Anyway, you all make a good point about the flowers, so I will remove the flowers from the original objects as well as provide new versions that have flowers.
superdank808Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Anyway, you all make a good point about the flowers, so I will remove the flowers from the original objects as well as provide new versions that have flowers.
Try googling only "ivy" images -- no flowers anywhere. (I originally googled "ivy flowers" as well and got flowers - not necessarily ivy)
But, you're the bomb! Put up a nice big sign in the artists rooms "Thou shalt not radically change existing details - make new ones!"
I republished my quest and was thankful to find everything working as intended including the portals, however, there is one small issue. I have several NPC wolves that have dialogue trees. (). When you interact with them the camera focused at their head, now post patch, it focus' on their feet/paws. It happens to all of them, on both indoor & outdoor maps and I do use several different models & sizes including wolf mount and the smaller wolves. It doesn't matter if I reposition them, delete and replace them, they all continue to have the same problem. They have nice feet but i'd rather my players look them in the eye. Thanks for reading my post! ~Avi~
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Copy/Paste Short Code: NW-DDKQRRF9P
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
The 1kx1k black depthfade is a lot more reactive to effects than the smaller versions. It clips (on/ off, showing silhouettes of background) on light sources, most likely. So far, water reflection and Afternoon backdrop (both Outdoor maps) have shown reactions. This quite limits its usefulness.
I've yet to hear about/ use other colours in this manner.
Suggested workaround: remove light sources behind the fade, including backdrop (Master on Outdoor works if no other light source is present.)
Suggested fix: deepen the fade/ thicken it.
Anyway, you all make a good point about the flowers, so I will remove the flowers from the original objects as well as provide new versions that have flowers.
Thanks Mapolis!
Ivy certainly can have flowers but the stereotypical ones do not. Personally I'd use both but I can see why players would prefer no flowers and wouldn't want to change all of their content to new models without flowers.
I republished my quest and was thankful to find everything working as intended including the portals, however, there is one small issue. I have several NPC wolves that have dialogue trees. (). When you interact with them the camera focused at their head, now post patch, it focus' on their feet/paws. It happens to all of them, on both indoor & outdoor maps and I do use several different models & sizes including wolf mount and the smaller wolves. It doesn't matter if I reposition them, delete and replace them, they all continue to have the same problem. They have nice feet but i'd rather my players look them in the eye. Thanks for reading my post! ~Avi~
This change happened with a previous patch. One way to work around it is to place an invisible clicky in front of the animal, then put the contact dialog on the clicky instead. When the player "talks" to the clicky, the camera view doesn't change. Have the clicky appear when "objective in progress."
I had a pig standing in a puddle of water, and originally the dialog view angled down at him and even saw him step toward you when he was supposed to follow, it was perfect. After a previous patch, the dialog view showed half under ground, and his feet under water, it was horrible. So i used the invisible clicky, and it worked great.
Okay, so I'm in the 3d edit mode and I right click to bring the properties editor up. Box comes up, no problem. I want to manually enter a value into one of the boxes, say setting the R-axis rotation to zero, to line it up with something. I click in the box, I type 0, I click out of the box and BOOM! Asset vanishes.
Vanishes? Yup. Vanishes.
In fact, it hasn't completely vanished. It's dropped about 10 feet into the ground. (Although if you're a hundred feet up, it really does vanish into the ground)
So I experiment some more. Does it matter which number I edit? Nope. The asset drops (vertically, only the y-value is changed) no matter which one I set. If I alter the y-value, it itself changes, which is always fun. What about if I edit a non-spatial propety like the Name? Yup, drops through the floor. Let's try the "Appear When" drop down. Okay, nope, that doesn't seem to make it drop down. But look at that, I don't even need to -change- any of the spatial properties. Just clicking in the box, then clicking in a different box makes the object fall.
(by the way: If you're setting up an Appears When trigger (while in 3d mode) and you want "component complete", the "select component" window comes up just fine, but all the objects in it are listed as OBJECT_HAMSTER, where HAMSTER is their #ID, and not their actual name.
