers"
If nothing is done, then PW has lost all control... if the trend continues people who do spend money on the game will leave and find something else to put there money into, so it could impact the game which could impact your fun.
It's a matter of principle... wrong is wrong, and wrong and knowing it's wrong and still doing it anyway... I'll refrain from commenting.
By your logic, you should try this...
If you have a local Cable TV company, you buy Cable and then get splitters and give all your neighbors Cable TV for free... so how your Cable company appreciates that when they find out.