Pray tell before the video - are boss mechanics different?
Anything new in this dungeon compared to others?
One last question, do you, or anyone know if the gear in here is T2 or T2.5?
Thank you and grats -
Can't wait for the video.
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
julianalz55Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 89Arc User
edited July 2013
how much time did the boss took with the LA nerf?
elahra1rahMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 67Arc User
edited July 2013
How long is the dungeon ? More like T1 Of Gauntlgrym or like Spellplague?
And how many bosses are there?
Pray tell before the video - are boss mechanics different?
Anything new in this dungeon compared to others?
One last question, do you, or anyone know if the gear in here is T2 or T2.5?
Thank you and grats -
Can't wait for the video.
Developpers made an awesome job this time. Regarding the dungeon in general there are way few adds, they are stronger and each type of add has his own type of spell (Almost all of them 1shot you ).The first 2 bosses (+ the additional council) are not that hard and similar to other bosses. The last boss mechanic is something new, you have to fight Valindra and Fulminorax. Valindra is more like an add that pop some times and try to spawn mobs and strangulate player. Regarding Fulminarox he became stronger each 25% of HP he loose gaining new spell, and at 25% and 75% there will be a short interphase where you have to avoid line of storm. At the moment the boss do not drop anything but this is a known issues as you can read from the last preview shard patch note, while the Dungeon Delves chest grant us random ancient weapon like CN.
gex91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Sounds great - so glad the mechanics are different!
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
elahra1rahMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 67Arc User
edited July 2013
Thanks for the quick reply!
Sounds nice, can't wait.
yeah is it another crazy difficulty dungeon ?
can cw knock back everything and instant kill?
any new gear drops there or only seals for new sets?
there not ever a single hole where u can throw down mobs in whole dungeon...
about new gear drops no idea coz bosses atm dont drop anything and from chest u get a CN weap/offhand (so far as cleric i got a gf offhand from chest Lol)
and about seals no idea aswell
The questing hub in the Blighted Grove has geometry that doesn't quite match the collision. This will sometimes result in players unexpectedly falling down and out of the tree. There's a respawn point just nearby, however.
The Foundry is currently disabled on NeverwinterPreview.
The loot in Malabog's Castle is not yet finalized. Individual bosses currently do not drop loot, and the end-of-dungeon chest gives loot for a random class instead of your class specifically.
NEW: Volume events (such as triggers upon entering waypoints) are currently not working in the Foundry! The Foundry will still remain up over the weekend so authors can check out the updated tools.
Release Notes
The Banshee's Gate may now be unlocked. Enjoy the second act of Sharandar!
Malabog's Castle has been updated with improved pacing and a boss fight overhaul.
The main login / map transfer crash from the previous build has been addressed. Gameplay should be a lot more stable now.
and here a ss of in-game info about dungeon:
It says seals of the drake but maybe its a mistake
Gexy - Devoted Cleric - Lv60 - GS 12k- Guild : N e v e r W i n t e r O r d e r
yeah is it another crazy difficulty dungeon ?
can cw knock back everything and instant kill?
any new gear drops there or only seals for new sets?
Like I said before mobs are few and strong and there aren't any spot for CW to knock them back. Regarding the difficulty you just need to be coordinate, try to cc adds (Smoke bomb/singularity helped us alot) and just avoid every single AoE. The first boss is very simple (we cleared him with 4 ppl) he just spawn few adds, and have low HP. By reaching Malabog (3rd boss if we take count of the council that are a skippable boss) thing start to get more serious, our strategy for kill him easily was to let GWF take the aggro of the boss as he have a very annoying melee swing combo, this will make TR job easier. Meanwhile the GF and Mage focused on the adds, controlling and killing them. Each 25% the boss enter in an immune phase for 3/4 second letting us kill mobs faster. During the entire fight Fulminorax will throw lightening ball in the boss room, that are easily avoidable. Killed Malabog you will need to kill like 10/15 mobs before reaching the final boos room and fight against Fulminorax and Valindra. Like I said in my other post this fight involve new mechanics that I've already explained. By the way the key for defeat them it's just the coordination between party member(DC really helped us calling when Valindra left her zone and also her strangulate target) and the abilty to manage with speels. For sum this up, the whole dungeon is not hard, just be prepared to fight against alot of mimic if you have greedy mates in party :P
Another shorter version of Castle Never with the same tiered loot. Sounds awesome... not.
At least Cryptic listened and gave us less adds to deal with, along with a half-decent boss mechanic. Still, it sounds like this place will be on farm status for good guilds and geared players within the first week it releases.
It's not boring for CW's It less stressful... let's put it that way!
