Ok just played the "riddle in the dark" all i can say is wow the work you put into this is amazing makes my mission feel like a 2 year old made it. Nice work the landscapes the dialogue everything was very nicely done. Like all the little things like the notes on the walls, books laying around.
Was confused during the chase scene cause my camera jerked and i went the wrong way but no biggy.
All in all fantastic work looking forward to the rest of the campaign. 5 starred plus a tip to keep you motivated to make more.
I reviewed in game as well.
Thank you for your review on my mission making changes to mine as i type this.
I'm glad you enjoyed the quest, and yes while I probobly will revisit the campaign after i'm done with it. Alot of hours are put into Part 1, mostly because that was my first map, though revisited parts here and there to improve upon it.
Have another hack n' slash planned, as well as a five man dungeon. Fun times
To start with, I’m mainly an author; I play the game but only to play others or my own quests as im more a casual player.
But i can appreciate the work some people do, like yours; it’s very good map design.
Just some notes, noting to big. just things i noticed.
I enjoyed the dialogs and the story, the map were well polished.
I’m not a big fan of hour long quests, as I like to get many foundry quests done, when not in the foundry myself. But what you have done didn’t drag on.
I felt you could do an option with Milak of people that have not done the other three quests.
I would have liked to have done more in Brethren, but I enjoyed looking around.
The statures was all sparkly, could just add something small to click on it.
(Honour and Righteousness, Servitude, testament of vigour, testament of strength
On the objective it said to talk to the two of them but it updated on one.
The doorway at the Righteousness's Trial could be a flat clicker, instead of the whole thing.
I got an error at the Righteousness's Trial; you could add something like you need to do whatever.
The objectives was not clear what to do, I understand you put a hints part in, but still.
Some jumps are just a little hard for small people, but it could just be me.
With the brethren flame, you could have the flame go out, and not the holder also.
You had some stacked encounters; it’s not really a solo friendly quest, unless people want a challenge.
Alter you done all the portals, and had to go and talk to the statue, it appeared on a reach point, not sure if you wanted it like that, or you could put one there to hide when it updates, as it appeared strange, or you could add some effect.
In all, it was very cool, I hope one day I can get my custom map quest out, but it takes so long.
If you could review Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA any notes you have post HERE
To start with, I’m mainly an author; I play the game but only to play others or my own quests as im more a casual player.
But i can appreciate the work some people do, like yours; it’s very good map design.
Just some notes, noting to big. just things i noticed.
I enjoyed the dialogs and the story, the map were well polished.
I’m not a big fan of hour long quests, as I like to get many foundry quests done, when not in the foundry myself. But what you have done didn’t drag on.
I felt you could do an option with Milak of people that have not done the other three quests.
I would have liked to have done more in Brethren, but I enjoyed looking around.
The statures was all sparkly, could just add something small to click on it.
(Honour and Righteousness, Servitude, testament of vigour, testament of strength
On the objective it said to talk to the two of them but it updated on one.
The doorway at the Righteousness's Trial could be a flat clicker, instead of the whole thing.
I got an error at the Righteousness's Trial; you could add something like you need to do whatever.
The objectives was not clear what to do, I understand you put a hints part in, but still.
Some jumps are just a little hard for small people, but it could just be me.
With the brethren flame, you could have the flame go out, and not the holder also.
You had some stacked encounters; it’s not really a solo friendly quest, unless people want a challenge.
Alter you done all the portals, and had to go and talk to the statue, it appeared on a reach point, not sure if you wanted it like that, or you could put one there to hide when it updates, as it appeared strange, or you could add some effect.
In all, it was very cool, I hope one day I can get my custom map quest out, but it takes so long.
If you could review Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA any notes you have post HERE
I'll add a dialogue option for that, good point actually.
If you enjoy the lore/story I suggest check up on Part 1, and Part 2. I make each part unique, because I can't stand repetative things :P
The statues are that to be seen more easily, also details are at 1500. Sadly.
On Easy encounters aren't stacked, Easy is the default but I will clarify. Thanks for putting it out there.
The Brethren Flames are as such because of detail limit at 1500.
The statue appearing as such is intended, also detail limit. But it's actually intended to not have any effects. It's a different world in there, and it's not me being lazy. I love adding details and such.
It was well worth the 5 stars i gave it, you did a great job, I will check out the other two quest when i have the time, hope you enjoy mine, the Sacred Heart is just a quick quest only about 16 mins or a bit longer if you do the side quest for a bit harder fights.
nice work again on the custom maps.
I would say to check out my main quest The wishing ceremony but we can trade off reviews for one of your other quests for that quest if you like.
