I agree, the cash shop is way out of wack. Certain things are fine (vanity mounts and such never really bothered me) but some things are absurd (bags and bank slots in particular).
BTW, is that "psupirate" as in power supply unit, Penn State, or something else?
Morbid curiosity. I play Champions, I wanted to see if the cash shop is worse than ours. IT is, we can buy bags in game.
However, CO is partially maintained by subscribers. This game is not. This results in some difference in revenue generation practices, so it isn't surprising this game relies more heavily on the cash shop.
I too am a huge fan of the Forgotten Realms setting and D&D/PnP in general. I ran a 4th Edition campaign awhile ago, and always thought that its themes and mechanics could inspire some awesome MMO gameplay. That's what first drew me to the game, and the combat, questing, and Foundry are what hooked me from there!
Funny how you devs seemingly only choose to answer lame posting like this. Actually it’s sad when there have been some many other posting asking about fixes and changes that need to be answer and those seem to always fall of deft ears.
In fact devs post usually end up with this comment.
Hey all thanks for the feedback and discussion on this. Much appreciated!
So, from what I’m taking from this comment is, yea we hear ya, but were not going to do a **** thing about it. GG is a good example of what I’m referring too.
Free to play, i enjoyed the combat mechanics during the closed beta, and now i have something to do in game (farming to get my enchantments). I also love pvp, this is my reason to stay here.
The dev team has fixed dungeon exploits and didn't dumbed down the game too much for now. I hope this won't change. If they want gamers to stay here the game has to be really challenging. There are too many theme-park easy mmos out there.
doubt this wil be read by anyone but figured id put in my reasoning.
the reason i play(ed) neverwinter is because long ago when i was younger i played baldurs gate and then BG2 then i found neverwinter nights and it was so much fun playing those games. they were different than most other games i played. they were great games, they gave me some insight into what my mom, uncle, sister and our neighbors would play downstairs on some weekends which was pen and paper DnD (1st or 2nd edition i think) and they did have a huge grided chalk board for making rooms for dungeons and all that sort of thing. i wasnt allowed to play because i was too young and it may have been a bit violent/adult in some of the story. sure there was a lot of reading which i wasnt a big fan of in games but i still enjoyed them. when i played NWN 2 it just continued.
after NWN 2 it was a while before i found dragon age origins. and that game was a great attempt at a continuation, but it didnt have the aspects of neverwinter nights which i really enjoyed. they were on different levels. i enjoyed both equally but for different reasons. when i heard there was going to be another neverwinter i was really happy. then i heard it was going to be an MMO which would be free to play. that was a big let down. i am giving it a chance and for a while i was happy with it. but now i am seeing so many problems that are killing my desire to play but thats not what this thread is about.
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Myself, I don't have the funds now to spend on a p2p so that leaves f2p. I might have picked RIFT over Neverwinter but I already played back when it first came out. I played the f2p DDO and loved it to death so I wanted to try Neverwinter.
Why are you here?
This game is not pay2win. You only pay for slight advantages that make you better than other players in pvp. Everything that can be gotten in the cash shop can be earned by just playing the game and paying a little money in the cash shop. This is not really a factor for balance because jobs are easy, so anything in the cash shop is a non-issue. Learn2play. Working as intended.
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This game is not pay2win. You only pay for slight advantages that make you better than other players in pvp. Everything that can be gotten in the cash shop can be earned by just playing the game and paying a little money in the cash shop. This is not really a factor for balance because jobs are easy, so anything in the cash shop is a non-issue. Learn2play. Working as intended.
..."slight advantages which make you better than other players in pvp"... sorry, but that's Pay2Win. Doesn't matter if you can also earn those advantages through regular gameplay and buying AD with gold. It's still Pay2Win because those PVPers who pay will get those advantages much MUCH earlier than the people who grind to get them.
Worse is when the people who grind to get them finally do, Cryptic/PWE will release a new wave of paid advantages. So it becomes an endless cycle where no-payers are continually behind the curve in PVP.
As for PVE this has little to no bearing. And that's good, because I do mostly Foundry (create and play UGC), so it has little effect on me. The effects on me are indirect, with players leaving because of it, so that's less players to play the content I make. Less people in my guild, and fewer people in general in which to PUG, etc.
