This game gets worse and worse. I wasted like 10 million ad for tenebrous enchants + I have to unslot them now for another 1,5 million ad to sell them ( I doubt anyone would still buy them). I used to like the PvP in this game but now Im done.
What if i told you that doing good in pvp means doing good WITHOUT tenes?
Can you even do that?
Try it, maybe non-OP gear will earn your pvp satisfaction back.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
1. I'm pretty sure nerfing tenes to the ground will result in lots of pvp players quiting the game, which is dieing anyways atm.
2. Tenes are the rich men's pvp and u should keep it like that.
1. I actually think this will have the opposite effect: I think more people will join or come back to NW now that tennys are getting the nerf. Also, the amount of people who paid money for tennys are a fairly minimal portion of the NW population. Considering the fact they have the best enchants in game and aren't spending money for more means Cryptic will not miss them.
2. Thank you for admitting the obvious truth. Many are still in denial about this.
Sure I can agree that it would be nice to compensate players who invested a lot into tenebrous enchantments but to me game balance should always be the first priority even if it means taking toys away from people. I'll always vote to compensate people over hefty changes, especially when it involves matters of the economy, but game balance is my main prerogative.
How about you compensate people for breaking the stalwart bulwark set (no, i will never forget it. it was just a spit in our faces)? People spent their time, AD and, probably, money to get the set fully done? Those enchants and stuff.
So let's not talk about compensations As many here on forums like to say - the thing was OP, how come you didn't expect it nerfed?
A) Attacks the soul directly, which undead don't have actual souls, so yeah...
Literally withers your life-ness away, which doesn't work on undead, so there you go.
Basically, necrotic damage does absolutely nothing to the undead. But we're not undead. We're living. So it SHOULD, in theory, be the reverse - and, thus, KO us by draining our life energies directly until there's nothing left. This is different from wounds, which are what healing normally fixes, so it SHOULD bypass any healing spells - note: should.
As for making it so that it can't reflect or whatever the issue was...that's hax. Instead, it should simply cause "purple" damage that can't be healed. At all. Whatsoever. This gives it a great advantage; however, due to the fact that PvP is basically a super-fast slaughterfest, healing probably wouldn't save you anyway.
I meant the devs, or someone official explaining how it works.
If PWE hasn't explained how necrotic damage works, all we can do is assume.
Seems like a joke, definitely wont be spending any more of my IRL money if things like this continue to happen. Online games have set up many ways to make money, it may seem that it is free to play but everything in this world costs money, people who have helped contribute and spent real-life cash are the ones getting the kick in the junk, Thanks Cryptic.
Edit; Just a side note I do NOT even have ONE Tenebrous enchantment not even one Lesser, but wanting to get more into the PVP aspect of the game saving up for a full set of Tene's is probably the only thing keeping me saving up/playing this game.
Foundry Missions ;
By ; @pestilence149
Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)
Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I solo regen Sents all the time in PVP. We had an in house yesterday where I beat one of our best non-tenny Sents in our guild twice 1v1. They had to start sending another back to our point to fight me.
Find me in game, Trace.
Ssssh Trace! Don't let them know what we can do..
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
How about you compensate people for breaking the stalwart bulwark set (no, i will never forget it. it was just a spit in our faces)? People spent their time, AD and, probably, money to get the set fully done? Those enchants and stuff.
So let's not talk about compensations As many here on forums like to say - the thing was OP, how come you didn't expect it nerfed?
I can't compensate people. I am a player with only one voice.
However feel free to look in those threads. I argued to give Stalwart Bulwark players some form of compensation both publicly and privately.
I can't control what the company decides to do; I can only relay the requests and opinions.
My friends just spent $140 to get six tenes and u gonna nerf them, sorry but u take advantage of people, Devs for not knowing it was broken for months. Don't the devs test this game before the put stuff in it. Its like putting in A 1 Shot encounter for CW to take out everyone, everyone get a CW then u take it from them. I think devs love messing with people
wow this was such a bad move... rly how can u even come and say something like that is beyond me!! Now tene users do what, wanted to sell mine for a lifedrinker.. guess what? they are now so cheap that arent even worth selling, also what do u plan to do with necrotic dmg? lifedrinker, terror?!! Hope u get sue for this cause is theft clearly as the day light!!
