cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
edited August 2013
I want them to give me back everything we lost to PVE... then make a PVP nerf separate from PVE. I could deal with the nerfs if
A) You leave PVE alone You nerf GF Chain Juggle
C) Combo freezes from CW
D) Run/unstoppable/heal glitch from GWF
E) ahh I'm bullshotting!
Come on if people stop trying to 1v1 in PVP domination... they would realize TRs are pretty **** easy to kill.
We have trouble with GFs, GWFs other TRs, and good ranged CWs. Only class we don't have problems against are DCs... and a good DC can wait you out with heals until help arrives.
I play every class (well except CW which I deleted... **** demon tail was urking me) XD
Want to make a Perma Stealth TRs life miserable... take a TR/CW combo with Path of Blade, Hold, Freeze, Smoke Bomb. Unless he's smart he's dead.
percefusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Nothing was class breaking before. When you are that high up on the food chain at least. Damage from stealth should still break it. I can dream I guess some day.
You know abombination247 many people here have tried to explain things to you and even given you examples with actual facts. You seem to acknowledge them one minute and then casually forget the next. What is becoming all the more clear is that your sole intent and purpose in our class forum is to disrupt and annoy those that actually care about our class.
All the nerfs in the world to other classes are not going to make anyone better if they lack knowledge of all classes and a sound build to counter most if not all other classes, plus we can't forget skill. Whats even more amazing to me is that you not only lack knowledge of other classes but more importantly your own class, I just don't know what to say to that one.
No, it would continue to annoy you since it will interfere with your stated goal of being tops on the damage charts. From what you have indicated, most of your problems with rogues stem from not understanding how their core mechanics work and wanting the core mechanic of your sole chosen class to be different.
The toned down nerfs are still significant but no longer class breaking.
Whoa, just because the dev's are going to change what is on the test server does't mean that's what's going to the LIVE server. It shows that they looked at all the feedback from what they put up on the test server was not reasonable and that it was class breaking. It only means they have gone a different route instead of the previous one, as it pertains to nerfs and that they wish to get feedback on that as well, hence that's why it's called a TEST server.
A Proud Member Of THE 300 Guild - Tene's are nothing but P2W, Nerf or Remove please!
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2013
. . . . . Just an FYI; If things get out of hand again, post report on trolling/power posting and don't reply to it. Read the Rules please everyone. Thanks!
You know abombination247 many people here have tried to explain things to you and even given you examples with actual facts. You seem to acknowledge them one minute and then casually forget the next. What is becoming all the more clear is that your sole intent and purpose in our class forum is to disrupt and annoy those that actually care about our class.
All the nerfs in the world to other classes are not going to make anyone better if they lack knowledge of all classes and a sound build to counter most if not all other classes, plus we can't forget skill. Whats even more amazing to me is that you not only lack knowledge of other classes but more importantly your own class, I just don't know what to say to that one.
Well stated....
Whoa, just because the dev's are going to change what is on the test server does't mean that's what's going to the LIVE server. It shows that they looked at all the feedback from what they put up on the test server was not reasonable and that it was class breaking. It only means they have gone a different route instead of the previous one, as it pertains to nerfs and that they wish to get feedback on that as well, hence that's why it's called a TEST server.
Well said sir, well said.
Playing, paying & Coding - My take on Neverwinter, mods be darned
Opened up comments, because I would love to hear what everyone says, even the naysayers. http://goo.gl/TiX1kO
The funny part is , he is a decent GF i have personally went in 1 vs 1 situations with him . So i don't get why he is complaining about TRs.
Well cause its just how I feel. Its a feeling, you should see me lately I am now extra ouchy respecced some for more damage and as of last nite have 26.6% arm pen now.
Black is getting more scary as well. He has 62 kills in GG the other day lol 0 deaths. That is just OP. Darn his dagger, dagger, dagger from stealth but I love him.
I don't know why anyone here is even bothering paying attention to the troll. Just don't feed him. Even the people in the Barracks(GWF/GF class section) reguard him as a troll. Abomb has a problem with lashing because he doesn't GF block and hes squishy dps which obviously 99% of GFs follow his example stacking str and dex and does not use block.
