Seems even in guild chat people dont talk anymore.
This game is just about the least social mmo I have ever seen.
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beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited February 2014
That... really depends on your guild. Mine uses chat. It sort of depends who's online and what they're doing. Stopping to type during combat is a good way to get killed.
Also, voice chat software can and does make a big difference to whether or not people are typing in chat. They may actually be talking to each other instead.
nah. I already checked on this; I know all about people asking questions while im in combat.. I answer in 2 - 10 mins depending on the situation. We are talking these people NEVER talk in chat and they got no vent/ts3 either.
Been this way in my last 3 guilds in Neverwinter (and I got three 60's, we used to be very social, had nightly DD raids, all kinda stuff); only in this game do i see this total lack of social conduct.
My guild is quite expressive in TS3. Don't expect every player you invite into a guild or party to be as outgoing as yourself
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited February 2014
How are you finding said guilds? If you join one that actually exists for social purposes, I'd expect them to socialize. A lot of guilds seem to exist solely so that people can do Gauntylgrym, or to keep their numbers up by randomly inviting people in PE if they aren't in a guild yet. I'd have pretty low expectations of actually finding kindred souls there. It's why I avoided joining a guild until I found one that actually suited me.
well yes back in the day my first guild was a PE inviter. We grew and had a core of vets that knew so many things. That faded out months ago. It would be like no response in chat for days literally.
Now I have switched to a new guild trying to build up (even applied through the forums), but its the same story.
It's starting to just match the general feeling this game has; meaningless. Usually in an mmo, no matter what I did it feels like I did something of consequence. But this one? Im just not feeling the meaning.
There is thread about this in the General Discussion section as well. This has also been discussed in the past and the lack of social interaction has been attributed to both the new style of MMO and a change in culture of the players.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2014
Biggest problem with text chat in the game is that the main action within the game, combat, does not allow you to type.
Even the combat style dictates your eyes to look at the center of the screen and not to the chat box. Thus many players, unforuntely including myself, tend to ignore the chat box unless they are not actively playing the game or unless they are trying to initiate the discussion.
Voice chat really does a load of good for improving player interactions. Of course voice chat is not for everybody and I myself was extremely hesitant before partaking in it but it has honestly both greatly improved my enjoyment of the game and my guild's ability to cooperate and org anise within the game.
Biggest problem with text chat in the game is that the main action within the game, combat, does not allow you to type.
Imho the real problem is that I can not leave the text box/non-game GUI while I have half a sentence open. I have to either send the half sentence with the "return" key or delete it with the escape key.
Normal behavior, in my opinion, would be that hitting the <ALT> key that brought me here also takes me back to game, even if the focus is currently in the chat box.
But that is just me and some HCI people that might think that.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2014
There is a way to do so but you're right, it's not easy.
It was always accidental so I can't even remember how I did it but there have been times where I typed a sentence, left it, and continued later.
But I certainly agree that it should be made easier/possible to save progress on typing between interactions.
There is a way to do so but you're right, it's not easy.
It was always accidental so I can't even remember how I did it but there have been times where I typed a sentence, left it, and continued later.
But I certainly agree that it should be made easier/possible to save progress on typing between interactions.
This happens on it's own during a transition. For instance, if you are typing something a the queue pops and puts your team into an instance, when you go back to chat, your half finished sentence is there waiting on you. I've noticed that often enough, but never noticed me getting out of the chat on my own in any way. If it's possible, I'd love to know how.
Not sure what you expect in guild chat, it's difficult to type and play in this game. Not many classes can sit there and type out a reply mid battle.
I personally disable zone and local chat keeping only team,guild and personal messages. Maybe the amount of spam is to blame?
My guild almost exclusively uses a voice chat program for our interactions and I'm pretty sure that there are other guilds that do. I am mainly aware of other PVP guilds which all have a voice chat program of some type.
You probably should go hunting for another guild, maybe one that's been around for a long time (pre-shard merge) as there's a reason why they're still around.
But you are absolutely correct. I do not socialize outside of my guild, I just don't have a need to =(
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited February 2014
My guild is social at times, but not always. People have to be sitting around doing nothing (outside of PE) in order to be social. As a guild leader, I have to answer a lot of questions and such, but it's almost impossible, for me, most of the time. I'm a horrible, 3 fingered typist.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Seems even in guild chat people dont talk anymore.
This game is just about the least social mmo I have ever seen.
I've said many times,
This is one of the best single player games I've ever played. But then again... that's the point. Its a great single player game, but its no MMO that's for sure.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
edited February 2014
I've frightened people right out of their desk chairs by using the V key to speak to the party...lots of folks simply don't know about it. Many others are hesitant to use it, as it penetrates the wall of anonymity with which we MMO players surround ourselves. I'm not saying that a majority, or even a large number, of female toons out there are being played by guys...but I've had more than a few female-toon party members absolutely refuse to voice chat when it would have saved lives, resources, and tons of time. I'm not judging anyone! Relax!
Also, voice chat software can and does make a big difference to whether or not people are typing in chat. They may actually be talking to each other instead.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Been this way in my last 3 guilds in Neverwinter (and I got three 60's, we used to be very social, had nightly DD raids, all kinda stuff); only in this game do i see this total lack of social conduct.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Now I have switched to a new guild trying to build up (even applied through the forums), but its the same story.
It's starting to just match the general feeling this game has; meaningless. Usually in an mmo, no matter what I did it feels like I did something of consequence. But this one? Im just not feeling the meaning.
Even the combat style dictates your eyes to look at the center of the screen and not to the chat box. Thus many players, unforuntely including myself, tend to ignore the chat box unless they are not actively playing the game or unless they are trying to initiate the discussion.
Voice chat really does a load of good for improving player interactions. Of course voice chat is not for everybody and I myself was extremely hesitant before partaking in it but it has honestly both greatly improved my enjoyment of the game and my guild's ability to cooperate and org anise within the game.
Normal behavior, in my opinion, would be that hitting the <ALT> key that brought me here also takes me back to game, even if the focus is currently in the chat box.
But that is just me and some HCI people that might think that.
It was always accidental so I can't even remember how I did it but there have been times where I typed a sentence, left it, and continued later.
But I certainly agree that it should be made easier/possible to save progress on typing between interactions.
This happens on it's own during a transition. For instance, if you are typing something a the queue pops and puts your team into an instance, when you go back to chat, your half finished sentence is there waiting on you. I've noticed that often enough, but never noticed me getting out of the chat on my own in any way. If it's possible, I'd love to know how.
I personally disable zone and local chat keeping only team,guild and personal messages. Maybe the amount of spam is to blame?
My guild almost exclusively uses a voice chat program for our interactions and I'm pretty sure that there are other guilds that do. I am mainly aware of other PVP guilds which all have a voice chat program of some type.
You probably should go hunting for another guild, maybe one that's been around for a long time (pre-shard merge) as there's a reason why they're still around.
But you are absolutely correct. I do not socialize outside of my guild, I just don't have a need to =(
I've said many times,
This is one of the best single player games I've ever played. But then again... that's the point. Its a great single player game, but its no MMO that's for sure.