I love Forgotten Realms. Read dozens of books. Without the FR title I think lack of class options would have detoured me but being in the Realms is just pure bliss.
Oh and playing with a PS3 Controller is very relaxing
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I love Forgotten Realms. Read dozens of books. Without the FR title I think lack of class options would have detoured me but being in the Realms is just pure bliss.
Oh and playing with a PS3 Controller is very relaxing
There's no controller support in Neverwinter, at least not to my knowledge. Do you just map buttons manually?
It's still Pay2Win because those PVPers who pay will get those advantages much MUCH earlier than the people who grind to get them.
Paying for time is what F2P is all about, if you can achieve it via putting in time OR purchasing with money then it is not pay to win.
I started playing NW because some friends of mine talked me into it heh. I played WoW and decided I wasn't going to ever play an MMO again b/c of how much of a time sink they are. But now that I have been playing I'm really enjoying it!
I really like the F2P model, with P2P you pay $15 (ish) a month just for access, but with NW I got the game for free, play for free, and when I decided I want more character slots I put in $10 dollars and bought them. I have also done surveys and traded AD for Zen for a mount, keys (waste of money lol), and vanity items (wish they we're account wide =/)
I've been playing 2 months and I have everything extra I wanted quickly and saved $20
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Myself, I don't have the funds now to spend on a p2p so that leaves f2p. I might have picked RIFT over Neverwinter but I already played back when it first came out. I played the f2p DDO and loved it to death so I wanted to try Neverwinter.
Why are you here?
By the time neverwinter was official announced i didnt play any MMO anymore and that was 3 years ago and i didnt play any other MMO's until nevewinter was released. The reason for that is because this is a D&D game mostly in forgotten realms world... But know the only thing that keep me playing is the combat and play it with some friends.... its not the D&D part anymore because the game have nothing to D&D at all
I came for 2 reasons, I'm a converted 3d shooter gamer, now into the MMO style of gaming, I like building a charcater up, then dungeon running to get what should be top line cool gear to dress them out, I played the original Bauldors gate and really liked that game. And 2 it was F2P, so I lost nothing for trying it out. I have to say, at this stage I am totally in the game, seems the makers are more interested in getting you to buy all your gear, rather than earn it, as shown from the deluded AH, or spend cash on ZEN, for practilly worthless copy and paste items.. BF4 is out in oct... I plan on being in it. Till then.. not sure, I may go give Rift another try as I'm pretty burned out on this game already. Not being harsh guys, just my personnel on the game... end game is def. lacking.
"Sir, were now surrounded"!
Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Apparently there is. Enderlin isn't the only person I know who has used a controller. Apparently it feels rather nice to use one.
I have a feeling they're just mapping buttons manually to WASD and abilities, then may be analog thumbstick to mouse cursor. But unfortunately no automatic way to set up a game controller from what I can tell and have read.
So that means these controllers are being run with software to do the mapping. I have a Logitech one that works like this, but I can't run it in XBox mode, I have to run it in PC mode to map everything. So someone using a console controller that doesn't have a PC mode and software seems questionable.
As expected some folk want to turn this into a "Why I am disappointed with Neverwinter " or "Why I hate cryptic PWE/Zen/f2P" etc...
For me it had just as much to do with the pre alpha community here than it did with myself being a huge D&D FR fan, but that has been drowned out by the doomcryers.
The good news is the in game community is nothing like the forums.
I chose Neverwinter because of gameplays, lore, opinions of other players and my friends who are playing it.
I was looking for some game which is different and possibly F2P because I can't spend much money this summer - problems with my job. Anyway I found it here so I was happy to stay.
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
For me it had just as much to do with the pre alpha community here than it did with myself being a huge D&D FR fan, but that has been drowned out by the doomcryers.
The good news is the in game community is nothing like the forums.
Indeed. Better yet: dedicated guilds are usually nothing like the forums either.
I can understand complaints and such, as I have more than my fair share. But all of the "this game is dead", "sue Crytic/PWE", posts and comments are silly. May be a little entertaining, but yeah, silly. There's certainly some fine line between complaining and ranting like a lunatic.