On topic lashing is fine, just people have be a little more aware. my gwf says thanks for free unstoppable for lashing me. I don't think my cw really had a problem facing vs tr in terms of having a instagib blade, i always just blink away EF+ double RoE then instagib him with iceknife with 2 RoE, and my gwf just pops unstoppable and chase him down.
Nevermore@meeggtoast 12.2 BiS TR Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
I don't know why anyone here is even bothering paying attention to the troll. Just don't feed him. Even the people in the Barracks(GWF/GF class section) reguard him as a troll. Abomb has a problem with lashing because he doesn't GF block and hes squishy dps which obviously 99% of GFs follow his example stacking str and dex and does not use block.
On topic lashing is fine, just people have be a little more aware. my gwf says thanks for free unstoppable for lashing me. I don't think my cw really had a problem facing vs tr in terms of having a instagib blade, i always just blink away EF+ double RoE then instagib him with iceknife with 2 RoE, and my gwf just pops unstoppable and chase him down.
My buddy I run with just upgraded his vorpal to greater. Now lashing 40k crits are common. Before they were rarer. Its ok nothing to see here.
I hate trolls and calling players a troll isn't exceptable by forum rules. Don't know why you like to call me that since I like to debate and have discussion about the game. Just because you don't like my opinions that doesn't make anyone a troll just means they disagree. You can google troll if you are confused though ? Another word that is thrown around.
So I'm just bored and thinking out loud here but here goes.
Since lashing blade is a guaranteed crit from stealth you could theoretically have an all power/ArP build TR for PvP. At 30-40% ArP (Does it go that high? lol) and huge power even a GF could be one shotted if he was specced for damage no?
obviously this build would be terrible, but in PvP you could one shot ANYONE lol. We should all make this build if the nerf goes though, then we can see everyone else's "tears" on the forum how the nerf didn't work.
In order to reach such armor pen you'll be giving up so much power that you'll actually lose damage. since after 2300 armor pen the Adds diminshes.. And yes You can still 1 hit most of the classes Except GF and few GWF that is even if you apply the Nerf. With the help of Greater Plague Fire Enchant. before you hit your target on Lurker's assault throw in couple of daggers so you can reduce his defense by 45% and Poof lashing Blade. If your last Strike before the Lashing blade Crits. A whooping 23k will be the damage dealt. tried it with a friend on Preview. He was a GF with 50%+ Damage Resistance
My buddy I run with just upgraded his vorpal to greater. Now lashing 40k crits are common. Before they were rarer.
You can't lash blade a player with 40 k unless he has 0 defense, and no deflection and you must have Lurker assault on and the Lashing blade must be critted.
I have a greater vorpal too.My lashing blades are 30~34k depends on the target.
But if you meant the PvE part, then 40k is pretty low and common there ( my record is 98k on Temple of the spider last boss, with cleric's daily buff tho+ LA).
My buddy I run with just upgraded his vorpal to greater. Now lashing 40k crits are common. Before they were rarer. Its ok nothing to see here.
I hate trolls and calling players a troll isn't exceptable by forum rules. Don't know why you like to call me that since I like to debate and have discussion about the game. Just because you don't like my opinions that doesn't make anyone a troll just means they disagree. You can google troll if you are confused though ? Another word that is thrown around.
WOW do you EVER stop trolling? 40k Lashing Crits? Lol what a lie. He MIGHT get 30-32k while using Lurkers and certain passives/set bonuses ON A CLERIC OR CW.
I don't understand why your account hasn't been banned from the forums yet.
OK i lied, I hit 200k lashings, it was on dracolich with a regular vorpal without lurker's.
U caught me lying, TRs needs huge nerfs! What also needs nerf is that Ray of Enfeeblement can't be use on tab and stack. high vizier debuffs with 3 cws is 450*9 defense decrease, greater plaguefire too strong it even burns for damage? thats broken too. Oh yeah get rid of conduit of ice too, that 15% migitation is too broken. Oh yeah dc's encounter skills that lower defense? too good. A DC daily that gives damage and defense and can give you regen if ur on it? too good needs huge nerfs. Oh yeah dont forget chaos fury and chaos nexus is too good too 15% power? that gives my tr 750 more power and -15% migitation? too good needs nerf. Oh don't forget combat advantage bonus... That gives huge damage. Might as well nerf that.
