Dragon beams hit random areas, not designated by the red cone / circle.
I have seen people been hit who are behind the dragon, 30 yards away. The red circles/cones "lie", if you will.
My last 10 attempts on Castle Never / Malabog Castle have been ended due to no fault of my group. We can't dodge invisible beams. It happens EVERY single run.
This is such a joke.
PS.. The dragon knockback in castle never is sending people over the wall... regularly...
Dragon beams hit random areas, not designated by the red cone / circle.
I have seen people been hit who are behind the dragon, 30 yards away. The red circles/cones "lie", if you will.
My last 10 attempts on Castle Never / Malabog Castle have been ended due to no fault of my group. We can't dodge invisible beams. It happens EVERY single run.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited September 2013
Don't forget that the wing buffet is much larger than the red splat, large enough that it hits you no matter where you are standing when fighting Draco in CN. Couple that with the ITC bug (doesn't provide knockback immunity anymore). It's fun.
Yup, this is complete BS, and should be top-priority, on the bright side, prices are up, and the few that are skilled enough to pull it off reaps the spoils of the greater difficulty. But, if they wanted to make the dungeon harder, they could've just done that, instead of letting the hardest two dungeons in the game (supposed to be at least) have endbosses bugged to the level where it's easier to just ignore the red stuff, and do like in the old days, learn the range by heart and learn to see what attack he uses when and against who.
I have seen the red beam hit people who are 45 yards away behind him and to the side of him. Literally on the other side of the map.
The only way to beat it , is to get lucky. My guild runs normally end when 4/5 of us are hit by an invisible red and everyone rage quits. It happened 6 times in a row last night.
Any PWE comment on the broken state of the dragons?
pandapaulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 424Bounty Hunter
edited September 2013
Seems like a large range of bugs they absolutely refuse to comment on
Worst thing I'm a GWF and the GWF MC offhand only drops from the dragon.. Everytime I'm in a pt that attempts the dragon.. Ends up with a wipe with this bug usually around the 40% hp mark. So now no one runs MC 3/3.. Meaning no chance getting new weapon set either
My guild refuses to go back because of ridiculously high chance of the whole group getting 1-shot, even though NONE OF US ARE STANDING ANYWHERE NEAR RED!!!!!!!
The same issue goes for Dracolich - however that fight also suffers from some of the worst fight design in the history of any MMO. It literally requires a strange semi exploit mechanic, where Red Wizards are kept alive outside of the map. This makes no sense, and forces groups to bring 3 control wizards. What a joke.
Alas, I would just be happy to see them fix the general issue with dragons asap.
I ran with Panda and 3 more from our guild the other night. It was so easy until the dragon that I could have healed in my sleep (Panda is an insanely geared GWF and we had Ezio who is among the top 5 TRs on Beholder). We managed to get him to about 40% every time. The dragon breath bugged completely and knocked out 3 or 4 of us all standing outside the red beam, the tank never even got hit. I count this as a bug and hope that it is addressed in the (very) near future.
We wiped once because Valindra appeared standing in the same spot as the dragon and none of us could target him. I can live with that, but the breath in random directions is just so frustrating and needs to be addressed.
I believe this is more widespread than just certain bosses in certain dungeons. I've seen this occur in open zones with common creatures. I was recently running through Icespire Peak and was always getting hit by the Winter Wolves blast attack even when I was well outside of the red, highlighted area of effect.
sarranspMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
I don't know if anyone has reported it but I ran Karrundax last night and, mind you I have completed this dungeon many times, the entire party was getting wrecked by random invisible beams. I was tanking adds on the opposite side of the room and the red line for the beam was pointed opposite to me and I still got the push back and massive damage like I was standing in the beam. It happened at least twice to me personally then a bunch to other party members. Anyways, just stopping in to say, dragons be bugged.
Obviously he isn't one of the top 5 rogues on Beholder if he doesn't know how to control where the breath goes when its triggered. To be honest its safer standing in the red but after you understand the mechanics behind the breath its simple to overcome.
Beholder - Starks of Winterfell
...but yes its broken on every dragon. Likely due to a coding change with the introduction of Fulmi's wider breath.
