Mods are asking for suggestions to improve things rather than just complaining. OK then here's my advice on on how to improve things: Get better management PW/Cryptic because your current ones are taking a honey pot/goldmine and destroying it with some really poor choices simply based on short term gain versus long term ROI.
wildfire412001Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 114Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
well, just refund the $59.99 and $19.99 i spent this morning on Feywild Pack and Starter Pack and I'll go on down the road. Haven't used them yet, only got into the game for a few minutes and saw all the posts about Infernos being sold and traded, got sick to my stomach, and logged off. I'll take the rest of the $500+ I spent buying Zen to buy keys for my Nightmare boxes and Profession Packs (trying to get Inferno, Mystic Inferno, Mystic Phoera, and Lillend) as a loss. You could have at LEAST given the players who HAVE paid real money and didn't get all these free Infernos or take advantage of the bug a free Stag Mount or something. "If you received a Heavy Inferno Nightmare Mount during this time, enjoy it!" just made all my hard work and hard earned money pretty much worthless. Thank you for that slap in my face!
**if i'd only read the forums this morning BEFORE i bought that stuff, but noooooooo, i trusted this game and PW and
actually scheduled today to be OFF just so i could play and i went and bought the packs, all ready to start playing and wham! ran into the server down and all the messages on FB and then in here ... i just wish i had read the forums ... note to self! i sent a request for refund, see what happens.
Yea I made some good friends here and had a great time playing with all of you guys who knows me but this is too much to tolerate it is RIP game. TAKE CARE :P
wildfire412001Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 114Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Diablo 3 comes out on PS3 and 360 on September 3rd ... that ought to be good til something else comes out.
slayorianMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
First of all no I'm not quitting or anything like that over this issue, and I did end up with one Nightmare for myself, but I doubt I'll be buying any keys and opening any new lockboxes (until the next bug comes along).
My main problem is the fact that next time there's a bug the developers have set the precedent that you should exploit it as much and as fast as possible and you will be rewarded for your efforts. Now opening a lockbox isn't an exploit necessarily but there were a great number of players that did not participate for fear of bans or assuming they would just be rolled back.
Just think about that, the players who were online seeing literally hundreds of Nightmares dropping could have done so but seeing that it was clearly not an intentional feature they abstained. So what these players who decided not to utilize this exploit / bug get is a slap in the face and are basically told next time you see something like this happen join along.
I can't understand why they couldn't do a 30 minute rollback of the game, fix the problem, and then restart. It would have been a bit inconvenient but at least then players wouldn't be rewarded to exploiting bugs.
Amen to that. Amen to that. I was quite happy with the game yesterday. Even despite incoming nerfs. But now, just totally lost faith that this game is going in the right direction. Completely disenchanted with the game now. I guess I'm still holding out a shred of hope that the devs will try to clean up their mess.
Mods are asking for suggestions to improve things rather than just complaining. OK then here's my advice on on how to improve things: Get better management PW/Cryptic because your current ones are taking a honey pot/goldmine and destroying it with some really poor choices simply based on short term gain versus long term ROI.
to sink the ship, before leaving the game, try to spread the word on facebook/twitter, coz a lot of ppl still aren't aware of this.
On the first day of its long waited module 1, Cryptics' Neverwinter Online witnessed a huge wave of exploit which allows a precious epic item to be obtained at 1/20 of its original market cost, a bug that has been reported on its own test server 6 days prior to the launch, but received no attention from the devs. After the incident, Cryptics did not perform any rollbacks and expressed no intention of taking any sort of measures against the exploiters, neither are they willing to track down the exploited epic items.
Well since the people who exploited can enjoy their new mounts I hope cryptic "enjoys" the 65$ i spent so far and is content with cobwebs in my accounts wallet from now on. I was going to get some goodies when I got paid friday and was getting the feywild pack. Not anymore. Now I have some spare money and other games to consider.
Try the new Final Fantasy MMO. Great storyline, generic MMO play style for the most part with a nice few unique additions. That's what I'm doing.
Cheers, I'll give it a try.
Is it up & running at this time? I'll check it out tommorow on my desktop (its 01:20 atm, just here to flame against PWE incompitence on my laptop while watching tv lol)
You could have performed a rollback to save the game, but you didn't...
Now to get all those people back, you need to sack a manager or something (like they did with diablo3)
flitser87Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
to sink the ship, before leaving the game, try to spread the word on facebook/twitter, coz a lot of ppl still aren't aware of this.
