mctankypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
@Ashgard. Had the OP said what the GWF was using as far as enchants that would have completely changed the tone of this thread. Instead, we had to use our imagination and wonder if he's a fresh off the boat 60. No information given.
So ya, you have to expect L2P and "what's your GS questions".
Incomplete information is exactly that.
I guess he dont know what gearscore is. And that he got pwnd on his char and like all other nubz he went to the forum crying nerfs.
If you have nothing useful to add to this discussion, please leave.
I love pvp ... but not Neverwinter domination pvp.
Gauntlygrym pvp is very fun. In 20vs20, there are no unkillable players. One or two tanky players can not defend a single point very long. In domination pvp, with only 5 players per team, one or two tank players can more easily hold a point against the enemy.
took me a while to find him
so hes(sangrine) 11,9k CW with mostly savage enchants r6 in offense slots
You found me in Protector's Enclave. Taunted me and then immediately logged out.
I wanted to reply to you, but you went offline.
My GS is irrelevant. Your attempts to turn this debate into a personal attack against me will fail.
Please keep bumping this thread. My hope is that, one day, there are no more unkillable players in domination pvp, and at that time, I will play pvp domination again.
There is nothing fun about fighting an unkillable player 1v1. It's a pointless, waste of time.
I don't understand why this is so difficult to comprehend.
Except the DC, probably, each class can successfully compete and win against others when 1 vs 1. What ruins the PVP for your average Joe is people who thrown tons of money into the game to get all the top gear. But that's what you got when playing F2P MMO's. Can be solved pretty easily by implementing the matchmaking based on players GS and disabling the ability to change gear when match starts. More a P2W than L2P problem.
You found me in Protector's Enclave. Taunted me and then immediately logged out.
I wanted to reply to you, but you went offline.
My GS is irrelevant. Your attempts to turn this debate into a personal attack against me will fail.
Please keep bumping this thread. My hope is that, one day, there are no more unkillable players in domination pvp, and at that time, I will play pvp domination again.
There is nothing fun about fighting an unkillable player 1v1. It's a pointless, waste of time.
I don't understand why this is so difficult to comprehend.
destinyknight dude that is an explenation for the problem that the guy who created this post has and I think hes right.Most people just jumped him with ridiculous comments specialy that **** mbllanes199 and no 1 was talking about what he was complaining for.of course tenebris is the problem but the guy who posted this didnt know that so he said GWF.We all know GWF could use a boost not nerf becouse its just meh atm,specialy in dungeons lol.Have you ever seen a dungeon post need GWF for CN/MC lol?Other thing that makes most of replys on this post ridiculous is total lack of game mechanics understanding and that GS talk made me ROFL.I will give you example of how stupid GS is and how ridiculous people who posted are lol.Lets take 2 TR both EX build 1 has 2+2 t2 all r10 runes but has green lvl 60 daggs thats about 13kGS more or less no vorpal or soulforge hehe becouse they give no GS.Now lets have same EX TR with max dmg daggs but without bonus so we avoid GS boost,lets give him t1 power set 2 pieces and other 2 lvl 60 blue items,but lets put on him perfect soulforged and perfect vorpal his GS is about 9K+.People dont get that your dmg comes from weapons,power and %dmg bonus from armor pen and of course enhancments the higher tier the better.This 9K+ TR can 1 shot almost anything just to show how GS is bad mesure for toon power in general.Also I hope the guy who posted this will send all these noobs and trolls in place where they belong and that he will understand that its not GWF that needs nerf its tenebris ...