New patch would look like:
Trickster Rogue
CoS: now throws feathers at target
Sly Flourish: Now playfully tickles target
Duelist Flurry: Now forcefully tickles target until targets laughs, laughs up to 10 stacks the higher the stack the harder target laughs.
Guardian Fighter
Lunging strike now have 100% chance to crit when you have an undamaged guard
Bull Rush now knocks back target so far that the target will fall out of the map and die.
Anvil of Doom now have a 100% crit chance and double the damage if your target's hp is over 1%
Guard now cannot break
Since shield block is Junk for the most part I don't think they can make it worse. Its probably the worst mechanic in game as it is. Breaking for no reason, thought its been fixed once and is better then before. Anyone that complains about the non factor shield block is amuses me.
Nevermore@meeggtoast 12.2 BiS TR Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
As you can see here my Lashing Blade dealt 31k Damage with no Lurker's Assault, On my main hand is a Greater Plague Fire Enchantment. To prove that i am not on Lurker's Assault look my AP globe is about 95% full. So its plausible of course having Greater Vorpal Enchantment Can reach 40k damage and yes it is very common, to prove it was a lashing blade, you can check my 3rd slot Encounter just cooled down, if you look closely that is Lashing blade
As you can see here my Lashing Blade dealt 31k Damage with no Lurker's Assault, On my main hand is a Greater Plague Fire Enchantment. To prove that i am not on Lurker's Assault look my AP globe is about 95% full. So its plausible of course having Greater Vorpal Enchantment Can reach 40k damage and yes it is very common, to prove it was a lashing blade, you can check my 3rd slot Encounter just cooled down, if you look closely that is Lashing blade
That is against a mob in PvE though, in PVP most people have a higher damage reduction then mobs (esp GF and GWF) and thus there your number will be smaller
also its just 1 number out of a huge range of possible numbers...it could be the maximal possible one for you and then its not really representative
That is against a mob in PvE though, in PVP most people have a higher damage reduction then mobs (esp GF and GWF) and thus there your number will be smaller
also its just 1 number out of a huge range of possible numbers...it could be the maximal possible one for you and then its not really representative
Ah well
Well actually they were talking about about lashing blade on MOBS if it was on players yes i agree it might be just 14k or less.. which cannot 1 hit a GF or GWF...i was suppose to quote it to the guy saying 40k on mobs is impossible
Target is debuffed by x1 wicked reminder, mark, and 1 stack of plaguefire.
Well actually the target is dead... Mobs fly away if you kill them with lashing blade, if you look closely im to far away to lashing blade the nearest mob on me.
I started this thread b/c I was going to build my rogue around LB *IF* they utterly nerfed our stealth. Granted with a feat build all around it (every bonus damage/crit severity while stealthed feat) + first strike (+15% damage) and skillful infiltrator (+15% damage if you use it within 5 seconds of lurkers) you could maybe one shot CW's or other TR's if you had a good enough vorpal.
But now that good builds are still viable and our stealth won't be worthless there's no reason to do this, I 1 shot CW then I immediately get slaughtered by it's team, not fun.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
But now that good builds are still viable and our stealth won't be worthless there's no reason to do this, I 1 shot CW then I immediately get slaughtered by it's team, not fun.
Well maybe you should switch to Impossible to catch so after you 1 hit the CW go for impossible to catch and escape.. Cool all skills down and return to the battlefield. Thats the main role of TRs hit and run,and i dont find any reason for a Nerf
Well maybe you should switch to Impossible to catch so after you 1 hit the CW go for impossible to catch and escape.. Cool all skills down and return to the battlefield. Thats the main role of TRs hit and run,and i dont find any reason for a Nerf
I have a screenshot from yesterday where we won by like 50-75 points, so teams we're balanced, and my TR was 29/1/18 lol. I know how to play in PvP I'm just saying if I went for full lashing blade damage with feats and passives all other aspects or TR would suffer. I would post ss now but I am on work computer =/ heh I usually only visit the forums at work actually, since I'm actually playing the game when I'm on my home computer.
