mctankypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Going invisible should break your lock much like a line of sight does. The only way I see it being viable is if a particular spell or skill marks the TR prior to going invisible giving a percentage chance that it will fail or succeed.
Going invisible should break your lock much like a line of sight does. The only way I see it being viable is if a particular spell or skill marks the TR prior to going invisible giving a percentage chance that it will fail or succeed.
I agree. But as it stands now, you can hold control while fighting a TR, and your toon will auto follow them even if they aren't DoT'd, or marked in stealth. An exploit that needs fixing.
I agree. But as it stands now, you can hold control while fighting a TR, and your toon will auto follow them even if they aren't DoT'd, or marked in stealth. An exploit that needs fixing.
From what I've noticed, it works only in 1v1, while there are no other targets at all. If there is someone, doesn't matter friend or foe, lock immediately jumps to it instead, when rogue stealth.
I always forget to use it, though, even if i'm 1v1...
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
I never use it, tried it a few times and I think it's completely lame (although cumbersome to use). I also think however stealth in this game is lame too, IMO if you deal/take damage you should IMMEDIATELY drop stealth.
What I would want is a CW Detect Invisibility spell with limited efficiency. This wold be fair and straight forward if implemented correctly.
So yeah, even if it disadvantages me as a CW, this method shouldn't work.
mctankypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
One of the new artifacts will unstealth TR's within a certain range. That should make you smile Persephone
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Altering an entire gameplay mechanism for the sake of allowing a single class to do better in PvP does sound like QQ. Ctrl lock has uses in pve as well, particularly when singling out enemy healers in a cluster or tracking teleporting enemies.
If it tracks stealth too then bummer, but stealth is stupid OP in PvP to begin with anyway so I say alls fair. Maybe try not to rely on stealth so much?
mctankypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Stealth is one of the defining trademarks of the class. It adds unpredictability to the pvp side of things. He's not asking for the entire mechanic to change, it's simply asking for it to drop when stealth is in play.
It doesn't seem that difficult. If anything, it gives a crutch to players that aren't smart enough to predict where a TR might be going.
Altering an entire gameplay mechanism for the sake of allowing a single class to do better in PvP does sound like QQ. Ctrl lock has uses in pve as well, particularly when singling out enemy healers in a cluster or tracking teleporting enemies.
If it tracks stealth too then bummer, but stealth is stupid OP in PvP to begin with anyway so I say alls fair. Maybe try not to rely on stealth so much?
I think you are misunderstanding.
Its not altering anything. When you go stealth, the character disappears. How can you track a target, you cant see? Its broken. Fixing Lock on with targets that go stealth wont affect PvE at all.
The problem is when facing someone who uses it..Contesting nodes against a GWF for example. They will always be able to hit you, unless you run completely away from them and out of range. Its broken...
Stealth is one of the defining trademarks of the class
This...I'm all about listening to an argument why someone feels it SHOULD be the way it is.
But logically..I see no argument warranting a character being able to lock onto a target they cannot see. Theres other ways of snuffing out Stealthed TR's, a broken PvE utility shouldn't be one of them.
You have to first see a stealthed TR to be able to lock onto them, hence you have already compromised your own stealth by being too close to the enemy (and presumably doing nothing effective, otherwise they would be dead or distracted already). If they didn't have a lock, they could just walk and dodge in whichever direction you were going to keep seeing you or use an aoe to knock you out already.
Also, if you go from unstealthed, like they see you coming from range and where you can be locked just like any other class, to stealthed, it automatically drops the lock. It also drops the lock if you are untargettable for any reason, e.g. Bloodbath or go out or range.
Oh yes just tested this thing in pvp recently. Always wondered how all thos gwfs and gfs could see me in stealth and even tried to google if there is a cheat programm for that.
