Since the last patch you can no longer draw back the massive Mamga Man. Any ideas on how to do this boss? The adds rocked our guild premade today, and it took a few times to take him down. Thoughts? With the add spawns, the entire area was red.
The final boss was much, much easier. Not sure if they did any changes to the dragon himself.
Since the last patch you can no longer draw back the massive Mamga Man. Any ideas on how to do this boss? The adds rocked our guild premade today, and it took a few times to take him down. Thoughts? With the add spawns, the entire area was red.
The final boss was much, much easier. Not sure if they did any changes to the dragon himself.
Pretty much the only way that seems to work solidly is to have the tank kite the adds, a bit like the end of Frozen Heart. However, sometimes the spawn rate goes a little mental, at which point it can't be done very easily, as there are so many mobs that people seem to suffer massive framerate issues.
The dragon has always been a pretty easy fight, much easier than pretty much any other t2 endboss. After having taken the second guy down, you were probably so on edge that you ripped through him far too easily.
was in a guild run of this last night. At the time I thought it was just me who was wildly insufficient to the task - was pretty much my first epic as a GF. We tried *everything*. GF kiting adds, CW kiting/controlling adds, DC kiting adds, pulling here, tanking there, blah blah etc etc. In the end we did it by a combination of dying many many times but finally keeping TR on the boss long enough for no reset and nuking boss - then 2 rounds of cleanup for the screen full of adds to collect loot.
There was a carpet of solid red across half the engagement area at times. The red circle damage from the adds (flame spikers I think) is not blocked by a shield if you're too close, *and* it causes a knockdown, and the changes to block a few patches ago makes it a tricker thing to reposition and re-block in a different direction (for me at least) - so blocking was a certified nightmare. I melted from 100 to 0 in the course of seconds several times. Where I had an effective block - block meter was pretty much destroyed in the blink of an eye. Moving away from an add to effectively block meant moving into several damage circles of one of the other 25 adds running around. Into the fray helped a bit.
If I was more competent - it would have been easier - but still pretty nightmarish.
did a fairly geared guild group for karra just to see what it was like.
did the same as we did on 1st boss. I was on my gwf. i just tanked the adds, dodging reds stuff. And everyone else just single dps the boss down. then we ended up wiping to the adds after/or clearing them. those adds are indeed crazy, so much red things.
axer128Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Yea the fights pretty nuts, was always far far harder then the last boss when done legit (the first boss always was too).
Biggest issue is the insane number of adds can't be reliably CC'd, no matter how good your CW is. So CWs can only serve to debuff/single target here.
But yea if your very overgeared for the fight, its doable. Did it legit many many times, last time was 4man - myself on gf, 1 dc, 2 rogues (1 decent geared guildie, other low geared pug). So you don't need insane max dps, but you do need a lot.
I just tanked everything, dc healed rogues on boss. It is pretty freakin hard on the tank, have to try to tab taunt such massive adds that all want you knocked down. Gets to the point wheres theres so many chasing you you cant really target anything, so gota use enforced threat to get what you can too.
You'll want into the fray, iron warrior and enforced threat for skills for sure. Features: shield talent, enhanced mark. (You can do the odd block, just make sure you hit iron warrior first so your shield doesn't explode).
Course later in the fight they spawn an extra magma golem and a giant too lol, as if the 40 flame spikers weren't enough, pretty much you cannot survive that no matter what.. So your rogues must dps fast or you all die.
And yea all dying is the ONLY choice after the boss, as the ads continue to infinitely respawn even after the boss dies, pretty dumb the only way to win is the die.
Same strat pretty much applies to the first boss, adds have huge CC resist (around 50% of cc spells do nothing) so tanking the adds is the only choice. (They also have highly damaging flaming ranged attacks, so even tank built CWs can't kite them).
Though the spawn is very slightly slower, and they are mostly minions - so having the whole group minus 1 dps them is also viable (tho just barely and requires an overgeared grp too)
Good news is the legit players can maybe get some more diamonds now, as the dungeon wont be exploited like crazy causing the gauntlets to be worth nothing.
Kite. And get a skilled DC able to generate very high amounts of divinity, which seems pretty rare in this game.
My GF guildmate kiting uses into the fray (i think so, since he starts running like a rabbit) and keeps aggro. The only times we fail is when rogues pull the boss off the center of the room.