destinyknight dude that is an explenation for the problem that the guy who created this post has and I think hes right.Most people just jumped him with ridiculous comments specialy that **** mbllanes199 and no 1 was talking about what he was complaining for.of course tenebris is the problem but the guy who posted this didnt know that so he said GWF.We all know GWF could use a boost not nerf becouse its just meh atm,specialy in dungeons lol.Have you ever seen a dungeon post need GWF for CN/MC lol?Other thing that makes most of replys on this post ridiculous is total lack of game mechanics understanding and that GS talk made me ROFL.I will give you example of how stupid GS is and how ridiculous people who posted are lol.Lets take 2 TR both EX build 1 has 2+2 t2 all r10 runes but has green lvl 60 daggs thats about 13kGS more or less no vorpal or soulforge hehe becouse they give no GS.Now lets have same EX TR with max dmg daggs but without bonus so we avoid GS boost,lets give him t1 power set 2 pieces and other 2 lvl 60 blue items,but lets put on him perfect soulforged and perfect vorpal his GS is about 9K+.People dont get that your dmg comes from weapons,power and %dmg bonus from armor pen and of course enhancments the higher tier the better.This 9K+ TR can 1 shot almost anything just to show how GS is bad mesure for toon power in general.Also I hope the guy who posted this will send all these noobs and trolls in place where they belong and that he will understand that its not GWF that needs nerf its tenebris ...
If I could down gear these unkillable players, then it would be possible to kill them.
In a 1v1 fight, no amount of gearing up or learning to play will turn a High HP, high regen, unstoppable spamming, run away and heal GWF into an easily killed opponent. Only way to have reasonable chance to kill them is wait until they make a mistake or to outnumber them. Needing 2 or more players to kill one player is not fair in any way, in my opinion.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
One question, G(W)Fs that are decently geared answer honestly.
When you see CWs, DCs, TRs in PvP, not the best of the best in class and full PvP spec etc. But decent, with obvious effort put in their gear and having good knowledge of their class.
Do you feel you are endangered? Or do you think them as your prey?
I've played against many of Mindflayer's decent to very good PvPers and I already know the answer. I hope I'll see some sincerity. This answer, if honest, should be enough.
And yes, I still maintain that if you are very good at one thing, you must compensate by lacking others.
So no good survivability and good damage and good CC all in one, please.
I am not complaining about tenebrous enchantments. Never did I even mention tenebrous.
I am complaining about unkillable players in 1v1 fights .... no complaints about players who can kill.
I encountered a GWF the other day that could run faster than a rank 3 mount. That guy was unkillable simply because he could run away so fast. Still he lost.
As far as 'unkillable' being no fun, you should know that making a match not fun for the other team is a strategy we old folks use against the young bucks. You lose patience and then you lose the match.
What is good in life? Bait enemies. See them run off the platform. Read their lamentations in the forums.
As far as 'unkillable' being no fun, you should know that making a match not fun for the other team is a strategy we old folks use against the young bucks. You lose patience and then you lose the match.
How about this idea ....
Let's enable god mode for all players in pvp. No one will die. We fight over point control.
Does that sound fun to you? To me, it sounds like a long agonizing session of button mashing.
No god mode in pvp please. No godly, unkillable players. No thank you.
- Yes. I just put every heroic feat and every feat in the sentinel line, plus one in unstoppable recovery, to make my sentinel as hard to kill as possible. I stack deflect and recovery, and if you put me in a regen Titan set, I'm able to build last in a fight and run off if need be to slowly heal again and come back.
- Five seconds. That's how long unstoppable lasts, roughly five seconds. And we have sprint, which makes us immune to slows. Don't try to slow us. Knock us back and knock us down.
- Sprint. The longest range move in the game. Why? We're melee, the shortest range of any class in the game (comparable, possibly, with GF and their lunges).
- Short range damage. 10 ft on a good day. 15 ft for two skills, flourish and crescendo. Stay out of our range. Let me assure you that most of my game is chasing down other players, NOT firing magic missiles or daggers.
- Very good? Really? That sentinel build without tene's is doing 14k on it's dailies, where we have the slowest AP gen of ANY class. That's with a crit. My best encounter, IBS, tops at crit of 10k. Really good damage? Have you been hit by a CW or TR or even a GF? We beat DC's, that's it.
