I have had just about enough now.. They keep nerfing classes to protect these stupid tene enchants in pvp..
TRs 1 shorting ppl
GWF sentinel build with big dps
GFs being about to 2-3 shot ppl
What is the problem with them all?! It's those **** tene enchants! They are killing this game now.. About to nerf the GWF class into complete oblivion to protect them..
It's about time they actually did what is needed for this game and nerf those stupid enchantments
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
TRs can still 1 shot people without it.
CWs can 1 shot people without it.
GWFs can hit 7k on the tenebrous sentinel build without it.
GFs who are 17-18k GS can still 2-3 shot people.
What's the problem with them all? Their gear > yours. Is it possible to get for yourself? Yes.
pandapaulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 424Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Incorrect... Nerf the GWF this way and it won't be possible to do anything
petpet2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
12.8k GF here. with barely 4000 power, without tenebs I can still 2-3 shot most people (except GWF/GF)
Not gonna happen! This is where they make their money. There are (let's be nice) 'intellectually challenged' people in this game who have spent thousands of dollars, just so they can pawn in PvP. Folks just need to accept the fact that if you want to compete in PvP then you're gonna have to pay.
Being able to build massive damage by building defenses is an extremely toxic element to gameplay. It always has been and the devs should have known better. It isn't like this is some new concept.
They're probably trying to cover up their horrible mistake of not theorycraft/testing Tenebrous in the first place. Now that they've been released/unchanged for so long and people have sunk money into the overpowered Tenebrous, changing them will probably have a negative effect on those people.
In short, they're trying to cover their own behinds with the mistake that was Tenebrous by nerfing classes. This is extremely backwards, though, because these weak classes will be pretty much required to use Tenebrous to compete.
Not gonna happen! This is where they make their money. There are (let's be nice) 'intellectually challenged' people in this game who have spent thousands of dollars, just so they can pawn in PvP. Folks just need to accept the fact that if you want to compete in PvP then you're gonna have to pay.
Agreed. Also tenebrous procs are fine. Im a rogue and i can take it. hehe
TRs can still 1 shot people without it.
CWs can 1 shot people without it.
GWFs can hit 7k on the tenebrous sentinel build without it.
GFs who are 17-18k GS can still 2-3 shot people.
What's the problem with them all? Their gear > yours. Is it possible to get for yourself? Yes.
Okay, my main is a DC, (i have 5 class in one account) but for the last time, TR CAN NOT ONESHOT! Oh my god! Its daily is based on your health, so if he shot the daily when you are full health, then he can almost damage nothing, you heard right.. nothing... just test in on a player. In other hand if you are in half health, then yes he can wipe your other half health in one shot.
GF can stunlock till you die, if you cant avoid the first strike, you are 100% dead. GWF almost can do that too.
CW is shooting ice knife to a full health damages 90%. <- NOW thats the real problem here. Its okay if he could do that when im half health, like TR daily, but 90% health oneshot? REALLY?
TRs can still 1 shot people without it.
CWs can 1 shot people without it.
GWFs can hit 7k on the tenebrous sentinel build without it.
GFs who are 17-18k GS can still 2-3 shot people.
What's the problem with them all? Their gear > yours. Is it possible to get for yourself? Yes.
You got this all wrong it's more like........
Their money put in the "game" > his money spend on the "game"
Also what klixan said seems to be about right. Even though i remember that exact same person trying to bash my posts a couple of weeks ago.
Seems like lots of white-knights are taking of their white helmets and armor and finally see what's actually going on here
Okay, my main is a DC, (i have 5 class in one account) but for the last time, TR CAN NOT ONESHOT! Oh my god! Its daily is based on your health, so if he shot the daily when you are full health, then he can almost damage nothing, you heard right.. nothing... just test in on a player. In other hand if you are in half health, then yes he can wipe your other half health in one shot.
GF can stunlock till you die, if you cant avoid the first strike, you are 100% dead. GWF almost can do that too.
CW is shooting ice knife to a full health damages 90%. <- NOW thats the real problem here. Its okay if he could do that when im half health, like TR daily, but 90% health oneshot? REALLY?
I'm not sure where you get your information, but TR's definately can one shot people. All day long. Lurkers Assault still does 25% extra damage. Depending on the person's gear/defense. Even after the supposed "nerf" to LA, I still am consistently hitting for 23-28k. Thats 90% of the pupulation's health.
Not sure exactly what you mean when you say TR's daily is based of your health. Its a straight 25%dmg increase, as well as increasing the length of Stealth.