Pretty much the only way that seems to work solidly is to have the tank kite the adds, a bit like the end of Frozen Heart. However, sometimes the spawn rate goes a little mental, at which point it can't be done very easily, as there are so many mobs that people seem to suffer massive framerate issues.
The dragon has always been a pretty easy fight, much easier than pretty much any other t2 endboss. After having taken the second guy down, you were probably so on edge that you ripped through him far too easily.
Thought the cleric was the kiter I mean they are way better at kiting adds then a tank.
Nah, good GFs kite them better cuz you can also get new adds with threatening rush and gather them off people...
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Sounds like the best way to do it is to have a GF kite around like the end of FH. Devs should really try to go for some balance here. The only thing that saved us is that you can run back to the fight after you die. If a team member is still alive and kicking, his health doesn't regen.
Sounds like the best way to do it is to have a GF kite around like the end of FH. Devs should really try to go for some balance here. The only thing that saved us is that you can run back to the fight after you die. If a team member is still alive and kicking, his health doesn't regen.
invite tr that can perma stealth so everyone can rejoin the battle after dying
gf with into the fray = movespeed + AP regen
Gf kiting is the only way this can be done, from my xp.
One thing my grp found helpful was to pull the boss into that corner formed my the wall at the entrance to the boss's area, while the gf kites adds in the room proper. Nice way to keep adds and boss separate. Also allowed the dc to place as in a location the ranged dps could stand and the gf could run through during his circuit of the room.
To clarify, the corner i am talking about is the one formed by that low wall on the left of the entrance to boss area. It sticks out and if you herd the boss there he doesnt move around as much since the corner is blocking him.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is even easier then what has been mentioned... Take 2 TRs, 1 Sentinel GWF, 1 CW, 1DC. You all DPS the boss down in minutes. Then wipe to the adds, and when they fade away you respawn.
Did this 6 times today with 2 separate PUGs. 3 Times each... Not overly difficult. Of course you need to be aware of what's going on, and not make needless mistakes, but that boss is a glass cannon. Shatter it!
axer128Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is even easier then what has been mentioned... Take 2 TRs, 1 Sentinel GWF, 1 CW, 1DC. You all DPS the boss down in minutes. Then wipe to the adds, and when they fade away you respawn.
Did this 6 times today with 2 separate PUGs. 3 Times each... Not overly difficult. Of course you need to be aware of what's going on, and not make needless mistakes, but that boss is a glass cannon. Shatter it!
lol. You know the fights got some issues when you have to party wipe to reasonably complete it.
And as you can see if the video the guy above posted, "minutes" is not an option. The adds become unmanageably crazy (magma golems, and shortly after a giant) at the 1 minute mark. So it's pretty much a sub 80 second burn or wipe. (and then guaranteed wipe less you want to deal with ~100 or possible infinite adds.)
Nothing "easy" about it, the word easy or easier should never be used to describe it.
It's a tough challenging fight, far harder than the final boss fight.
They should make the final boss harder, so its balanced better (plus fix the mini bosses so the adds despawn upon defeat)
I've never wiped on it 'till now, it may be easier if you have a CW to cast singularity on adds.
Good strategy, close to what I used when we 4 manned it. Though one mistake:
You had furious reaction slotted (which did nothing useful here).. Should have swapped it to enhanced mark - may have been enough to keep your cleric alive a little longer.
That and some use of your tab ability would've helped. (charging in with threatening rush is not a wise strategy, as the tons of adds on you will then put red circles too close to the boss)
And no, if you had a CW and he used singularity, it would of only served to make the fight more difficult. As he would steal some of your agro and promptly die (I know from experience). Plus all of those adds have a 50%+ chance to ignore singularities pullback, thus would only take damage).
Plus your average pug cw would put the singularity right on top of either the boss or the cleric, so any mobs pulled in would wipe the group.
CWs are best played in this fight if they slot 100% single target dps, and debuff with high vizier.
Make the DC/GF kite adds while the rest of the team burns the boss. Flamespikes are slow and need a lot of time to use their aoe, so it's really easy. Did it several times as a DC. I ALWAYS die at the end, when the boss reaches 5% or so and spawns flameshields, but that's expected.
juguer1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
Good strategy, close to what I used when we 4 manned it. Though one mistake:
You had furious reaction slotted (which did nothing useful here).. Should have swapped it to enhanced mark - may have been enough to keep your cleric alive a little longer.
