I saw the panther with a couple new color skins I laughed. I wonder how many poor suckers bought one.
I was one of the suckers m8 , which is why i started this thread , till now all the different mounts had unique animations , but , the guy who creates the mounts probably got fired because of budget cutbacks , so now we get the copy paste mounts , well their definitely not fooling me again !!
I was one of the suckers m8 , which is why i started this thread , till now all the different mounts had unique animations , but , the guy who creates the mounts probably got fired because of budget cutbacks , so now we get the copy paste mounts , well their definitely not fooling me again !!
I am here with you, I have not bought the mount, but it's very rude of them to do this.. But yep, people needs to be aware and just don't buy, you cannot send better message
If you're saying that the new mount is a pretty much a modded panther, then I hope we will get the spider next. It's the only mount I want, but the $200 is a little too much for a mount
If you're saying that the new mount is a pretty much a modded panther, then I hope we will get the spider next. It's the only mount I want, but the $200 is a little too much for a mount
^This. That spider would be nice. Even if they only sold an unarmored version separately.
Must be looking very funny. Rideable mount sitting on his back in idle animations while the rider clings to the saddle. At least remove this idle animation from the mount
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
DISCLAIMER: This is not a rendering, this not a nurbs model, this is not animation, this is not the design spec for new mount, it's simply one customer suggesting some creative ideas for the development team
1) Make the mount have better stats, say for example taking more damage before rider is dismounted
2) Make the cat do silly cat mount do things, add a novelty, make a mouse appear now and then and have the mount pounce it and eat it
3) Make it leap really far
4) Hell, make it fly...oh wait that's WoW
5) Change the audibles, make it growl differently, make it purr from time to time
6) Make it randomly chase down wolves with the rider on the back
7) Make it go to sleep and lay down if the rider isn't moving for a long period of time
8) Give the rider a buff for a few seconds after being dismounted, call it 'feline grace' and buff the player for a bit following a dismount
9) Or...give the player a buff called "Cat Scratch Fever" they become a carrier, after mounting and dismounting they receive a buff that makes them tranfer the fever to other players when they engage in combat debuffing the hostile player with a slow caused by Cat Scratch Fever
10) Send the development team to Starbucks for a couple hours with their shiney new Ipads and have them come back with new design of a Cat Mount with a Unicorn Horn!
/end creative suggestions
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
If you're saying that the new mount is a pretty much a modded panther, then I hope we will get the spider next. It's the only mount I want, but the $200 is a little too much for a mount
What certain Tools don't realize or are neglecting to mention is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's stupid to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be the insult dujour by the I hate Cryptic club. :rolleyes:
What certain Tools don't realize or are neglecting to mention is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's stupid to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be the insult dujour by the I hate Cryptic club. :rolleyes:
REVISED FOR YOUR REPUTATION (mine is already tarnished)
What certain players, especially those that are not 3D modelers or programmers, may not realize is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's the OPs opinion to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be a common reaction by the player base when they are frustrated or uninformed. Let me know if I can help you understand the processes of game development or contribute a constructive suggestion.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
Well if you purchased it then it must have value to you...
if i purchase a gift box and open it to find a HAMSTER it does not mean it has value it means I was dumb enough to buy a boxed HAMSTER about the same as the org poster was dumb enough to pay this company money for there boxed turds
REVISED FOR YOUR REPUTATION (mine is already tarnished)
What certain players, especially those that are not 3D modelers or programmers, may not realize is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's the OPs opinion to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be a common reaction by the player base when they are frustrated or uninformed. Let me know if I can help you understand the processes of game development or contribute a constructive suggestion.
whenever i used to buy keys for lockboxes(until i realized it was a money scheme) I would always joke with my BF "Well i guess they know I don't have anymore..so..I'll start getting some"..and without fail I always did.
You bought keys for lockboxes and THEN realized it was a money scheme?
When will you people learn. The zen store is a rip off. Its a money grab they need the cash ASAP. What makes you think they are going to actually remodel something and reanimate it.
WoW i wouldnt of expected anything less from this company. LOL you got ripped off.
