People quit because they want to win, its all about the glory
if they even get a glimpse at unfair match, they will quit.
because losers always get 0 glory, which is unfair to say the
least. and the only people that will probably stay are the
ones doing dailies.
because for me everytime i was on the loosing side
i always gotten 0 glory, so i rather quit then stay
in a match which doesn't reward you for staying.
so probably the reason why no one stays in a pvp fight.
but i did notice sometimes strange during some pvp matches
where the wining team suddenly gets kicked or 1 or 2 people
suddenly leave as if they got kicked.
They aren't getting kicked, they are leaving out of boredom. A lot of people doing PVP don't care at all about glory, because it is easy to get to cap and nothing else to spend it on once you get the artifact. They are only there to fight other players, and when they see the other team isn't putting up a fight they leave to find a better match.
I was pvping with other people from my guild a few days ago, and someone actually told us, "You make people quit by queuing."
It's just people's attitudes. Some don't even want to try when they see a full guild group, and when one person leaves, others are always quick to follow.
The best thing we can really do about this right now is
1. Don't intentionally pug-stomp if you're in a premade group. Let them cap some stuff initially, 1v1 them, take turns capping in the end. Be friendly to pugs- they are people too, believe it or not (most of them :P).
2. Don't automatically leave if you have some low gs people on your team. Do your best to carry them; give them some tips. I understand that it can be frustrating, they all go to the side point first or keep fighting off-points instead of capping, but getting angry at them or leaving yourself is just going to encourage more people to quit.
3. Don't spawn camp, aka when some of the other team leaves, don't go next to their spawn and 5v1 them whenever they come down. Again, offer them 1v1s. If they start to talk HAMSTER about your team, don't respond to it; especially don't instigate it. This will just make pugs view premades in an even worse light than they already do.
4. The only instances in which you should leave a PvP match is when either a) real life calls b) you lost someone in your premade during the que or queued in against the wrong opponents (the teams will be re-filled in those cases) or c) people in the match are being jerks to you. I would absolutely not blame anyone for leaving if they're being spawn camped, 5v1'd, or rudely treated.
There's not a way to actively punish people that leave PvP.
All that we can do is our best to encourage people to stay.
I think a lot of people that quit don't really want to PVP anyways, they are only their because PVP offers them a reward that is useful in PVE. They should get rid of the PVP artifact and the daily AD quest so people don't feel forced to PVP.
syka08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
I think the only time I've really enjoyed PvP was in WoW, and most often it was the non-arena based matches. Objectives to achieve more so than just sitting on a point gives a bit more immersion and something else to do rather than just trying to always out-kill the other team.
That being said, I'm pretty unhappy with the state of PvP in NW, to the point that when I will do it, it's specifically goal based, and that goal tends to be gear related (since there really isn't much aside from the artifact now). That being said, I'd rather make my time spent in PvP as short as possible, which means never quitting a match, only doing it during PvP hour, and hoping that one day they release a 2x glory scroll in the Zen store XD.
As for a "punishment" in a system where no bugs could ever be blamed, I think the most straight forward one would be a loss of Glory for quitting early. How much or a flat rate, I ono. Like I've hinted at, I generally stay the heck away from it since it's just not fun to me here in NW.
I think a lot of people that quit don't really want to PVP anyways, they are only their because PVP offers them a reward that is useful in PVE. They should get rid of the PVP artifact and the daily AD quest so people don't feel forced to PVP.
Come on don't go with hyperbole with it. The fact is that many people myself included only pvp for the daily ad and to slowly get the glory for the artifact.
Get spawn camped, don't care I'll sit there and not do anything even if it means no glory, because it's still a completion for the daily quest.
Yeah the pvp'ers here will call me a pvp scrub. I don't care, and having mechanics like the daily just contribute to getting people like me into your matches.
Come on don't go with hyperbole with it. The fact is that many people myself included only pvp for the daily ad and to slowly get the glory for the artifact.