Generally, even if I dont one shot someone with LA/LB, my next ability depending on the fight is Impact shot/Dazing Strike. Both of which are capable of hitting 20k(for me), probably higher for some others.
None of this has to do with Tene enchants. I dont have one, nor am I using a G-Vorpal...Still using a Plaguefire.
I mainly PvP, and this becomes a problem in every game that has it because developers are PvE geeks, and have no idea what makes PvP'ers gameplay enjoyable. It's not 1 shotting people. The solution to problems like this is to not allow PvE gear/gains to be used in PvP, and implement gear for PvP only. They already have the mechanic in place to facilitate all of this, but I doubt they will do it. Because they cater to the PvE'ers and not to PvP'ers.
It always amazes me that developers would be so short sighted as to allow players to concentrate on one aspect of their game to excel at completely different aspects of their game. Why should someone that never does PvE, have to spend hours grinding out gear in PvE to do what he likes, which is PvP. On the reverse side of that, why should anyone that never PvP's, be able to take gear that he has grinded in PvE into a PvP environment and be able to destroy PvP players because of some goodies he got doing PvE.
The sad part is this type of imbalance is completely fixable and completely the fault of the developers that it is not being fixed in a timely manner. They don't realize that it hurts not only the players, but the game as a whole, because PvP'ers will move on to another game, than put up with blatant broken game scenarios.
Well haven't been playing as much down from tons and tons of matches a day. Kinda bored with the fact we are still in Beta PvP. only 2 maps to scrimmage on. Also the fact that broken Tene's don't look like there being fixed anytime soon insn't much reassurance to them every trying to fix anything. Tene's are a huge problem and only 1 per character should be worn. Then after that balancing as needed around a real PvP system of 5 + maps 10v10 and ranked arena season. Someone has Tene's just leave don't matter if its 11 matches in a row who cares. Fact is PvP is non existent. There is no competition or ways to prove you are good or even skilled. Till that changes enjoy the beta PvP as much as you can or just play other games would be my suggestion.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Not gonna happen! This is where they make their money. There are (let's be nice) 'intellectually challenged' people in this game who have spent thousands of dollars, just so they can pawn in PvP. Folks just need to accept the fact that if you want to compete in PvP then you're gonna have to pay.
PWE/Cryptic is a business. They make money buy selling Zen. He primary reason to buy Zen is to...
If you take these three away, they're not making money.
If we all stop playing because Tene's make the game suck I won't be buying anymore Zen. They can look at it that way. Fix the game so people actually want to spend money on the game and have more players. Or continue to drive players away, I have bought keys, I have bought 2 bags and a tiger mount.
I will not spend another dime till Tene's are fixed because there is no point to play if they can't fix and balance terrible issues that a mass of players is complaining about. They will make more money by removing them I am sure more players will stick around to actually buy Zen then. If they don't get fixed many including myself will just find a game without broke enchants so in the end its less Zen for them.
Your thinking of the wrong TR Daily. The daily thats been one-shotin people is lurkers assult. Steath+lurkers assult+lashing blade=your face. Thats why they talked about nerfing lurkers assult. Shocking execution has already been nerfed, and not too many people use it anymore because of that
nops, they cant. Average hp at lvl 60 with basic t1 purple gear is over 20k
lashing blade with critical will get you for about 12k UNLESS you have stuff to pump up the base damage or crit sev for the classes, and guess what that stuff is? Thats right, enchants, not exclusivelly tenes, but enchants overall to boost up the offensive ability of the classes.
Enchants are the keyword here, only because of them a TR can lashing crit you for over 24k dmg.
The way i see, cryptic can solve the matter in 2 ways:
1- tone down the offensive enchants, holding back the damage they cause or the amount of them you can use.
2- tone up the defensive enchants, making they keep the pace with the offense enchants so that they still do damage, but the player has means to soak it down.
They are about to be nerfed, they have a 10 sec cooldown on live servers andhave a 20 sec cooldown on test.
They will be working correctly when you can only use 1 Tene per character and they become unique and no longer stackable. Increasing the CD doesn't fix the issue the issue is that you can use more then 1 of them
nops, they cant. Average hp at lvl 60 with basic t1 purple gear is over 20k
lashing blade with critical will get you for about 12k UNLESS you have stuff to pump up the base damage or crit sev for the classes, and guess what that stuff is? Thats right, enchants, not exclusivelly tenes, but enchants overall to boost up the offensive ability of the classes.