And I don't think they need a nerf either, that team just didn't counter TR well, only 1 GF (which killed me) and no GWF I believe.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I have a screenshot from yesterday where we won by like 50-75 points, so teams we're balanced, and my TR was 29/1/18 lol.
Thats rogues problem in PvP - contrary to other classes, they are not so much punished for mistakes and perfect gameplay makes you literally un-counterable simply killing target without giving them a chance for retaliation (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) and tools made for tactical use (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) can be currently ABUSED to gain unfair and superior surviability.
Thats rogues problem in PvP - contrary to other classes, they are not so much punished for mistakes and perfect gameplay makes you literally un-counterable simply killing target without giving them a chance for retaliation (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) and tools made for tactical use (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) can be currently ABUSED to gain unfair and superior surviability.
I thought this was abombination247 talking at first lol. And give me a break with the "unfair and superior survivability". Have you seen a sentinel GWF before? Talk with me then.
Thats rogues problem in PvP - contrary to other classes, they are not so much punished for mistakes and perfect gameplay makes you literally un-counterable simply killing target without giving them a chance for retaliation (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) and tools made for tactical use (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) can be currently ABUSED to gain unfair and superior surviability.
Yeah I also have a sent GWF and I never die to a TR without 7 greater tene's. (and usually not to them either, I just have to retreat to a potion)
The reason TR's get so many kills is their last hit potential with LB and impact shot, I didn't kill 29 people from full to dead, I maybe killed 5 by myself and the rest were team effort with me finishing them with LB or impact (lol I had a couple people with 30+ assists crying kill stealer at the end =P). The point of that post is that I was saying test of skill for TR is not kills gotten, but deaths avoided. Because every TR is going to get a good amount of kills or "last hits" if you will, doesn't make them OP.
My sent GWF hits like a wet noodle, but he lives FOREVER, so I tank all the damage and hold everyone's attention while doing mediocre damage, and then my TR comes in and cleans up shop while they're focusing me. Neither is overpowered but if you use teamwork you will win fights, pretty simple...
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I thought this was abombination247 talking at first lol. And give me a break with the "unfair and superior survivability". Have you seen a sentinel GWF before? Talk with me then.
I got sentinel GWF, and I got TR. All GWF skills can be easily dodged, smart player can 1v1 him and always win(even if it takes ages to kill). On the other hand, succesful landing Cloud of Steel doesnt require any skill, it is sure damage as well as Lashing Blade from stealth cannot be countered. You can fight GWF, you can win against him, but you simply CANNOT counterattack 100% time stealthed or Impossible to Catch TR, you just have to stand there and wait for him to either run out of cooldowns or your death, no tools to interrupt his rotation. (yes, you might try searching for him with mouse, but even if you find him - he is not punished by removing stealth with prober build)
I got sentinel GWF, and I got TR. All GWF skills can be easily dodged, smart player can 1v1 him and always win(even if it takes ages to kill). On the other hand, succesful landing Cloud of Steel doesnt require any skill, it is sure damage as well as Lashing Blade from stealth cannot be countered. You can fight GWF, you can win against him, but you simply CANNOT counterattack 100% time stealthed or Impossible to Catch TR, you just have to stand there and wait for him to either run out of cooldowns or your death, no tools to interrupt his rotation. (yes, you might try searching for him with mouse, but even if you find him - he is not punished by removing stealth with prober build)
Strange that others including myself manage to dodge stealthed Lashing blades, esp since they changed something about dodgedetection since when you can dodge around 1s after the blade animation and still avoid all damage
same goes for CoS which gets lowered in damage when you dodge not to mention that the stealth rotation is easily disturbed with a single AOE skill
maybe you play on a differant patch then the rest?