Get spawn camped, don't care I'll sit there and not do anything even if it means no glory, because it's still a completion for the daily quest.
Yeah the pvp'ers here will call me a pvp scrub. I don't care, and having mechanics like the daily just contribute to getting people like me into your matches.
I get it it. I'm not a dedicated PvPer, but I do enjoy it. Fact is, if you took away the artifact/glory items/Daily as that earlier poster suggested, you'd only have the most dedicated PvPers left, and that would kill PvP for amatuer enthusiasts such as myself. Not really a viable solution, at least as far as I'm concerned.
filcMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
PvP is simply broken
1) premade groups in the same queue like pugs - i just did one hour pvp during event, met 3 premades and was alone on the end of the match
2) not sure what's going on but after module 2 it feels so class unbalanced. I killed some guy with just pressing 2 keys bam ... he was dead. GF's were playing ping pong with me in few games and gwfs even more harder to kill. So it was pretty much finding HR, TR or DC to kill, few keys ... dead guy. No fun at all.
3) i saw few bots, but it's defo better than before
The only reason I'll quit PVP is when I know my team has already won the match. And that's when we're left with 5 people, opposing team has around 4 - 3 and they're just camping the base, and our scores are 400 - 500 above the opponent's. Sometimes I Q for PVP just to kill time, and staying in a match where just to wait for your glory just ain't worth it when you want to maximize your time to play. I'll stay in the match and fight even if my entire team left me. Sitting in the spawn is much worse than quitting, IMO. A total waste of time.
Meeting premades also are no reason to quit. Rather it'd be better to take it as an opportunity to learn since these guys are seasoned veteran players. Better fight them, learn their stuff, learn the many ways they are able to counter you and try to make an action plan as to how to adapt to those counters. Some of them may badmouth others from time to time, but that's just how some people are. Not all PVP-ers are foul-mouthed elitists and I've met some great people in PVP which I respect.
We did have one of the matches were one of the opposing team stayed and tried to fight us the entire time despite the rest of his team leaving. Felt bad for the guy.
That was probably me, but I don't mind. Getting slaughtered is better than nothing. Today I had a team where 3 dropped out and one stayed at the fire. He actually got mad at me and told me to "stop giving them points". Why should I care if they get points?
In another match, my CW killed two GWFs trying to take my point. So much for the "GWFs are OP" BS. I have neither good gear nor good skills.
If you people hate PvP so much, why do you bother queuing?
Then your team must really suck. TRs are very easy to kill, unless you're an inexperienced, under geared CW. Let the GWF sit on a point the whole match and you take the other two. Better yet, send a HR and/or CW to blast him from the 2nd level. Send a vorpal equipped, perma steathed TR. There are plenty of ways to counter them. If you can't figure out how to kill the GWF sitting on the point, go take a point with no GWF.
I can understand why people quit. I never quit myself because that's not how I play. I stay and fight 1v5 if I must, not enjoying it ofc but I stay. The worst people is the ones that quit after they lose 2 in the beginning. Please, someone will win that first battle, why the hell even queue if you can't suck it up for more than 30 seconds.
PVPers farm the casual players for easy kills so that they can get their silly titles and brag in their guilds how they had a 99-0 kill ratio or something.
Casual players farm the PVPers for easy matches so that they can get their glory/AD rewards and be done quickly; winning or losing is besides the point.
I have never once joined a game in progress and I've never seen anyone join one of my games to fill a leaver.
It only works if its in the beginning of a game (under 100 points) and it will try to add in too many people at once (so only the fastest gets in an everyone else goes to the map, but gets kicked off in 5 seconds). Your empty spot can be filled if they leave really early on...
Premade guild teams ruin PVP. Why on earth would random PUGs want to stay and play against these teams? PVP-matches are only fun when they start on as equal terms as possible. Random PUGs vs random PUGs are often pretty equal, with some players being badly equipped, some well equipped and in sum average/mediocre teams.