Enchants are the keyword here, only because of them a TR can lashing crit you for over 24k dmg.
The way i see, cryptic can solve the matter in 2 ways:
1- tone down the offensive enchants, holding back the damage they cause or the amount of them you can use.
2- tone up the defensive enchants, making they keep the pace with the offense enchants so that they still do damage, but the player has means to soak it down.
Easy as that.
I like the suggestion for more defense maybe even more HP.
Now lets talk about 12k lashing when what they are 40lvl ? The rogue I run with hits 40k crits every match and he isn't fully geared doesn't use tene's of course that would be cheating. Hes getting lashing without lurkers in the 20k range lol so are tons of rogues. They crit for a ton in greens.
I have had just about enough now.. They keep nerfing classes to protect these stupid tene enchants in pvp..
TRs 1 shorting ppl
GWF sentinel build with big dps
GFs being about to 2-3 shot ppl
What is the problem with them all?! It's those **** tene enchants! They are killing this game now.. About to nerf the GWF class into complete oblivion to protect them..
It's about time they actually did what is needed for this game and nerf those stupid enchantments
PANDAPAUL for gwf president
inexgravMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
They could alter the enchants in several ways, remove the defence bypass, Make each proc a dot over 3 sec That can't refresh itself. Lower the proc chance, what i've heard it's about 16% chance to proc it. Make it proc only on encounter abillties. Have it deal dmg based on hp you get left, All these i feel more in line what they should be. There are Weapon/Armor enchants that are alot worse then these ones, and that is just screwed up, Whole community know they are rediculus OP, Devs are ignoring it coz people are still pumpin in real life money into the game to get em.
Btw, the TR Oneshot move, is actually not using Tene, it's using a daily in stealth to buff their Crit Severity, then using Lashing Blade in stealth to wich make it a auto crit. Cheers
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Okay kids, here's the deal.
I have played this game since CBT 1. I have spent $20k on this game.. I have every perfect weapon and armor enchants, BiS and rank 7-8 utility items and all rank 10 on other item for every class and multiple classes/builds. I have tested every build, every theorycraft, every inch of this game. If I've seen something capable of doing, I say it without exaggeration and I don't bull**** like all these people who think they've tested one build and says something isn't possible.
I have through my purchase history nearly up to 1 million zen and supported neverwinter streamers on twitch of up to nearly $5k altogether. I don't need people who've played one class to 60 to say how op tenebrous is now after two nerfs. It is OP but it's not just tenebrous that's causing it alone. I agree on a lot of what this thread is saying and disagree on some but the thread itself is horse ****.
When you're spending up to 40 mil a week on new characters/reslotting, etc each week then come to me and say.. nope, you can NOT 1 shot with such and such.
Its one thing to spend money or more time then everyone else to have a slight advantage, no one should have a problem with that, but to have the advantage that tene's offer with certain builds is over the top you would have to agree.
This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
For some builds and classes, it's true night.. But, even without the tene, those certain builds excel with normal enchants. Depending on encounters used, they can output more overall damage, but rarely more burst damage.
I have played this game since CBT 1. I have spent $20k on this game.. I have every perfect weapon and armor enchants, BiS and rank 7-8 utility items and all rank 10 on other item for every class and multiple classes/builds. I have tested every build, every theorycraft, every inch of this game. If I've seen something capable of doing, I say it without exaggeration and I don't bull**** like all these people who think they've tested one build and says something isn't possible.
I have through my purchase history nearly up to 1 million zen and supported neverwinter streamers on twitch of up to nearly $5k altogether. I don't need people who've played one class to 60 to say how op tenebrous is now after two nerfs. It is OP but it's not just tenebrous that's causing it alone. I agree on a lot of what this thread is saying and disagree on some but the thread itself is horse ****.
When you're spending up to 40 mil a week on new characters/reslotting, etc each week then come to me and say.. nope, you can NOT 1 shot with such and such.
Mmm... are you saying that if you pay a lot, then it's ok to have the chance to play a OP build?
Could as well ask the devs to make some full package "only 20k $ and you can purchase a semi-god to slap your enemies in the face!".
Or this: "for only 20k dollars, purchase a premade exclusive character that can let you solo castle never. No more need for a party! Make your way through castle never alone and go slap that dracolich ***** in the face!".
After all, who cares about game balance. The important thing is to give a big, fat toy, to those big kids that want to spend the price of a car on a MMORPG.
Mmm... are you saying that if you pay a lot, then it's ok to have the chance to play a OP build?