Confirmed.... Its sooo bad you cant even complete CN or MC! Ontop of the placement its a 1 shot! I was hoping last patch would maybe address this but i guess i was wrong :'c Also during the final boss fight in MC valindra is suppose to make a sound when she grips someone up. Id say it happens about 40% of the time. The other times you look at ur UI panel and someones dead by the time she laughs or makes a noise.
EVERY single attempt was ruined by 'invisible' red beams. After the 2nd air phase, when Fulminorax lands, our entire group was 1-shot (on multiple attempts) despite being A) FAR AWAY FROM THE DRAGON and NO WHERE NEAR ANY RED
I cannot obtain my GWF off hand without killing Fulminorax... and right now.. he is unkillable.
Dragon beams hit random areas, not designated by the red cone / circle.
I have seen people been hit who are behind, beside, well OUT OF RANGE of the dragon, 30, 80 100 yards away. The red circles/cones "lie", if you will.
My last 40+ attempts on Castle Never / Malabog Castle have been ended due to no fault of my group. We can't dodge invisible beams. It happens EVERY single run.
This is such a joke.
-edit for typos-
This is such a massive problem.. I have bolded the OP with some edits.
I have run MC ALL DAY for the past week and a bit to no fkn hope, no matter how good the group is.
Successfully finishing CN/MC appears to be like playing the Lottery right now. If you don't get lucky you'll never have a shot.
Not only CN and MC are affected by this, Karrundax and Mad Dragon are also bugged. I don't know about the Skyhold Skirmish, but I bet that one's messed up too.
Please, fix this!
This game doesn't have that much endgame to begin with, not being able to finish the two main endgame-dungeons because of bugs and not fixing that bug for weeks makes you look like you don't care. I seriously hope that that's not the case.
gastenoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited September 2013
I am so done with you Cryptic. How can you have such poor service. 2 weeks that your top end game dungeons are bugged out like this. Go **** yourselves. I am done supporting you and your broken *** game. You will NOT survive another year with this type of service.
yep this **** this
The only way to beat it , is to get lucky. My guild runs normally end when 4/5 of us are hit by an invisible red and everyone rage quits. It happened 6 times in a row last night.
Worst thing I'm a GWF and the GWF MC offhand only drops from the dragon.. Everytime I'm in a pt that attempts the dragon.. Ends up with a wipe with this bug usually around the 40% hp mark. So now no one runs MC 3/3.. Meaning no chance getting new weapon set either
My guild refuses to go back because of ridiculously high chance of the whole group getting 1-shot, even though NONE OF US ARE STANDING ANYWHERE NEAR RED!!!!!!!
The same issue goes for Dracolich - however that fight also suffers from some of the worst fight design in the history of any MMO. It literally requires a strange semi exploit mechanic, where Red Wizards are kept alive outside of the map. This makes no sense, and forces groups to bring 3 control wizards. What a joke.
Alas, I would just be happy to see them fix the general issue with dragons asap.
We wiped once because Valindra appeared standing in the same spot as the dragon and none of us could target him. I can live with that, but the breath in random directions is just so frustrating and needs to be addressed.
Beholder - Starks of Winterfell
...but yes its broken on every dragon. Likely due to a coding change with the introduction of Fulmi's wider breath.
EVERY single attempt was ruined by 'invisible' red beams. After the 2nd air phase, when Fulminorax lands, our entire group was 1-shot (on multiple attempts) despite being A) FAR AWAY FROM THE DRAGON and
I cannot obtain my GWF off hand without killing Fulminorax... and right now.. he is unkillable.
These fights are COMPLETELY dependent on getting lucky and not getting killed by a "bugged" dragon spell.
**** you PWE. **** you
This is such a massive problem.. I have bolded the OP with some edits.
I have run MC ALL DAY for the past week and a bit to no fkn hope, no matter how good the group is.
Not only CN and MC are affected by this, Karrundax and Mad Dragon are also bugged. I don't know about the Skyhold Skirmish, but I bet that one's messed up too.
Please, fix this!
This game doesn't have that much endgame to begin with, not being able to finish the two main endgame-dungeons because of bugs and not fixing that bug for weeks makes you look like you don't care. I seriously hope that that's not the case.
**** you PWE.
****in jokesters
I thought
"Hey what is PWE doing there?"
PWE is trashcan.
Fix for red zones is on its way, folks.