On the first day of its long waited module 1, Cryptics' Neverwinter Online witnessed a huge wave of exploit which allows a precious epic item to be obtained at 1/20 of its original market cost, a bug that has been reported on its own test server 6 days prior to the launch, but received no attention from the devs. After the incident, Cryptics did not perform any rollbacks and expressed no intention of taking any sort of measures against the exploiters, neither are they willing to track down the exploited epic items.
Posting it on every cryptic & pwe related page to rub it in lol
Cheers, I'll give it a try.
Is it up & running at this time? I'll check it out tommorow on my desktop (its 01:20 atm, just here to flame against PWE incompitence on my laptop while watching tv lol)
Not quite yet. Open beta was last weekend, early access for pre-orders is Friday night/Saturday morning, full launch is the 27th @ 2PM PSD.
Since exploiting bugs to unlock loads of epic mounts is endorsed. Can we expect anything to even things up for the legit players?
Or is the consolation prize the opportunity to buy exploited nightmare mounts for 500k rather than 1 million from the "lucky" players who saved up keys to exploit this bug today?
Maybe they'll give people a useless cloak with a nightmare on it and let us use "I have nightmares" as a title.
Mods are asking for suggestions to improve things rather than just complaining. OK then here's my advice on on how to improve things: Get better management PW/Cryptic because your current ones are taking a honey pot/goldmine and destroying it with some really poor choices simply based on short term gain versus long term ROI.
Where are they asking for suggestions? I'll give them a few...
My plan for today was to roll up a Sun Elf CW using my last open slot. In the next couple of weeks I would have picked up the Feywild pack to get the AD, mount, companion and extra slot to use when the Ranger came out. In between I likely would have spent $100 on Zen to expand bank slots and some extra Bags. Future purchases would have revolved around Paragon Paths and future game additions. Now? Nada. I won't spend another dime on this game. Ever.
flitser87Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Not quite yet. Open beta was last weekend, early access for pre-orders is Friday night/Saturday morning, full launch is the 27th @ 2PM PSD.
not far off, I'll continue a couple of days on APB reloaded and then hit Final Fantasy. Cheers for the info!
This ship is sinking anyways. Onward to something better!
It's whatever. The game just got off the ground, and honestly they were doing a pretty good job up to this point. This whole pay to play module really hasn't worked out anywhere. I'd rather pay my monthly fee so that companies are forced to come out with decent content and aren't focussed so much on daily sales. It's just mind blowing how they actually believe that not rolling back is gonna be worth all the people who are going to quit. I personally will never play this game again until/if they do a rollback. I spent a couple hours a day farming CN to make AD, and I know a guy on my friends list who made 40 mill in 2 hours from box exploiting. Sad day for Cryp, later guys
bpskibbenheimsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 210Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Oh noes a rare mount that was do rare you only got a notification someone was getting one every 5 minutes was given out at a higher rate due to a bug that was promptly fixed. The sky is falling. This game is dead. I want to live as a woman named Michelle.
Seriously all this uproar cause a mount was given out at a higher rate on accident? They are losing money for their mistake. More people have it so less will spend for it. They could have rolled back and people would be pissed they lost the mount cause they spent money an I isn't their fault there was this bug.
On beholder they were 800-900k last time I looked before the patch , just now after I logged off a hour or so ago there was one at 500k or so , I'm guessing people are saving them to make a fortune when the market evens out again...
The AH is global and the lowest I have seen today is over 900k, so no change since the patch.
There are currently 24 Epic mounts for sale. Not sure how many you would normally see, but with servers busier than normal and players receiving the AD from their pre-orders, you would expect to see more than usual anyway. I really don't think this was the sky falling scenario some people think it was and Cryptic - who have all the data - probably made the best decision they could.
flitser87Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh noes a rare mount that was do rare you only got a notification someone was getting one every 5 minutes was given out at a higher rate due to a bug that was promptly fixed. The sky is falling. This game is dead. I want to live as a woman named Michelle.
Seriously all this uproar cause a mount was given out at a higher rate on accident? They are losing money for their mistake. More people have it so less will spend for it. They could have rolled back and people would be pissed they lost the mount cause they spent money an I isn't their fault there was this bug.
U clearly havent been ingame when it happened... Nor are u aware of this exploiting that was allready adressed in the test server. And u clearly didnt read PWE response to it.
Oh noes a rare mount that was do rare you only got a notification someone was getting one every 5 minutes was given out at a higher rate due to a bug that was promptly fixed. The sky is falling. This game is dead. I want to live as a woman named Michelle.