I quit matches when 2 people or more get to home flag. That means that the majority of the team don't want to pvp but to get the highest possible score, and winning a pvp match with such team mates is just next to impossible.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Then your team must really suck. TRs are very easy to kill, unless you're an inexperienced, under geared CW. Let the GWF sit on a point the whole match and you take the other two. Better yet, send a HR and/or CW to blast him from the 2nd level. Send a vorpal equipped, perma steathed TR. There are plenty of ways to counter them. If you can't figure out how to kill the GWF sitting on the point, go take a point with no GWF.
TR are easy to kill indeed. Those without gear and skill.
Be my guest to try and kill one of the GOOD TRs as a CW in 1 vs 1. Equal gear. Please, post videos so I see how you do it and learn. Not saying it's impossible, but close to impossible, regardless if the CW changes encounters to AoE to try to unstealth the TR, uses shield/Mastery or has lots of HP. A skilled TR will play with him and just have fun.
Also you can't expect everyone to have vorpals or perma TRs.
You think leaving a point to a beastly GWF that you cannot kill is a solution? You do know what will happen after he caps, right? He will leave and come mid and provide superiority to his team, and if you were not able kill him solo on that point, he will wreck your team to oblivion in the big fights at mid.
No, you have to contest and keep him busy, even if you gonna die 100 times.
TRs are very easy to kill, unless you're an inexperienced, under geared CW.
Wow now that's very constructive and useful. As a CW my experience is as such:
I am somewhere in the game, let's say at b2. Nothing around, the sky is blue.
One second later, I am dead, OS-ed by a stealthed TR.
Not sure what I can improve here.
On another side, my most recent PvP session was a win for my team. "Focus on the mage" simplistic tactics by the reds led to a 0-17 at b2 for me but all the other guys in my team were let alone and gathered tons of points at b1 and b3.
They aren't getting kicked, they are leaving out of boredom. A lot of people doing PVP don't care at all about glory, because it is easy to get to cap and nothing else to spend it on once you get the artifact. They are only there to fight other players, and when they see the other team isn't putting up a fight they leave to find a better match.
It's just people's attitudes. Some don't even want to try when they see a full guild group, and when one person leaves, others are always quick to follow.
The best thing we can really do about this right now is
1. Don't intentionally pug-stomp if you're in a premade group. Let them cap some stuff initially, 1v1 them, take turns capping in the end. Be friendly to pugs- they are people too, believe it or not (most of them :P).
2. Don't automatically leave if you have some low gs people on your team. Do your best to carry them; give them some tips. I understand that it can be frustrating, they all go to the side point first or keep fighting off-points instead of capping, but getting angry at them or leaving yourself is just going to encourage more people to quit.
3. Don't spawn camp, aka when some of the other team leaves, don't go next to their spawn and 5v1 them whenever they come down. Again, offer them 1v1s. If they start to talk HAMSTER about your team, don't respond to it; especially don't instigate it. This will just make pugs view premades in an even worse light than they already do.
4. The only instances in which you should leave a PvP match is when either a) real life calls b) you lost someone in your premade during the que or queued in against the wrong opponents (the teams will be re-filled in those cases) or c) people in the match are being jerks to you. I would absolutely not blame anyone for leaving if they're being spawn camped, 5v1'd, or rudely treated.
There's not a way to actively punish people that leave PvP.
All that we can do is our best to encourage people to stay.
Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
It's simple really, because there's no penalties whatsoever for doing so.
Therefore people can just quit and leave their teammates agitated over nothing.
That being said, I'm pretty unhappy with the state of PvP in NW, to the point that when I will do it, it's specifically goal based, and that goal tends to be gear related (since there really isn't much aside from the artifact now). That being said, I'd rather make my time spent in PvP as short as possible, which means never quitting a match, only doing it during PvP hour, and hoping that one day they release a 2x glory scroll in the Zen store XD.
As for a "punishment" in a system where no bugs could ever be blamed, I think the most straight forward one would be a loss of Glory for quitting early. How much or a flat rate, I ono. Like I've hinted at, I generally stay the heck away from it since it's just not fun to me here in NW.
