I have cancelled my WoW subscription, and have not had a moment's heartbreak over it. Here's why I left WoW:
1. Crossrealm has completely destroyed the servers. Yes, I signed up on a pvp server, but if you DID get ganked, it was from someone on that server. Now, you have random idiots who do nothing for hours but camp lowbies. Making a new toon is laughable as you can't level in peace. "SO REROLL ON A PVE SERVER HERPA DERP". No. I shouldn't have to. What really made my decision was learning from a blue post that this behaviour is actually being encouraged.
2. MOP is a joke, period. Come on, Blizzard....pandas? It was a slap in the face to the long-timers. MORE endless repetition, unimaginative quests, endless grinding......no.thank.you.
3. I have been playing WoW for 5 years. What was once enjoyable is now a chore and a bore.
I am really enjoying Neverwinter. The graphics, the looks of the characters and the armor, the mounts, etc. It is simple yet complex and very entertaining to quest through. I like that you can truly customize your character.
Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure Cryptic will address. Most of the things that irk me are merely visual in nature and do not affect gameplay.
If NW ever became pay-to-play, I'd be willing to do that also. I find this game refreshing after slogging through years of WoW.
I give you a month if that before your bored to death and post a "Screw Neverwinter" thread.
WoW IS the best MMO out there no ifs ands or buts about it. It has set the stage for all MMOs to the point of stagnation. Neverwinter is just another typical Cryptic product, nothing at all special nor to trump one's toot about. The ONLY thing worth of note here is the Foundry, even though it's a half assed feature as it needs so much more to really be what is should be.
I give ya 1 month maybe 2. The other poster has it right WoW is still the best mmo on the market. I dont like WoW either anymore but it is the standard top rated MMO. This game could have been or in a year or so could be better then WoW, but at this rate it will fail before then. This mod 1 has a chance to get the d20 rolling again. But we who been here since openbeta if things get released just as bad as other stuff before. It would just dig a deeper hole for the game.
Enjoy the pay to win also. And then wishing you never dropped a dime on the game.
I kinda agree with both sides. I actually think this game is pretty amazing, but at the same time, yeah you've got about a month of stuff to do, before you get irritated. I think that 6 months or so from now, this game might be pretty amazing.
WoW... well, nostalgia is a funny thing. Blizzard is kinda like Apple, imo: they invent nothing, choosing instead to pull together features from other products into a nice, shiny, easily useable package. This draws in an audience of credulous people. Captive audience secured, they proceed to Not-Innovate for 10 years.
Well I for one have played Wow, star wars, Coh, just to name a few I found WoW way over rated and grindy. Star wars great look but for me was looking for a more sci fi no mystic jedi HAMSTER, Coh was the game which despite its flaws was getting better before it closed. Oh and guild wars was I played for a while as well Very great looking game just the races options and the lack of stuff to do to level as have to go to other areas and do quests of that race in that area to level. Other systems in this game are good just did not like the races mainly. Don't get me wrong this game has its flaws but is just starting and has been adding stuff before and after it went live. And has the potential to be a good game, now those who play D&D know that a dm plans the adventure and the P.C.'s do it. I know there may never be an open world which is too bad but think I can deal with that for now.
there may at some point a company will decide to do something original and follow the D&D rules a bit closer, (would like to see climbing, wizard spells like teleport, fly, time stop, some of the basic staples of D&D, disintegrate, finger of death, now I know that there adding another system to the game and new type of skills. Now this might address some of this in the system I will have to wait and see.
Hmm, no, WoW sucks *** now. Played it for 6 years, quit, don't regret it. I've played Neverwinter for almost 2 month now and I can safely say even with current limitations it is much more enjoyable. Does Neverwinter beat WoW in its prime out... no.. but at the moment it does.
WoW lost its way... no actually blizzard as a whole lost their way.
Either way, ESO will almost certainly be the game that breaks WoWs back unless Bethesda tries really hard to screw it up.
I have cancelled my WoW subscription, and have not had a moment's heartbreak over it. Here's why I left WoW:
1. Crossrealm has completely destroyed the servers. Yes, I signed up on a pvp server, but if you DID get ganked, it was from someone on that server. Now, you have random idiots who do nothing for hours but camp lowbies. Making a new toon is laughable as you can't level in peace. "SO REROLL ON A PVE SERVER HERPA DERP". No. I shouldn't have to. What really made my decision was learning from a blue post that this behaviour is actually being encouraged.
2. MOP is a joke, period. Come on, Blizzard....pandas? It was a slap in the face to the long-timers. MORE endless repetition, unimaginative quests, endless grinding......no.thank.you.
3. I have been playing WoW for 5 years. What was once enjoyable is now a chore and a bore.
I am really enjoying Neverwinter. The graphics, the looks of the characters and the armor, the mounts, etc. It is simple yet complex and very entertaining to quest through. I like that you can truly customize your character.
Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure Cryptic will address. Most of the things that irk me are merely visual in nature and do not affect gameplay.
If NW ever became pay-to-play, I'd be willing to do that also. I find this game refreshing after slogging through years of WoW.
Anyone else want to chime in?
I think everyone who wanted to chime in has already done so and your little jab at World of Warcraft fell on deaf ears. Maybe you should copy/paste your post in the World of Warcraft forums so players can add it too all the other (I quit because Wow hurt my feelers) threads that crop up all the time.
Better yet let me club you over your head with your own words "Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure", those words can be applied to ALL MMO's on the market. World of Warcraft (contrary to popular belief) isn't a perfect product, neither is any other MMO on the market. All MMO's are a constant (work in progress), always changing, growing, and evolving in a world that requires them too do so in order to stay competitive.
I've played multiple MMO's on the market and I've enjoyed some more than others, but one has been a constant for almost 9 years now and that's been World of Warcraft. It took everything that people loved about MMO's and molded it into a phenomenal MMO that set tons of records and is still the best MMO to date. I'm not sure people realize this, but you can play more then one game, you don't have to Bash one Company in favor of playing another companies game.
I actually enjoy playing a few different MMO's it helps to keep me from getting bored only playing one game. I enjoy playing World of Warcraft as well as Neverwinter, I also play Rift, Diablo III, and I'm really looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online when it comes out. There is Always room for improvement in any game you play, positive feedback helps companies too make better games and that's never a bad thing.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
there may at some point a company will decide to do something original and follow the D&D rules a bit closer, (would like to see climbing, wizard spells like teleport, fly, time stop, some of the basic staples of D&D, disintegrate, finger of death, now I know that there adding another system to the game and new type of skills. Now this might address some of this in the system I will have to wait and see.
Oh wait, speaking of spells wizards should have, how about Wish. I so Wish that rogue would be dead, permanently.
i come in the Neverwinter forums for first time...i was preety sure that som1 will make wow related post, lol this happens in every mmo forums...i just hit lvl 36 as cleric i can say tht game is really good, but it wont last long, i havent played WoW for 2months, and i never posted goodbye WoW posts on any forum...if you want to quit wow then please do....WoW is a great game, it has amazing lore, why do u always hv to compare every MMO with WoW? seriously they all fail..
I give you a month if that before your bored to death and post a "Screw Neverwinter" thread.
WoW IS the best MMO out there no ifs ands or buts about it. It has set the stage for all MMOs to the point of stagnation. Neverwinter is just another typical Cryptic product, nothing at all special nor to trump one's toot about. The ONLY thing worth of note here is the Foundry, even though it's a half assed feature as it needs so much more to really be what is should be.
+1 vote. There are a TON of people who jump on the latest MMORPG fad, praise it, then drop out a month later. WoW has set the standard for MMORPG that no other game has even gotten close.
yall need to play rift then you will know the standard at which a MMO should be WoW is dead to me.Rift is more challenging than WoW,It has better graphics than WoW. you have a infinite number of soul (Role) combinations. and the big one Trion listens to there gaming community WoW DOES NOT and whent FREE TO PLAY.and since it when F2P it has shown me that they know how to do a cash shop you can buy cash shop currency in game from other players or directly for the game creators its a cash shop done right not to mention its not ridiculously expensive like some other games (Neverwinter). RIFT DID IT RIGHT PWE TAKE NOTE AND EMULATE
Hi I can't make a new thread yet but I have a question..... When you die in Neverwinter does it take out EXP? I don't want to test this lolol as I don't want exp taken if it does... TY
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Screw neverwinter I'm rolling a Panda!
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
Hi I can't make a new thread yet but I have a question..... When you die in Neverwinter does it take out EXP? I don't want to test this lolol as I don't want exp taken if it does... TY
No, it does not take EXP from you. When you die you suffer an Injury, which reduces your max HP and your stamina gain. This stacks and eventually becomes a severe injury, reducing stats. Minory injuries are mended by standing by a fire for 3 minutes or using an Injury Kit.
I have cancelled my WoW subscription, and have not had a moment's heartbreak over it. Here's why I left WoW:
1. Crossrealm has completely destroyed the servers. Yes, I signed up on a pvp server, but if you DID get ganked, it was from someone on that server. Now, you have random idiots who do nothing for hours but camp lowbies. Making a new toon is laughable as you can't level in peace. "SO REROLL ON A PVE SERVER HERPA DERP". No. I shouldn't have to. What really made my decision was learning from a blue post that this behaviour is actually being encouraged.
2. MOP is a joke, period. Come on, Blizzard....pandas? It was a slap in the face to the long-timers. MORE endless repetition, unimaginative quests, endless grinding......no.thank.you.
3. I have been playing WoW for 5 years. What was once enjoyable is now a chore and a bore.
I am really enjoying Neverwinter. The graphics, the looks of the characters and the armor, the mounts, etc. It is simple yet complex and very entertaining to quest through. I like that you can truly customize your character.
Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure Cryptic will address. Most of the things that irk me are merely visual in nature and do not affect gameplay.
If NW ever became pay-to-play, I'd be willing to do that also. I find this game refreshing after slogging through years of WoW.
Anyone else want to chime in?
You came to the wrong place if you are trying to escape the disappointments. Here you will find many many more and there is no escaping them here.
it all started when they were messing with paladins after icc (the sub drop)
but welcome, i`m not planning on wow again also.
not sure about this game, if it will be a never ending balancing act like wow i`d drop this game fast.
but at least i`m not tied to a never ending payment, and all the zen i want within reach without money ;p
derpaderpistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
WoW was trash I pitty anyone that played & payed for it for more than 2 months .
" We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
How others have already pointed out , in every forum of a MMOG that just come out there is a tread that explains that WoW is dead and the reasons for it. Three months afterward on the WoW forum you read : "Hi I have returned. I played game x and it was good but it was not for me, so here I am, back to the fold"
anyone who played it knows the reasons ;p it `s too much reasons to name them all. graphics,f2p competition,blizz putting devs to titan (and back again) the newswriters about all what comes and about changes and stuf is just PR, there are huge mistakes in it. etc.
and to react to above message, millions don`t return.
too bad i can`t bet on the numbers of players left/are leaving between the last subscribers report and the number it will be in fall.
my guess is a drop of 1.5 million again.
maybe 100k or 200k more because of the hit on pvp players who actualy played for pvp gear, which now became kind of a joke.
I am enjoying the hell out of NW, hated the fact that Wow is what killed regular D&D Pen and Paper.. WoTC had to go the way of MMO's to try to get new players, not to celebrate the 30+ years of D&D playing folks. But I digress, I think MMO should be on a FTP basis. And when I do get bored of it, I can just let it go, and not have wasted 13-15$ month to get ganked. So it is a win game for me. Also Wow Characters look horrible, big ol' baseball mitt hands.
so, this would be a good place to post the following.
about this game having 2 million players.
i don`t know how many are left after deducting bots,double,tripple, or more accounts.
then the people who actualy play.
it might seem fun, but i think the new planned content isn`t bringing much life to this game.
it would be more close to say there`s maybe 500/600k players, guess less, but keeping it wide.
new content, will last a month max for many, fun to see, but no reason after a month play to keep enjoying it as much as in the beginning. especialy caused by not realy improved loot.
which is ok if that`s what the devs want, i don`t mind.
then, will people still play after 4 months with this content.
new classes would be nice, but they go through the same content you`ve already been.
i think if they `d put in new classes now, game runs a bit empty at november.
gets filled a bit by whom that not play much in summer.
plus some occasional returners.
would be best if they put in new classes at that time ;p
not that i realy care .
i just want to play in new environments
with different things to do then capping a node for example.
maybe try a new class if the time is ripe.
can`t say how much risk there is involved at the moment for putting development in it.
didn`t check competition much lately.
about what`s coming in begin 2014 for example, i don`t know.
and i want a paycheck for this haha
lessons in reality
Whatever you think about wow, anyone would be pushed to say that Cryptic is better than blizzard. If you put the brains of Blizzard behind the gameplay of Neverwinter you would have an amazing game.
Agreed though, gave wow up a couple years ago, I wouldn't go back but still there is a void, Neverwinter is alright but I have higher hopes for ESO. As a mainly pvp player Neverwinter has many downs. Foundry is great though.
they`re at the same lvl, listening to crybabies and adjusting game to that.
or actualy bliz is a bit smarter, getting developers back from titan because their game began to fail so hard;p
but i guess it`s too late.
if they only listened to me more they`d have about 500k less players lost between begin 2013 and next month.
just with a simple player vs playerinsideboss daily.
would have been hilarious.
the idea isn`t taken i guess, think also for wow that would be too late at the moment, free to play is getting too big and also games without subscriptions with an one time payment.
and ofcourse the change of mixing pve with pvp, which is just a bad idea and resulting in an extra big number of subs lost.
texasgunmanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I have cancelled my WoW subscription, and have not had a moment's heartbreak over it. Here's why I left WoW:
1. Crossrealm has completely destroyed the servers. Yes, I signed up on a pvp server, but if you DID get ganked, it was from someone on that server. Now, you have random idiots who do nothing for hours but camp lowbies. Making a new toon is laughable as you can't level in peace. "SO REROLL ON A PVE SERVER HERPA DERP". No. I shouldn't have to. What really made my decision was learning from a blue post that this behaviour is actually being encouraged.
2. MOP is a joke, period. Come on, Blizzard....pandas? It was a slap in the face to the long-timers. MORE endless repetition, unimaginative quests, endless grinding......no.thank.you.
3. I have been playing WoW for 5 years. What was once enjoyable is now a chore and a bore.
I am really enjoying Neverwinter. The graphics, the looks of the characters and the armor, the mounts, etc. It is simple yet complex and very entertaining to quest through. I like that you can truly customize your character.
Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure Cryptic will address. Most of the things that irk me are merely visual in nature and do not affect gameplay.
If NW ever became pay-to-play, I'd be willing to do that also. I find this game refreshing after slogging through years of WoW.
Anyone else want to chime in?
OP, while your grievances with World of Warcraft are valid, in my opinion, your attitude is poor. You come off as a child who expects things given to them, instead of an adult who knows it takes a lot of effort to make a game and there's no way to anticipate every player gripe.
1. Your opinion of what you should or shouldn't have to do is irrelevant. We've heard this argument 500 times before. What you should be arguing against is the way Blizzard changed the game which affected your gameplay. I would at least read that. This childish tantrum/argument you produced? Laughable. It's so overdone it's literally a joke.
2. Again, your subjective biased opinion which we've seen hundreds of times before. We have no tolerance for that anymore. You want to gripe about dailies and grinding? You'd better have some examples, dude. MoP didn't have grinding. It had daily quests which basically, when you break it down, punished you for taking a day off from dailies. On top of that, MoP had fewer 5-man dungeons for consumption, which left out a huge chunk of things to do while leveling. Huge detriment to a game you pay $15 a month for.
3. Glad you decided you hate it after five years. This comment serves no purpose.
Now, as to your praise of Neverwinter: it falls flat.
After such a selfish rant about WoW, your glowing words about Neverwinter mean nothing. It's just a new relationship to you. It's still new, so you're enjoying it. Which is fine, but don't treat it like it's perfect, that just leads to a cycle of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the game when it eventually can't compare to your idealism of it in your head.
And don't kid yourself. If WoW made you hate it by making you pay for it and not living up to expectations, and Neverwinter did the same thing (although, why would they?) you would resent it too for not being perfect.
Whew! Rant over. Now, final thoughts: Neverwinter Online is fun, extremely so. Why? Because it's new. It just came out, we're still getting to know it, we're learning about it. Also, it's an Action-RPG MMO with a good crafting system and PLENTY of both solo and group content, a system for us to make our own content and 99.9% of the questing is voiced and all of that-in one free to play package- is something no one's ever given us. It's shortcomings are the texture and graphic glitches, some serious gear bonuses missing due to a glitch, the super-high price of things like mounts and companions from the Zen Store and the CONSTANT gold sellers spamming up Zone chat in Protector's Enclave.
Peter James
Host of Inside Neverwinter Podcast
Guild Leader of Knights at the Ceili
I like that you can truly customize your character.
Umm , are you playing the same game as me? don't get me wrong , I actually really like neverwinter but IMHO they need to do A LOT of work on customization options , vanity items seem to mainly consist of headgear and ugly outfits only obtainable through Zen and the AD cost to transmorg your armor and weapons to look different than every other lvl 60 is just silly atm , 60k + at lvl 60 per item
Strange as it may seem, I still play WoW now and then just so I don't have to hear about it anymore. I've played DDO, EQ 1 and 2, Rift, SWG, Runescape, ToR, Vanguard, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars, FF XI and XIV, Tera, City of Heroes/Villains, Aion, and more; sometimes a few days, sometimes a few months, Rift for a couple years now. The common denominator is that chat and the forums are always full of "zomg tis gaem is so mach bettur tehn wow". Every day. All. The. Time.
That said, I'm having fun here. Tossed some cash at Cryptic as a thanks for a good time, and I'm not sure where this talk of Pay to Win is coming from now that I've seen the shop; they have items that make getting higher level enchants easier, quite a few things that I think are stupidly overpriced, but that's it. No super class that's absurdly OP or massively better than the standard counterpart, no weapons of mass destruction, no higher level skill unlocks (looking at you, EQ). Just some overpriced companions, keys that should be sold by the dozen for their current price given the drop rate of the chests they unlock, and not nearly enough vanity costumes. Given the amount of ire directed at NWO's cash shop and accusations of P2W, I was expecting more.
WoW IS the best MMO out there no ifs ands or buts about it. It has set the stage for all MMOs to the point of stagnation. Neverwinter is just another typical Cryptic product, nothing at all special nor to trump one's toot about. The ONLY thing worth of note here is the Foundry, even though it's a half assed feature as it needs so much more to really be what is should be.
Enjoy the pay to win also. And then wishing you never dropped a dime on the game.
WoW... well, nostalgia is a funny thing. Blizzard is kinda like Apple, imo: they invent nothing, choosing instead to pull together features from other products into a nice, shiny, easily useable package. This draws in an audience of credulous people. Captive audience secured, they proceed to Not-Innovate for 10 years.
But hey, that's just my own personal opinion
there may at some point a company will decide to do something original and follow the D&D rules a bit closer, (would like to see climbing, wizard spells like teleport, fly, time stop, some of the basic staples of D&D, disintegrate, finger of death, now I know that there adding another system to the game and new type of skills. Now this might address some of this in the system I will have to wait and see.
WoW lost its way... no actually blizzard as a whole lost their way.
Either way, ESO will almost certainly be the game that breaks WoWs back unless Bethesda tries really hard to screw it up.
I think everyone who wanted to chime in has already done so and your little jab at World of Warcraft fell on deaf ears. Maybe you should copy/paste your post in the World of Warcraft forums so players can add it too all the other (I quit because Wow hurt my feelers) threads that crop up all the time.
Better yet let me club you over your head with your own words "Are there improvements needed? Yes, tweaks here and there that I'm sure", those words can be applied to ALL MMO's on the market. World of Warcraft (contrary to popular belief) isn't a perfect product, neither is any other MMO on the market. All MMO's are a constant (work in progress), always changing, growing, and evolving in a world that requires them too do so in order to stay competitive.
I've played multiple MMO's on the market and I've enjoyed some more than others, but one has been a constant for almost 9 years now and that's been World of Warcraft. It took everything that people loved about MMO's and molded it into a phenomenal MMO that set tons of records and is still the best MMO to date. I'm not sure people realize this, but you can play more then one game, you don't have to Bash one Company in favor of playing another companies game.
I actually enjoy playing a few different MMO's it helps to keep me from getting bored only playing one game. I enjoy playing World of Warcraft as well as Neverwinter, I also play Rift, Diablo III, and I'm really looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online when it comes out. There is Always room for improvement in any game you play, positive feedback helps companies too make better games and that's never a bad thing.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
Oh wait, speaking of spells wizards should have, how about Wish. I so Wish that rogue would be dead, permanently.
Wish isn't an official spell in 4e.
Actually a little more research shows that there are scrolls of wish, it's just impossible to cast wish without these scrolls.
+1 vote. There are a TON of people who jump on the latest MMORPG fad, praise it, then drop out a month later. WoW has set the standard for MMORPG that no other game has even gotten close.
No, it does not take EXP from you. When you die you suffer an Injury, which reduces your max HP and your stamina gain. This stacks and eventually becomes a severe injury, reducing stats. Minory injuries are mended by standing by a fire for 3 minutes or using an Injury Kit.
Because there were never any MMO's before WoW...
You came to the wrong place if you are trying to escape the disappointments. Here you will find many many more and there is no escaping them here.
but welcome, i`m not planning on wow again also.
not sure about this game, if it will be a never ending balancing act like wow i`d drop this game fast.
but at least i`m not tied to a never ending payment, and all the zen i want within reach without money ;p
and to react to above message, millions don`t return.
too bad i can`t bet on the numbers of players left/are leaving between the last subscribers report and the number it will be in fall.
my guess is a drop of 1.5 million again.
maybe 100k or 200k more because of the hit on pvp players who actualy played for pvp gear, which now became kind of a joke.
about this game having 2 million players.
i don`t know how many are left after deducting bots,double,tripple, or more accounts.
then the people who actualy play.
it might seem fun, but i think the new planned content isn`t bringing much life to this game.
it would be more close to say there`s maybe 500/600k players, guess less, but keeping it wide.
new content, will last a month max for many, fun to see, but no reason after a month play to keep enjoying it as much as in the beginning. especialy caused by not realy improved loot.
which is ok if that`s what the devs want, i don`t mind.
then, will people still play after 4 months with this content.
new classes would be nice, but they go through the same content you`ve already been.
i think if they `d put in new classes now, game runs a bit empty at november.
gets filled a bit by whom that not play much in summer.
plus some occasional returners.
would be best if they put in new classes at that time ;p
not that i realy care .
i just want to play in new environments
with different things to do then capping a node for example.
maybe try a new class if the time is ripe.
can`t say how much risk there is involved at the moment for putting development in it.
didn`t check competition much lately.
about what`s coming in begin 2014 for example, i don`t know.
and i want a paycheck for this
lessons in reality
Whatever you think about wow, anyone would be pushed to say that Cryptic is better than blizzard. If you put the brains of Blizzard behind the gameplay of Neverwinter you would have an amazing game.
Agreed though, gave wow up a couple years ago, I wouldn't go back but still there is a void, Neverwinter is alright but I have higher hopes for ESO. As a mainly pvp player Neverwinter has many downs. Foundry is great though.
or actualy bliz is a bit smarter, getting developers back from titan because their game began to fail so hard;p
but i guess it`s too late.
if they only listened to me more they`d have about 500k less players lost between begin 2013 and next month.
just with a simple player vs playerinsideboss daily.
would have been hilarious.
the idea isn`t taken i guess, think also for wow that would be too late at the moment, free to play is getting too big and also games without subscriptions with an one time payment.
and ofcourse the change of mixing pve with pvp, which is just a bad idea and resulting in an extra big number of subs lost.
OP, while your grievances with World of Warcraft are valid, in my opinion, your attitude is poor. You come off as a child who expects things given to them, instead of an adult who knows it takes a lot of effort to make a game and there's no way to anticipate every player gripe.
1. Your opinion of what you should or shouldn't have to do is irrelevant. We've heard this argument 500 times before. What you should be arguing against is the way Blizzard changed the game which affected your gameplay. I would at least read that. This childish tantrum/argument you produced? Laughable. It's so overdone it's literally a joke.
2. Again, your subjective biased opinion which we've seen hundreds of times before. We have no tolerance for that anymore. You want to gripe about dailies and grinding? You'd better have some examples, dude. MoP didn't have grinding. It had daily quests which basically, when you break it down, punished you for taking a day off from dailies. On top of that, MoP had fewer 5-man dungeons for consumption, which left out a huge chunk of things to do while leveling. Huge detriment to a game you pay $15 a month for.
3. Glad you decided you hate it after five years. This comment serves no purpose.
Now, as to your praise of Neverwinter: it falls flat.
After such a selfish rant about WoW, your glowing words about Neverwinter mean nothing. It's just a new relationship to you. It's still new, so you're enjoying it. Which is fine, but don't treat it like it's perfect, that just leads to a cycle of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the game when it eventually can't compare to your idealism of it in your head.
And don't kid yourself. If WoW made you hate it by making you pay for it and not living up to expectations, and Neverwinter did the same thing (although, why would they?) you would resent it too for not being perfect.
Whew! Rant over. Now, final thoughts: Neverwinter Online is fun, extremely so. Why? Because it's new. It just came out, we're still getting to know it, we're learning about it. Also, it's an Action-RPG MMO with a good crafting system and PLENTY of both solo and group content, a system for us to make our own content and 99.9% of the questing is voiced and all of that-in one free to play package- is something no one's ever given us. It's shortcomings are the texture and graphic glitches, some serious gear bonuses missing due to a glitch, the super-high price of things like mounts and companions from the Zen Store and the CONSTANT gold sellers spamming up Zone chat in Protector's Enclave.
Peter James
Host of Inside Neverwinter Podcast
Guild Leader of Knights at the Ceili
That said, I'm having fun here. Tossed some cash at Cryptic as a thanks for a good time, and I'm not sure where this talk of Pay to Win is coming from now that I've seen the shop; they have items that make getting higher level enchants easier, quite a few things that I think are stupidly overpriced, but that's it. No super class that's absurdly OP or massively better than the standard counterpart, no weapons of mass destruction, no higher level skill unlocks (looking at you, EQ). Just some overpriced companions, keys that should be sold by the dozen for their current price given the drop rate of the chests they unlock, and not nearly enough vanity costumes. Given the amount of ire directed at NWO's cash shop and accusations of P2W, I was expecting more.