I have a level 60 TR and the last 7 to 10 days I have gotten at least 3 Blind Guild invites per evening while I "happy go lucky" around Protector's Enclave. Just last night I received 5 and 2 from the same Guild within 15 minutes of each other.
From a person who co-ran a Gaming Guild for almost 10 years I do understand the need to "fill your ranks" but please do not send blind guild invites and expect a "yes" right off the bat!
Doing it that way ONLY makes me say NO even quicker!
I would entertain any Guild that would ask me politely first or at least ask if I would be interested in checking them out on the web, or meet some of it's members first but to send me an invite out of the blue is IMO not-appropriate and only makes me believe the Guild is a "Zerging" Guild which I despise and which may not be the case of this particular Guild but inexperience from an Officer with "inviting privileges".
From past experience, I ask all Guild Leaders to remind their Officers to please ask first and start a conversation before sending out those "bind invites".
All the best gang!
Post edited by radiick507 on
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Can't you prevent that by disabling your auto grouping?
I did not even know that even existed. Guess it would be in the "O" Tab, will have to look when I get home later this afternoon.
If so, much appreciated my friend.
No problem. I thought I remember seeing that since in the guild panel's roster it shows members with green or red icons next to them to reflect if they have open grouping enabled. Worth a test at least.
radiick507Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
It is just that the "O" tab is not an area I look at very often as I am obviously not Guilded and the only friends I know that are playing it are on a different server.
Regardless, it is too bad that I have to enable something that should not be happening in the first place, but yet again as Rick would say on Pawn Stars, "in all the years I have been playing online games, in an MMO, you never know what is going to come through that door"??? LOL........................
I have a level 60 TR and the last 7 to 10 days I have gotten at least 3 Blind Guild invites per evening while I "happy go lucky" around Protector's Enclave. Just last night I received 5 and 2 from the same Guild within 15 minutes of each other.
From a person who co-ran a Gaming Guild for almost 10 years I do understand the need to "fill your ranks" but please do not send blind guild invites and expect a "yes" right off the bat!
Doing it that way ONLY makes me say NO even quicker!
I would entertain any Guild that would ask me politely first or at least ask if I would be interested in checking them out on the web, or meet some of it's members first but to send me an invite out of the blue is IMO not-appropriate and only makes me believe the Guild is a "Zerging" Guild which I despise and which may not be the case of this particular Guild but inexperience from an Officer with "inviting privileges".
From past experience, I ask all Guild Leaders to remind their Officers to please ask first and start a conversation before sending out those "bind invites".
All the best gang!
You know that box that pops up and ASKS you if you would like to their guild? That's asking.
powereddjinnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
You know that box that pops up and ASKS you if you would like to their guild? That's asking.
No that's rude!, asking is a chat...
This type of invite is like running around town with a contract for something useless that those that do not have 'it' do not want & shoving it under everyone's nose, along with a pen, and screaming sign!
(Do you enjoy getting 'chugged'?)
& usually it takes 5 or 6 <shift>-2 (No) to get the rude person to comprehend that No means "no, do not ask again as I have already said no and do not want to see another pop-up from you!"
The pop up box forces you to respond. You have to do something even if its to just get rid of it. Most times it simply comes randomly. You could be in the middle of fighting, in the middle of chatting, or anything else, and the pop up just disrupts it. Sure, its one click, but that one click could cause me to mistime a dodge or interfere in other ways.
A /Tell on the other hand, wont block my view, wont get in the way. And can be responded to when I have the time. Instead of forcing me to take action, any action, to simply get rid of the dang pop up. Just is why blind invites are rude. There is zero respect offered to the other person or what they might be doing the moment it is sent.
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Ignoring/reporting spam on that person would eliminate the problem, I would think...
nick1sternMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 330Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
This is one of the things I really Like about LOTRO..
They have check boxes for no random invite, dueling, guild invite.
Oh and Finally added the opt out for forced emotes after much player preassure to do so.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited July 2013
In Champions Online, there is an option to flag yourself to not accept any duel challenges. Something similar would be great for guild and team invites.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
radiick507Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The pop up box forces you to respond. You have to do something even if its to just get rid of it. Most times it simply comes randomly. You could be in the middle of fighting, in the middle of chatting, or anything else, and the pop up just disrupts it. Sure, its one click, but that one click could cause me to mistime a dodge or interfere in other ways.
A /Tell on the other hand, wont block my view, wont get in the way. And can be responded to when I have the time. Instead of forcing me to take action, any action, to simply get rid of the dang pop up. Just is why blind invites are rude. There is zero respect offered to the other person or what they might be doing the moment it is sent.
Thanks for this comment sockmunkey, now this has not happened (luckily) while I have been in the middle of a fight, only while I am in PE, but nonetheless I always respond to tells and would more likely respond with some interest form a kind "interested" ask then the spam ask.
In past games, NONE of my Officers would ever and I mean ever be allowed to spam invites period. A sense of common maturity/courtesy is all I would ever ask and never had a prospective guildy claim he was not properly asked before submitting his app. Maybe I am "old in my ways" but yet again, a kind ask is always a plus in my book.
I am sure their are some Guild Leader with enough common sense that could remind their Officers with invite privileges.
Spamming guild invites is certainly not new, and has been far more frequent in other MMORPG's.