I got sentinel GWF, and I got TR. All GWF skills can be easily dodged, smart player can 1v1 him and always win(even if it takes ages to kill). On the other hand, succesful landing Cloud of Steel doesnt require any skill, it is sure damage as well as Lashing Blade from stealth cannot be countered. You can fight GWF, you can win against him, but you simply CANNOT counterattack 100% time stealthed or Impossible to Catch TR, you just have to stand there and wait for him to either run out of cooldowns or your death, no tools to interrupt his rotation. (yes, you might try searching for him with mouse, but even if you find him - he is not punished by removing stealth with prober build)
100% time stealth? Unless they have all G. Tene enchantments, permanent stealth rogues' damage is laughable, especially on GWF.
ItC? Simple, pop unstoppable and sprint around for few seconds, then start to smack the defenseless rogue. I am pretty sure that GWF can access unstoppable much easier and more frequently than rogue's ItC.
CoS like a gun with 12 bullets. Once it is out of bullet, it becomes utterly useless. Please do not tell us that you get killed by CoS as a GWF.
Thinking and practicing (and p2w) make you a winner. Whining does not.
Strange that others including myself manage to dodge stealthed Lashing blades, esp since they changed something about dodgedetection since when you can dodge around 1s after the blade animation and still avoid all damage.
Completely wrong - it appears to rogue the character dodge it after animation, however it is caused by your latency, not actual ability to dodge after 1s skill was executed. It CAN be dodged if you have great latency and a bit of luck, there is 0,2s max window.
And i see you didnt get the whole point: rogues are good at damage AND their skills set allows them to deal it without much risk. Or do you think rogues shoudnt be high risk - high reward?
100% time stealth? Unless they have all G. Tene enchantments, permanent stealth rogues' damage is laughable, especially on GWF.
I totally agree, it takes them hell a lot of time, but since they are nearly invulnerable (even if I catch them in stealth with Takedown, there is nothign easier then pop ItC, refill meter, repeat) they can get the kill on any class sooner or later.
ItC? Simple, pop unstoppable and sprint around for few seconds, then start to smack the defenseless rogue. I am pretty sure that GWF can access unstoppable much easier and more frequently than rogue's ItC.
Unstoppable contrary to ItC isnt skill on demand, you probably never played GWF, did you?
GWF doesnt have Unstoppable contrary to ItC on demand, you probably never played GWF.
CoS like a gun with 12 bullets. Once it is out of bullet, it becomes utterly useless. Please do not tell us that you get killed by CoS as a GWF.
Nope, but you can get CW to 1/2 HP(even if they interrupt with shift every 3-4 shots) without even giving him a chance to reveal you(without Opressive force charged ofc) and with keeping full cooldowns.
And about whining - you might think its whining, but thats only because you refuse logic explanation and I would have done the same if I were main TR i would like to keep my edge above all other classes. It is rediculous - TRs tank more often then GFs do, but why? Because they have completely balance surviability? Even the most rogueish rogue must admit they DO have the surviability to tank and they DO have best overal damage. While damage is something you would expect from rogue, being able to tank 4 people or top bosses isnt really what would you logically expect from leather wearer.
I totally agree, it takes them hell a lot of time, but since they are nearly invulnerable (even if I catch them in stealth with Takedown, there is nothign easier then pop ItC, refill meter, repeat) they can get the kill on any class sooner or later.
By the time, that rogue kills anyone, his team is probably decimated by other.
Unstoppable contrary to ItC isnt skill on demand, you probably never played GWF, did you?
Nope, I am the person who only dedicates to one only character per game. But I do know how GWF builds determination for Unstoppable since I fight against many of them.
While unstoppable is not a skill on demand, it does not have any cd and is easily built up by simply taking hits. On the other hand, ItC has 18 seconds cd.
Nope, but you can get CW to 1/2 HP(even if they interrupt with shift every 3-4 shots) without even giving him a chance to reveal you(without Opressive force charged ofc) and with keeping full cooldowns.
And about whining - you might think its whining, but thats only because you refuse logic explanation and I would have done the same if I were main TR i would like to keep my edge above all other classes. It is rediculous - TRs tank more often then GFs do, but why? Because they have completely balance surviability? Even the most rogueish rogue must admit they DO have the surviability to tank and they DO have best overal damage. While damage is something you would expect from rogue, being able to tank 4 people or top bosses isnt really what would you logically expect from leather wearer.
