I can round the corner on my Epic mount and boom! A rouge is hidden, backstabbing me = dead without being able to cast anything...
That's because you're not really supposed to cast anything when a TR gets the jump on you. Your first instinct should be to Teleport, and maybe another Teleport or two to have him waste his encounters, then he's toast.
First thing you are doing wrong is being on a horse in the first place. It is a free stun for you opponent, so never ride into range of an enemy, or even where you think one may be.
Honestly if you are up against a player of equal or better skill than you of any of those classes they will probably own you. You have to play your socks off to beat them, while they are all in easy mode.
That being said they can be beaten, especially if you have an Ice Knife handy. You need to port a lot, learn when they are likely to use their key abilities, and you can take them down.
Learn the skills of your enemys - animation, average CD, cast time/animation speed, possible chains.
If you do that, you can avoid most of dmg by kting/teleport out of stuff.. casting everything on a TR with ItC on or GWF with unstoppable, GF with Villain's Menace etc is wasting stuff (and a lot of people do so..).
However, from every class I've played so far CW is esp. due to its high range & dmg chains combined with CC absolutly superior (didn't play GWF on 60 yet).
EF - Ray - Chill strike + some at-wills (MM) and most enemys are dead before they can do anything. Not possible to do that with any other class. Imo CW is the easiest class to "master" in PvP or at least let's say.. killing stuff at high rates. Going in melee requires more skill than almost insta killing from 80' range. If something comes close - repel (personally using on tab, either for protecting myself to safe stamina or to push enemys into bad spots).
Learn the skills of your enemys - animation, average CD, cast time/animation speed, possible chains.
If you do that, you can avoid most of dmg by kting/teleport out of stuff.. casting everything on a TR with ItC on or GWF with unstoppable, GF with Villain's Menace etc is wasting stuff (and a lot of people do so..).
However, from every class I've played so far CW is esp. due to its high range & dmg chains combined with CC absolutly superior (didn't play GWF on 60 yet).
EF - Ray - Chill strike + some at-wills (MM) and most enemys are dead before they can do anything. Not possible to do that with any other class. Imo CW is the easiest class to "master" in PvP or at least let's say.. killing stuff at high rates. Going in melee requires more skill than almost insta killing from 80' range. If something comes close - repel (personally using on tab, either for protecting myself to safe stamina or to push enemys into bad spots).
CW is good I'm not complaining but your post is complete BS.
Every class can kill quickly not just CW. In fact my brother on his TR can hit you from stealth for 20k dmg and no he is not a tene build. GF with good gear can knock you down then kill you before you get off the ground. GWF can go CC immune sprint to you and smoke you. Teleport is our only defense against these classes and if they are half smart they will force you to use them and then CC you and bam you dead.
Range is good but if you play decent players they will go immune to CC and be on you before you know it. TR has stealth and if they run the right ability can go CC immune. GWF as mentioned can go CC immune. I have seen GF go immune as well I think it is a daily for them though. Maybe the other classes you play suck because CW is far from the PvP king.
A CON based GWF or GF with tene enchants will lol at you all day. CW can also go CON based and stack tene and from range it is pretty awesome. But CC immune > CW.
CW is good I'm not complaining but your post is complete BS.
Every class can kill quickly not just CW. In fact my brother on his TR can hit you from stealth for 20k dmg and no he is not a tene build. GF with good gear can knock you down then kill you before you get off the ground. GWF can go CC immune sprint to you and smoke you. Teleport is our only defense against these classes and if they are half smart they will force you to use them and then CC you and bam you dead.
Range is good but if you play decent players they will go immune to CC and be on you before you know it. TR has stealth and if they run the right ability can go CC immune. GWF as mentioned can go CC immune. I have seen GF go immune as well I think it is a daily for them though. Maybe the other classes you play suck because CW is far from the PvP king.
A CON based GWF or GF with tene enchants will lol at you all day. CW can also go CON based and stack tene and from range it is pretty awesome. But CC immune > CW.
