if i bougth pack of companions for 12k zen this companions binding or not?
The companion pack is bound to character. But when you open the pack the individual companions are bind on equip (so you can sell or transfer them individually as you choose). But be sure you have enough inventory space to open the box. There's a lot of them in there.
Actually it's only "much" cheaper at the moment because of the current 60% discount ... Normally at 3000 to 3500 Z for a Purple companion and the average Z <-> AD rate of 400 it's roughly the same price (I don't no why people keep repeating this misinformation) ...
No misinformation. To get a green companion to purple cost 1.25 million AD. Just looked on the auction house and the cheapest buyout price for a purple is around 380K. So for the cost to upgrade you could buy 3 purples.
Another example of the broken companion upgrade cost. After the sale, a green will be 800 Z and a purple 2500 Z, a difference of 1700 Z, at the current exchange rate of around 393 AD per Z this is equivalent to around 670K AD whereas the cost to upgrade is twice that (at 1.25 million.)
Unless I have miscalculated, who would buy a green companion and upgrade?
19 Zen Market companions (2013) = 40,500 Zen. (25,900 Z in 2014)
60% sale = 24,300 Z
Companion Bundle (70%) = 12,000 Z
Great deal if it wasn't SINGLE PURCHASE only. If only the Bundle was made account-wide like the Guardian/Hero/Knight of the Feywild Packs.
. . . . . It's still a great deal considering their individual prices and that all the companions themselves are single purchases also. I still do think companions could be a bit cheaper at their normal price than they will be simply because they are single purchases.
. . . . . It's still a great deal considering their individual prices and that all the companions themselves are single purchases also. I still do think companions could be a bit cheaper at their normal price than they will be simply because they are single purchases.
Definitely. I manually calculated something like 1600-2000 zen savings compared to purchasing every companion individually *AT SALE PRICES* - which means the savings are exponentially higher once the companions sale ends and they return to their 'regular' prices, even at the new lower pricing structure.
That and the bonus Zen sale made the pack actually cost 10000, rather than 12000 on top of all that.
I purchased the pack and plan to keep only about four or five of those companions. I'll be saving the rest to put-up in the Auction House is a couple months or so, and even if I undersell the Z-Store I'll still make a handsome profit. (Well, that's my plan, anyway! LOL)
I thought the sale ended later than this. Its only 12:22 where i am and it says it suppose to end at 5 for me. What is this madness!?!?!
teknowarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Yes what is the deal here, seeing full prices that were pre sale, and its only 1:30 est. Hope they make this right because I had a few more purchases to make!
I am 9 zen from getting the companion I want. I look up to market for my 1200 Zen purple pet and prices are back to presale rates...5 hours earlier than stated. What's up?
New prices are now in, but the "promo" ones are not... hope it gets fixed and we can get an extented time period since this seemed to go out at least 5h prior to anounced time.
Any update on this? I only have few minutes left before I have to leave for several hours and will not be able to get back on till later which will be after original expiration. I bought zen to get the complete companion pack. Will this be extended? Will Zen purchased be refunded if this is not extended?
Been an hour since you said you would get back with us, what's up? I bought Zen specifically for companions to take advantage of the sale, while they aren't the price they were before, they aren't sale price. Please give us an update.
Pending further direction from PWE staff, going forward, all such threads regarding this topic will be closed until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
The companion pack is bound to character. But when you open the pack the individual companions are bind on equip (so you can sell or transfer them individually as you choose). But be sure you have enough inventory space to open the box. There's a lot of them in there.
No misinformation. To get a green companion to purple cost 1.25 million AD. Just looked on the auction house and the cheapest buyout price for a purple is around 380K. So for the cost to upgrade you could buy 3 purples.
Another example of the broken companion upgrade cost. After the sale, a green will be 800 Z and a purple 2500 Z, a difference of 1700 Z, at the current exchange rate of around 393 AD per Z this is equivalent to around 670K AD whereas the cost to upgrade is twice that (at 1.25 million.)
Unless I have miscalculated, who would buy a green companion and upgrade?
60% sale = 24,300 Z
Companion Bundle (70%) = 12,000 Z
Great deal if it wasn't SINGLE PURCHASE only.
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Definitely. I manually calculated something like 1600-2000 zen savings compared to purchasing every companion individually *AT SALE PRICES* - which means the savings are exponentially higher once the companions sale ends and they return to their 'regular' prices, even at the new lower pricing structure.
That and the bonus Zen sale made the pack actually cost 10000, rather than 12000 on top of all that.
I purchased the pack and plan to keep only about four or five of those companions. I'll be saving the rest to put-up in the Auction House is a couple months or so, and even if I undersell the Z-Store I'll still make a handsome profit. (Well, that's my plan, anyway! LOL)
aye was working hard the last day to get the last few ad and buy one more....
also you forgot read below
But, we're not done yet! After the special 60% off sale, we'll be permanently reducing prices on all companions in the Zen Market!
price are back to origin old not reduced price....
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com