While I do not deny that TR has its own advantages in pvp, other classes do have their own advantages. For example, as a GWF, do you ever feel it is OP when you can take on 2-3 people with Unstoppable which has a nearly unlimited supply as long as people use powers on you?
It is quite a misconception you have that TR can tanks more than GFs. Rogues can tank for 5 seconds with ItC (like I said before, it has 18 seconds cd). However, if a GF cannot tank more than 5 seconds, that is his/her problem not rogues'.
A) You leave PVE alone
C) Combo freezes from CW
D) Run/unstoppable/heal glitch from GWF
E) ahh I'm bullshotting!
Come on if people stop trying to 1v1 in PVP domination... they would realize TRs are pretty **** easy to kill.
We have trouble with GFs, GWFs other TRs, and good ranged CWs. Only class we don't have problems against are DCs... and a good DC can wait you out with heals until help arrives.
I play every class (well except CW which I deleted... **** demon tail was urking me) XD
Want to make a Perma Stealth TRs life miserable... take a TR/CW combo with Path of Blade, Hold, Freeze, Smoke Bomb. Unless he's smart he's dead.
You know abombination247 many people here have tried to explain things to you and even given you examples with actual facts. You seem to acknowledge them one minute and then casually forget the next. What is becoming all the more clear is that your sole intent and purpose in our class forum is to disrupt and annoy those that actually care about our class.
All the nerfs in the world to other classes are not going to make anyone better if they lack knowledge of all classes and a sound build to counter most if not all other classes, plus we can't forget skill. Whats even more amazing to me is that you not only lack knowledge of other classes but more importantly your own class, I just don't know what to say to that one.
Well stated....
Whoa, just because the dev's are going to change what is on the test server does't mean that's what's going to the LIVE server. It shows that they looked at all the feedback from what they put up on the test server was not reasonable and that it was class breaking. It only means they have gone a different route instead of the previous one, as it pertains to nerfs and that they wish to get feedback on that as well, hence that's why it's called a TEST server.
A Proud Member Of THE 300 Guild - Tene's are nothing but P2W, Nerf or Remove please!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Well said sir, well said.
Opened up comments, because I would love to hear what everyone says, even the naysayers.
Well cause its just how I feel. Its a feeling, you should see me lately I am now extra ouchy respecced some for more damage and as of last nite have 26.6% arm pen now.
Black is getting more scary as well. He has 62 kills in GG the other day lol 0 deaths. That is just OP. Darn his dagger, dagger, dagger from stealth but I love him.
On topic lashing is fine, just people have be a little more aware. my gwf says thanks for free unstoppable for lashing me. I don't think my cw really had a problem facing vs tr in terms of having a instagib blade, i always just blink away EF+ double RoE then instagib him with iceknife with 2 RoE, and my gwf just pops unstoppable and chase him down.
Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
Server: Dragon
Stream: meeggtoast
Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
My buddy I run with just upgraded his vorpal to greater. Now lashing 40k crits are common. Before they were rarer. Its ok nothing to see here.
I hate trolls and calling players a troll isn't exceptable by forum rules. Don't know why you like to call me that since I like to debate and have discussion about the game. Just because you don't like my opinions that doesn't make anyone a troll just means they disagree. You can google troll if you are confused though ? Another word that is thrown around.
In order to reach such armor pen you'll be giving up so much power that you'll actually lose damage. since after 2300 armor pen the Adds diminshes.. And yes You can still 1 hit most of the classes Except GF and few GWF that is even if you apply the Nerf. With the help of Greater Plague Fire Enchant. before you hit your target on Lurker's assault throw in couple of daggers so you can reduce his defense by 45% and Poof lashing Blade. If your last Strike before the Lashing blade Crits. A whooping 23k will be the damage dealt. tried it with a friend on Preview. He was a GF with 50%+ Damage Resistance
You can't lash blade a player with 40 k unless he has 0 defense, and no deflection and you must have Lurker assault on and the Lashing blade must be critted.
I have a greater vorpal too.My lashing blades are 30~34k depends on the target.