That and some use of your tab ability would've helped. (charging in with threatening rush is not a wise strategy, as the tons of adds on you will then put red circles too close to the boss)
And no, if you had a CW and he used singularity, it would of only served to make the fight more difficult. As he would steal some of your agro and promptly die (I know from experience). Plus all of those adds have a 50%+ chance to ignore singularities pullback, thus would only take damage).
Plus your average pug cw would put the singularity right on top of either the boss or the cleric, so any mobs pulled in would wipe the group.
CWs are best played in this fight if they slot 100% single target dps, and debuff with high vizier.
I usually play with Enhanced Mark instead of FR, but that time I was too sleepy and thought FR could save my *** if I got caught by any 'fire torrent' (which really happened lol).
I like to have a CW casting a singularity, it's useful to put the adds together, and you can get the aggro with Enforced Threat + Villain's Menace.
I agree it wasn't a clear run, but at least we could finish it without big troubles and show the strat for this fight.
No issues with this dungeon. Simple tank/spank on the bosses.
I'm a GF and I just use Knights Valor, Lunge & Front Line surge, keep Menace up 100% of fight and tank/spank on top of boss with GWF using unstoppable. Burn boss down and then clear out trash.
derpaderpistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
2 cws + dc climb on the cliffs on the right side - kill the boss , move on .
" We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
Pretty much the only way that seems to work solidly is to have the tank kite the adds, a bit like the end of Frozen Heart. However, sometimes the spawn rate goes a little mental, at which point it can't be done very easily, as there are so many mobs that people seem to suffer massive framerate issues.
The dragon has always been a pretty easy fight, much easier than pretty much any other t2 endboss. After having taken the second guy down, you were probably so on edge that you ripped through him far too easily.
There was a carpet of solid red across half the engagement area at times. The red circle damage from the adds (flame spikers I think) is not blocked by a shield if you're too close, *and* it causes a knockdown, and the changes to block a few patches ago makes it a tricker thing to reposition and re-block in a different direction (for me at least) - so blocking was a certified nightmare. I melted from 100 to 0 in the course of seconds several times. Where I had an effective block - block meter was pretty much destroyed in the blink of an eye. Moving away from an add to effectively block meant moving into several damage circles of one of the other 25 adds running around. Into the fray helped a bit.
If I was more competent - it would have been easier - but still pretty nightmarish.
did the same as we did on 1st boss. I was on my gwf. i just tanked the adds, dodging reds stuff. And everyone else just single dps the boss down. then we ended up wiping to the adds after/or clearing them. those adds are indeed crazy, so much red things.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Biggest issue is the insane number of adds can't be reliably CC'd, no matter how good your CW is. So CWs can only serve to debuff/single target here.
But yea if your very overgeared for the fight, its doable. Did it legit many many times, last time was 4man - myself on gf, 1 dc, 2 rogues (1 decent geared guildie, other low geared pug). So you don't need insane max dps, but you do need a lot.
I just tanked everything, dc healed rogues on boss. It is pretty freakin hard on the tank, have to try to tab taunt such massive adds that all want you knocked down. Gets to the point wheres theres so many chasing you you cant really target anything, so gota use enforced threat to get what you can too.
You'll want into the fray, iron warrior and enforced threat for skills for sure. Features: shield talent, enhanced mark. (You can do the odd block, just make sure you hit iron warrior first so your shield doesn't explode).
Course later in the fight they spawn an extra magma golem and a giant too lol, as if the 40 flame spikers weren't enough, pretty much you cannot survive that no matter what.. So your rogues must dps fast or you all die.
And yea all dying is the ONLY choice after the boss, as the ads continue to infinitely respawn even after the boss dies, pretty dumb the only way to win is the die.
Same strat pretty much applies to the first boss, adds have huge CC resist (around 50% of cc spells do nothing) so tanking the adds is the only choice. (They also have highly damaging flaming ranged attacks, so even tank built CWs can't kite them).
