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Feywild Packs and Fury of the Feywild Module Live Date



  • electalelectal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am very excited! But, I have a few questions. Will the unicorn be a tier 3 speed mount? Will all my characters be able to have a unicorn mount? Same with the clothing? IE: 5 characters = 5 sets of clothing? If so I am gonna purchase! I know it says "can be used on every character on your account" but that is a little too vague for me. That possibly could mean that I could choose only one character out of all my characters to get the mount/clothes. Thanks!
  • crimsoncloak5crimsoncloak5 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sanasx wrote: »
    it is all very well but! do some work with classes of characters optimize balance. GWF needs to complete processing for example all classes in the game when you click "Shift" Done on them does not pass ... But it's different with the GWF. Also 'determination' to change completely.
    Recommendations to the characters :
    TR-increase the damage of 20%, reduce HP 25%
    CW- increase the damage of 30%, reduce HP 30%

    I beg to disagree. As we all know TR's are the "striker" roles, meaning they have the maximum damage that can inflict on a single target. CW's belongs to the control type meaning they are the CC's masters in the game increasing their damage specially at 30% is very bias opinion. Maybe you can put it this way...

    TR - Increase dmg by 10%, -reduce HP by 5%
    CW -Increase dmg by 5%, reduce defense and deflection 5%

    hp is better than defense and deflection and reduing CWs would make them so weak yet they have bigger defense and deflection than TRs.

    For other classes seems to me this is the most logical thing to do with the GF,GWF not changed at all.

    DC - Increase in HP 5%, reduce dmg by 10%
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Great question! I don't have that information yet, but I'll see if I can get the info and add it to the FAQ.

    Is there actually a FAQ somewhere? I can't seem to find a link! O_o
    PWE Games Gift Package

    And still no items for Champions Online.

    Yeah, I was disappointed that there's nothing for CO or STO in this one. :\
    I guess this pack would be ok for a brand new player, but for most of us this pack is kind of a waste. Many already have mounts, which ends up being the only useful thing in these packs (other than the AD). The Stone and the cat are the only useful companions in the game because all the others die so easily at higher levels.

    I purchased both the Founder and Guardian packs, and as soon as I finished watching the video for the Feywild pack, I bought it. I cannot /wait/ to ride on a unicorn! I also enjoy using several different companions, none of which are the cat or the stone, though I will agree that the panther companion is pretty useless. :\ Also, YAY more outfits!
    electal wrote: »
    I am very excited! But, I have a few questions. Will the unicorn be a tier 3 speed mount? Will all my characters be able to have a unicorn mount? Same with the clothing? IE: 5 characters = 5 sets of clothing? If so I am gonna purchase! I know it says "can be used on every character on your account" but that is a little too vague for me. That possibly could mean that I could choose only one character out of all my characters to get the mount/clothes. Thanks!

    The phrase "can be used on every character on your account" means that every character on your account will get those items. Every character you have will be able to claim all of those items, including all your old characters and any new ones. You'll be able to visit the merchant in the northwest corner of the Hall of Justice to claim the stuff. Note that the Adventurer's Helper Pack says it can only be used on one character.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kwsapphire wrote: »
    Is there actually a FAQ somewhere? I can't seem to find a link! O_o

    Here it is.
  • selenebellatrixselenebellatrix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    same here - i was hoping to have access to the unicorn tonight but oh well i guess it gives me something to look forward to on the 22nd....
    mewbrey wrote: »
    Brought the pack thinking I'd have access to the goods now, not the module one content, but the companion and the unicorn...

    "To get players ready for the dangerous journey ahead, we're introducing two new packs filled with unique items including companions, fashion, and more!"

    I kinda assumed "To get players ready for the dangerous" it would mean I could level up the companion before the new content had been launched. Oh well, I guess we don't get anything until the 22nd?
  • hackbeardhackbeard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am happy to purchase the top tier Feywild package because I want to support the game and enjoy premium content, however I am disappointed that there was zero clarification that the entire package's contents will be unavailable until August 22nd. Had I known, I may have waited to purchase it closer to release time. As of now, I feel like I blew $60 that I could have used on something else in the meantime.