But if you meant the PvE part, then 40k is pretty low and common there ( my record is 98k on Temple of the spider last boss, with cleric's daily buff tho+ LA).
WOW do you EVER stop trolling? 40k Lashing Crits? Lol what a lie. He MIGHT get 30-32k while using Lurkers and certain passives/set bonuses ON A CLERIC OR CW.
I don't understand why your account hasn't been banned from the forums yet.
U caught me lying, TRs needs huge nerfs! What also needs nerf is that Ray of Enfeeblement can't be use on tab and stack. high vizier debuffs with 3 cws is 450*9 defense decrease, greater plaguefire too strong it even burns for damage? thats broken too. Oh yeah get rid of conduit of ice too, that 15% migitation is too broken. Oh yeah dc's encounter skills that lower defense? too good. A DC daily that gives damage and defense and can give you regen if ur on it? too good needs huge nerfs. Oh yeah dont forget chaos fury and chaos nexus is too good too 15% power? that gives my tr 750 more power and -15% migitation? too good needs nerf. Oh don't forget combat advantage bonus... That gives huge damage. Might as well nerf that.
New patch would look like:
Trickster Rogue
CoS: now throws feathers at target
Sly Flourish: Now playfully tickles target
Duelist Flurry: Now forcefully tickles target until targets laughs, laughs up to 10 stacks the higher the stack the harder target laughs.
Guardian Fighter
Lunging strike now have 100% chance to crit when you have an undamaged guard
Bull Rush now knocks back target so far that the target will fall out of the map and die.
Anvil of Doom now have a 100% crit chance and double the damage if your target's hp is over 1%
Guard now cannot break
Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
Server: Dragon
Stream: meeggtoast
Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
My god, the things i would do with such ability :cool:
As you can see here my Lashing Blade dealt 31k Damage with no Lurker's Assault, On my main hand is a Greater Plague Fire Enchantment. To prove that i am not on Lurker's Assault look my AP globe is about 95% full. So its plausible of course having Greater Vorpal Enchantment Can reach 40k damage and yes it is very common, to prove it was a lashing blade, you can check my 3rd slot Encounter just cooled down, if you look closely that is Lashing blade
also its just 1 number out of a huge range of possible numbers...it could be the maximal possible one for you and then its not really representative
Ah well
Well actually they were talking about about lashing blade on MOBS if it was on players yes i agree it might be just 14k or less.. which cannot 1 hit a GF or GWF...i was suppose to quote it to the guy saying 40k on mobs is impossible
Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
Server: Dragon
Stream: meeggtoast
Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
Well actually the target is dead... Mobs fly away if you kill them with lashing blade, if you look closely im to far away to lashing blade the nearest mob on me.
But now that good builds are still viable and our stealth won't be worthless there's no reason to do this, I 1 shot CW then I immediately get slaughtered by it's team, not fun.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Well maybe you should switch to Impossible to catch so after you 1 hit the CW go for impossible to catch and escape.. Cool all skills down and return to the battlefield. Thats the main role of TRs hit and run,and i dont find any reason for a Nerf
I have a screenshot from yesterday where we won by like 50-75 points, so teams we're balanced, and my TR was 29/1/18 lol. I know how to play in PvP I'm just saying if I went for full lashing blade damage with feats and passives all other aspects or TR would suffer. I would post ss now but I am on work computer =/ heh I usually only visit the forums at work actually, since I'm actually playing the game when I'm on my home computer.
And I don't think they need a nerf either, that team just didn't counter TR well, only 1 GF (which killed me) and no GWF I believe.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Thats rogues problem in PvP - contrary to other classes, they are not so much punished for mistakes and perfect gameplay makes you literally un-counterable simply killing target without giving them a chance for retaliation (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) and tools made for tactical use (Impossible to catch, restealth etc.) can be currently ABUSED to gain unfair and superior surviability.
I thought this was abombination247 talking at first lol. And give me a break with the "unfair and superior survivability". Have you seen a sentinel GWF before? Talk with me then.