Friend: "Hey! You should try out D&D: Neverwinter. It's in beta, but the devs confirmed they aren't gonna do a server wipe when the game goes live!"
Me: "Ewww D&D Online? We played that game and it sucked. Remember?
Friend: "No no no! This isn't D&D Online. It's a whole new game made by different developers and it's <huge explanation of the combat system> and best of all, it's F2P!"
Me: "F2P and it's not another tab-target lamo MMORPG? Sign me up!"
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I decided to give Neverwinter a try do in large part to being bored with World of Warcraft. I grew up playing Ad&d 2nd edition among other pen and paper role playing games and wanted to see if this was any good. It's turned out to be an o.k game, and that's all that matters to me. Plus it gives me that much needed break from World of Warcraft, which is also a good thing, because after 9 years I needed a break.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It's turned out to be an o.k game, and that's all that matters to me
About the same for me. The game itself can be fun, but nothing spectacular. The reason I'm here is for the Foundry, otherwise I'd still be playing GW2 and probably getting ever more burned out on it. Being able to build UGC into a game is rather unique in an MMO (Foundry from STO), but not so much in a regular game.
I got tired of WoW and EQ 1+2 and needed a changed. I choosed it because it was free and because i love NvN and Baldurs gate games. I must say i like the game so fare thugh i really could use more bag space
1. Bugs, bugs and bugs. Alot of bugs and exploits. Uncompleted game and still in Alpha state.
2. There isnt any D&D. Except the places, names, classes, races.
3. Content is TOO boring. There is nothing to do at the endgame.
4. AH became the endgame.
5. Game still selling stupid founder packs and other ****.
6. Customer service is WORST.
7. Too few classes. You cant do anything about your character.
8. Very straigthforward, simple and out of lore questing. For instance, i killed a Dragon then im still gathering mushrooms at the next area. LOL. Also every map are same.
9. Developers are really bunch of amateurs.
10. Every patch is fail and brings alot of anger.
11. PvP is really broken as PvE.
12. Too few classes for a D&D game.
13. VERY very few paragon paths and limits players... THIS IS D&D AFTER ALL !
14. Buggy and not working feats, encounters, features etc.
15. Add more 500.
The game has a long way to go in regards to certain design issues and bug fixes
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
EQNext and WoD not out yet. Forgotten Realms setting (even if it is the silly 4ed), the foundry has potential as well.
BTW, is that "psupirate" as in power supply unit, Penn State, or something else?
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
However, CO is partially maintained by subscribers. This game is not. This results in some difference in revenue generation practices, so it isn't surprising this game relies more heavily on the cash shop.
Funny how you devs seemingly only choose to answer lame posting like this. Actually it’s sad when there have been some many other posting asking about fixes and changes that need to be answer and those seem to always fall of deft ears.
In fact devs post usually end up with this comment.
Hey all thanks for the feedback and discussion on this. Much appreciated!
So, from what I’m taking from this comment is, yea we hear ya, but were not going to do a **** thing about it. GG is a good example of what I’m referring too.
The dev team has fixed dungeon exploits and didn't dumbed down the game too much for now. I hope this won't change. If they want gamers to stay here the game has to be really challenging. There are too many theme-park easy mmos out there.
the reason i play(ed) neverwinter is because long ago when i was younger i played baldurs gate and then BG2 then i found neverwinter nights and it was so much fun playing those games. they were different than most other games i played. they were great games, they gave me some insight into what my mom, uncle, sister and our neighbors would play downstairs on some weekends which was pen and paper DnD (1st or 2nd edition i think) and they did have a huge grided chalk board for making rooms for dungeons and all that sort of thing. i wasnt allowed to play because i was too young and it may have been a bit violent/adult in some of the story. sure there was a lot of reading which i wasnt a big fan of in games but i still enjoyed them. when i played NWN 2 it just continued.
after NWN 2 it was a while before i found dragon age origins. and that game was a great attempt at a continuation, but it didnt have the aspects of neverwinter nights which i really enjoyed. they were on different levels. i enjoyed both equally but for different reasons. when i heard there was going to be another neverwinter i was really happy. then i heard it was going to be an MMO which would be free to play. that was a big let down. i am giving it a chance and for a while i was happy with it. but now i am seeing so many problems that are killing my desire to play but thats not what this thread is about.