- We have Takedown (encounter) that puts you on the ground. 6sec to 10 sec recharge (6 second with one feat in the destroyer line midway down). Nice 3k damage with crit there.. Flourish, which stuns you for 1 second, 13 second recharge. Crescendo, which stuns and hits for takedown, but is a daily (see point above about low ap gain). And Avalanche of Steel, another daily with a big red circle, a four second animation, and takedown at the end. We do have CC, all of it requires close range.
If you do the math, we do less damage than an ITC/perma-stealth TR. Less damage than your control-spec'd CW. Less damage than the everybody BUT the healer.
If you want to argue what's broken, take a look at our AoW sets, or Tene enchants in general. Simply fixing the amount of regen a sent can stack (especially with the Titan set) would do much to tone down our capabilities than further nerfing the damage output of a class that honestly needs to be buffed in that area.
Lets' look a little harder at a RANGED class having more damage output than a MELEE class, shall we? Who the hell thought of that? Range has the advantage of being further away, why in the world would they also hit harder? The only thing CW's lack over GWF's is their defense, and let me tell you from experience, Teleport and dodge immunities make for a helluva defense in the right CW's hands.
agree whit this and real full dps build GWF have the same hp as CW but less damage then control focused CW
CW can dodge + cc lock u nonstop and only time when u will get close to it is when unstoppable to get unstoppable u need to lose almost all hp and cw will still easy outrun u then
CW can easy take down all your def and if 2x cw in team u wont have any resist or will even go to -%
agree whit this and real full dps build GWF have the same hp as CW but less damage then control focused CW
CW can dodge nonstop and only time when u will get close to it is when unstoppable to get unstoppable u need to lose almost all hp and cw will still easy outrun u then
CW can easy take down all your def and if 2x cw in team u wont have any resist or will even go to -%
Yes that is sad and truth,but this is whay I am leveling sentinel atm and buying tenebris runes if game is broken let it be ...
Sangrine, aside from all the PvP comments you have received, what are asking for cannot be done. The way the game is set up at the moment, the GWF cannot be retuned just for PvP without effecting PvE. Any more "nerfing" of the GWF for PvP will make the GWF even more useless in PvE. Many groups will not run with a GWF in a dungeon because of a number of already weakened abilities in order to balance for PvP.
As it is, my Sent GWF is already Semi-Retired because of the broken mechanics of the game (there is no love for GWF in this game) ... just waiting for the Archer/Ranger to come along...
Hell why are we discussing GWF here, GF is the more unkillable and OP between the two, the only reason GWF stand out is they can sprint/follow kill prey which the GF cannot do and killing noobs like the OP hence more complain for GWF.
As it is, my Sent GWF is already Semi-Retired because of the broken mechanics of the game (there is no love for GWF in this game) ... just waiting for the Archer/Ranger to come along...
Hell why are we discussing GWF here, GF is the more unkillable and OP between the two, the only reason GWF stand out is they can sprint/follow kill prey which the GF cannot do and killing noobs like the OP hence more complain for GWF.
So your desire is that the squishiest of DPS should be able to kill the tankiest of tanks 1v1? Why is everyone concerned about 1v1 anyway, PvP has never been and never will be about 1v1. It's a 5v5 match and kills dont make any difference whatsoever. You hold points and work as a team and you win.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
S. It's a 5v5 match and kills dont make any difference whatsoever. You hold points and work as a team and you win.
Well said. Here's an analogy:
Cribstaxxx and I are playing basketball. We zone defense and shoot for the hoops. The OP doesn't know about basketball, but he does know football! He wants to run around tackling people. When he is on our team we say 'no man, control your zone and shoot some baskets and stop trying to tackle people', but he says 'no! tackling people is fun!'. Well, its basketball, not football, and tackling scores no points for the team.
So ya, you have to expect L2P and "what's your GS questions".
Incomplete information is exactly that.
If you have nothing useful to add to this discussion, please leave.