As a GWF, our sprint is VERY underpowered. If a GWF drops Unstoppable and sprints towards you, you should be porting away, and kiting waiting for Unstoppable to end. There's no point in dropping CC skills when the target is CC immune. That's just HAMSTER.
It all does come down to knowing your matchups. /gfxSetDefaultFOV # (where # is your argument, higher number = further zoom) is a great command. You can easily dodge a TR's stealthed Lashing Blade with no issue, unless you're a GWF.
CON GWF/GF with Tene enchants is just a FOTM build atm. If you want to dump the cash for a respec and enchants be my guest, just don't QQ when the inevitable nerf comes.
As a GWF, our sprint is VERY underpowered. If a GWF drops Unstoppable and sprints towards you, you should be porting away, and kiting waiting for Unstoppable to end. There's no point in dropping CC skills when the target is CC immune. That's just HAMSTER.
It all does come down to knowing your matchups. /gfxSetDefaultFOV # (where # is your argument, higher number = further zoom) is a great command. You can easily dodge a TR's stealthed Lashing Blade with no issue, unless you're a GWF.
CON GWF/GF with Tene enchants is just a FOTM build atm. If you want to dump the cash for a respec and enchants be my guest, just don't QQ when the inevitable nerf comes.
Again I wasn't trying to agree with the OP about CW being broken. I am just pointing out that the post I quoted is complete BS. Depending on gear and the situation CW can easily be handled. I use the /gfxsetdefaultfov 75 all the time this does not prevent a stealth attack 100% of the time though it does help. Also obviously its stupid to CC something that is immune the point is that the immunity allows them to waste the teleports of the CW and then light them up. It all depends sometimes you can space your teleports and get a severe reaction that allows for enough tele's to waste their immune then you get your turn. Again I was only pointing out that other guys post is BS.
Again I'm not agreeing with the OP but to act like CW is king of PvP is highly wrong.
The FOTM builds are king right now and only an enchantment nerf is going to end that.
I agree with the other posters, CW feels pretty strong to me in PVP still.
Be mobile, time your teleports, debuff, and use repel to create distance.
Read up on other the classes and you have a huge advantage.
Sorry that made me laugh. I love when people repel me since it does no damage and lots of times pushes me away from danger and gives me more time for my skills to come back up. You should put shield in tab also. That skill is amazing in pvp...:rolleyes:
Not your fault my first post was a bit misleading, listing ways other classes can smoke a CW makes it sound like I'm complaining. I understood so I tried to make it a bit more clear.
Sorry that made me laugh. I love when people repel me since it does no damage and lots of times pushes me away from danger and gives me more time for my skills to come back up. You should put shield in tab also. That skill is amazing in pvp...:rolleyes:
Repel in my opinion is one of the most under rated powers we have for PVP. It creates space (crucial when fighting melee opponents), interrupts casting if timed right, pushes opponents off of ledges and walk ways. Repel has won me more one on ones than any other power I could swap in its place, and is a lifesaver for escaping when you get jumped by multiple enemies.
Well, I just played low level PvP arena (<30). But the success in the battle arena depends on your party, if they get together you can stay far and range attack. CW, like almost ever RPG, are damage dealer and a wet paper class, so you have to cast as many spell as you can before die. Otherwise, teleport and repel can save you and even your party.
It seen your play style is 'suicide' crazy, so you should try another class with more defense...
Sorry that made me laugh. I love when people repel me since it does no damage and lots of times pushes me away from danger and gives me more time for my skills to come back up. You should put shield in tab also. That skill is amazing in pvp...:rolleyes:
Too many time have I been repelled to behind some pillar or corner, making the CW to actually run towards me I know, he must've been HAMSTER but it still happens too many times.
honoraryorangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Repel in my opinion is one of the most under rated powers we have for PVP. It creates space (crucial when fighting melee opponents), interrupts casting if timed right, pushes opponents off of ledges and walk ways. Repel has won me more one on ones than any other power I could swap in its place, and is a lifesaver for escaping when you get jumped by multiple enemies.