Though the spawn is very slightly slower, and they are mostly minions - so having the whole group minus 1 dps them is also viable (tho just barely and requires an overgeared grp too)
Good news is the legit players can maybe get some more diamonds now, as the dungeon wont be exploited like crazy causing the gauntlets to be worth nothing.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
Yeah, I noticed that too. Even within my guild, people aren't queuing for Karrundax unless a member wants to try and farm an item for their set.
My GF guildmate kiting uses into the fray (i think so, since he starts running like a rabbit) and keeps aggro. The only times we fail is when rogues pull the boss off the center of the room.
Thought the cleric was the kiter I mean they are way better at kiting adds then a tank.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
invite tr that can perma stealth so everyone can rejoin the battle after dying
gf with into the fray = movespeed + AP regen
I wish we could cast it without stopping. I suppose it might be OP if that happened though.
TR on boss.
GF kiting adds and punt some off the edge by the pillar.
GWF kill archers and tosses a little dps at boss then pick up giant when he spawns.
CW toss a singularity close to edge by pillar for knock off.
DC stands around dodging red and looking pretty.
Dodge? What dodge. I'm a GF, my view of the Karrundax 2nd boss fight looks like this.
One thing my grp found helpful was to pull the boss into that corner formed my the wall at the entrance to the boss's area, while the gf kites adds in the room proper. Nice way to keep adds and boss separate. Also allowed the dc to place as in a location the ranged dps could stand and the gf could run through during his circuit of the room.
To clarify, the corner i am talking about is the one formed by that low wall on the left of the entrance to boss area. It sticks out and if you herd the boss there he doesnt move around as much since the corner is blocking him.
There's a knock off point? We were hunting around for one...
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Jump cast will have a very short pause when you land.
Have you been living under a stone since the Big Balance Patch Of Doom?
Yea first one, but what about the SECOND boss?
I guess nobody has problems to kill this boss atm (I'm kinda late sorry).
Here is how I do it:
I've never wiped on it 'till now, it may be easier if you have a CW to cast singularity on adds.
Juguer's Gateway Profile (GF PvE)
Juguerz's Gateway Profile (GF PvP)
Did this 6 times today with 2 separate PUGs. 3 Times each... Not overly difficult. Of course you need to be aware of what's going on, and not make needless mistakes, but that boss is a glass cannon. Shatter it!
lol. You know the fights got some issues when you have to party wipe to reasonably complete it.
And as you can see if the video the guy above posted, "minutes" is not an option. The adds become unmanageably crazy (magma golems, and shortly after a giant) at the 1 minute mark. So it's pretty much a sub 80 second burn or wipe. (and then guaranteed wipe less you want to deal with ~100 or possible infinite adds.)
Nothing "easy" about it, the word easy or easier should never be used to describe it.
It's a tough challenging fight, far harder than the final boss fight.
They should make the final boss harder, so its balanced better
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
Good strategy, close to what I used when we 4 manned it. Though one mistake:
You had furious reaction slotted (which did nothing useful here).. Should have swapped it to enhanced mark - may have been enough to keep your cleric alive a little longer.
That and some use of your tab ability would've helped. (charging in with threatening rush is not a wise strategy, as the tons of adds on you will then put red circles too close to the boss)
And no, if you had a CW and he used singularity, it would of only served to make the fight more difficult. As he would steal some of your agro and promptly die (I know from experience). Plus all of those adds have a 50%+ chance to ignore singularities pullback, thus would only take damage).
Plus your average pug cw would put the singularity right on top of either the boss or the cleric, so any mobs pulled in would wipe the group.
CWs are best played in this fight if they slot 100% single target dps, and debuff with high vizier.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
I usually play with Enhanced Mark instead of FR, but that time I was too sleepy and thought FR could save my *** if I got caught by any 'fire torrent' (which really happened lol).
I like to have a CW casting a singularity, it's useful to put the adds together, and you can get the aggro with Enforced Threat + Villain's Menace.
I agree it wasn't a clear run, but at least we could finish it without big troubles and show the strat for this fight.
Juguer's Gateway Profile (GF PvE)
Juguerz's Gateway Profile (GF PvP)
I'm a GF and I just use Knights Valor, Lunge & Front Line surge, keep Menace up 100% of fight and tank/spank on top of boss with GWF using unstoppable. Burn boss down and then clear out trash.
Second boss is a DPS race.
GF kite. Rest on boss. First fight is harder than this one:D