Doh, now I am just a class with the most useless tab in pvp against skilled players ^_^ Doesn't mean I can't still ambush and kick HAMSTER out of anyone's HAMSTER though...
mctankypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
I don't know that it does drop it 100%. I was in a match yesterday where a DC was hitting me nonstop when I was stealthed. They were hitting me prior to going stealthed and the damage continued as I moved around the node to get in striking distance.
Nobody is "QQ'ing" that I can see. It's more a conversation of game mechanics that not surprisingly don't seem to work as expected all the time.
You have to first see a stealthed TR to be able to lock onto them, hence you have already compromised your own stealth by being too close to the enemy (and presumably doing nothing effective, otherwise they would be dead or distracted already). If they didn't have a lock, they could just walk and dodge in whichever direction you were going to keep seeing you or use an aoe to knock you out already.
Also, if you go from unstealthed, like they see you coming from range and where you can be locked just like any other class, to stealthed, it automatically drops the lock. It also drops the lock if you are untargettable for any reason, e.g. Bloodbath or go out or range.
Theres no QQ'ing at all. Its broken the way it is and we are discussing it.
Whether you see a TR or not, going into Stealth should always release any sort of lock you have on them because they vanish from plain sight.
Going out of range works yes, but that's besides the point.
You shouldn't be able to continue your lock on a TR, after he vanishes into thin air.
The very idea on "Locking onto a Target" means you can see, and target it, in order to do it in the first place. Which totally contradicts whats happening when TR's go into Stealth.
This...I'm all about listening to an argument why someone feels it SHOULD be the way it is.
But logically..I see no argument warranting a character being able to lock onto a target they cannot see. Theres other ways of snuffing out Stealthed TR's, a broken PvE utility shouldn't be one of them.
You do realize your argument is applying logic against a mechanic which is in direct opposition to another mechanic which defies logic right? so you shouldn't be able to track a player who enters into stealth magically before your very eyes but that player who is in still should be able to attack numerous times without breaking stealth and ultimately even kill you without you having the chance to retaliate...
sounds like someone wants to have their cake and eat it too.
I mean seriously if you want to talk about broken aspects of the game then talk about how a rogue can attack 10 times without retaliation from stealth 8 daggers thrown at them and to impact shots afterwards no chance to retaliate you eat it all. That my friend is broken
So I guess you can't move out of range until their stealth drops? Much like just moving away from a GWF using unstoppable.
Might wanna check that out.
well assuming that you can know whether or not the road is moved during their stealth and I suppose you could but then again the runs the problem of if they moved which direction do you run to get out of range. Quite the conundrum it can be. I mean it's not like a rogue can just move while in stealth and keep flinging daggers at you willy nilly right? it's not like impact shot causes a stun and a rooting effect when it hits you right?
But I suppose since we're "checking things out", why not just run out of range yourself if you get control walked by another player while trying to stealth? I mean if it works against stealth then it should also work for stealth
You do realize your argument is applying logic against a mechanic which is in direct opposition to another mechanic which defies logic right? so you shouldn't be able to track a player who enters into stealth magically before your very eyes but that player who is in still should be able to attack numerous times without breaking stealth and ultimately even kill you without you having the chance to retaliate...
sounds like someone wants to have their cake and eat it too.
I mean seriously if you want to talk about broken aspects of the game then talk about how a rogue can attack 10 times without retaliation from stealth 8 daggers thrown at them and to impact shots afterwards no chance to retaliate you eat it all. That my friend is broken
I agree with you, however.
It is Working as Intended, that TR's are able to attack with Certain abilities while in stealth. Its the core mechanic of the Class.
This isn't a discussion of abilities and how OP you think TR's are.
I'm not eating any sort of cake in this thread(heh), I do quite well even when players are Auto Locking on me. Ask anyone on this server whose fought me 1 vs 1. That's besides the point.
You have an argument, but its still not a valid one on why you feel an AUTO targeting inate Utility in the game, will allow a player to track a Player they cannot see.