It was well worth the 5 stars i gave it, you did a great job, I will check out the other two quest when i have the time, hope you enjoy mine, the Sacred Heart is just a quick quest only about 16 mins or a bit longer if you do the side quest for a bit harder fights.
nice work again on the custom maps.
I would say to check out my main quest The wishing ceremony but we can trade off reviews for one of your other quests for that quest if you like.
Ran trials of the five with you the other day. You are a talented map designer. And pretty good verbiage for a non native english speaker. 5 starred and tipped of course.
Ran trials of the five with you the other day. You are a talented map designer. And pretty good verbiage for a non native english speaker. 5 starred and tipped of course.
Hehe, thanks for the kind words , Also updated Part 3. Further improvements made.
FINALLY got that last Brethren done (third time is the charm lol).
I had a terrible time initially with that pedestal jumping, but once past that it was a great ride.
NOTE: the long jump was intentional, so you wanted that there. But it makes me wonder how many people gave up as I had twice.
As I mentioned in comment, extraordinary mapping. You have a vivid imagination and it shows well in your usage of the foundry tools available. Lots here that I thought was grand and totally new.
Do not normally enjoy the puzzles or long quests but the immersion keeps you from thinking about time or the puzzle interaction.
Very well worth the 5 stars. Keep up the great work.
downside: One complaint, not using the Overworld mapping means once you leave for whatever reason you are done. It is maybe a good idea for the longer quests, at least, to utilize them.
Also I fought Carius twice ? It appeared that he respawned, unless that was also intentional.
Minor downsides and any complaints would be nit picks when looking at the overall quest.
the Book Binding series by @HarbingerDrum ----> Help Defeat Lolth's Minions
FINALLY got that last Brethren done (third time is the charm lol).
I had a terrible time initially with that pedestal jumping, but once past that it was a great ride.
NOTE: the long jump was intentional, so you wanted that there. But it makes me wonder how many people gave up as I had twice.
As I mentioned in comment, extraordinary mapping. You have a vivid imagination and it shows well in your usage of the foundry tools available. Lots here that I thought was grand and totally new.
Do not normally enjoy the puzzles or long quests but the immersion keeps you from thinking about time or the puzzle interaction.
Very well worth the 5 stars. Keep up the great work.
downside: One complaint, not using the Overworld mapping means once you leave for whatever reason you are done. It is maybe a good idea for the longer quests, at least, to utilize them.
Also I fought Carius twice ? It appeared that he respawned, unless that was also intentional.
Minor downsides and any complaints would be nit picks when looking at the overall quest.
Carius respawns three times, final time he is an elite.
I'll change it to World map so people may continue even if crash/dc etc. Good that you reminded me.
Glad you enjoyed the quest!
/ My alt account above, (Full HAMSTER on my main, and wanted to have one on dragonslayer.)
Heya, just finished playing The Trials of Five. Great work! Only probs that I noticed were a couple grammar issues here and there. (I'm not really the type to write those down) I can tell how much work you put into the maps. The intricate pathways were really interesting! That snowstorm had me on the edge of my seat :P
Heya, just finished playing The Trials of Five. Great work! Only probs that I noticed were a couple grammar issues here and there. (I'm not really the type to write those down) I can tell how much work you put into the maps. The intricate pathways were really interesting! That snowstorm had me on the edge of my seat :P
Glad you enjoyed it As I said previously though, I will revisit them all once the campaign is completed.
Also, updated Trials of Five. It should now be far easier to aim towards the interactables. Typos fixed, a few minor changes in detail.
Really enjoyed it for the most part, took me a long time though as I was having a good look around.
A couple of things I noticed.
The Dialogue says the Brethren Camp is called Kelrock, the icon on the map says "Willrock".
In the Milak Dialogue he says "are not mine know", that should be "are not mine to know".
At the bottom of the steps in to the Camp, on the left hand side there is a pillar or rock that is "semi floating" and you can see that the bottom plane of it is not complete.
Really enjoyed it for the most part, took me a long time though as I was having a good look around.
A couple of things I noticed.
The Dialogue says the Brethren Camp is called Kelrock, the icon on the map says "Willrock".
In the Milak Dialogue he says "are not mine know", that should be "are not mine to know".
At the bottom of the steps in to the Camp, on the left hand side there is a pillar or rock that is "semi floating" and you can see that the bottom plane of it is not complete.
Will send a PM with more.
All The Best
Many thanks again, red. Above have all been fixed and is being published. Can't thank you enough for the time you took for this.
(Part 1) Version Final (Further improvement will be dialogue only, fixing typos. I'm happy for all those nitpicks you can give me. ) - NW-DLEWTKWKD
Brethren of Five, by Draedis@lolsorhand
Mission Type: Indoor/Outdoor. Storyline/Delve and Exploration. (Classifies as Daily Foundry.)