But on damage side is a bit broken for us at the moment. You can't apply chill stacks on the boss... in my build this is 28% less damage ;( Also SW set bonus has new bug's and I can't apply the buff for the party at all!
It's not boring for CW's It less stressful... let's put it that way!
But on damage side is a bit broken for us at the moment. You can't apply chill stacks on the boss... in my build this is 28% less damage ;( Also SW set bonus has new bug's and I can't apply the buff for the party at all!
cw did 2x more damage then gwf so if is anything do to little damage it is gwf
cw did 2x more damage then gwf so if is anything do to little damage it is gwf
Well the Mage is full equip with rank 7/8 gems and perfect vorpal while the gwf had vigilant warlord set(5% Damage reduction and 40% mov. speed on crit) with rank 5 and lesser enchtment.
Regarding the utility as I said GWF was really helpfull on Malabog's Fight and CW was really usefull at the beginning of the istance where you have to fight a group a 4/5 strong mobs that withous his CC were hard to kill, same for adds on first and second bosses.
cw did 2x more damage then gwf so if is anything do to little damage it is gwf
That's not entirely true. I have played with good GWF's and they do as much as CW's!
But for this dungeon run... the damage meters are not real I will tell you why now... our GWF went AFK after 2-3 packs of adds... We cleared 1st boss and a lot of other things... + we wiped a couple of times on Malabog's until he came back
Anything new in this dungeon compared to others?
One last question, do you, or anyone know if the gear in here is T2 or T2.5?
Thank you and grats -
Can't wait for the video.
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
And how many bosses are there?
Developpers made an awesome job this time. Regarding the dungeon in general there are way few adds, they are stronger and each type of add has his own type of spell (Almost all of them 1shot you
if you don't die too much it takes about 45 minutes /1h to clear it
Sounds great - so glad the mechanics are different!
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
Sounds nice, can't wait.
What about the difficulty?
can cw knock back everything and instant kill?
any new gear drops there or only seals for new sets?
about new gear drops no idea coz bosses atm dont drop anything and from chest u get a CN weap/offhand (so far as cleric i got a gf offhand from chest Lol)
and about seals no idea aswell
u can read about drops here :
and here a ss of in-game info about dungeon:
It says seals of the drake but maybe its a mistake
Like I said before mobs are few and strong and there aren't any spot for CW to knock them back. Regarding the difficulty you just need to be coordinate, try to cc adds (Smoke bomb/singularity helped us alot) and just avoid every single AoE. The first boss is very simple (we cleared him with 4 ppl) he just spawn few adds, and have low HP. By reaching Malabog (3rd boss if we take count of the council that are a skippable boss) thing start to get more serious, our strategy for kill him easily was to let GWF take the aggro of the boss as he have a very annoying melee swing combo, this will make TR job easier. Meanwhile the GF and Mage focused on the adds, controlling and killing them. Each 25% the boss enter in an immune phase for 3/4 second letting us kill mobs faster. During the entire fight Fulminorax will throw lightening ball in the boss room, that are easily avoidable. Killed Malabog you will need to kill like 10/15 mobs before reaching the final boos room and fight against Fulminorax and Valindra. Like I said in my other post this fight involve new mechanics that I've already explained. By the way the key for defeat them it's just the coordination between party member(DC really helped us calling when Valindra left her zone and also her strangulate target) and the abilty to manage with speels. For sum this up, the whole dungeon is not hard, just be prepared to fight against alot of mimic if you have greedy mates in party :P
At least Cryptic listened and gave us less adds to deal with, along with a half-decent boss mechanic. Still, it sounds like this place will be on farm status for good guilds and geared players within the first week it releases.
Here is the link to the video
-= Click Here =-
We hope you like it!
But on damage side is a bit broken for us at the moment. You can't apply chill stacks on the boss... in my build this is 28% less damage ;( Also SW set bonus has new bug's and I can't apply the buff for the party at all!
Well the Mage is full equip with rank 7/8 gems and perfect vorpal while the gwf had vigilant warlord set(5% Damage reduction and 40% mov. speed on crit) with rank 5 and lesser enchtment.
Regarding the utility as I said GWF was really helpfull on Malabog's Fight and CW was really usefull at the beginning of the istance where you have to fight a group a 4/5 strong mobs that withous his CC were hard to kill, same for adds on first and second bosses.
That's not entirely true. I have played with good GWF's and they do as much as CW's!
But for this dungeon run... the damage meters are not real
You do not use any keys for there
Looks like the same fight as CN but without the adds. Pushing adds around is what makes CN fun, dodging red circles and getting one shot is not fun.