Yeah I also have a sent GWF and I never die to a TR without 7 greater tene's. (and usually not to them either, I just have to retreat to a potion)
The reason TR's get so many kills is their last hit potential with LB and impact shot, I didn't kill 29 people from full to dead, I maybe killed 5 by myself and the rest were team effort with me finishing them with LB or impact (lol I had a couple people with 30+ assists crying kill stealer at the end =P). The point of that post is that I was saying test of skill for TR is not kills gotten, but deaths avoided. Because every TR is going to get a good amount of kills or "last hits" if you will, doesn't make them OP.
My sent GWF hits like a wet noodle, but he lives FOREVER, so I tank all the damage and hold everyone's attention while doing mediocre damage, and then my TR comes in and cleans up shop while they're focusing me. Neither is overpowered but if you use teamwork you will win fights, pretty simple...
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I got sentinel GWF, and I got TR. All GWF skills can be easily dodged, smart player can 1v1 him and always win(even if it takes ages to kill). On the other hand, succesful landing Cloud of Steel doesnt require any skill, it is sure damage as well as Lashing Blade from stealth cannot be countered. You can fight GWF, you can win against him, but you simply CANNOT counterattack 100% time stealthed or Impossible to Catch TR, you just have to stand there and wait for him to either run out of cooldowns or your death, no tools to interrupt his rotation. (yes, you might try searching for him with mouse, but even if you find him - he is not punished by removing stealth with prober build)
same goes for CoS which gets lowered in damage when you dodge not to mention that the stealth rotation is easily disturbed with a single AOE skill
maybe you play on a differant patch then the rest?
Ah well
100% time stealth? Unless they have all G. Tene enchantments, permanent stealth rogues' damage is laughable, especially on GWF.
ItC? Simple, pop unstoppable and sprint around for few seconds, then start to smack the defenseless rogue. I am pretty sure that GWF can access unstoppable much easier and more frequently than rogue's ItC.
CoS like a gun with 12 bullets. Once it is out of bullet, it becomes utterly useless. Please do not tell us that you get killed by CoS as a GWF.
Thinking and practicing (and p2w) make you a winner. Whining does not.
Completely wrong - it appears to rogue the character dodge it after animation, however it is caused by your latency, not actual ability to dodge after 1s skill was executed. It CAN be dodged if you have great latency and a bit of luck, there is 0,2s max window.
And i see you didnt get the whole point: rogues are good at damage AND their skills set allows them to deal it without much risk. Or do you think rogues shoudnt be high risk - high reward?
I totally agree, it takes them hell a lot of time, but since they are nearly invulnerable (even if I catch them in stealth with Takedown, there is nothign easier then pop ItC, refill meter, repeat) they can get the kill on any class sooner or later.
Unstoppable contrary to ItC isnt skill on demand, you probably never played GWF, did you?
Nope, but you can get CW to 1/2 HP(even if they interrupt with shift every 3-4 shots) without even giving him a chance to reveal you(without Opressive force charged ofc) and with keeping full cooldowns.
And about whining - you might think its whining, but thats only because you refuse logic explanation and I would have done the same if I were main TR i would like to keep my edge above all other classes. It is rediculous - TRs tank more often then GFs do, but why? Because they have completely balance surviability? Even the most rogueish rogue must admit they DO have the surviability to tank and they DO have best overal damage. While damage is something you would expect from rogue, being able to tank 4 people or top bosses isnt really what would you logically expect from leather wearer.
Nope, I am the person who only dedicates to one only character per game. But I do know how GWF builds determination for Unstoppable since I fight against many of them.
While unstoppable is not a skill on demand, it does not have any cd and is easily built up by simply taking hits. On the other hand, ItC has 18 seconds cd.
While I do not deny that TR has its own advantages in pvp, other classes do have their own advantages. For example, as a GWF, do you ever feel it is OP when you can take on 2-3 people with Unstoppable which has a nearly unlimited supply as long as people use powers on you?
It is quite a misconception you have that TR can tanks more than GFs. Rogues can tank for 5 seconds with ItC (like I said before, it has 18 seconds cd). However, if a GF cannot tank more than 5 seconds, that is his/her problem not rogues'.
Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW
Server: Dragon
Stream: meeggtoast
Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
Lol you really should so you can prove how worthless TRs actually in PvP if they dont 1 hit their targets