Average Duration:20-40 minutes.
Amount of Combat: Medium/heavy Difficulty: Normal/Hard - You decide the difficulty/playstyle through sliders.
Starts at: Protectorate, Neverwinter.
Maps: 8, (Home in Protectorate, Meeting Place, The Golden Rooster, Camp, Encounter, Caverns, Shore Camp, Letters in red.)
Suggestions: Read what the conversations say, it's quite important and at some points, certain wordings will have dire consequences.
Mission Summary: After meeting with a mysterious stranger, and heard his offer to find a measly little letter for a good payment, you've decided to (Hopefully) take up on the offer and set off to your first clue of finding this letter. A man named Gromy lives in an encampment quite far away from Neverwinter.
Storyline/Delve with areas for you RPers/Explorers. (Difficulty builds up, last area being harder than the caverns. Enemies avoidable.)
(For those who are interested in the main plotline, exploration is rewarded.)
Difficulty: Solo: Normal/Hard | Duo: Easy/Medium - Party: Easy
(This map is the first part of the campaign "Brethren of the Five." )
PS. I lied about no further building on the map, can't seem to stop.
Recent updates: Tavern now has a basement. Typos fixed. (Not all of them i'm sure.)
Special Thanks to to Tsumoro for playing and recording this, - Riddles in the Dark, Youtube link. - Things noted have been fixed. Still aim to revisit after campaign is complete.
I ran around for hours trying to figure out why I couldn't turn the quest in. Did I miss something? I killed the 'Cursed' monster, then ran back when it said to, to turn in, but when I talked to the Golem, both choices were grayed out.
I am confused.
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
I ran around for hours trying to figure out why I couldn't turn the quest in. Did I miss something? I killed the 'Cursed' monster, then ran back when it said to, to turn in, but when I talked to the Golem, both choices were grayed out.
I am confused.
There's a decent hint that tells you that you would have to search for the letter he drops after more "pressing matters" - Ie. The boss fight there. The Letter is on the ground where Hand of Yrgal stands, though I might clarify that on the original it's intended to be that way. (It's just that it's possible quite easy... Too easy to miss.)
Hi, I'm doing Riddles in the Dark and I am at the part where you are supposed to hand the Bloodied Letter to the Golem. I hand it to him but I can't proceed with the quest because the only two dialogue options are marked "you do not have this skill" and therefore cannot choose either. What should I do?
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
The letter is back where you met "Hand of Yrgal", the OOC text does say that he does - drop it - on the ground, and that you will have to search for it after you have dealt with the more pressing matters.
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Riddles in the Dark -(Non-featured version) - Normal has been made easier, and an easy mode has been added to the chase scene, as well as the final area. Further, clarifcations have been made clearer.
The letter is now a story objective to interact with, should avoid confusion.
The Trials of Five - Revisited the mountain climb to further clarify certain things. Revisited the snowstorm area.
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Went through the quests to improve on a few detail placements, as well as a clarification in The Trials of Five. (The place marker about one's "gut feeling".)
Further improved a few things in The Brethren Song, including mob placement, a few grammar mistakes and a few typos.
I'm glad you enjoyed the quest, and yes while I probobly will revisit the campaign after i'm done with it. Alot of hours are put into Part 1, mostly because that was my first map, though revisited parts here and there to improve upon it.
Have another hack n' slash planned, as well as a five man dungeon. Fun times
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
To start with, I’m mainly an author; I play the game but only to play others or my own quests as im more a casual player.
But i can appreciate the work some people do, like yours; it’s very good map design.
Just some notes, noting to big. just things i noticed.
I enjoyed the dialogs and the story, the map were well polished.
I’m not a big fan of hour long quests, as I like to get many foundry quests done, when not in the foundry myself. But what you have done didn’t drag on.
I felt you could do an option with Milak of people that have not done the other three quests.
I would have liked to have done more in Brethren, but I enjoyed looking around.
The statures was all sparkly, could just add something small to click on it.
(Honour and Righteousness, Servitude, testament of vigour, testament of strength
On the objective it said to talk to the two of them but it updated on one.
The doorway at the Righteousness's Trial could be a flat clicker, instead of the whole thing.
I got an error at the Righteousness's Trial; you could add something like you need to do whatever.
The objectives was not clear what to do, I understand you put a hints part in, but still.
Some jumps are just a little hard for small people, but it could just be me.
With the brethren flame, you could have the flame go out, and not the holder also.
You had some stacked encounters; it’s not really a solo friendly quest, unless people want a challenge.
Alter you done all the portals, and had to go and talk to the statue, it appeared on a reach point, not sure if you wanted it like that, or you could put one there to hide when it updates, as it appeared strange, or you could add some effect.