I honestly don't know what those people are thinking by trying to build a guild that way. I can't see it being successful...ever.
Still, there are relatively few people that do that, though it may seem like it is more if they hit you multiple times. Simply adding them to your ignore list should reduce, if not solve the problem.
Yes, some games have a check box to block random guild invites. It would not be a bad feature to add.
At least in CO, you got a free costume slot when you joined a guild. It made the blind invites a bit more entertaining. Id join, get the costume, and remove myself. Snarky comeback would be optional.
Here, its just annoying. If I wanted to join a guild im pretty sure its not going to be one with the only requirements being, the ability to click accept.
radiick507Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Well last evening for almost 6 straight hours I did not get spammed once (did not check-mark no-auto-grouping at that time yet)......................
Now it could be one or many of these things:
- I was lucky!
- Was a quiet Monday evening,
- A bunch of Guild Leaders read this thread (which I highly doubt)
- Common Sense has prevailed
- or the are all scared of me..............lol!
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited July 2013
These invites are also random in the respect that you never know when someone who operates this way will be online. There've been times when I'll get a whole bunch in a week and other times when I won't be bothered at all. I don't think I've been random invited for a couple of weeks now, in fact (but it might be because I've shut off auto-grouping to avoid party invites while purposely soloing). But I have had a couple of people I was helping via tells ask me if I needed a guild, to both of whom I said I'd think about it and friended them instead.
I've only ever been hit with these in PE, so it hasn't messed up my fighting at least, thankfully. That's a terrible time to bother somebody, jeez.
I agree that random invitations do not speak well to me of the guild's recruitment standards.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
I did not even know that even existed. Guess it would be in the "O" Tab, will have to look when I get home later this afternoon.
If so, much appreciated my friend.
No problem. I thought I remember seeing that since in the guild panel's roster it shows members with green or red icons next to them to reflect if they have open grouping enabled. Worth a test at least.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Regardless, it is too bad that I have to enable something that should not be happening in the first place, but yet again as Rick would say on Pawn Stars, "in all the years I have been playing online games, in an MMO, you never know what is going to come through that door"??? LOL........................
You know that box that pops up and ASKS you if you would like to their guild? That's asking.
No that's rude!, asking is a chat...
This type of invite is like running around town with a contract for something useless that those that do not have 'it' do not want & shoving it under everyone's nose, along with a pen, and screaming sign!
(Do you enjoy getting 'chugged'?)
& usually it takes 5 or 6 <shift>-2 (No) to get the rude person to comprehend that No means "no, do not ask again as I have already said no and do not want to see another pop-up from you!"
What Class Are You?
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
The pop up box forces you to respond. You have to do something even if its to just get rid of it. Most times it simply comes randomly. You could be in the middle of fighting, in the middle of chatting, or anything else, and the pop up just disrupts it. Sure, its one click, but that one click could cause me to mistime a dodge or interfere in other ways.
A /Tell on the other hand, wont block my view, wont get in the way. And can be responded to when I have the time. Instead of forcing me to take action, any action, to simply get rid of the dang pop up. Just is why blind invites are rude. There is zero respect offered to the other person or what they might be doing the moment it is sent.
They have check boxes for no random invite, dueling, guild invite.
Oh and Finally added the opt out for forced emotes after much player preassure to do so.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Thanks for this comment sockmunkey, now this has not happened (luckily) while I have been in the middle of a fight, only while I am in PE, but nonetheless I always respond to tells and would more likely respond with some interest form a kind "interested" ask then the spam ask.
In past games, NONE of my Officers would ever and I mean ever be allowed to spam invites period. A sense of common maturity/courtesy is all I would ever ask and never had a prospective guildy claim he was not properly asked before submitting his app. Maybe I am "old in my ways" but yet again, a kind ask is always a plus in my book.
I am sure their are some Guild Leader with enough common sense that could remind their Officers with invite privileges.
I honestly don't know what those people are thinking by trying to build a guild that way. I can't see it being successful...ever.
Still, there are relatively few people that do that, though it may seem like it is more if they hit you multiple times. Simply adding them to your ignore list should reduce, if not solve the problem.
Yes, some games have a check box to block random guild invites. It would not be a bad feature to add.
Here, its just annoying. If I wanted to join a guild im pretty sure its not going to be one with the only requirements being, the ability to click accept.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
Now it could be one or many of these things:
- I was lucky!
- Was a quiet Monday evening,
- A bunch of Guild Leaders read this thread (which I highly doubt)
- Common Sense has prevailed
- or the are all scared of me..............lol!
I've only ever been hit with these in PE, so it hasn't messed up my fighting at least, thankfully. That's a terrible time to bother somebody, jeez.
I agree that random invitations do not speak well to me of the guild's recruitment standards.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
GWF Mistress Roxxy and DC Lady Valentine both @loverboyusa
If you are the "Pamela Anderson in bikini's" Guild I am begging for an invite.........please!
Yes, but what a way for an adventurer to go. There bards would sing (rowdy) songs about it for eons.....
You know, my mind went somewhere else completely, and it had nothing to do with the beautiful ladies actually finding much use for men at all.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I am sure there will be a Foundry Quest about this real soon..........hehehehe
Yea. The song would be "dude looks like a lady" by Aerosmith
Only to be followed by "Don't go breaking my heart" Capn't and Tenille if I remember correctly?