Those who have played World of Warcraft know of the game's Armory webpage. That site lets you look up any player character in the game, what server they play on, and their gear and points setup, etc...
If we had a page like that for Neverwinter would people be rejoicing because now they have info on anyone who they would like to join their guilds, or would the playerbase be somehow adversely affected by its presence?
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
Post edited by lonnehart on
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
I really need to remember not to drink coffee before typing. I was talking about Neverwinter. But I've been playing way too much Neverwinter Nights (the original and the second game) lately. T_T
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
You can view another character's sheet on the Gateway if you know both the character name and account name of that character. While this isn't a very user-friendly set up, I would imagine it means that they will implement some sort of search function at a later date.
A. Make an armoury page(which has very little advantage in this game)
B. Fix the multitude of issues this game has
I choose B
. . . . . Not all departments work on the same things. You really want the web team working on game bugs? Seriously though, this is by far one of the strangest comments "to the contrary" on why something should not be added to a game. I've heard it so much over the past twenty years. But hey, if you want the voice actors to work on art models and the quest developers to work on PvP mechanics, more power to ya!
I really need to remember not to drink coffee before typing. I was talking about Neverwinter. But I've been playing way too much Neverwinter Nights (the original and the second game) lately. T_T
Those who have played World of Warcraft know of the game's Armory webpage. That site lets you look up any player character in the game, what server they play on, and their gear and points setup, etc...
If we had a page like that for Neverwinter would people be rejoicing because now they have info on anyone who they would like to join their guilds, or would the playerbase be somehow adversely affected by its presence?
. . . . . This sounds like a perfect new feature for the Gateway - searchable character database. The database is there, it's just not searchable and players can only access their own characters at the moment. Sounds like an easy to implement feature to me.
. . . . . This sounds like a perfect new feature for the Gateway - searchable character database. The database is there, it's just not searchable and players can only access their own characters at the moment. Sounds like an easy to implement feature to me.
I see it as a double edged blade. On one hand, players could use it to get advice on their setup. On the other hand, the players at the top could use it to "elevate" their egoes by saying they have the superior setup and anyone not setup like them is an inferior player or is just playing the game wrong... or something like that...
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
mrexploiterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited July 2013
We do have somewhat of an armory, but I do wish it to be more similar to the one WoW has. (We can armory through the gateway, but we need someone's ign and character handle, it can be rather tedious if you don't know all their info) But even so it lacks in the ability to see how far they've progressed and what bosses they've cleared and such.
jjeshopMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
So the devs named the default game directory after a wrestling group?
Edit: To stay on topic, I would think an armory feature would be a good idea, since it would only be providing out of game accessibility to inspect a character which is already available in game. I'm all for out of game accessibility, I love the gateway personally.
It'd be great to be able to look up all those people who are claiming they've cleared all the content in one week of playing and are now bored.
Having the ability to see all the accolades a person has earned? That could be useful.
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
A. Make an armoury page(which has very little advantage in this game)
B. Fix the multitude of issues this game has
I choose B
I think you (and multitudes of other cry babies) should really be making one of these decisions:
A. Quite filling the forums and the Facebook page with constant whining, *****ing, moaning and groaning (which has no advantage at all period)
B. Quite playing Neverwinter and go back to playing tic-tac-toe
You should chose A but B works wonderfully also!!
Life's a B***H and then you die so F**K the world and let's get HIGH!!!
This is a terrible idea... Why would you do it? Being able to see others GS is already intrusive, we don't need more discrimination with the gear score system. Why would I want my spec public? I'll tell people if I want to thanks.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
This is a terrible idea... Why would you do it? Being able to see others GS is already intrusive, we don't need more discrimination with the gear score system. Why would I want my spec public? I'll tell people if I want to thanks.
Simple solution would be to have it set to private by default and have players be able to enable public viewing if they want.
Those who have played World of Warcraft know of the game's Armory webpage. That site lets you look up any player character in the game, what server they play on, and their gear and points setup, etc...
If we had a page like that for Neverwinter would people be rejoicing because now they have info on anyone who they would like to join their guilds, or would the playerbase be somehow adversely affected by its presence?
Neverwinter is a single word, so NWO doesn't work as an acronym. At all.
NO, heh... yeah, silly, but that is better.
Then again, you can always call it Neverwinter or DDN or the like.
I like and dislike the idea i like it cause can browse for gear ideas i hate it because it will be used same as wow. try to join a group they look up your char on armory you don't have bis in every single slot with rank 10 enchants sorry we cant use you in our leet group so on and so forth
Neverwinter is a single word, so NWO doesn't work as an acronym. At all.
NO, heh... yeah, silly, but that is better.
Then again, you can always call it Neverwinter or DDN or the like.
Or you can just get over yourself and realize that this game is NWO
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2013
. . . . .NWO is a proper acronym for Neverwinter Online. Just as NWN was the proper acronym for Neverwinter Nights. Acronyms do not need to follow specific words when those words are not proper words, comprised of multiple words - which are able to be combined into one word to form a word that really isn't a word. Like Neverwinter being a product of two real words, Never and Winter - then add Online and you get NWO. It would be wrong to acronym a non-proper word made of two words with just a single-letter, as you would then be forgoing one of the words in the acronym. If it were "NO" then the game's real name would just simply be Never Online, which is not a very good name for an MMO.
. . . . .NWO is a proper acronym for Neverwinter Online. Just as NWN was the proper acronym for Neverwinter Nights.
Not totally true. There is no "Online" in the name at all. Its simply called Neverwinter.
However that is completely off topic and not why im posting. I just wanted to chime in and point out that this is not something that I expect PWE to support.
Past Cryptic games have had similar features. Old time CO vets might remember Champedia. Even after it was gone it was possible to look up players if you knew the players name and proper syntax on the web address. It was unfinished and messy but it worked. Even STO had a similar system in place for a time.
That all got removed when the Cryptic forums merged with PWE. The implication was we would eventually end up rolled into the Core Connect system. It has yet to happen. And even if it did, Core seems more about the player then the characters. Its a limited tool at best.
Granted with the Gateway, I see a glimmer of hope for something to be done with it. But it seems such a low priority, low payoff item. That I just cant see them spending time to make it happen.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Not totally true. There is no "Online" in the name at all. Its simply called Neverwinter.
. . . . . It would still be a proper acronym, for "Online" would be a verb added to give distinction. So yes, "NWO" is equally proper just as "NW" would be a proper acronym also. "NO" would not be proper, in any case - unless the name of the game was simply "Never."
I see it as a double edged blade. On one hand, players could use it to get advice on their setup. On the other hand, the players at the top could use it to "elevate" their egoes by saying they have the superior setup and anyone not setup like them is an inferior player or is just playing the game wrong... or something like that...
. . . . . Most welcome! Indeed, I see the double edge as well. I have always loathed the Elitism that the Armory-apps and even Gearscores bring to MMOs. Never-the-less, this does sound like a perfect feature to be added to the Gatway, should they decide to.
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
NWN is Neverwinter Nights, a very fun game actually.
A. Make an armoury page(which has very little advantage in this game)
B. Fix the multitude of issues this game has
I choose B
On the other hand, it allows people to tell if that 11k GS TR has all his gear set up for lifesteal before you get into the dungeon.
. . . . . Not all departments work on the same things. You really want the web team working on game bugs?
. . . . . I fixed the acronym for you!
. . . . . This sounds like a perfect new feature for the Gateway - searchable character database. The database is there, it's just not searchable and players can only access their own characters at the moment. Sounds like an easy to implement feature to me.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I see it as a double edged blade. On one hand, players could use it to get advice on their setup. On the other hand, the players at the top could use it to "elevate" their egoes by saying they have the superior setup and anyone not setup like them is an inferior player or is just playing the game wrong... or something like that...
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
NO = Neverwinter Online
So the devs named the default game directory after a wrestling group?
Edit: To stay on topic, I would think an armory feature would be a good idea, since it would only be providing out of game accessibility to inspect a character which is already available in game. I'm all for out of game accessibility, I love the gateway personally.
if you read the thread, you will see that a mod changed it to NWO and thus that is valid for this game
Having the ability to see all the accolades a person has earned? That could be useful.
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
I think you (and multitudes of other cry babies) should really be making one of these decisions:
A. Quite filling the forums and the Facebook page with constant whining, *****ing, moaning and groaning (which has no advantage at all period)
B. Quite playing Neverwinter and go back to playing tic-tac-toe
You should chose A but B works wonderfully also!!
Simple solution would be to have it set to private by default and have players be able to enable public viewing if they want.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
NO, heh... yeah, silly, but that is better.
Then again, you can always call it Neverwinter or DDN or the like.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
Or you can just get over yourself and realize that this game is NWO
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Not totally true. There is no "Online" in the name at all. Its simply called Neverwinter.
However that is completely off topic and not why im posting. I just wanted to chime in and point out that this is not something that I expect PWE to support.
Past Cryptic games have had similar features. Old time CO vets might remember Champedia. Even after it was gone it was possible to look up players if you knew the players name and proper syntax on the web address. It was unfinished and messy but it worked. Even STO had a similar system in place for a time.
That all got removed when the Cryptic forums merged with PWE. The implication was we would eventually end up rolled into the Core Connect system. It has yet to happen. And even if it did, Core seems more about the player then the characters. Its a limited tool at best.
Granted with the Gateway, I see a glimmer of hope for something to be done with it. But it seems such a low priority, low payoff item. That I just cant see them spending time to make it happen.
. . . . . Most welcome! Indeed, I see the double edge as well. I have always loathed the Elitism that the Armory-apps and even Gearscores bring to MMOs. Never-the-less, this does sound like a perfect feature to be added to the Gatway, should they decide to.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]