I love pvp ... but not Neverwinter domination pvp.
Gauntlygrym pvp is very fun. In 20vs20, there are no unkillable players. One or two tanky players can not defend a single point very long. In domination pvp, with only 5 players per team, one or two tank players can more easily hold a point against the enemy.
You found me in Protector's Enclave. Taunted me and then immediately logged out.
I wanted to reply to you, but you went offline.
My GS is irrelevant. Your attempts to turn this debate into a personal attack against me will fail.
Please keep bumping this thread. My hope is that, one day, there are no more unkillable players in domination pvp, and at that time, I will play pvp domination again.
There is nothing fun about fighting an unkillable player 1v1. It's a pointless, waste of time.
I don't understand why this is so difficult to comprehend.
Gear up, then learn to play.
If I could down gear these unkillable players, then it would be possible to kill them.
In a 1v1 fight, no amount of gearing up or learning to play will turn a High HP, high regen, unstoppable spamming, run away and heal GWF into an easily killed opponent. Only way to have reasonable chance to kill them is wait until they make a mistake or to outnumber them. Needing 2 or more players to kill one player is not fair in any way, in my opinion.
When you see CWs, DCs, TRs in PvP, not the best of the best in class and full PvP spec etc. But decent, with obvious effort put in their gear and having good knowledge of their class.
Do you feel you are endangered? Or do you think them as your prey?
I've played against many of Mindflayer's decent to very good PvPers and I already know the answer. I hope I'll see some sincerity. This answer, if honest, should be enough.
And yes, I still maintain that if you are very good at one thing, you must compensate by lacking others.
So no good survivability and good damage and good CC all in one, please.
I am complaining about unkillable players in 1v1 fights .... no complaints about players who can kill.
I see DC and me alone, leave it alone,... if i have teamate... KILLLL DC
I see GF .... IGNORE......
I see TR ..... good challenge... FOOD... most of them...
I see GWF lowbie gear,... Kill..... GWF same gear.... Ignore till last...
As far as 'unkillable' being no fun, you should know that making a match not fun for the other team is a strategy we old folks use against the young bucks. You lose patience and then you lose the match.
What is good in life? Bait enemies. See them run off the platform. Read their lamentations in the forums.
Oh the main Troll is tha house and he can type lol
Wow troll talking to himself.... LOL.
cool story brah GS makes you stronger lol feal the mantra
How about this idea ....
Let's enable god mode for all players in pvp. No one will die. We fight over point control.
Does that sound fun to you? To me, it sounds like a long agonizing session of button mashing.
No god mode in pvp please. No godly, unkillable players. No thank you.
What.. when did i said that... don't put words into my mouth.. trolololololol.
agree whit this and real full dps build GWF have the same hp as CW but less damage then control focused CW
CW can dodge + cc lock u nonstop and only time when u will get close to it is when unstoppable to get unstoppable u need to lose almost all hp and cw will still easy outrun u then
CW can easy take down all your def and if 2x cw in team u wont have any resist or will even go to -%
Please don't tell your life story here... trolololololololol
Yes that is sad and truth,but this is whay I am leveling sentinel atm and buying tenebris runes if game is broken let it be ...
coll story brah but your mouth are still full ... good thing you have hands free hehe
On a count of 3...
Hell why are we discussing GWF here, GF is the more unkillable and OP between the two, the only reason GWF stand out is they can sprint/follow kill prey which the GF cannot do and killing noobs like the OP hence more complain for GWF.
Nooooooo I have to agree with GS junkie hehe
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Well said. Here's an analogy:
Cribstaxxx and I are playing basketball. We zone defense and shoot for the hoops. The OP doesn't know about basketball, but he does know football! He wants to run around tackling people. When he is on our team we say 'no man, control your zone and shoot some baskets and stop trying to tackle people', but he says 'no! tackling people is fun!'. Well, its basketball, not football, and tackling scores no points for the team.