Yeah, because nobody enjoys PvP in this game.
Come on don't go with hyperbole with it. The fact is that many people myself included only pvp for the daily ad and to slowly get the glory for the artifact.
Get spawn camped, don't care I'll sit there and not do anything even if it means no glory, because it's still a completion for the daily quest.
Yeah the pvp'ers here will call me a pvp scrub. I don't care, and having mechanics like the daily just contribute to getting people like me into your matches.
False. If so, why are there PvP guilds?
But if you're referring to normal people who gets the slightest meaning of the word "boredom", then you're correct.
I get it it. I'm not a dedicated PvPer, but I do enjoy it. Fact is, if you took away the artifact/glory items/Daily as that earlier poster suggested, you'd only have the most dedicated PvPers left, and that would kill PvP for amatuer enthusiasts such as myself. Not really a viable solution, at least as far as I'm concerned.
1) premade groups in the same queue like pugs - i just did one hour pvp during event, met 3 premades and was alone on the end of the match
2) not sure what's going on but after module 2 it feels so class unbalanced. I killed some guy with just pressing 2 keys
3) i saw few bots, but it's defo better than before
Meeting premades also are no reason to quit. Rather it'd be better to take it as an opportunity to learn since these guys are seasoned veteran players. Better fight them, learn their stuff, learn the many ways they are able to counter you and try to make an action plan as to how to adapt to those counters. Some of them may badmouth others from time to time, but that's just how some people are. Not all PVP-ers are foul-mouthed elitists and I've met some great people in PVP which I respect.
That was probably me, but I don't mind. Getting slaughtered is better than nothing. Today I had a team where 3 dropped out and one stayed at the fire. He actually got mad at me and told me to "stop giving them points". Why should I care if they get points?
In another match, my CW killed two GWFs trying to take my point. So much for the "GWFs are OP" BS. I have neither good gear nor good skills.
If you people hate PvP so much, why do you bother queuing?
That means drop games all day, requeue and get a fresh game everytime gauranteed.
Until you put in 30 min deserter debuffs and make people join games in progress you're going to enjoy 5v2 matches.
Not rocket science.
Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
I have never once joined a game in progress and I've never seen anyone join one of my games to fill a leaver.
Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
PVPers farm the casual players for easy kills so that they can get their silly titles and brag in their guilds how they had a 99-0 kill ratio or something.
Casual players farm the PVPers for easy matches so that they can get their glory/AD rewards and be done quickly; winning or losing is besides the point.
It only works if its in the beginning of a game (under 100 points) and it will try to add in too many people at once (so only the fastest gets in an everyone else goes to the map, but gets kicked off in 5 seconds). Your empty spot can be filled if they leave really early on...
TR are easy to kill indeed. Those without gear and skill.
Be my guest to try and kill one of the GOOD TRs as a CW in 1 vs 1. Equal gear. Please, post videos so I see how you do it and learn. Not saying it's impossible, but close to impossible, regardless if the CW changes encounters to AoE to try to unstealth the TR, uses shield/Mastery or has lots of HP. A skilled TR will play with him and just have fun.
Also you can't expect everyone to have vorpals or perma TRs.
You think leaving a point to a beastly GWF that you cannot kill is a solution? You do know what will happen after he caps, right? He will leave and come mid and provide superiority to his team, and if you were not able kill him solo on that point, he will wreck your team to oblivion in the big fights at mid.
No, you have to contest and keep him busy, even if you gonna die 100 times.
Wow now that's very constructive and useful. As a CW my experience is as such:
I am somewhere in the game, let's say at b2. Nothing around, the sky is blue.
One second later, I am dead, OS-ed by a stealthed TR.
Not sure what I can improve here.
On another side, my most recent PvP session was a win for my team. "Focus on the mage" simplistic tactics by the reds led to a 0-17 at b2 for me but all the other guys in my team were let alone and gathered tons of points at b1 and b3.