Sorry if you guys never tested this bit properly because you didn't think anyone would actually use it. Just an FYI. It's gonna get used. Plz fix )
So I did some testing. And it seems that the y-value is always being reduced by 11.8641. (Well, it was on the 10x10 water plane I was using to test)
Water plane was set to "Y relative to zero altitude", because I added it via dragging from the asset library in 3 mode and as far as I can tell, they come in with Y relative set to zero altitude, which makes sense.
But it happens to any asset that you've placed on the map, whether it was put there in 3D mode, or 2D mode, whether it was set to y relative to terrain or y relative to zero. If you edit the spatial properties in the box, it drops by around 11 feet. Meters. Units. Whatever those numbers represent. Go figure.. (I do not know if it happens to assets in an indoor map. I haven't tested that)
It's kinda annoying. If you could fix this that would go a long way towards making the already almost obsolete 2-d editor truly obsolete.
p.s. When dragging an asset around in 3d edit mode, if my cursor mistakenly goes over the top or right UI panels, then I let go, the asset snaps back to where it was. I do understand why this happens, but do you think you could lock the cursor to the viewport (only when dragging assets around) so that it makes it impossible for it to happen?
It happens quite frequently for me. Maybe I'm just HAMSTER with my dragging-asset skillz :cool:
This change happened with a previous patch. One way to work around it is to place an invisible clicky in front of the animal, then put the contact dialog on the clicky instead. When the player "talks" to the clicky, the camera view doesn't change. Have the clicky appear when "objective in progress."
I had a pig standing in a puddle of water, and originally the dialog view angled down at him and even saw him step toward you when he was supposed to follow, it was perfect. After a previous patch, the dialog view showed half under ground, and his feet under water, it was horrible. So i used the invisible clicky, and it worked great.
Thank you for the work-around! It will help greatly and I will impliment them tonight. It is still a band-aid on a problem, and should be addressed at some point, understandably its not a high priority in comparison to most of the other problems I've seen in this thread. Thank you for the help zbkolde
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Copy/Paste Short Code: NW-DDKQRRF9P
I don't know if this has been reported or not. ...snip...
So I did some testing. And it seems that the y-value is always being reduced by 11.8641.
Aha! I'm not crazy! This happened to me Tuesday night only Y-value was being incremented by .278 - and on any entry field I clicked into. But then last night it was fine.
Anyway, you all make a good point about the flowers, so I will remove the flowers from the original objects as well as provide new versions that have flowers.
Thank you so much for the variety of ivy vines and putting the green color version of the dead grass back in! your my hero
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
shaddaxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited August 2013
Has the issue of blue/green torches appearing orange with the proper color light been reported? My quest is unplayable right now (teleporter issue aside).
Please open a better line of communication to the Authors devs. We need more info more consistently. If this is not the proper forum for foundry update information, could someone please let me know where to go to get the latest info from the devs?
Much appreciated,
Author of "The Party" (NW-DD33IHKSH) A wall suddenly appears out of nowhere blocking your path. You turn to notice that the everyone has vanished, their cheers replaced with screams. Unsure what is happening, you decide its best you leave this 'party'... The Party
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The communities priority is on the vines with flowers on them. Once those are fixed then we can move on to important things like teleporters, extra collision planes, depth fade problem and lighting.
The communities priority is on the vines with flowers on them. Once those are fixed then we can move on to important things like teleporters, extra collision planes, depth fade problem and lighting.
They still haven't fixed the pirate ships >.<
So what, the have not fixed the duplicate map bug since "the Stone Age". Not to mention that you can hear only some sounds/music when you have your center speaker volume to maximum. Patience my young padawan.
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Was trying out the new Sky map, and found 'play map' ends me up on Y -994.331 (repeatedly, I did, indeed, use Ctrl-R to reset). 'Play from' added asset doesn't do much better, I either end up in it or under it. Is there a trick to this map I am missing or would this count as a bug?