Rogues attacking in stealth is the mechanic of the class; GWF's Unstoppable, CW's Tab'd 4th encounter, etc. All working as intended.
Tracking a player from a broken utility in stealth, however infrequent, is still broken, and should be addressed.
Off Topic but I'll answer for you. Impact Shot is being changed, you will no longer be stun chained by Impact in Mod 2.
You shouldn't be able to continue your lock on a TR, after he vanishes into thin air.
The very idea on "Locking onto a Target" means you can see, and target it, in order to do it in the first place. Which totally contradicts whats happening when TR's go into Stealth.
I have just told you that's NOT how it works. You have to first see a target to lock onto it in this game. If you "go into Stealth" the lock breaks.
I'm not eating any sort of cake in this thread(heh), I do quite well even when players are Auto Locking on me. Ask anyone on this server whose fought me 1 vs 1. That's besides the point
Then I fail to see the point on your view whatsoever because it certainly is not from a game balance stance. Your proposal only slants the deck further towards a class which already has the deck slanted in their favor to begin with. And this also just happens to be the class you play and pride your abilities on...
So honestly if you fair so well, what's the big deal? I mean I'm sure the utility is functioning exactly as it is intended to...
Then I fail to see the point on your view whatsoever because it certainly is not from a game balance stance. Your proposal only slants the deck further towards a class which already has the deck slanted in their favor to begin with. And this also just happens to be the class you play and pride your abilities on...
So honestly if you fair so well, what's the big deal? I mean I'm sure the utility is functioning exactly as it is intended to...
And yes my last post was using voice rec lol.
This was made as a discussion thread, not one where anyone needs to be getting upset over my opinion.
I disagree with you. It is absolutely a balance issue imo. No one should be able to continue an Auto Lock feature on a character, when they vanish. It defeats the entire purpose of stealth, its an in-game cheat if you will.
Me playing the class has nothing to do with it. I enjoy the game, so when I see something that I feel isn't working properly, I chose to make a discussion about it, to find out if it is in fact broken, or working as intended.
I don't believe this is functioning properly, was hoping for a Dev response. From the responses I've gotten so far, there are only a fiew of you that actually believe it should stay the way it is, and it seems those are the ones that have some sort of anger towards the TR class.
Yepp this is just silly imo, if you cant see your target you shouldnt be able to keep a lock on it either. For the record ITC is also bugged imo, you can see a GF or GWF making their "pronemove" on you and hitting ITC a split of a second before they attack. Still ending up on the floor getting hammerd with ITC now on cd. Awwwweeeeesoome
Oh I'm not upset in the least, but it is indeed curious to me the motivations behind altering game mechanics for the sake of empowering an already overpowered ability is proposed. I'm not sure either if your hatred for rogue comment was to me specifically but if it was , again incorrect as I play and enjoy my TR quite a bit.
Again I dont see the levity between altering game mechanics or simply adjusting tactics. Rogues are by nature opportunistic strikers not toe to toe in your face killers. If a player is auto tracking, then adjust tactics. Rogues have more at their disposal than the cookie cutter PvP types believe.
If you were truly inquiring about this working properly or not, perhaps posting in the bugs section would get a dev reply faster
Oh I'm not upset in the least, but it is indeed curious to me the motivations behind altering game mechanics for the sake of empowering an already overpowered ability is proposed. I'm not sure either if your hatred for rogue comment was to me specifically but if it was , again incorrect as I play and enjoy my TR quite a bit.
Again I dont see the levity between altering game mechanics or simply adjusting tactics. Rogues are by nature opportunistic strikers not toe to toe in your face killers. If a player is auto tracking, then adjust tactics. Rogues have more at their disposal than the cookie cutter PvP types believe.
If you were truly inquiring about this working properly or not, perhaps posting in the bugs section would get a dev reply faster
You keep saying "Altering game mechanics". Its not altering anything when a specific mechanic is broken.