    You guys should have been explicitly clear about this from the beginning. There is no reason to mislead, whether intentionally or by accident, when offering premium content to your users. I would have enjoyed playing with my new goodies at the moment of purchase as initially expected. Instead, I have to wait around for five weeks before my purchase is rewarded.
  • delthanindelthanin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    hackbeard wrote: »
    I am happy to purchase the top tier Feywild package because I want to support the game and enjoy premium content, however I am disappointed that there was zero clarification that the entire package's contents will be unavailable until August 22nd. Had I known, I may have waited to purchase it closer to release time. As of now, I feel like I blew $60 that I could have used on something else in the meantime.

    You guys should have been explicitly clear about this from the beginning. There is no reason to mislead, whether intentionally or by accident, when offering premium content to your users. I would have enjoyed playing with my new goodies at the moment of purchase as initially expected. Instead, I have to wait around for five weeks before my purchase is rewarded.

    I do feel a bit burned by this. I think you guys are better than to mislead the playerbase, whether intentional or not, especially ones who want to support you guys. If people are getting the wrong idea with how you're presenting your products, you really need to change how you market these things in the future, so we know for sure you guys aren't purposefully being shady. As of now, it doesn't make sense why this is being sold now when the sold product won't arrive for weeks.

    This is a good game. We want to support it and give you guys some of our money. We just need clear communication between all of us.

    Thanks guys.
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dardove wrote: »

    Outstanding, thank you very much! Edit: Ahhhh, the main FAQ was appended. Understood, and thanks again!
  • hateloginnameshateloginnames Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm so excited, we will soon have more content to exploit, with our bug classes and skills. latest patch did not even fix the exploit, CW has at least 17 ​​things that go wrong, and not tell the rest of the classes.

    read the bug section and work on that, then you can take our money ...
  • ocampusmaximusocampusmaximus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I wanted to purchase the Pack right now and give it to my wife as a gift, so she could show her unicorn off at the Enclave plaza. Having to wait until August 22 isn't a bad thing, but the fact that no official source states so in the advertisement is a huge fail from your otherwise accurate PR team.

    Good thing I didn't buy the Pack today. And seeing such dirty tactics makes me consider making that purchase. Perhaps I can go and use those $60 to get wife a real-life collie puppy tomorrow afternoon. At least I know that will be delivered immediately.
  • deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any word on if the Moon elfs will release later on for free like the drow?
    I am usually Deaths Crowbar.

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  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any word on if the Moon elfs will release later on for free like the drow?

    moon elf is buy only but sun elf will be free
  • ikq86ikq86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    The module will be available for everyone for free - the packs contain extra items to supplement your adventure, but are not required to access any of the Fury of the Feywild content. In regards to new classes, at this time I don't have any information on that.

    Thanks for requesting clarification!

    I for one would love to play a moon elf, however, with all the time and money spent on my current drow I'm not sure I would think it was worth it.
    Are there any plans for implementing zen bought race change tokens? (maybe even class change tokens).
    // Surreal, proudly representing

  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This packs should include a high amount of zen to be competitive. At last 3000 zen in the 60$ pack.

    Free-to-play games works because of the micropayments, not with this kind of packs.
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  • gutbotgutbot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you guys/suckers knew how little time recoloring models takes to make you wouldn't pay a fraction of the these prices.
  • baranthusbaranthus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    gutbot wrote: »
    If you guys/suckers knew how little time recoloring models takes to make you wouldn't pay a fraction of the these prices.
    I disagree because a) I can't 'recolour' models myself and b) I can afford it and c) I am happy to support the game.

  • beriad1beriad1 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ikq86 wrote: »
    Are there any plans for implementing zen bought race change tokens? (maybe even class change tokens).

    this is a great idea, another way to make money, i would buy, please implement!!!!
  • gutbotgutbot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    baranthus wrote: »
    I disagree because a) I can't 'recolour' models myself and b) I can afford it and c) I am happy to support the game.
    The only problem with that is however is companies like pwe will find ways of giving you less and less for your money. and although you might think your supporting the game, you are in fact damaging it because in the long run they know they can make the money without putting in the effort. this especially effects new content. Why put out a few more pvp maps or a new dungeon or even fix some of the bugs, when they can re skin a model and sell it to you for $50?
    In the end all that will happen is the free2plays and some of the paying members will leave, leaving you with your overpriced re colored content alone in protectors enclave with nothing to do.
    By all means support the game, but be a little shrewder about how much your paying for cheap content.
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    baranthus wrote: »
    I disagree because a) I can't 'recolour' models myself and b) I can afford it and c) I am happy to support the game.


