Still wondering why Sune sponsors a farmer's festival...
I would certainly love for them to change all the involved text and items so it was a festival of Chauntea instead, but I just don't know how possible that would be data or code wise.
When they bring this back next year I hope they'll rethink the flower collecting part. As it is now you have people following around others waiting for them to start fighting the kobolds then they swoop in and collect the flowers.
Hopefully people like that die in tire fires because that's what they deserve for being lowlife scum.
doesn't bother me, I'm only doing it for the quest and there are plenty of flowers. the kind of scum that steal flowers know they are scum, and that's good enough for me ...
I've had level 60s swoop in and steal flowers from under my then-level 7 GF while she was fighting off a mob of kobolds, which is startlingly difficult when you're in whites and greens and inexperienced in how GFs work. It's annoying, but then there are plenty of people who offer to help white-/green-clad peeps gather flowers by helping to slay the kobolds and picking up their drops while leaving the flower patches for their partner, so both get a share in the flowers and the fun. It's certainly not all bad.
I enjoyed the events, though I don't want to do them over and over just to farm mats. Also, kind of hate the flower stealing and pig camping. But I like the area - it's a pleasant change. It was fun getting surrounded by trolls and fighting my way out.
Last week, I griped about how all of the profession icons are male. Lo and behold, we finally get a female icon, and what does she do? She cooks and makes party favors! Not to mention that she looks like a Barbie doll (where is the female orc smith, huh?) Wow, Neverwinter devs, REALLY? Do you have no women on staff, or are you doing this deliberately just to insult your female players? I would almost laugh, it's so ludicrous.
I smell feminism in this post.
I honestly don't think any of it at all.
And of course, that Blue Ribbon Pig is the King of Swine. The more divine porcine mount in all the realm! And it shall be mine... in 4 days! Sadly blew $20 on lockboxes for trade bars and only ended up with... 10 Sune favors.
ministerofchangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited September 2013
My biggest complaint is on Test the Favor vendor had these bags of Flower petals that you could buy for 5 Favor and would give somewhere from 100 to 1000 petals when you opened them. I have no use for the mounts since my account already has 2 "always and forever" , but the flower bags would help me greatly and cut down on some of the farming issues for others I think
My biggest complaint is on Test the Favor vendor had these bags of Flower petals that you could buy for 5 Favor and would give somewhere from 100 to 1000 petals when you opened them.
Well I've noticed that the calendar is listing some sort of special festival period in the final week: Maybe the big petal bag you mention will show up then?
The Seeker - 60 DC (11.5k GS)
Faithless - 60 CW (10k GS)
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
I smell feminism in this post.
I honestly don't think any of it at all.
And of course, that Blue Ribbon Pig is the King of Swine. The more divine porcine mount in all the realm!
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