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I can't compensate people. I am a player with only one voice.
However feel free to look in those threads. I argued to give Stalwart Bulwark players some form of compensation both publicly and privately.
I can't control what the company decides to do; I can only relay the requests and opinions.
I didn't mean to blame anyone in particular But i stand against any compensation. Of any kind. Because when devs implement some balancing tweaks, there is always bunch of people crying about it and demanding a compensation. And regarding the amount of issues that need balance...NWO can become just a large compensation folly. :rolleyes:
I didn't mean to blame anyone in particular But i stand against any compensation. Of any kind. Because when devs implement some balancing tweaks, there is always bunch of people crying about it and demanding a compensation. And regarding the amount of issues that need balance...NWO can become just a large compensation folly. :rolleyes:
Normally I would agree.
In cases such as this and Stalwart Bulwark people will/did lose hundreds to millions of Astral Diamonds minimum.
I honestly don't feel like the change will make tenebrous that much less useful. It will still be an extremely powerful enchantment no matter what and likely will remain superior to Rank 10's in some other enchantment but even so being less overpowered will still drive down the price a lot.
And in cases like this, especially coupled with the enchantment removal fees, I can't blame people for wanting compensation.
Heck, if I was in charge my "compensation" to the Stalwart Bulwark change would have been allowing free enchantment removal from those sets for a week after the nerf.
I'm not sure that would be ideal here due to the fact flooding the market would make matters worse but perhaps somebody else has a brilliant idea which could be suggested other than giving players AD or Zen directly.
wow this was such a bad move... rly how can u even come and say something like that is beyond me!! Now tene users do what, wanted to sell mine for a lifedrinker.. guess what? they are now so cheap that arent even worth selling, also what do u plan to do with necrotic dmg? lifedrinker, terror?!! Hope u get sue for this cause is theft clearly as the day light!!
Cryptic did not sell you the tene enchant.. Another player did.. Cryptic just supplied you with a currency to do it with.. If you bough tene's that was completely your choice.. And given that every single person knew they were completely broken in pvp.. Hence the high price tag... It was obvious at some stage an adjustment would come..
And so it should they give far too much of an advantage In pvp.. And are the major problem as to why people complain about certain builds... Once they get adjusted you will find pvp In this game suddenly becomes alot more competitive...
Actually the nerf won't kill the tene enchantment like everyone thinks for the following reasons:
1- Dev didn't say that Tene wont go through immunity.
2- An average player of 20% damage resistance, will only reduce the tene damage by 1.4k.
3- Deflection is a chance, and if it works, it would reduce the incoming damage by 50% ( you have 50% severity on most of characters including DC the 75% severity there is a wrong tooltip, and 25% severity on TR i think). Question here is, how can you be sure that you will deflect the enchantment at the same time it procs? even if you 30% deflection chance, we are here comparing 30% chance to 100% chance of tene's proc every 20 seconds.
4- About that dodge, very nice you can dodge it, but how are you going to know WHEN to dodge the tene's proc? probably you can dodge the initial proc, but good luck with the rest especially if you are getting CC'ed.
5- Dev didn't say that damage over time wont proc tene, which would make defelcting it/dodging it even harder to perform.
/FACEPALM to people threating with calling their bank. Just hide ur face in pillow and cry.
This fix should be done few months ago, but better later than never.
Well, you do what you have to do devs, I WILL HAVE TO DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO TOO. You see, i'm not like most of the ppl here rocking 7 tenes that exploited and saved hundreds of millions....i actually payed for my stuff, and payed WELL.
I'll wait to see if this goes live, the minute it does, the next minute i'll be on the phone to my bank. We'll see what happens. Either you lose money, or you lose the CHANCE at more.
Lets see.
Rex my brother from Phalanx~???