    You are a sucker, they could charge a lot less for this game and still make a ton of money. asa matter of fact they could probably make more money by charging half as much. they are charging the price of a FULL GAME. i would gladly support this game if their prices weren't so stupidly high.
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any word on if the Moon elfs will release later on for free like the drow?

    Wait, what? They're releasing the Drow for free? The major selling point of Perfect World's $200 founder package was exclusive access to a unique player race (Drow) that was not available anywhere else. Releasing it for free a couple months down the road was not mentioned in the offer. Will Perfect World refund a sizable portion of every Founder's package?
  • lunalumierelunalumiere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In all honesty I do look forward to this new pack, but I must agree with many others on here. You were very quiet when it came to posting the pack would not be usable until launch of the new mod. Speaking as someone who has already purchased the pack, I do feel a bit ripped off especially when your own advertisement said

    "To get players ready for the dangerous journey ahead, we're introducing two new packs filled with unique items including companions, fashion, and more!"

    Yes.. you can argue that this is meaning "to give you items to ready you for adventuring in this new mod"...it could also be read as "here is something to get you excited about the eventual release". Maybe stating the actually availability date in the future would be a good idea. And I mean state it up front.. not hidden on another page.
  • azmoran11azmoran11 Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2013
    They have said for a long time, founders got early access to the drow, not exclusive rights. The only thing exclusive about the Founder pack was the title. Thanks for the 200$!
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    azmoran11 wrote: »
    They have said for a long time, founders got early access to the drow, not exclusive rights. The only thing exclusive about the Founder pack was the title. Thanks for the 200$!

    Did they say that in the Founder's Package purchase page?
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just looked. No they did not.
  • khanthaskhanthas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bought the pack then read elsewhere I can't access it till August 22nd the wait is going to kill me. Wish the primal classes were going to be released with this pack makes sense that Rangers, druids and shamans might be involved with a nature like pack. Would of loved the idea of making up a shiny new Moon elf ranger. Not that i am complaining its just that i love this game and crave..more of everything.

    As for the gripping about Drow going free, read the FAQ the Menzo Renegade you get in the pack is exclusive the free play drow are a lesser version and dont have the same stuff, and yes from the way i am reading it the moon elves with eventually be free but with have some differences and we all get sun elves for free. seriously dont worry be happy
    Evil triumphs when good folk do nothing.
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  • baranthusbaranthus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    You are a sucker, they could charge a lot less for this game and still make a ton of money. asa matter of fact they could probably make more money by charging half as much. they are charging the price of a FULL GAME. i would gladly support this game if their prices weren't so stupidly high.

    No one expects anybody to do anything. As it stands, I've no doubt that Cryptic will analyse the success or failure of the new pack and contact and if they feel that they could make more frm selling cheaper then they will. And if not then they won't. C'est la vie. :) Edit - if YOU think it's too expensive - DON'T BUY IT! Simples.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wait, what? They're releasing the Drow for free? The major selling point of Perfect World's $200 founder package was exclusive access to a unique player race (Drow) that was not available anywhere else. Releasing it for free a couple months down the road was not mentioned in the offer. Will Perfect World refund a sizable portion of every Founder's package?

    The Menzoberran Renegade with it's faerie fire racial ability and tattoo cosmetic option are exclusive to the Hero of the North pack. Everyone else will get the more generic Drow option.
  • turkf54turkf54 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18
    edited July 2013
    What happened to the "Drow" race being released after 60 days for open play? I did not see anything indicating they are being released.

  • kelestrakelestra Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited July 2013
    A friend of mine just linked this to me....

    This "Pack" is the most insulting, and hilarious, price tag I've ever seen.

    Just do some comparison here before you roll a '1' on your willpower check; $60 is the regular average price of fully released games. Or for some people; not even the cost of a full 'World of Warcraft' Expansion.

    I understand that you might want the pack, and that some of you still enjoy the game. But, for the love of Gaming, don't let them get away with just robbing you blind; it's -not- worth that much. If you can roll a '20' and keep your wallets at bay then YOU can have an effect on their Price Point and force them to lower their prices; otherwise they'll just keep taking it blind from everyone.

    Like I said; it's your money... if you want it, go ahead, I won't stop you. I'm just telling you that you're over-paying for the product and we, as Gamers, can't let them get away with pushing/forcing our 'coins' around like this.

    PW just overtook M$ in my book with this. (Yes, I don't even play anymore... I've moved on. I'm not saying you should either, but I highly suggest it lol)
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  • dreadheartdreadheart Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Will the level cap change?
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