I also just saw all of the ivy (holy fish! O.O) and am very happy Thank you!
Not sure if this thread is still being monitored, but here goes:
Found and confirmed that Dungeon Hallway: Hallway Straight Short 02 will break quest trails that would otherwise go through that path. When replaced with Straight short 01, quest trail lights up just fine, all other assets remaining the same (well moved one square to make the connection).
The first issue seems to be post-patch, the ones following may be existing ai/pathing bugs...
Human Interior Hallway - L (the smallest one)
Initially I could only move it in 20' increments and it was off-center from larger multi-story residence and could not get any door connections lined up.
After adding/testing/moving a different room asset in 10' increments, L hallway seemed fine and would move in 10' increments.
In my Under Siege! quest (NW-DDT6D6ABS)
Enemy encounters pathing inside asset
I have a broken keep wall (Blackdagger Keep Wall Broken 02) and enemy encounters (giants even) seem to manage to path inside the broken keep wall.
Enemy encounter difficulty pathing
Frost Giants and Ice War Trolls also seem to have difficulty pathing thru "broken" open portcullis/gatehouse. I can go outside gatehouse and "lure" them in thru the gatehouse tunnel, but they seem to need almost a visual line of sight to PC. (note: I also scaled the giants also to be small enough to easily fit thru gatehouse tunnel)
They have become an ugly rusty brownish color. Undoubtedly to "improve" how they look inside Blacklake district. But outside of there, or without extremely dark/night lighting - they look like giant steaming piles of cow manure.
Pleeeease fix - my coal tar in my "Under Siege!" and my "black ooze" in my "Old Magic" now look like cow-pies...literally.
Well, here we go:
Fury of the Feywild now with even more flowers.
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
I'm growing some Ivy in my back yard that has orange flowers on it, but let me google that for you:
Anyway, you all make a good point about the flowers, so I will remove the flowers from the original objects as well as provide new versions that have flowers.
Try googling only "ivy" images -- no flowers anywhere. (I originally googled "ivy flowers" as well and got flowers - not necessarily ivy)
But, you're the bomb! Put up a nice big sign in the artists rooms "Thou shalt not radically change existing details - make new ones!"
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Copy/Paste Short Code: NW-DDKQRRF9P
Scribes' Enclave: Volunteer Foundry Reviewers and Tutors
I've yet to hear about/ use other colours in this manner.
Suggested workaround: remove light sources behind the fade, including backdrop (Master on Outdoor works if no other light source is present.)
Suggested fix: deepen the fade/ thicken it.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
The texture issue on the "mossy Cave Rock" assets was the same as the low res bug, setting graphics to low then high brought the mossy textures back.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Thanks Mapolis!
Ivy certainly can have flowers but the stereotypical ones do not. Personally I'd use both but I can see why players would prefer no flowers and wouldn't want to change all of their content to new models without flowers.
This change happened with a previous patch. One way to work around it is to place an invisible clicky in front of the animal, then put the contact dialog on the clicky instead. When the player "talks" to the clicky, the camera view doesn't change. Have the clicky appear when "objective in progress."
I had a pig standing in a puddle of water, and originally the dialog view angled down at him and even saw him step toward you when he was supposed to follow, it was perfect. After a previous patch, the dialog view showed half under ground, and his feet under water, it was horrible.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Okay, so I'm in the 3d edit mode and I right click to bring the properties editor up. Box comes up, no problem. I want to manually enter a value into one of the boxes, say setting the R-axis rotation to zero, to line it up with something. I click in the box, I type 0, I click out of the box and BOOM! Asset vanishes.
Vanishes? Yup. Vanishes.
In fact, it hasn't completely vanished. It's dropped about 10 feet into the ground. (Although if you're a hundred feet up, it really does vanish into the ground)
So I experiment some more. Does it matter which number I edit? Nope. The asset drops (vertically, only the y-value is changed) no matter which one I set. If I alter the y-value, it itself changes, which is always fun. What about if I edit a non-spatial propety like the Name? Yup, drops through the floor. Let's try the "Appear When" drop down. Okay, nope, that doesn't seem to make it drop down. But look at that, I don't even need to -change- any of the spatial properties. Just clicking in the box, then clicking in a different box makes the object fall.