Could as well ask the devs to make some full package "only 20k $ and you can purchase a semi-god to slap your enemies in the face!".
Or this: "for only 20k dollars, purchase a premade exclusive character that can let you solo castle never. No more need for a party! Make your way through castle never alone and go slap that dracolich ***** in the face!".
After all, who cares about game balance. The important thing is to give a big, fat toy, to those big kids that want to spend the price of a car on a MMORPG.
You just sound like a 'sour grapes' to me.. lol!
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Mmm... are you saying that if you pay a lot, then it's ok to have the chance to play a OP build?
Could as well ask the devs to make some full package "only 20k $ and you can purchase a semi-god to slap your enemies in the face!".
Or this: "for only 20k dollars, purchase a premade exclusive character that can let you solo castle never. No more need for a party! Make your way through castle never alone and go slap that dracolich ***** in the face!".
After all, who cares about game balance. The important thing is to give a big, fat toy, to those big kids that want to spend the price of a car on a MMORPG.
No need to resort to ad hominem when you aren't even talking about the topic. The topic of this thread is tenebrous is way too OP so nerfing classes is not right. My case was and still is.. on my very first post (if you've even read it...) , states that ALL THESE THINGS ARE STILL CAPABLE without the tenebrous yet people are saying it's not possible. I mean.. I'm watching HighPriest_Tymora's stream atm, and he's one shotting people as a TR with 0 tenebrous.
Now back to you, personally I think $20k is nothing but I mean if you think it's the price of a car.. then maybe your cars they are -shrugs-. I mean.. some homeless people have $2 cardboard boxes as a house and you just use the price of a house on coffee.. so shame on you? Dumb ****wit.
CWs can 1 shot people without it.
GWFs can hit 7k on the tenebrous sentinel build without it.
GFs who are 17-18k GS can still 2-3 shot people.
What's the problem with them all? Their gear > yours. Is it possible to get for yourself? Yes.
They're probably trying to cover up their horrible mistake of not theorycraft/testing Tenebrous in the first place. Now that they've been released/unchanged for so long and people have sunk money into the overpowered Tenebrous, changing them will probably have a negative effect on those people.
In short, they're trying to cover their own behinds with the mistake that was Tenebrous by nerfing classes. This is extremely backwards, though, because these weak classes will be pretty much required to use Tenebrous to compete.
Agreed. Also tenebrous procs are fine. Im a rogue and i can take it. hehe
Okay, my main is a DC, (i have 5 class in one account) but for the last time, TR CAN NOT ONESHOT! Oh my god! Its daily is based on your health, so if he shot the daily when you are full health, then he can almost damage nothing, you heard right.. nothing... just test in on a player. In other hand if you are in half health, then yes he can wipe your other half health in one shot.
GF can stunlock till you die, if you cant avoid the first strike, you are 100% dead. GWF almost can do that too.
CW is shooting ice knife to a full health damages 90%. <- NOW thats the real problem here. Its okay if he could do that when im half health, like TR daily, but 90% health oneshot? REALLY?
You got this all wrong it's more like........
Their money put in the "game" > his money spend on the "game"
Also what klixan said seems to be about right. Even though i remember that exact same person trying to bash my posts a couple of weeks ago.
Seems like lots of white-knights are taking of their white helmets and armor and finally see what's actually going on here
I'm not sure where you get your information, but TR's definately can one shot people. All day long. Lurkers Assault still does 25% extra damage. Depending on the person's gear/defense. Even after the supposed "nerf" to LA, I still am consistently hitting for 23-28k. Thats 90% of the pupulation's health.
Not sure exactly what you mean when you say TR's daily is based of your health. Its a straight 25%dmg increase, as well as increasing the length of Stealth.
Generally, even if I dont one shot someone with LA/LB, my next ability depending on the fight is Impact shot/Dazing Strike. Both of which are capable of hitting 20k(for me), probably higher for some others.
None of this has to do with Tene enchants. I dont have one, nor am I using a G-Vorpal...Still using a Plaguefire.
It always amazes me that developers would be so short sighted as to allow players to concentrate on one aspect of their game to excel at completely different aspects of their game. Why should someone that never does PvE, have to spend hours grinding out gear in PvE to do what he likes, which is PvP. On the reverse side of that, why should anyone that never PvP's, be able to take gear that he has grinded in PvE into a PvP environment and be able to destroy PvP players because of some goodies he got doing PvE.
