Neverwinter is celebrating the traditional holiday of
Liars' Night by including it in a six-day long celebration in game. Join us in game as we celebrate with the Masquerade of Liars Festival, a new Halloween-themed event in
Learn more about the event and its rewards:
Event duration: Now until
November 4, 2013 at 10 A.M. PDT (Pacific).
We'll see (and scare) you in game!
Dont tease us with epic companions just to make them uncommon in the last minute.
Oh, and they finally fixed the Cultist Slayer III title. Yippee!!!! Thanks guys!!!
I would imagine your connection speed would be "what's up with that"
Was that idea dropped?
Took my over hour to run around and turn in 50 or so... not really my idea of fun..
No, they have tried different things for different events.
dardove - thanks for the non-smart-*** answer
rhoric - please go back and re-read my post. Pay real close attention to the part where I said I was new. I wasn't level 20 during the event. That means I ran my lil halfling feet all over town, and the only speed boost I got was from cloaking.
Sorry. Looked at the rewards, saw nothing of interest. You guys need to step up a bit. A Guild Wars 2 event would involve achievements, for those who like achievements. It would involve running around the maps. More importantly they make an effort with the rewards. We do not need Fashion outfits. Fashion outfits are nice for roleplayers, but with only three slots it provokes a massive Attack of the Clones vibe, especially when the chest piece tends to overwhelm the rest of the pieces (less chest pieces that are *also* bottom parts would be good).
Things that would assuredly make players happy, and I say this polled from friends, guildies and the NWRP channel: make an effort to produce unique skin armors that can be transmuted. There are not enough unique skins, most of them are hidden behind a dumb lair system that requires the clunky business of sharing quests with a friend, doing the lair, share the quest again if the skin did not drop, do it again.
You guys *need* to step up your game. I have arrived at the tail end of the summer festival, saw there were skins and *might* have been interested just to dissolve into a fit of giggles at seeing there was no preview available nor a dummy to put them on display, which seemed the obvious answer if the answer is that preview is not possible due to engine limitations.
P.S. Cut down on the grind some, will you? I played the game for the duration of the halloween festival and ended with around 70-80 tokens. The skeleton might have interested me for roleplay/active bonus, but 600 tokens? Seriously? 600 hundred times chasing illusionists one by one? Are you really thinking NW is so much of a super game that players will throw themselves at these colossal grinds until their eyes bleed? This sounds like hubris to me.
Agree 100% (good word choice as well). I understand the grind - gotta keep the players coming back. The problem though is this - most of us have been grinding for a very long time (see Shar, IWD and ToD) and don't relish yet another grind (even though it's only for four days) with too little payoff.
Come up with something new - get us talking about the game on social media in a good way. We can help you promote the wonder that is Neverwinter . . . if you give us a reason to.
I did not like the charms. Frankly it was a moronic idea to require players to run around forever turning in charms one at a time. I mean, at one point between actual dailies and just kill farming for charms, I had a couple hundred in my pack. It required that I spend a hour (give or take) running in an endless circle in PE. I got 4 of the masks and gave up on the event simply because I couldn't handle trading them in.
Everything else about this event was great - the PE makeover was awesome, I liked the Illusionists' presence, the event was well done other than the charm turn-in mechanic - it was needless time consuming and felt like a massive waste of time doing nothing. It ultimately made me stop participating in the event before it was over.
I would urge you guys to update that particular part of this event for next year - I don't know that you really need to make many adjustments to it otherwise.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Also, the Masquerade of Liars ran for multiple days last year as well. This year's event was actually shorter.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at