Any time I fight another CW who has Repel I know I'm going to win easily. It is decent utility, but just can't compete with other spells. Normally I have Icy Rays there, if I'm in a match with TR's abusing perma stealth I'll swap that out for Icy Terrain.
People often forget the game is point control, not who kills the most. Repel can let you control a point against 1-2 enemies. I have used Icy Rays many times, but repel is superior for PVP as it stands now.
Icy Rays, Entangle, Chill Strike, and RoF are my PvP skills, with Icy on mastery. IF you can dodge the lashing blade, you have the rogue. With High Vizier's def buff/debuff + enfeeble, both them and clerics are lunch.
GF's are tricky, use your range. If they get too close GTFO. Use terrain to your advantage. Port across a corner that they have to take the long way around. Granted it isn't that much longer, but it could buy you a crucial second to regen stamina or for entangle to come back up.
GWF are rough. Run away, don't waste spells when they are in unstoppable. Try teleporting through them, a lot of them are focused on charging you and react slowly with a complete 180 degree swap.
Watch people , if you just saw a rogue dodge twice, you know he can't dodge for a few seconds, that's when you CC/Ice Knife him. Also re: Ice Knife. Don't hoard it for a kill shot, a lot of people forget the knockdown. That by itself can give you a few extra seconds to kill them with your other encounters.
Edit: Buy PvP pots, they are dirt cheap. Use them. And get a GD Soulforged enchant.
And don't go solo unless you have imba gear, skills and spec for pvp. If you get a team with good frontline combatants - GF/GWF - you're golden. Otherwise you might have to work hard or yer just gonna get run over.
What I find funny is people saying shift away - well guess what, other classes can shift away from your spells, too. It's no real advantage to be able to do so if the enemy can do it too.
In addition, a good enemy will just make you waste your shifts and then come for you for real.
That's because you're not really supposed to cast anything when a TR gets the jump on you. Your first instinct should be to Teleport, and maybe another Teleport or two to have him waste his encounters, then he's toast.
It's hard to teleport when they open up using Cloud.
At that point, all you can do is walk out of the cloud, snared (read: reduced speed) and hope you don't die before you can get out of its AoE. As for any rogue getting the jump on you... heck, any class at ALL, stack some more defensive and Armor Penetration. Try to strike a good balance between those and your Power->Crit->Recovery and you should fare a little better.
I am no PvP god, but I do hold my own in most matches while playing my CW. Sure, the p2w crowd will always murder me, but anyone who hasn't paid for their skills will definitely have a hard time killing me. This class, in PvP, has a good balance right now. About the only tweaks CW needs is to fix the problem with CC in PvP because there is no point in entangling a GWF when they can just pop right out of it. Even when you are using Orb.
I have one of every class. All are 10k+ GS and all have 1k+ kills (CW and TR are over 5k). Right now at the high end (12k+ GS greater+ soulforged greater+ vorpal/plaguefire) the power order in pvp is:
GWF > TR > GF > CW > DC
(btw kills is not the same thing as the above list. Because of dps TRs, assuming equally geared, will almost always have the most kills)
That being said CW can beat the melees some of the time but you have to use ever advantage. Don't hug corners: TRs there will stun you from stealth. Keep range at all times. Run when you can instead of blinking unless you must. Save your blinks for dodges when they wind up a big attack on you.
I usually keep RoE tabbed. My 1v1 fight is typically at max range RoE once, choke, RoE, one volley of missiles, chill strike, repel. If this gets off I am usually in a good position to win with a few blinks while encounters recharge. If it doesn't then I will die.
If you want an in your face class play GWF. They are currently over the top when properly specced and geared.