Auto Lock on Target. Target goes into Stealth. You really believe you should still have an Auto Lock on a target that is now invisible?
I'm all about listening to you, but you haven't given a valid explanation on anything.
You tell me to adjust mechanics. But that's a cop-out to something not working properly.
Your proposal only slants the deck further towards a class which already has the deck slanted in their favor to begin with.
Comments like this are why I feel that you don't fully understand what you are arguing about.
Thanks for your comments, but I feel I'll just have to agree to disagree with you and move on to discussing this with someone that doesn't have such a 1 sided unwarranted PvP opinion on the matter.
I agree. But as it stands now, you can hold control while fighting a TR, and your toon will auto follow them even if they aren't DoT'd, or marked in stealth. An exploit that needs fixing.
the last time i tested ctrl lock in pvp on an opponent rogue was a month ago....and it did not keep the lock on.
Auto follow used to work too....
From what I've noticed, it works only in 1v1, while there are no other targets at all. If there is someone, doesn't matter friend or foe, lock immediately jumps to it instead, when rogue stealth.
I always forget to use it, though, even if i'm 1v1...
My videos
What I would want is a CW Detect Invisibility spell with limited efficiency. This wold be fair and straight forward if implemented correctly.
So yeah, even if it disadvantages me as a CW, this method shouldn't work.
Yeah I have it, but never got to use it yet in PvP, almost nobody ever wants to queue on test.
If it tracks stealth too then bummer, but stealth is stupid OP in PvP to begin with anyway so I say alls fair. Maybe try not to rely on stealth so much?
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
It doesn't seem that difficult. If anything, it gives a crutch to players that aren't smart enough to predict where a TR might be going.
I think you are misunderstanding.
Its not altering anything. When you go stealth, the character disappears. How can you track a target, you cant see? Its broken. Fixing Lock on with targets that go stealth wont affect PvE at all.
The problem is when facing someone who uses it..Contesting nodes against a GWF for example. They will always be able to hit you, unless you run completely away from them and out of range. Its broken...
This...I'm all about listening to an argument why someone feels it SHOULD be the way it is.
But logically..I see no argument warranting a character being able to lock onto a target they cannot see. Theres other ways of snuffing out Stealthed TR's, a broken PvE utility shouldn't be one of them.
You have to first see a stealthed TR to be able to lock onto them, hence you have already compromised your own stealth by being too close to the enemy (and presumably doing nothing effective, otherwise they would be dead or distracted already). If they didn't have a lock, they could just walk and dodge in whichever direction you were going to keep seeing you or use an aoe to knock you out already.
Also, if you go from unstealthed, like they see you coming from range and where you can be locked just like any other class, to stealthed, it automatically drops the lock. It also drops the lock if you are untargettable for any reason, e.g. Bloodbath or go out or range.
Doh, now I am just a class with the most useless tab in pvp against skilled players ^_^ Doesn't mean I can't still ambush and kick HAMSTER out of anyone's HAMSTER though...
WTB Class Reroll please
Nobody is "QQ'ing" that I can see. It's more a conversation of game mechanics that not surprisingly don't seem to work as expected all the time.
Theres no QQ'ing at all. Its broken the way it is and we are discussing it.
Whether you see a TR or not, going into Stealth should always release any sort of lock you have on them because they vanish from plain sight.
Going out of range works yes, but that's besides the point.
You shouldn't be able to continue your lock on a TR, after he vanishes into thin air.
The very idea on "Locking onto a Target" means you can see, and target it, in order to do it in the first place. Which totally contradicts whats happening when TR's go into Stealth.
You do realize your argument is applying logic against a mechanic which is in direct opposition to another mechanic which defies logic right? so you shouldn't be able to track a player who enters into stealth magically before your very eyes but that player who is in still should be able to attack numerous times without breaking stealth and ultimately even kill you without you having the chance to retaliate...
sounds like someone wants to have their cake and eat it too.