The sad part is this type of imbalance is completely fixable and completely the fault of the developers that it is not being fixed in a timely manner. They don't realize that it hurts not only the players, but the game as a whole, because PvP'ers will move on to another game, than put up with blatant broken game scenarios.
PWE/Cryptic is a business. They make money buy selling Zen. He primary reason to buy Zen is to...
1. Purchase keys.
2. Purchase tools.
3. Purchase mounts.
If you take these three away, they're not making money.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
If we all stop playing because Tene's make the game suck I won't be buying anymore Zen. They can look at it that way. Fix the game so people actually want to spend money on the game and have more players. Or continue to drive players away, I have bought keys, I have bought 2 bags and a tiger mount.
I will not spend another dime till Tene's are fixed because there is no point to play if they can't fix and balance terrible issues that a mass of players is complaining about. They will make more money by removing them I am sure more players will stick around to actually buy Zen then. If they don't get fixed many including myself will just find a game without broke enchants so in the end its less Zen for them.
nops, they cant. Average hp at lvl 60 with basic t1 purple gear is over 20k
lashing blade with critical will get you for about 12k UNLESS you have stuff to pump up the base damage or crit sev for the classes, and guess what that stuff is? Thats right, enchants, not exclusivelly tenes, but enchants overall to boost up the offensive ability of the classes.
Enchants are the keyword here, only because of them a TR can lashing crit you for over 24k dmg.
The way i see, cryptic can solve the matter in 2 ways:
1- tone down the offensive enchants, holding back the damage they cause or the amount of them you can use.
2- tone up the defensive enchants, making they keep the pace with the offense enchants so that they still do damage, but the player has means to soak it down.
Easy as that.
They will be working correctly when you can only use 1 Tene per character and they become unique and no longer stackable. Increasing the CD doesn't fix the issue the issue is that you can use more then 1 of them
I like the suggestion for more defense maybe even more HP.
Now lets talk about 12k lashing when what they are 40lvl ? The rogue I run with hits 40k crits every match and he isn't fully geared doesn't use tene's of course that would be cheating. Hes getting lashing without lurkers in the 20k range lol so are tons of rogues. They crit for a ton in greens.
PANDAPAUL for gwf president
7x g.tene = 15+m
u cant win with lvl 7-8 dark azure enchants.
Btw, the TR Oneshot move, is actually not using Tene, it's using a daily in stealth to buff their Crit Severity, then using Lashing Blade in stealth to wich make it a auto crit. Cheers
I have played this game since CBT 1. I have spent $20k on this game.. I have every perfect weapon and armor enchants, BiS and rank 7-8 utility items and all rank 10 on other item for every class and multiple classes/builds. I have tested every build, every theorycraft, every inch of this game. If I've seen something capable of doing, I say it without exaggeration and I don't bull**** like all these people who think they've tested one build and says something isn't possible.
I have through my purchase history nearly up to 1 million zen and supported neverwinter streamers on twitch of up to nearly $5k altogether. I don't need people who've played one class to 60 to say how op tenebrous is now after two nerfs. It is OP but it's not just tenebrous that's causing it alone. I agree on a lot of what this thread is saying and disagree on some but the thread itself is horse ****.
When you're spending up to 40 mil a week on new characters/reslotting, etc each week then come to me and say.. nope, you can NOT 1 shot with such and such.
Mmm... are you saying that if you pay a lot, then it's ok to have the chance to play a OP build?
Could as well ask the devs to make some full package "only 20k $ and you can purchase a semi-god to slap your enemies in the face!".
Or this: "for only 20k dollars, purchase a premade exclusive character that can let you solo castle never. No more need for a party! Make your way through castle never alone and go slap that dracolich ***** in the face!".
After all, who cares about game balance. The important thing is to give a big, fat toy, to those big kids that want to spend the price of a car on a MMORPG.
You just sound like a 'sour grapes' to me.. lol!
No need to resort to ad hominem when you aren't even talking about the topic. The topic of this thread is tenebrous is way too OP so nerfing classes is not right. My case was and still is.. on my very first post (if you've even read it...) , states that ALL THESE THINGS ARE STILL CAPABLE without the tenebrous yet people are saying it's not possible. I mean.. I'm watching HighPriest_Tymora's stream atm, and he's one shotting people as a TR with 0 tenebrous.
Now back to you, personally I think $20k is nothing but I mean if you think it's the price of a car.. then maybe your cars they are -shrugs-. I mean.. some homeless people have $2 cardboard boxes as a house and you just use the price of a house on coffee.. so shame on you?