(by the way: If you're setting up an Appears When trigger (while in 3d mode) and you want "component complete", the "select component" window comes up just fine, but all the objects in it are listed as OBJECT_HAMSTER, where HAMSTER is their #ID, and not their actual name.
Sorry if you guys never tested this bit properly because you didn't think anyone would actually use it. Just an FYI. It's gonna get used. Plz fix
So I did some testing. And it seems that the y-value is always being reduced by 11.8641. (Well, it was on the 10x10 water plane I was using to test)
Water plane was set to "Y relative to zero altitude", because I added it via dragging from the asset library in 3 mode and as far as I can tell, they come in with Y relative set to zero altitude, which makes sense.
But it happens to any asset that you've placed on the map, whether it was put there in 3D mode, or 2D mode, whether it was set to y relative to terrain or y relative to zero. If you edit the spatial properties in the box, it drops by around 11 feet. Meters. Units. Whatever those numbers represent. Go figure.. (I do not know if it happens to assets in an indoor map. I haven't tested that)
It's kinda annoying. If you could fix this that would go a long way towards making the already almost obsolete 2-d editor truly obsolete.
It happens quite frequently for me. Maybe I'm just HAMSTER with my dragging-asset skillz :cool:
Thank you for the work-around! It will help greatly and I will impliment them tonight. It is still a band-aid on a problem, and should be addressed at some point, understandably its not a high priority in comparison to most of the other problems I've seen in this thread. Thank you for the help zbkolde
Copy/Paste Short Code: NW-DDKQRRF9P
Scribes' Enclave: Volunteer Foundry Reviewers and Tutors
Aha! I'm not crazy! This happened to me Tuesday night only Y-value was being incremented by .278 - and on any entry field I clicked into. But then last night it was fine.
I bug reported it in foundry and in Bugs section.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Thank you so much for the variety of ivy vines and putting the green color version of the dead grass back in!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Please open a better line of communication to the Authors devs. We need more info more consistently. If this is not the proper forum for foundry update information, could someone please let me know where to go to get the latest info from the devs?
Much appreciated,
A wall suddenly appears out of nowhere blocking your path. You turn to notice that the everyone has vanished, their cheers replaced with screams. Unsure what is happening, you decide its best you leave this 'party'...
The Party
It has been reported, indeed. It has also been stated that the bug causing this is more complicated than thought.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
They still haven't fixed the pirate ships >.<
So what, the have not fixed the duplicate map bug since "the Stone Age". Not to mention that you can hear only some sounds/music when you have your center speaker volume to maximum. Patience my young padawan.
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
I also just saw all of the ivy (holy fish! O.O) and am very happy
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Found and confirmed that Dungeon Hallway: Hallway Straight Short 02 will break quest trails that would otherwise go through that path. When replaced with Straight short 01, quest trail lights up just fine, all other assets remaining the same (well moved one square to make the connection).
Answer The Raven's Call : Featured Quest NW-DJCDSG3R9 Daily Eligible
- Human Interior Hallway - L (the smallest one)
- Initially I could only move it in 20' increments and it was off-center from larger multi-story residence and could not get any door connections lined up.
- After adding/testing/moving a different room asset in 10' increments, L hallway seemed fine and would move in 10' increments.
In my Under Siege! quest (NW-DDT6D6ABS)Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Pleeeease fix - my coal tar in my "Under Siege!" and my "black ooze" in my "Old Magic" now look like cow-pies...literally.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
If Trigger1 is a (currently) non-visible Interactable component, Encounter will spawn when Trigger2 completes.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
a) change the combat type and movement type outside of edit mode in the 3D preview?
b) have the system remember that, so we don't have to reset it every time we go into 3D preview?
Yep - just hit escape and then change the menus.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]