I mean seriously if you want to talk about broken aspects of the game then talk about how a rogue can attack 10 times without retaliation from stealth 8 daggers thrown at them and to impact shots afterwards no chance to retaliate you eat it all. That my friend is broken
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
Might wanna check that out.
well assuming that you can know whether or not the road is moved during their stealth and I suppose you could but then again the runs the problem of if they moved which direction do you run to get out of range. Quite the conundrum it can be. I mean it's not like a rogue can just move while in stealth and keep flinging daggers at you willy nilly right? it's not like impact shot causes a stun and a rooting effect when it hits you right?
But I suppose since we're "checking things out", why not just run out of range yourself if you get control walked by another player while trying to stealth? I mean if it works against stealth then it should also work for stealth
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
I agree with you, however.
It is Working as Intended, that TR's are able to attack with Certain abilities while in stealth. Its the core mechanic of the Class.
This isn't a discussion of abilities and how OP you think TR's are.
I'm not eating any sort of cake in this thread(heh), I do quite well even when players are Auto Locking on me. Ask anyone on this server whose fought me 1 vs 1. That's besides the point.
You have an argument, but its still not a valid one on why you feel an AUTO targeting inate Utility in the game, will allow a player to track a Player they cannot see.
Rogues attacking in stealth is the mechanic of the class; GWF's Unstoppable, CW's Tab'd 4th encounter, etc. All working as intended.
Tracking a player from a broken utility in stealth, however infrequent, is still broken, and should be addressed.
Off Topic but I'll answer for you. Impact Shot is being changed, you will no longer be stun chained by Impact in Mod 2.
I have just told you that's NOT how it works. You have to first see a target to lock onto it in this game. If you "go into Stealth" the lock breaks.
Stealth is not Untargetable nor Invisibility. doesn't
Which is the whole reason I wrote this thread in the first place.
Then I fail to see the point on your view whatsoever because it certainly is not from a game balance stance. Your proposal only slants the deck further towards a class which already has the deck slanted in their favor to begin with. And this also just happens to be the class you play and pride your abilities on...
So honestly if you fair so well, what's the big deal? I mean I'm sure the utility is functioning exactly as it is intended to...
And yes my last post was using voice rec lol.
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
This was made as a discussion thread, not one where anyone needs to be getting upset over my opinion.
I disagree with you. It is absolutely a balance issue imo. No one should be able to continue an Auto Lock feature on a character, when they vanish. It defeats the entire purpose of stealth, its an in-game cheat if you will.
Me playing the class has nothing to do with it. I enjoy the game, so when I see something that I feel isn't working properly, I chose to make a discussion about it, to find out if it is in fact broken, or working as intended.
I don't believe this is functioning properly, was hoping for a Dev response. From the responses I've gotten so far, there are only a fiew of you that actually believe it should stay the way it is, and it seems those are the ones that have some sort of anger towards the TR class.
Again I dont see the levity between altering game mechanics or simply adjusting tactics. Rogues are by nature opportunistic strikers not toe to toe in your face killers. If a player is auto tracking, then adjust tactics. Rogues have more at their disposal than the cookie cutter PvP types believe.
If you were truly inquiring about this working properly or not, perhaps posting in the bugs section would get a dev reply faster
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
You keep saying "Altering game mechanics". Its not altering anything when a specific mechanic is broken.
Auto Lock on Target. Target goes into Stealth. You really believe you should still have an Auto Lock on a target that is now invisible?
I'm all about listening to you, but you haven't given a valid explanation on anything.
You tell me to adjust mechanics. But that's a cop-out to something not working properly.
Comments like this are why I feel that you don't fully understand what you are arguing about.
Thanks for your comments, but I feel I'll just have to agree to disagree with you and move on to discussing this with someone that doesn't have such a 1 sided unwarranted PvP opinion on the matter.
Every player with map-awareness can go with-or-without this Ctrl option since the target cant be attacked while invisible....