When is the ranger... or whatever the next class is going to be being released?? The only reason i'm playing this game is for the next class coming out.. I have no reason to play otherwise. I'm praying it's a Ranger-esque class, but regardless we need another class for more diversity in the game. I'm tired of getting groups with 3 tricksters or 3 control wizards.
Follow the Faywild Dev Blog... given the nature of the release, I would be very surprised if Archer Rangers weren't part of it...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
When is the ranger... or whatever the next class is going to be being released?? The only reason i'm playing this game is for the next class coming out.. I have no reason to play otherwise. I'm praying it's a Ranger-esque class, but regardless we need another class for more diversity in the game. I'm tired of getting groups with 3 tricksters or 3 control wizards.
Another guy as already said this but you and all the other needy little girls need to calm down about the new class releases. They'll do it when they do it. There is way more important things in this game that need attention and fixing before they should worry about a new class. If you only play a game for new classes then shame on you.
raddatackMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
As for NWO, I expect Paladin will be added eventually if the game makes enough impact. Ranger and Scourge Warlock are apparently the next classes being developed.
IMO, Paladin makes more sense in this game as a GF or GWF paragon path than it's own class.
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited August 2013
Nothing definite yet, other than we'll be getting something new before the year is out, (though I hope something comes much sooner).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Ya I am sry I knew NWN had them. I guess I should have posted NWO :X Well I wait till they add them then thanks guys
Also remember that NWN was based on D&D 3 or 3.5, and as a primarily single player game, balance issues aren't as difficult as they are in an MMO environment, (again, neither point is meant to defend the fact that we only have 5 classes currently).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
What aspects of the Paladin role do you like? The Cleric and fighter classes have some aspects a paladin would in a traditional MMO depending on what you like. I happen to think the Cleric in this game is very dynamic compared to traditional healing roles. I've played a Paladin in other games - focusing on more of a solo/healing build - and the Cleric class here comes pretty close to what I like. Maybe that one will work out for you until an official Paladin class comes out!
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2013
Fixing the thread subject to deter trolling. *the mage winks*
. . . . .New classes will come, but the next one most likeley won't happen until the end of the year or on into next year. To quote myself again, as this information is quite nice:
. . . . .It has been confirmed (in podcasts and live streams, just recently too @ 37:30) that they are indeed working on something. They've eluded talking about it though. Also, it's been stated in long past, they they are only limited to adding the classes and races found within the Forgotten Realms, so the list is huge:
A forgotten Realms Core Race list would be highly beneficial. Post it or link it if you could
I tried to find one but a generalized D&D Player Race list one wiki was all I could find.
PHB1: Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin, Warlock, Warlord, and Wizard.
PHB2: Avenger, Bard, Barbarian, Druid, Invoker, Shaman, Sorcerer, and Warden.
PHB3: Ardent, Battlemind, Monk, Psion, Runepriest, and Seeker (PHB3 also introduces hybrid classes for Artificer, Ardent, Avenger, Barbarian, Bard, Battlemind, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Invoker, Monk, Paladin, Psion, Ranger, Rogue, Runepriest, Seeker, Shaman, Sorcerer, Swordmage, Warden, Warlock, Warlord, and Wizard).
NWCS: Swordmage, Warlock, and Spellscarred.
PHB1: Dragonborn, Dwarf, Eladrin, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Human, and Tiefling.
PHB2: Deva, Gnome, Goliath, Half-Orc, and Shifter.
PHB3: Githzerai, Minotaur, Sharmind, and Wilden.
FRPG: Drow, Genasi, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Eladrin, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Human, and Tiefling.
NWCS: (Racial Variants) Dwarf, Eladrin, and Elf.
All this information comes from my own 4e Rulebooks and not from Wikis. These are Core Rulebooks and not Supplements.
PHB1 = 4e Player's Handbook: Arcane, Divine, and Martial Heroes
PHB2 = 4e Player's Handbook 2: Primal, Arcane, and Divine Heroes
PHB3 = 4e Player's Handbook 3: Psionic, Divine, and Primal Heroes
FRPG = 4e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
NWCS = 4e Neverwinter Campaign Setting
. . . . . Just keep in mind, this is 4th edition, so each class has it's own set of Roles, which there are four (Leader, Striker, Defender, and Controller) in effect making each class have up to 4 roles port into Neverwinter Online as game classes. The Control Wizard, for example, is just one role for the Wizard Class, and the only one available in-game, currently.
ye well the shaman and the druid are the ones missing in this game
but ye i still bet it will be some sort of archer mabey a sniper and or ranger and or tempest ranger just my openion we will see when it comes out
The lack of your favorite class doesn't mean you won't have fun in Neverwinter otherwise I would have left long ago.
I'd be having a lot more fun if I could play a Druid. My friend would be having a lot more fun if he could play a wizard with Fire elemental spells instead of ice. It will be what, two years before we get another class? Another two before we get another class after that? I'm sorry, but four years from now, we'll probably be playing some other game.
I'd be having a lot more fun if I could play a Druid. My friend would be having a lot more fun if he could play a wizard with Fire elemental spells instead of ice. It will be what, two years before we get another class? Another two before we get another class after that? I'm sorry, but four years from now, we'll probably be playing some other game.
Where do you get 2 years from?
According to Cryptic, another class should be out before the year end.
Follow the Faywild Dev Blog... given the nature of the release, I would be very surprised if Archer Rangers weren't part of it...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
as long as the game keeps growing
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Another guy as already said this but you and all the other needy little girls need to calm down about the new class releases. They'll do it when they do it. There is way more important things in this game that need attention and fixing before they should worry about a new class. If you only play a game for new classes then shame on you.
To bad the game can't really grow when everything is broken. You'd just be adding more broken things to the game.
As for NWO, I expect Paladin will be added eventually if the game makes enough impact. Ranger and Scourge Warlock are apparently the next classes being developed.
IMO, Paladin makes more sense in this game as a GF or GWF paragon path than it's own class.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Also remember that NWN was based on D&D 3 or 3.5, and as a primarily single player game, balance issues aren't as difficult as they are in an MMO environment, (again, neither point is meant to defend the fact that we only have 5 classes currently).
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
. . . . .New classes will come, but the next one most likeley won't happen until the end of the year or on into next year. To quote myself again, as this information is quite nice:
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but ye i still bet it will be some sort of archer mabey a sniper and or ranger and or tempest ranger just my openion we will see when it comes out
4e Paladin has several powers that set it apart from the Fighter classes, including a taunt that does damage if they don't attack the Paladin.
I'd be having a lot more fun if I could play a Druid. My friend would be having a lot more fun if he could play a wizard with Fire elemental spells instead of ice. It will be what, two years before we get another class? Another two before we get another class after that? I'm sorry, but four years from now, we'll probably be playing some other game.
when I play the DC I pretend that I do cleric things..... I yell out "Begone undead !" ....then I realize I dont have the ability to turn.
Where do you get 2 years from?
According to Cryptic, another class should be out before the year end.
Which is still too long, imho.
Nowhere in that post is there a mention of taking 2 years to get a class.
Quite possibly, since it's early morning & I was rudely awaken by workers outside.
Here's a interview with the Senior Producer. 6 minutes in, he talks about the end of the year:
Which, as I said, is still too long imo.
This is baseless.
There's already a fire power set under testing, with Smoulder as a new status effect which turns into Rimefire if combined with Chill. (Source)
The post didn't say 2 years. The post said by the end of this year or into next year. Neither of which amounts close to 2 years.