BUt hey at least they added a saddle to it thats got to take time and painted it what a joke.
how many of those did you buy Zen for and then buy keys for?
A couple, but that was my choice, most of them were sold and I brought at least 2 keys with AD rather than money.
The fact is though that I rarely pick up Lockboxes at all, it's actually a big thing for me when I find them unlike STO and CO where they're found most of the time.
Alright serious question.... What the hell did you expect it to do? Or Be? I mean, it's a (cat) Mount like the (Cat) Companion. Of course the D@mn things going to have similar animations or exact or w/e. Good Lord, it's not a dragon mount with a Cat design slapped on it and it flies around with wings and spits fire out of it's mouth.
I think it's good for what it does, a cat mount with Cat animations like the cat companion. Be thankful it wasn't a Wolf Mount with Cat animation.s
^^^This x10. I buy a feline mount I expect it to have the same animations s any other feline. I buy a canine mount, the same and so on. QQ madness here.
I was one of the suckers m8 , which is why i started this thread , till now all the different mounts had unique animations , but , the guy who creates the mounts probably got fired because of budget cutbacks , so now we get the copy paste mounts , well their definitely not fooling me again !!
I am here with you, I have not bought the mount, but it's very rude of them to do this.. But yep, people needs to be aware and just don't buy, you cannot send better message
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= http://www.youtube.com/user/moegoodtime
^This. That spider would be nice. Even if they only sold an unarmored version separately.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a rendering, this not a nurbs model, this is not animation, this is not the design spec for new mount, it's simply one customer suggesting some creative ideas for the development team
1) Make the mount have better stats, say for example taking more damage before rider is dismounted
2) Make the cat do silly cat mount do things, add a novelty, make a mouse appear now and then and have the mount pounce it and eat it
3) Make it leap really far
4) Hell, make it fly...oh wait that's WoW
5) Change the audibles, make it growl differently, make it purr from time to time
6) Make it randomly chase down wolves with the rider on the back
7) Make it go to sleep and lay down if the rider isn't moving for a long period of time
8) Give the rider a buff for a few seconds after being dismounted, call it 'feline grace' and buff the player for a bit following a dismount
9) Or...give the player a buff called "Cat Scratch Fever" they become a carrier, after mounting and dismounting they receive a buff that makes them tranfer the fever to other players when they engage in combat debuffing the hostile player with a slow caused by Cat Scratch Fever
10) Send the development team to Starbucks for a couple hours with their shiney new Ipads and have them come back with new design of a Cat Mount with a Unicorn Horn!
/end creative suggestions
What certain Tools don't realize or are neglecting to mention is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's stupid to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be the insult dujour by the I hate Cryptic club. :rolleyes:
REVISED FOR YOUR REPUTATION (mine is already tarnished)
What certain players, especially those that are not 3D modelers or programmers, may not realize is:
Don't believe me? Go take a look at WoW, LoL, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2 or any other modern MMO. What is so glaring on the Tiger is Tigers have round ears not elongated Panther ears and they could have used new animations.....but it's the OPs opinion to call that Lazy, yet that seems to be a common reaction by the player base when they are frustrated or uninformed. Let me know if I can help you understand the processes of game development or contribute a constructive suggestion.
if i purchase a gift box and open it to find a HAMSTER it does not mean it has value it means I was dumb enough to buy a boxed HAMSTER about the same as the org poster was dumb enough to pay this company money for there boxed turds
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
Hehehehe I'll stick with my version thanks.
You bought keys for lockboxes and THEN realized it was a money scheme?
WoW i wouldnt of expected anything less from this company. LOL you got ripped off.
BUt hey at least they added a saddle to it thats got to take time and painted it what a joke.
A couple, but that was my choice, most of them were sold and I brought at least 2 keys with AD rather than money.
The fact is though that I rarely pick up Lockboxes at all, it's actually a big thing for me when I find them unlike STO and CO where they're found most of the time.
^^^This x10. I buy a feline mount I expect it to have the same animations s any other feline. I buy a canine mount, the same and so on. QQ madness here.