My favourite is the Trailer, because I sent it to my older brother to show him what i was playing...his reaction was: WTF can I join U?
thanks for making me feel proud of be playing before him haha now he's my favorite companion
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
acidicwindMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Become A Knight of the Feywild is definitely my favorite recent video. I love the new race, companion, regalia, and other goodies available in the pack!
Gives me something to strive for.
I like it... it actually had a story.
I like it because it demonstrates just how action packed gauntlgrym is!
Its very nice that you don't forget what you did earlier. The dragon looks the same as it is in Malabog castle.
This one is pretty ossam to.
Can't wait to see what you will be making next !
And those keyboards mmm, it looks so bagstardish ! Wish i had one
A masterpiece among many great movies. A few words and a lot of power! Makes me want to play again and again.
Love the opening cinematic.
Moon Elves looking awesome.
this, obliviusly!
< Guild: Gravity X Game >
thanks for making me feel proud of be playing before him haha now he's my favorite companion
I hope the day comes than We can call that Vegeta's phrase "It's over 9000!!" Pretty good video
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Was like a tour guide at the start.
it shows combat style for different classes with epic music and a story.
I truly cannot wait to snag this pack!!
one of my faovirtes too
i think this is the best, this made me sure
this is a game I JUST HAVE TO PLAY!