In all, it was very cool, I hope one day I can get my custom map quest out, but it takes so long.
If you could review Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA any notes you have post HERE
And Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA
A video Review from visigoth18 you can watch it HERE Of Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony.
Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 27 mins.
Sacred Heart is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 16mins.
I'll add a dialogue option for that, good point actually.
If you enjoy the lore/story I suggest check up on Part 1, and Part 2. I make each part unique, because I can't stand repetative things :P
The statues are that to be seen more easily, also details are at 1500. Sadly.
On Easy encounters aren't stacked, Easy is the default but I will clarify. Thanks for putting it out there.
The Brethren Flames are as such because of detail limit at 1500.
The statue appearing as such is intended, also detail limit. But it's actually intended to not have any effects. It's a different world in there, and it's not me being lazy. I love adding details and such.
Will clarify the "error"
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
nice work again on the custom maps.
I would say to check out my main quest The wishing ceremony but we can trade off reviews for one of your other quests for that quest if you like.
And Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA
A video Review from visigoth18 you can watch it HERE Of Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony.
Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 27 mins.
Sacred Heart is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 16mins.
Aye, Sure thing!
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
Hehe, thanks for the kind words
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
I had a terrible time initially with that pedestal jumping, but once past that it was a great ride.
NOTE: the long jump was intentional, so you wanted that there. But it makes me wonder how many people gave up as I had twice.
As I mentioned in comment, extraordinary mapping. You have a vivid imagination and it shows well in your usage of the foundry tools available. Lots here that I thought was grand and totally new.
Do not normally enjoy the puzzles or long quests but the immersion keeps you from thinking about time or the puzzle interaction.
Very well worth the 5 stars. Keep up the great work.
downside: One complaint, not using the Overworld mapping means once you leave for whatever reason you are done. It is maybe a good idea for the longer quests, at least, to utilize them.
Also I fought Carius twice ? It appeared that he respawned, unless that was also intentional.
Minor downsides and any complaints would be nit picks when looking at the overall quest.
1- 20, 2- 35, 3- 18, 4- 20 min
Comments to -> the Book Binding
Carius respawns three times, final time he is an elite.
I'll change it to World map so people may continue even if crash/dc etc. Good that you reminded me.
Glad you enjoyed the quest!
/ My alt account above, (Full HAMSTER on my main, and wanted to have one on dragonslayer.)
Also, i'll get to that now. Just hit lvl 10.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Threads: Part 1: Rising of the Dragons (NW-DNGIC6AJC) | Part 2: Abyssal Pursuit (NW-DESQ9HQAZ)
Glad you enjoyed it
Also, updated Trials of Five. It should now be far easier to aim towards the interactables. Typos fixed, a few minor changes in detail.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Just played Trials Of Five.
Really enjoyed it for the most part, took me a long time though as I was having a good look around.
A couple of things I noticed.
The Dialogue says the Brethren Camp is called Kelrock, the icon on the map says "Willrock".
In the Milak Dialogue he says "are not mine know", that should be "are not mine to know".
At the bottom of the steps in to the Camp, on the left hand side there is a pillar or rock that is "semi floating" and you can see that the bottom plane of it is not complete.
Will send a PM with more.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
Many thanks again, red. Above have all been fixed and is being published. Can't thank you enough for the time you took for this.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
I ran around for hours trying to figure out why I couldn't turn the quest in. Did I miss something? I killed the 'Cursed' monster, then ran back when it said to, to turn in, but when I talked to the Golem, both choices were grayed out.
I am confused.
There's a decent hint that tells you that you would have to search for the letter he drops after more "pressing matters" - Ie. The boss fight there. The Letter is on the ground where Hand of Yrgal stands, though I might clarify that on the original it's intended to be that way. (It's just that it's possible quite easy... Too easy to miss.)
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Riddles in the Dark -(Non-featured version) - Normal has been made easier, and an easy mode has been added to the chase scene, as well as the final area. Further, clarifcations have been made clearer.
The letter is now a story objective to interact with, should avoid confusion.
The Trials of Five - Revisited the mountain climb to further clarify certain things. Revisited the snowstorm area.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
(And there's loads of those!)
Looking forward to the next part!
Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3
The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)
Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63
Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
Part 4 is making good progress, and will be out by next week I believe.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Threads: Part 1: Rising of the Dragons (NW-DNGIC6AJC) | Part 2: Abyssal Pursuit (NW-DESQ9HQAZ)
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Gave it 4 stars and 500 tip good work.
Glad you liked it!
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Further improved a few things in The Brethren Song, including mob placement, a few grammar mistakes and a few typos.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Further typos fixed, the buggy manor guardians are no more. May they rest in peace.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash