I have every GF T1 set and half of the T2 sets and a shedload of random enchantments. That fills up the bank and a bunch of bag slots.
I also gateway craft, so I like to have extra space for the 20 odd pants I make through the gateway. It's not that I'm hugely pressed for more space, but I like having it.
I don't care if you've never spent money on the game, I have and I spent about $60 on bank slots for convenience. I have more money than I have free time and I am not opposed to getting more for my money(or AD).
Okay so on whos side are you? ... Why are you needing cheaper bags?
He's on the side of the guy with three months earlier join date than you
Because you seem to feel that is so very important.......
You are really stupid Where did i say that? I only mentoin that there is no / cant be real complaining when the user joined in this month. Seriusly how much experience could he have in this game?
You are really stupid Where did i say that? I only mentoin that there is no / cant be real complaining when the user joined in this month. Seriusly how much experience could he have in this game?
YOU are the one who brought up the issue of join dates to try to 'prove' your point (or just for epeen purposes I guess).
Then when someone with a join date 3 month earlier WTFPWNS you, you start crying about how it doesn't actually matter.
But don't let the facts stop you digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole
fathomfulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 207Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
I agree with bank tab sentiment. It is too expensive and bank is way too small.
Bags are inconsequential. Once you are lvl 60 three bags is enough unless you are a dedicated green collector. It is not like your assets and crafting materials are in there. It is literally only loot going to You/AH/Bank, potions, kits, enchants/runes. That is all there is really. I thought it was an issue until i put the high level chants/runes in bank, and stopped keeping or picking up small ones. I have tons of bag space.
YOU are the one who brought up the issue of join dates to try to 'prove' your point (or just for epeen purposes I guess).
Then when someone with a join date 3 month earlier WTFPAWNS you, you start crying about how it doesn't actually matter.
But don't let the facts stop you digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole
Seriusly if he is playing 3 month before me, and he still dont know why we dont need bags, then he is owned not me. Then he clearly is just that type, who is buying everything from real money / or came from WOW where you acually really needed the bigger bags! Do you really play this game? Or you just saw some screenshots from the game?
And you say someone complains after 1 week is normal? I mean, really?? How long did all of you leveled up your characters? Did you even realised why did i have an issue with his join date? You have FREE bags for all the profession items, FREE bags for tokens, FREE bags for assets, FREE bag for companions! I never seen this before in any MMO! Like if someone is complaining about why there is no FREE epic mount! Or free ancients! Bags are not expensive, just people who thinks they should have earn everything for free IN AN INSTANT. You can get the AD for that bag in 1 week. Is it really that long? Just because you dont know how to play, that is not Cryptic fault. I see every week 10-20 new player with an Ioun stone, and are all F2P players. And that is 2k zen. If they can do it, you can too!
And not just that you have all the free slots for everything, you only need slot for potions! You really need slots for potions? Yes i didnt mentioned gems! Because i already posted this:
Well im just saying / OR giving you a tip that you really dont need to farm the gems, because it takes very very much time.
Think about it, if you want a rank 7 gem, you need MINIMUM 64 rank4 from that gem. And you will put this gem in only one of your gear. If you think about it you need like 6 offensive gems total, +3 for ioun stone. That is like 576 gem. Would you really farm those out?
These numbers only right if you are wanting rank 7s, and if you really want an ioun stone.
Take my advice and do daily quests, do leadership, sell all you stuff that you dont need, then buy rank 7 gems. You will have a much better experience, and you will have fun. Instead of farming like a robot!
Those who dont get it why i am saying these, those players are fresh players, didnt played at all. Or played, but still inexperienced! They just stupidly get their bags full, and stoped playing like some robot who got error... Beep im full!
But you know what? Dont keep my advice! NICE FARMING! STAY a robot!
Funny isn't it, how those who are most keen to back their 'arguments' up by using 'seniority', are always the ones who desperately try to backpedal when someone with 'seniority' over them disagrees......
Just for the record, soulwhisp, you DO have some decent points, but trying to pull seniority on a newer member, then backpedaling desperately doesn't inspire any confidence in your other arguments (even if they have a certain amount of merit).
I agree. If greater bags of holding were, say 250 zen, I would probably buy 4 and they got their $10. However, they are not...they are 1000 zen, so I buy NONE and they don't get their $10...from me anyway.
250 is actually pretty low in comparison to what they are priced elsewhere, in my opinion cutting it in half is a good start. You can't just look at it from the player's perspective, otherwise no free game would have funds due to under pricing everything.
Ooh, I joined in May 2012 does that mean I get a vote also? Lol - I'd like less expensive bags, more bank space and cheaper companions while we're at it
And for the record, it doesn't matter when anyone joins - everyone has the right to voice their opinion and offer their insights - get over it.
My join date predates the PWE forum merge. A merge that reset my join date. My join date goes back to 2010. Therefore my opinion is the bestest one here. Bow to me and bask in my forum greatness. A greatness that also feels bags are over priced.
I doubt they ever will lower the price except once in awhile as a sale. If they lowered it to 500 Zen then I can see people saving up their AD just for those bags because 500 Zen isn't that much.
I dont even read the first post, i only need to see this: "Join Date Jul 2013".
YOU dont need cheaper bags, you dont really need bags. I have 2 bags on all my toons, only my TR has 3 bags, because i did all the quests in NW. I have 5 chars, i know what im saying and there is no need for extra bags.
Yep, here it is.. We all knew this post was coming.
merten1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
While the quest bags appear to be bind-on-pickup, there's nothing in the description of the Zen bags that indicates they ever bind at all, and I've seen people talking about mailing them around to other characters.
So while they are expensive, they're not quite as bad as you make out.
It appears I was wrong on the bind on pickup for the zen bags(the quest bags are bind on pickup). However, ten bucks a bag is too much.
zzuggiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited July 2013
I would rather pay $50 to buy a complete game rather than $50 for 5 bags for one character.... I love the game but having to delete loot just to free up bag space just puts me off...
merten1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
I won't get into any arguments over whether we 'need' more bags or not. I'll simply give my opinion:
I would really, really like to get more bank space and more bags, but I will never buy them at the current prices. I bought one extension for the bank, but then I realized how ridiculously little it got me and that it was for only one character, and I proceeded to kick myself for the impulse purchase.
Also, since storage space is so tiny, I'll also never purchase any cosmetic items, as I don't have the space to store them. I'll never buy extra dyes. I'll never buy extra mounts. I'll never buy extra ANYTHING that requires being stored, as I simply don't have the storage space.
That drastically cuts any possible income that could be made off of me, and all because of the price of storage.
I havent touched this game since beta.
Popped in to see if has got any better and i see they are still out for all your cash, so oh well might see ya all in 4 more months.
This shows how clueless these folks are when it comes to game management. A quick cut and paste on something that should never have been an issue to begin with. I retype...clueless.
There is no worse feeling in the world than the moment during an argument you realize you are wrong.
I WOULD like them all filled with the largest bags, but out of 10 toons I only bought ONE.
at a MUCH lower price I would actually buy 4 for all toons that's 40 bags at say 250z a large bag (10Kz), instead of 1 bag at 1Kz a bag (1Kz).
biggest reason? I will be able to look at my weekly budget at end of week see I have $5-$10 left over, and think.... hmm I could get 2 bags this week, instead of thinking... I don't have enough, or all I got is $10, I would rather have something more worth the price (then go buy some snack-foods to nibble on while zone changing/loading screens.
every *** week I go look at Z store and go through this process, EVERY WEEK. I'm a HotN!!! I've been playing since 5 days before open Beta, with these toons, yet I only bought ONE BAG. (actually had $20 left on budget that week, and knew I would need at least one to frakking do professions)
nearly everything in store is overpriced and needs to be reduced to 25% of what is current listed prices, the exceptions are:
mounts (50% of current)
character slots (that's priced okay)
companions (30% - 50% of current)
keys (they are a ripoff, but they are at least priced according to the prices of keys in other Cryptic games)
good rule of thumb on NW price adjustments:
price them according to the equivalent item sold in ether STO or CO
compared to the other 2 Cryptic game's prices on items, NW is WAY overcharging on most things.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Okay now im curious! I have 5 chars, almost max geared, with rank 7 gems, ioune stone, 2 epic mounts, i do almost every professions. (never used real money). And i want to know, how do you fill your bags?I dont get it!
By doing the quests and playing the game?
werealchemistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
lets do some math to deck out a character
4,000 - bags (initial bag is 30 slots anyway so you don't need 5)
3,000 - 3,500 for a decent companion
3,000 - for the mount (and let's not try to fool ourselves here it does give a huge advantage in PvP)
300 - if its your first time playing that class (because lets face it hardly anybody gets their powers/feats/stats the way they want them on their first try)
Wow that adds up to $108+ usd...for 1 character (minus the mount)
i already went and bought 6 extra character slots and you want me to pay $70 per extra character to deck them out i might try at $30 until then, no thanks i think i'll just buy a new xbox game and every dlc that comes out for it too
thanks for making this game free though it had a lot of potential (aside from the fact you locked classes out of any kind of D&D customization)
merten1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
You are really stupid Where did i say that? I only mentoin that there is no / cant be real complaining when the user joined in this month. Seriusly how much experience could he have in this game?
I am a customer, or potential customer. Same as you. This company is providing a service. I want the service but I'm not willing to be ripped off for said service when the competition is cheaper/more reasonable. Simple as that. I like the game. It is a fun, overall well done game with lots of potential. It is just painfully obvious that the price of something so desperately needed in the game was either overlooked, or purposely set at a rediculously high price. I am actually surprised it hasn't come up before.(that I could find, anyway.) I would like to think that it is an oversight that they will correct.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2013
. . . . . Join date here simply means a user first visited the forums during that month and year. It does not necessarily mean the date they started their account with Perfect World or Cryptic, unless they visited the forum right away after making an account. Think of it more like, "Joined Community on:" instead. Besides, everyone's opinion is valid unless it is an opinion of bias towards another user or otherwise violates the Rules. So, on that note; Please read the Rules folks, there's a link in my signature. Thanks!
. . . . . Join date here simply means a user first visited the forums during that month and year. It does not necessarily mean the date they started their account with Perfect World or Cryptic, unless they visited the forum right away after making an account. Think of it more like, "Joined Community on:" instead. Besides, everyone's opinion is valid unless it is an opinion of bias towards another user or otherwise violates the Rules.
I am very glad that there has been an official MOD response to this and I couldn't agree more - which I why I try to shine a spotlight on people that try to use their earlier join date to denigrate the views of newer members
I would really, really like to get more bank space and more bags, but I will never buy them at the current prices.
Also, since storage space is so tiny, I'll also never purchase any cosmetic items, as I don't have the space to store them. I'll never buy extra dyes. I'll never buy extra mounts. I'll never buy extra ANYTHING that requires being stored, as I simply don't have the storage space.
That drastically cuts any possible income that could be made off of me, and all because of the price of storage.
Actually this is a very, very good point, which might actually cause PWE to stop and listen.
They should not be so much concerned with the fact that they get more total cash FROM BAG SALES by selling bags at $10 rather than at, say, $5.
What they should consider is that it is that if people decide not to buy storage space because it is so expensive, they are far less likely to buy either items as well.
In my opinion, the bank would be priced OK if it was account-wide, not per character.
Also agree with the posts that call for a 50%-75% price cut in bags. I'm sure that sheer volume of take-up would easily replace perceived price cut. Sell 10 bags at $10 or 200 at $2.50?? Which is better? hmmmm I would certainly buy one or 2 rather than none.
Microtransactions shouldn't be a case of where the user has to agonise over whether the purchase really has value - as someone said earlier it is often an impulse purchase. At these prices, many peoples impulse is to NOT pay and this ultimately damages the longterm life of the game. Also can be seen as outright daylight robbery and reduces the chance they will purchase something else (like character slots which could then bring in MORE money - customer service? does bring rewards).
Okay so on whos side are you? ...
He's on the side of the guy with three months earlier join date than you
Because you seem to feel that is so very important.......
You are really stupid
YOU are the one who brought up the issue of join dates to try to 'prove' your point (or just for epeen purposes I guess).
Then when someone with a join date 3 month earlier WTFPWNS you, you start crying about how it doesn't actually matter.
But don't let the facts stop you digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole
Bags are inconsequential. Once you are lvl 60 three bags is enough unless you are a dedicated green collector. It is not like your assets and crafting materials are in there. It is literally only loot going to You/AH/Bank, potions, kits, enchants/runes. That is all there is really. I thought it was an issue until i put the high level chants/runes in bank, and stopped keeping or picking up small ones. I have tons of bag space.
Seriusly if he is playing 3 month before me, and he still dont know why we dont need bags, then he is owned not me. Then he clearly is just that type, who is buying everything from real money / or came from WOW where you acually really needed the bigger bags! Do you really play this game? Or you just saw some screenshots from the game?
And you say someone complains after 1 week is normal? I mean, really?? How long did all of you leveled up your characters? Did you even realised why did i have an issue with his join date? You have FREE bags for all the profession items, FREE bags for tokens, FREE bags for assets, FREE bag for companions! I never seen this before in any MMO! Like if someone is complaining about why there is no FREE epic mount! Or free ancients! Bags are not expensive, just people who thinks they should have earn everything for free IN AN INSTANT. You can get the AD for that bag in 1 week. Is it really that long? Just because you dont know how to play, that is not Cryptic fault. I see every week 10-20 new player with an Ioun stone, and are all F2P players. And that is 2k zen. If they can do it, you can too!
And not just that you have all the free slots for everything, you only need slot for potions! You really need slots for potions? Yes i didnt mentioned gems! Because i already posted this:
And top of my advice: it takes much less time, than farming gems like an idiot!
Tips from me: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?400151-Why-i-think-this-game-is-not-p2w!
Those who dont get it why i am saying these, those players are fresh players, didnt played at all. Or played, but still inexperienced! They just stupidly get their bags full, and stoped playing like some robot who got error... Beep im full!
But you know what? Dont keep my advice! NICE FARMING! STAY a robot!
Funny isn't it, how those who are most keen to back their 'arguments' up by using 'seniority', are always the ones who desperately try to backpedal when someone with 'seniority' over them disagrees......
Just for the record, soulwhisp, you DO have some decent points, but trying to pull seniority on a newer member, then backpedaling desperately doesn't inspire any confidence in your other arguments (even if they have a certain amount of merit).
250 is actually pretty low in comparison to what they are priced elsewhere, in my opinion cutting it in half is a good start. You can't just look at it from the player's perspective, otherwise no free game would have funds due to under pricing everything.
And for the record, it doesn't matter when anyone joins - everyone has the right to voice their opinion and offer their insights - get over it.
Your funnys people
Yep, here it is.. We all knew this post was coming.
It appears I was wrong on the bind on pickup for the zen bags(the quest bags are bind on pickup). However, ten bucks a bag is too much.
Does this at least mean you will take this under advisement? Will we hear anything else about it?
I would really, really like to get more bank space and more bags, but I will never buy them at the current prices. I bought one extension for the bank, but then I realized how ridiculously little it got me and that it was for only one character, and I proceeded to kick myself for the impulse purchase.
Also, since storage space is so tiny, I'll also never purchase any cosmetic items, as I don't have the space to store them. I'll never buy extra dyes. I'll never buy extra mounts. I'll never buy extra ANYTHING that requires being stored, as I simply don't have the storage space.
That drastically cuts any possible income that could be made off of me, and all because of the price of storage.
Popped in to see if has got any better and i see they are still out for all your cash, so oh well might see ya all in 4 more months.
This shows how clueless these folks are when it comes to game management. A quick cut and paste on something that should never have been an issue to begin with. I retype...clueless.
I WOULD like them all filled with the largest bags, but out of 10 toons I only bought ONE.
at a MUCH lower price I would actually buy 4 for all toons that's 40 bags at say 250z a large bag (10Kz), instead of 1 bag at 1Kz a bag (1Kz).
biggest reason? I will be able to look at my weekly budget at end of week see I have $5-$10 left over, and think.... hmm I could get 2 bags this week, instead of thinking... I don't have enough, or all I got is $10, I would rather have something more worth the price (then go buy some snack-foods to nibble on while zone changing/loading screens.
every *** week I go look at Z store and go through this process, EVERY WEEK. I'm a HotN!!! I've been playing since 5 days before open Beta, with these toons, yet I only bought ONE BAG. (actually had $20 left on budget that week, and knew I would need at least one to frakking do professions)
nearly everything in store is overpriced and needs to be reduced to 25% of what is current listed prices, the exceptions are:
mounts (50% of current)
character slots (that's priced okay)
companions (30% - 50% of current)
keys (they are a ripoff, but they are at least priced according to the prices of keys in other Cryptic games)
good rule of thumb on NW price adjustments:
price them according to the equivalent item sold in ether STO or CO
compared to the other 2 Cryptic game's prices on items, NW is WAY overcharging on most things.
That means he will send it off to the producers. Likely the only way we hear more about it is if they decide to drop prices again.
4,000 - bags (initial bag is 30 slots anyway so you don't need 5)
3,000 - 3,500 for a decent companion
3,000 - for the mount (and let's not try to fool ourselves here it does give a huge advantage in PvP)
300 - if its your first time playing that class (because lets face it hardly anybody gets their powers/feats/stats the way they want them on their first try)
Wow that adds up to $108+ usd...for 1 character (minus the mount)
i already went and bought 6 extra character slots and you want me to pay $70 per extra character to deck them out i might try at $30 until then, no thanks i think i'll just buy a new xbox game and every dlc that comes out for it too
thanks for making this game free though it had a lot of potential (aside from the fact you locked classes out of any kind of D&D customization)
I am a customer, or potential customer. Same as you. This company is providing a service. I want the service but I'm not willing to be ripped off for said service when the competition is cheaper/more reasonable. Simple as that. I like the game. It is a fun, overall well done game with lots of potential. It is just painfully obvious that the price of something so desperately needed in the game was either overlooked, or purposely set at a rediculously high price. I am actually surprised it hasn't come up before.(that I could find, anyway.) I would like to think that it is an oversight that they will correct.
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I am very glad that there has been an official MOD response to this and I couldn't agree more - which I why I try to shine a spotlight on people that try to use their earlier join date to denigrate the views of newer members
Actually this is a very, very good point, which might actually cause PWE to stop and listen.
They should not be so much concerned with the fact that they get more total cash FROM BAG SALES by selling bags at $10 rather than at, say, $5.
What they should consider is that it is that if people decide not to buy storage space because it is so expensive, they are far less likely to buy either items as well.
Also agree with the posts that call for a 50%-75% price cut in bags. I'm sure that sheer volume of take-up would easily replace perceived price cut. Sell 10 bags at $10 or 200 at $2.50?? Which is better? hmmmm I would certainly buy one or 2 rather than none.
Microtransactions shouldn't be a case of where the user has to agonise over whether the purchase really has value - as someone said earlier it is often an impulse purchase. At these prices, many peoples impulse is to NOT pay and this ultimately damages the longterm life of the game. Also can be seen as outright daylight robbery and reduces the chance they will purchase something else (like character slots which could then bring in MORE money - customer service? does bring rewards).