Jeff Aiolia here!;D
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
nearlydiamondMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 105Bounty Hunter
Well, this is gonna make the perma-stealth, tenny-regen TR build hit like a bag of cotton balls. My CW and DC are happy. On the other hand, this is gonna make Sentinel GWF's deal no damage at all to GFs and other GWFs. Kinda makes GWF'
Sorry but this is utter HAMSTER. I run a sentinel build which I concede is modified a little, but I have no generous enchants and my damage is fine. GWF are not designed for massive burst damage, they're a hybrid class. This is a very welcome change, and I laugh at all those who've spent millions of AD on multiple Tenes for an easy win. They don't require skill to employ, which means it negates the skills of other players at the moment, making them an exploit. Bravo
somebody can explain me how exactly necrotic dmg works? because unlike the others enchants, it seems to ignore most of the dr. (that what looks like with lifedrink). sometimes i seeo n logs the necrotic dmg gets broken a bit, but i guess it is because some spells or unstopable or other stuff in game.
because if it only be nerfed the dodge/deflect thing is fair. however, if it get broken like by half or something because of DR or other resistances, i am afraid tenes wont be able to keep it up with others darks 10s for example. and it is a money enchantment.
if tenes be fine ok, but if the dr breaks too much the dmg, i am afraid ppl will really get pissed. especially us who spent a lot of money to get these.
i am talking about the two sides h ere, i really understand that it is wrong tenes bypass soulforged/dodge/deflect. but if the dmg gets broken down too much by dr and other absorb mechanics, i am afraid the enchant will be just like tranquil, which is useless.
so i hope the devs be aware of it, and if it is necessary, buff the dmg or lower the cooldown if that will be the case.
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
another thing that a possible nerf of tenes is going to do is overpower a lot barkshield lol
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
I think's half of the people used real money on hit, was sure about the op of the stone. Whit the patch, now he will work as intended and finally the necrotic damage will suffer the damage res and the deflect. I'm sorry for all the people used a lot of money on it, but is normal they will fix it now whit all the report they got about the " OP of tene ench".
i dont complain, however. i wish someone would explan me how exact does necrotic dmg. because for sure lifedrink weapon dmg and terror weapon dmg seems to ignore more dr than the others elements. sometimes the wep dmg is broken down a lot probably because the spells and stuff in a match.
the only thing is bad, is that if it iw as a bad coding... they left it like this for a long time.
making us think that company done it on purpose, buffed a strong enchant to motivade players spend real money, and soon all the proft was made, they would nerf the enchantment and make it work as supposed.
not saying it happened, but that is an idea is going to be on people minds when they release new enchantments.
i just think, if tenes cant keep it up with darks 10 for example, it HAS to be slightly better at least.
it is a real money enchant after all. and if it not possible, then they should reduce cooldown or buff a bit the dmg at least. or rework the enchant.
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
It should be clear now that this company isn't afraid to change anything no matter how long it's been out. As such, when something is much better performing that its counterparts it is eventually going to be changed. So, either be prepared to spend the cash to enjoy the ride while it lasts, knowing full well it will eventually be over, or don't get on the ride at all.
What an excellent business model, o wait...
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited October 2013
. . . . . . Please do keep comments in the thread in which this topic is about. There's no need to have multiple threads on this topic and all doing so does is spreading out feedback and making it harder for the Devs to find such. Thanks! (Threads merged)
The only thing you've managed to do is create a mass hysteria where you have the market being flooded with everyone trying to sell their greater tenebs right now.
This pretty much says it all.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
Can you even do that?
Try it, maybe non-OP gear will earn your pvp satisfaction back.
1. I actually think this will have the opposite effect: I think more people will join or come back to NW now that tennys are getting the nerf. Also, the amount of people who paid money for tennys are a fairly minimal portion of the NW population. Considering the fact they have the best enchants in game and aren't spending money for more means Cryptic will not miss them.
2. Thank you for admitting the obvious truth. Many are still in denial about this.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
So let's not talk about compensations
I meant the devs, or someone official explaining how it works.
If PWE hasn't explained how necrotic damage works, all we can do is assume.
Edit; Just a side note I do NOT even have ONE Tenebrous enchantment not even one Lesser, but wanting to get more into the PVP aspect of the game saving up for a full set of Tene's is probably the only thing keeping me saving up/playing this game.
By ; @pestilence149
Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)
Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
This tene nerf outed the truth about something I can't mention due to ToS, isn't it
Ssssh Trace! Don't let them know what we can do..
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
I can't compensate people. I am a player with only one voice.
However feel free to look in those threads. I argued to give Stalwart Bulwark players some form of compensation both publicly and privately.
I can't control what the company decides to do; I can only relay the requests and opinions.
They have to find out sooner or later, Des!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Always make sure, to read a contract very carefully before signing it.
Normally I would agree.
In cases such as this and Stalwart Bulwark people will/did lose hundreds to millions of Astral Diamonds minimum.
I honestly don't feel like the change will make tenebrous that much less useful. It will still be an extremely powerful enchantment no matter what and likely will remain superior to Rank 10's in some other enchantment but even so being less overpowered will still drive down the price a lot.
And in cases like this, especially coupled with the enchantment removal fees, I can't blame people for wanting compensation.
Heck, if I was in charge my "compensation" to the Stalwart Bulwark change would have been allowing free enchantment removal from those sets for a week after the nerf.
I'm not sure that would be ideal here due to the fact flooding the market would make matters worse but perhaps somebody else has a brilliant idea which could be suggested other than giving players AD or Zen directly.
Cryptic did not sell you the tene enchant.. Another player did.. Cryptic just supplied you with a currency to do it with.. If you bough tene's that was completely your choice.. And given that every single person knew they were completely broken in pvp.. Hence the high price tag... It was obvious at some stage an adjustment would come..
And so it should they give far too much of an advantage In pvp.. And are the major problem as to why people complain about certain builds... Once they get adjusted you will find pvp In this game suddenly becomes alot more competitive...
It's the right move
1- Dev didn't say that Tene wont go through immunity.
2- An average player of 20% damage resistance, will only reduce the tene damage by 1.4k.
3- Deflection is a chance, and if it works, it would reduce the incoming damage by 50% ( you have 50% severity on most of characters including DC the 75% severity there is a wrong tooltip, and 25% severity on TR i think). Question here is, how can you be sure that you will deflect the enchantment at the same time it procs? even if you 30% deflection chance, we are here comparing 30% chance to 100% chance of tene's proc every 20 seconds.
4- About that dodge, very nice you can dodge it, but how are you going to know WHEN to dodge the tene's proc? probably you can dodge the initial proc, but good luck with the rest especially if you are getting CC'ed.
5- Dev didn't say that damage over time wont proc tene, which would make defelcting it/dodging it even harder to perform.
This fix should be done few months ago, but better later than never.
Rex my brother from Phalanx~???
Jeff Aiolia here!;D
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
Sorry but this is utter HAMSTER. I run a sentinel build which I concede is modified a little, but I have no generous enchants and my damage is fine. GWF are not designed for massive burst damage, they're a hybrid class. This is a very welcome change, and I laugh at all those who've spent millions of AD on multiple Tenes for an easy win. They don't require skill to employ, which means it negates the skills of other players at the moment, making them an exploit. Bravo
because if it only be nerfed the dodge/deflect thing is fair. however, if it get broken like by half or something because of DR or other resistances, i am afraid tenes wont be able to keep it up with others darks 10s for example. and it is a money enchantment.
if tenes be fine ok, but if the dr breaks too much the dmg, i am afraid ppl will really get pissed. especially us who spent a lot of money to get these.
i am talking about the two sides h ere, i really understand that it is wrong tenes bypass soulforged/dodge/deflect. but if the dmg gets broken down too much by dr and other absorb mechanics, i am afraid the enchant will be just like tranquil, which is useless.
so i hope the devs be aware of it, and if it is necessary, buff the dmg or lower the cooldown if that will be the case.
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
the only thing is bad, is that if it iw as a bad coding... they left it like this for a long time.
making us think that company done it on purpose, buffed a strong enchant to motivade players spend real money, and soon all the proft was made, they would nerf the enchantment and make it work as supposed.
not saying it happened, but that is an idea is going to be on people minds when they release new enchantments.
i just think, if tenes cant keep it up with darks 10 for example, it HAS to be slightly better at least.
it is a real money enchant after all. and if it not possible, then they should reduce cooldown or buff a bit the dmg at least. or rework the enchant.
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
What an excellent business model, o wait...
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You're apparently unaware of the countless other companies that have gotten into legal trouble over stuff like this.
This pretty much says it all.