A forum is all about reading and posting. The two go hand in hand.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
It is for Penn State (my alma mater). Love the cobra commander pic btw.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
This game is not pay2win. You only pay for slight advantages that make you better than other players in pvp. Everything that can be gotten in the cash shop can be earned by just playing the game and paying a little money in the cash shop. This is not really a factor for balance because jobs are easy, so anything in the cash shop is a non-issue. Learn2play. Working as intended.
..."slight advantages which make you better than other players in pvp"... sorry, but that's Pay2Win. Doesn't matter if you can also earn those advantages through regular gameplay and buying AD with gold. It's still Pay2Win because those PVPers who pay will get those advantages much MUCH earlier than the people who grind to get them.
Worse is when the people who grind to get them finally do, Cryptic/PWE will release a new wave of paid advantages. So it becomes an endless cycle where no-payers are continually behind the curve in PVP.
As for PVE this has little to no bearing. And that's good, because I do mostly Foundry (create and play UGC), so it has little effect on me. The effects on me are indirect, with players leaving because of it, so that's less players to play the content I make. Less people in my guild, and fewer people in general in which to PUG, etc.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Oh and playing with a PS3 Controller is very relaxing
There's no controller support in Neverwinter, at least not to my knowledge. Do you just map buttons manually?
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Paying for time is what F2P is all about, if you can achieve it via putting in time OR purchasing with money then it is not pay to win.
I started playing NW because some friends of mine talked me into it heh. I played WoW and decided I wasn't going to ever play an MMO again b/c of how much of a time sink they are. But now that I have been playing I'm really enjoying it!
I really like the F2P model, with P2P you pay $15 (ish) a month just for access, but with NW I got the game for free, play for free, and when I decided I want more character slots I put in $10 dollars and bought them. I have also done surveys and traded AD for Zen for a mount, keys (waste of money lol), and vanity items (wish they we're account wide =/)
I've been playing 2 months and I have everything extra I wanted quickly and saved $20
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
By the time neverwinter was official announced i didnt play any MMO anymore and that was 3 years ago and i didnt play any other MMO's until nevewinter was released. The reason for that is because this is a D&D game mostly in forgotten realms world... But know the only thing that keep me playing is the combat and play it with some friends.... its not the D&D part anymore because the game have nothing to D&D at all
"Sir, were now surrounded"!
Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
I have a feeling they're just mapping buttons manually to WASD and abilities, then may be analog thumbstick to mouse cursor. But unfortunately no automatic way to set up a game controller from what I can tell and have read.
So that means these controllers are being run with software to do the mapping. I have a Logitech one that works like this, but I can't run it in XBox mode, I have to run it in PC mode to map everything. So someone using a console controller that doesn't have a PC mode and software seems questionable.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
For me it had just as much to do with the pre alpha community here than it did with myself being a huge D&D FR fan, but that has been drowned out by the doomcryers.
The good news is the in game community is nothing like the forums.
I was looking for some game which is different and possibly F2P because I can't spend much money this summer - problems with my job. Anyway I found it here so I was happy to stay.
Indeed. Better yet: dedicated guilds are usually nothing like the forums either.
I can understand complaints and such, as I have more than my fair share. But all of the "this game is dead", "sue Crytic/PWE", posts and comments are silly. May be a little entertaining, but yeah, silly. There's certainly some fine line between complaining and ranting like a lunatic.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Me: "Ewww D&D Online? We played that game and it sucked. Remember?
Friend: "No no no! This isn't D&D Online. It's a whole new game made by different developers and it's <huge explanation of the combat system> and best of all, it's F2P!"
Me: "F2P and it's not another tab-target lamo MMORPG? Sign me up!"
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
About the same for me. The game itself can be fun, but nothing spectacular. The reason I'm here is for the Foundry, otherwise I'd still be playing GW2 and probably getting ever more burned out on it. Being able to build UGC into a game is rather unique in an MMO (Foundry from STO), but not so much in a regular game.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
The game has a long way to go in regards to certain design issues and bug fixes
Great post. That explains almost everything i dont like about this game in a single sentence. Nice.:p