If you are willing to accept the limitations of CW you can play a huge role in your team winning by fighting in the group. Debuff the fighters. Save repels for rogues that unstealthed and are about to crush your healer or other teammate. Choke hold enemy healer > cw > tr in that order. Range dps those that try to get away.
What I find funny is people saying shift away - well guess what, other classes can shift away from your spells, too. It's no real advantage to be able to do so if the enemy can do it too.
In addition, a good enemy will just make you waste your shifts and then come for you for real.
Silly monkey.
CW's get 3-4 teleports.
Max the other classes can get is about 2. How the ballocks are you managing to waste all your shifts?
Quit panic shifting.
Heck, GF/GWF can't even teleport/roll.
Even my DC & TR can shift block GWFs. (Then it's simple to wait out their damage resistance & nuke them when they become squishy.)
(GFs are significantly harder to time since they have a med range rush.)
A good CW will "waste" his/her shifts....to kite & whittle away HP until more shifts regenerate.
It's even easier for a CW to time their shifts because nearly every other opponent they fight relies on melee....
The other classes have no bloody idea when/if you'll decide to shift away. (Unless it's bloody obvious, like TR's dazing strike.)
Just shift when they get in melee range & most time you'll dodge an encounter or two.
I find it funny how everyone says 3-4 teleports while other classes only get 2....they do regen their stamina too right?
Just remember if a GF or GWF gets 1 CC on you your dead, so the best you can do is try and stay at range and use teleports to avoid their CC.
Also if you have a GF and GWF on your team they are your best friend. I like to run with them and then use my CC to help them decimate my enemies for me. Use your CC's on the enemies that your melees are not fighting and use your RoE on the target your melee team members are attacking and then do a big loud evil laugh.
I find repeal to be a lifesaver and great for defending/capturing points.
Plus it makes gwfs/gfs cry when they cant get anywhere near you.
Im still not max lvl (only 40) so i havent tried icy rays, but icy terrain is garbage, imo. The only time it is useful is in your mastery slot and i would much rather have force choke for the slightly longer duration and added ap gen when using it on groups (like at a capture point). Or roe for the extra charge.
I have a CW and decided to roll a GWF because I wanted to understand their skills defensively. I was pretty amazed when I was up against a CW in the arena who was so slippery and adept at his class that I could never hardly even get a hit in on him. I even PMed him to tell him how I wished I was that good at playing my CW. Of course, I'm not that adept at playing the GWF, but he was **** good. The key was using his teleports wisely.
Losing in PvP is awesome because after a few times of getting slaughtered you actually begin to formulate tactics that keep you alive. Pretty soon you will come up with that... of course, that is, if you stop throwing up your hands in fear of losing and go for it head on and use your brain to figure out how to stay alive. Even if it is turning tail and running....
I can buy that. Tell me how to play solo and not die everytime someone is close to me.
That's because you're not really supposed to cast anything when a TR gets the jump on you. Your first instinct should be to Teleport, and maybe another Teleport or two to have him waste his encounters, then he's toast.
Honestly if you are up against a player of equal or better skill than you of any of those classes they will probably own you. You have to play your socks off to beat them, while they are all in easy mode.
That being said they can be beaten, especially if you have an Ice Knife handy. You need to port a lot, learn when they are likely to use their key abilities, and you can take them down.
Be mobile, time your teleports, debuff, and use repel to create distance.
Read up on other the classes and you have a huge advantage.
If you do that, you can avoid most of dmg by kting/teleport out of stuff.. casting everything on a TR with ItC on or GWF with unstoppable, GF with Villain's Menace etc is wasting stuff (and a lot of people do so..).
However, from every class I've played so far CW is esp. due to its high range & dmg chains combined with CC absolutly superior (didn't play GWF on 60 yet).
EF - Ray - Chill strike + some at-wills (MM) and most enemys are dead before they can do anything. Not possible to do that with any other class. Imo CW is the easiest class to "master" in PvP or at least let's say.. killing stuff at high rates. Going in melee requires more skill than almost insta killing from 80' range. If something comes close - repel (personally using on tab, either for protecting myself to safe stamina or to push enemys into bad spots).
CW is good I'm not complaining but your post is complete BS.
Every class can kill quickly not just CW. In fact my brother on his TR can hit you from stealth for 20k dmg and no he is not a tene build. GF with good gear can knock you down then kill you before you get off the ground. GWF can go CC immune sprint to you and smoke you. Teleport is our only defense against these classes and if they are half smart they will force you to use them and then CC you and bam you dead.
Range is good but if you play decent players they will go immune to CC and be on you before you know it. TR has stealth and if they run the right ability can go CC immune. GWF as mentioned can go CC immune. I have seen GF go immune as well I think it is a daily for them though. Maybe the other classes you play suck because CW is far from the PvP king.
A CON based GWF or GF with tene enchants will lol at you all day. CW can also go CON based and stack tene and from range it is pretty awesome. But CC immune > CW.
As a GWF, our sprint is VERY underpowered. If a GWF drops Unstoppable and sprints towards you, you should be porting away, and kiting waiting for Unstoppable to end. There's no point in dropping CC skills when the target is CC immune. That's just HAMSTER.
It all does come down to knowing your matchups. /gfxSetDefaultFOV # (where # is your argument, higher number = further zoom) is a great command. You can easily dodge a TR's stealthed Lashing Blade with no issue, unless you're a GWF.
CON GWF/GF with Tene enchants is just a FOTM build atm. If you want to dump the cash for a respec and enchants be my guest, just don't QQ when the inevitable nerf comes.
Again I wasn't trying to agree with the OP about CW being broken. I am just pointing out that the post I quoted is complete BS. Depending on gear and the situation CW can easily be handled. I use the /gfxsetdefaultfov 75 all the time this does not prevent a stealth attack 100% of the time though it does help. Also obviously its stupid to CC something that is immune the point is that the immunity allows them to waste the teleports of the CW and then light them up. It all depends sometimes you can space your teleports and get a severe reaction that allows for enough tele's to waste their immune then you get your turn. Again I was only pointing out that other guys post is BS.
Again I'm not agreeing with the OP but to act like CW is king of PvP is highly wrong.
The FOTM builds are king right now and only an enchantment nerf is going to end that.
Sorry that made me laugh. I love when people repel me since it does no damage and lots of times pushes me away from danger and gives me more time for my skills to come back up. You should put shield in tab also. That skill is amazing in pvp...:rolleyes:
Not your fault my first post was a bit misleading, listing ways other classes can smoke a CW makes it sound like I'm complaining. I understood so I tried to make it a bit more clear.
Repel in my opinion is one of the most under rated powers we have for PVP. It creates space (crucial when fighting melee opponents), interrupts casting if timed right, pushes opponents off of ledges and walk ways. Repel has won me more one on ones than any other power I could swap in its place, and is a lifesaver for escaping when you get jumped by multiple enemies.
It seen your play style is 'suicide' crazy, so you should try another class with more defense...
Too many time have I been repelled to behind some pillar or corner, making the CW to actually run towards me
You need to learn more about the other classes and learn when to dodge.
Any time I fight another CW who has Repel I know I'm going to win easily. It is decent utility, but just can't compete with other spells. Normally I have Icy Rays there, if I'm in a match with TR's abusing perma stealth I'll swap that out for Icy Terrain.
What ? Some secret hidden dye is backstabbing you ?
GF's are tricky, use your range. If they get too close GTFO. Use terrain to your advantage. Port across a corner that they have to take the long way around. Granted it isn't that much longer, but it could buy you a crucial second to regen stamina or for entangle to come back up.
GWF are rough. Run away, don't waste spells when they are in unstoppable. Try teleporting through them, a lot of them are focused on charging you and react slowly with a complete 180 degree swap.
Watch people , if you just saw a rogue dodge twice, you know he can't dodge for a few seconds, that's when you CC/Ice Knife him. Also re: Ice Knife. Don't hoard it for a kill shot, a lot of people forget the knockdown. That by itself can give you a few extra seconds to kill them with your other encounters.
Edit: Buy PvP pots, they are dirt cheap. Use them. And get a GD Soulforged enchant.
In addition, a good enemy will just make you waste your shifts and then come for you for real.
At that point, all you can do is walk out of the cloud, snared (read: reduced speed) and hope you don't die before you can get out of its AoE. As for any rogue getting the jump on you... heck, any class at ALL, stack some more defensive and Armor Penetration. Try to strike a good balance between those and your Power->Crit->Recovery and you should fare a little better.
I am no PvP god, but I do hold my own in most matches while playing my CW. Sure, the p2w crowd will always murder me, but anyone who hasn't paid for their skills will definitely have a hard time killing me. This class, in PvP, has a good balance right now. About the only tweaks CW needs is to fix the problem with CC in PvP because there is no point in entangling a GWF when they can just pop right out of it. Even when you are using Orb.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
GWF > TR > GF > CW > DC
(btw kills is not the same thing as the above list. Because of dps TRs, assuming equally geared, will almost always have the most kills)
That being said CW can beat the melees some of the time but you have to use ever advantage. Don't hug corners: TRs there will stun you from stealth. Keep range at all times. Run when you can instead of blinking unless you must. Save your blinks for dodges when they wind up a big attack on you.
I usually keep RoE tabbed. My 1v1 fight is typically at max range RoE once, choke, RoE, one volley of missiles, chill strike, repel. If this gets off I am usually in a good position to win with a few blinks while encounters recharge. If it doesn't then I will die.
If you want an in your face class play GWF. They are currently over the top when properly specced and geared.
If you are willing to accept the limitations of CW you can play a huge role in your team winning by fighting in the group. Debuff the fighters. Save repels for rogues that unstealthed and are about to crush your healer or other teammate. Choke hold enemy healer > cw > tr in that order. Range dps those that try to get away.
Hope this helps.
Silly monkey.
CW's get 3-4 teleports.
Max the other classes can get is about 2. How the ballocks are you managing to waste all your shifts?
Quit panic shifting.
Heck, GF/GWF can't even teleport/roll.
Even my DC & TR can shift block GWFs. (Then it's simple to wait out their damage resistance & nuke them when they become squishy.)
(GFs are significantly harder to time since they have a med range rush.)
A good CW will "waste" his/her shifts....to kite & whittle away HP until more shifts regenerate.
It's even easier for a CW to time their shifts because nearly every other opponent they fight relies on melee....
The other classes have no bloody idea when/if you'll decide to shift away. (Unless it's bloody obvious, like TR's dazing strike.)
Just shift when they get in melee range & most time you'll dodge an encounter or two.
Your lack of knowledge about CW = hilarious.
Go away troll.
Just remember if a GF or GWF gets 1 CC on you your dead, so the best you can do is try and stay at range and use teleports to avoid their CC.
Also if you have a GF and GWF on your team they are your best friend. I like to run with them and then use my CC to help them decimate my enemies for me. Use your CC's on the enemies that your melees are not fighting and use your RoE on the target your melee team members are attacking and then do a big loud evil laugh.
Plus it makes gwfs/gfs cry when they cant get anywhere near you.
Im still not max lvl (only 40) so i havent tried icy rays, but icy terrain is garbage, imo. The only time it is useful is in your mastery slot and i would much rather have force choke for the slightly longer duration and added ap gen when using it on groups (like at a capture point). Or roe for the extra charge.
Losing in PvP is awesome because after a few times of getting slaughtered you actually begin to formulate tactics that keep you alive. Pretty soon you will come up with that... of course, that is, if you stop throwing up your hands in fear of losing and go for it head on and use your brain to figure out how to stay alive. Even if it is turning tail and running....