Seriously all this uproar cause a mount was given out at a higher rate on accident? They are losing money for their mistake. More people have it so less will spend for it. They could have rolled back and people would be pissed they lost the mount cause they spent money an I isn't their fault there was this bug
Thank you for making yourself look like a complete idiot lol. Probably one of the duds who dipped into mommy's purse to make a ton of ad. As for it being a "bug". They knew about it on the test servers for a very long time and did nothing to fix it. It was absolutely intended and they ruined an absolute gold mine they had their hands on
The AH is global and the lowest I have seen today is over 900k, so no change since the patch.
There are currently 24 Epic mounts for sale. Not sure how many you would normally see, but with servers busier than normal and players receiving the AD from their pre-orders, you would expect to see more than usual anyway. I really don't think this was the sky falling scenario some people think it was and Cryptic - who have all the data - probably made the best decision they could.
The price is not changing as the exploiters are in no rush selling their items, since Cryptics just reassured them "enjoy it"... not because there aren't a lot of mounts out there...
I'm gonna miss ya buddy! Played several times with ya
Going to leave this sinking ship to. PWE, I'll be dancing on your downfall.
Envious Divine is gone from any PWE game! **** that company
**if i'd only read the forums this morning BEFORE i bought that stuff, but noooooooo, i trusted this game and PW and
actually scheduled today to be OFF just so i could play and i went and bought the packs, all ready to start playing and wham! ran into the server down and all the messages on FB and then in here ... i just wish i had read the forums ... note to self!
Amen to that. Amen to that. I was quite happy with the game yesterday. Even despite incoming nerfs. But now, just totally lost faith that this game is going in the right direction. Completely disenchanted with the game now. I guess I'm still holding out a shred of hope that the devs will try to clean up their mess.
Try the new Final Fantasy MMO. Great storyline, generic MMO play style for the most part with a nice few unique additions. That's what I'm doing.
On the first day of its long waited module 1, Cryptics' Neverwinter Online witnessed a huge wave of exploit which allows a precious epic item to be obtained at 1/20 of its original market cost, a bug that has been reported on its own test server 6 days prior to the launch, but received no attention from the devs. After the incident, Cryptics did not perform any rollbacks and expressed no intention of taking any sort of measures against the exploiters, neither are they willing to track down the exploited epic items.
Cheers, I'll give it a try.
Is it up & running at this time? I'll check it out tommorow on my desktop (its 01:20 atm, just here to flame against PWE incompitence on my laptop while watching tv lol)
Now to get all those people back, you need to sack a manager or something (like they did with diablo3)
Posting it on every cryptic & pwe related page to rub it in lol
Not quite yet. Open beta was last weekend, early access for pre-orders is Friday night/Saturday morning, full launch is the 27th @ 2PM PSD.
Where are they asking for suggestions? I'll give them a few...
My plan for today was to roll up a Sun Elf CW using my last open slot. In the next couple of weeks I would have picked up the Feywild pack to get the AD, mount, companion and extra slot to use when the Ranger came out. In between I likely would have spent $100 on Zen to expand bank slots and some extra Bags. Future purchases would have revolved around Paragon Paths and future game additions. Now? Nada. I won't spend another dime on this game. Ever.
not far off, I'll continue a couple of days on APB reloaded and then hit Final Fantasy. Cheers for the info!
This ship is sinking anyways. Onward to something better!
Seriously all this uproar cause a mount was given out at a higher rate on accident? They are losing money for their mistake. More people have it so less will spend for it. They could have rolled back and people would be pissed they lost the mount cause they spent money an I isn't their fault there was this bug.
2.) I think you mean incident.
The AH is global and the lowest I have seen today is over 900k, so no change since the patch.
There are currently 24 Epic mounts for sale. Not sure how many you would normally see, but with servers busier than normal and players receiving the AD from their pre-orders, you would expect to see more than usual anyway. I really don't think this was the sky falling scenario some people think it was and Cryptic - who have all the data - probably made the best decision they could.
U clearly havent been ingame when it happened... Nor are u aware of this exploiting that was allready adressed in the test server. And u clearly didnt read PWE response to it.
1) you have to create a new post, then it'll allow you create the poll
2) my bad, typo, thx 4 the correction
Thank you for making yourself look like a complete idiot lol. Probably one of the duds who dipped into mommy's purse to make a ton of ad. As for it being a "bug". They knew about it on the test servers for a very long time and did nothing to fix it. It was absolutely intended and they ruined an absolute gold mine they had their hands on
The price is not changing as the exploiters are in no rush selling their items, since Cryptics just reassured them "enjoy it"... not because there aren't a lot of mounts out there...