also localized keyboards that use ALT GR for @ is a problem - when writing handle in mail, it closes the mail window instead.
Yes that problem I have as well as I use ALT GR for @, but I start to write the @handlename on a notpad window I have open so I get around with it, copy -> paste. It's ok but still annoying, I also have to do that when it come to report improper names that I meet in the game
Especially when it was their own mistake that caused the issue to begin with... AND they knew about it and published the patch with the error anyway. LOL
Yeah there's some stellar support for ya...
Well think about it, what about 40% of the problems they fix are from their patches. Just be happy they are fixing at least 1 thing per patch.
Yes that problem I have as well as I use ALT GR for @, but I start to write the @handlename on a notpad window I have open so I get around with it, copy -> paste. It's ok but still annoying, I also have to do that when it come to report improper names that I meet in the game
Another option is to make a blank @handlename message to yourself and use it to reply. That way you don't have to keep switching.
s32ialxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
You guys are working on the wrong things I cannot believe fixing the Moonstone Mask VIP Section for Guardian Fighter's, Devoted Clerics and Control Wizards was more important to you then protecting the king... because Great Weapon Fighters and Rogues can still glitch in to the Moonstone Mask VIP Section
The King does not mind but I'm sure considering the fact that you try to block people from getting to him for some odd reason... you would think you would make that flawless... since you know the king MUST be protected from players that cannot hurt him anyways... and the MASK must be protected from "Guardian Fighters, Devoted Clerics and Control Wizards but None VIP Rogues and Great Weapon Fighters they are still allowed to glitch in that's OK... Even though Founders of the North have clearly stated that they don't mind none VIP's being up in that section, and that it was just one Founder that is not in a guild and just sits in the mask reporting people all day then logs out.
Wave to the team of bad developers Sir King! They only care about money and not what there customers want.
I take no credit for finding this but it's there is obviously exist but it's not my point to fix it as players need fun things to do and explore especially once they reach max level cap and are pretty much fully geared out. I mean professions take so long there is no point in playing if that's all your going to do... I know most of Neverfun guild quiet playing because the games boring them now.
Another option is to make a blank @handlename message to yourself and use it to reply. That way you don't have to keep switching.
Ah yes I have empty mail in my mail box that I use to send myself stuff and just change the subject... but it's more when I send stuff to other players, I have their name or put their name on a notepad and copy past. As one is just allowed to have x-amount of mail in the mail box
Will this fix the problem with keybindings that aren't bound (e.g. can log in but can't play because the keyboard stops working)?
This is why I didn't bother playing at all today. I logged in, closed the launch pad window and... got to move my camera around and look at whatever, but nothing else. I haven't changed anything but yet after this morning's patch my keyboard is now seen as a joystick.... I'm hoping they undo this nightmare. Rebinding my keys won't work too well as not all the things can be rebound.. I know it works for the basics but like the Companion window for example. I mean I know I can just open the char screen and go from there but it's nice to pop open my companions real fast and close them for switching while running somewhere.
I shouldn't have to rebind anything when it's their patch that caused this and no other game I have ever had this issue with. I am in the US and have never run any other keyboard drivers.
I am still wondering why they didn't try this on the test server first and asked us to test it.. I'm sure we would have found a few issues well before it went live.. I mean really, why have a test server if you're not actually going to use it for .. testing?
Ctrl-x in the launcher while it's downloading and you'll see why - pretty much with every patch they issue, shaderCache.hogg gets updated. Probably just a version number increment. Unfortunately Cryptic's launcher doesn't do differential compression (ergo: just downloading the changed bits) so you have to download the whole damned file if only a few bits in it actually get changed.
That file extension is so apt since these "patches" are little more than bandwidth hogs. As someone with a bandwidth cap, it would be nice if Cryptic would actually patch the game and not just have us all redownload the same data over and over again.
It's been over an hour since the server went down, and all for such minute changes which is guaranteed to require a "patch" to the tune of AT LEAST several hundred megabytes.
If they can't even master something as simple as a patcher, what hope do we have for performance improvements?
realmcjokerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited June 2013
As to those complaining about the updates, the 'fix this and that's and blah-blah...
THIS IS A FREE GAME! Sure, you can end up spending money for certain 'cool' items and what have you not...I do...but it is a fully functional FREE game.
1) Be happy that the developers actually care about this game enough that they are pushing out patches as soon as they can. By the way, it takes a while to figure out which code did what and where, as well as to fix it without causing other issues...even then that isn't a guarantee. And yes,'s a bit more complicated than you care to aren't all that, otherwise you would be working on games like this instead of playing them and whining.
2) As mentioned above, sometimes patches cause other issues...sure, there is a testing phase where you run possibilities and look for code errors, etc. However they can't discover EVERY single glitch right away. Sometimes it just takes people in-game to find the glitches.
3) Take into consideration that the team working on Neverwinter is PRIORITIZING their fixes...if they do a patch 'just' for a 'seemingly small issue', then perhaps it isn't that small of an issue, and takes a higher priority over actual minor thankful that they aren't waiting weeks, if not months to push out larger patches.
4) 'This or that class is SOOOO much overpowered...It's so unbalanced...waaaah!' ...yeah...get over yourselves. For those of you not familiar with D&D, this is considered a team-effort game...PW has already done what they can to allow as much solo play as possible...but if you want to truly be effective, learn to work as a TEAM! A Rogue will do massive damage, as will a Great Weapons Fighter...a Healer will...well, HEAL. Yes, even in the PVP you need to work together as a team, playing on each others strengths...get out of the me, me, me mode...
s32ialxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
3) Take into consideration that the team working on Neverwinter is PRIORITIZING their fixes...if they do a patch 'just' for a 'seemingly small issue', then perhaps it isn't that small of an issue, and takes a higher priority over actual minor thankful that they aren't waiting weeks, if not months to push out larger patches.
Fixing the Glitch in the Moonstone mask because of ONE Founder of the North complaining is NOT a priority... I know more than three Founders of the North that are upset that they "patched" this glitch because now they're hang out consist of trolling GWF's and TR's ... instead of a friendly community of VIP/None VIP players trying to find a place to chat while they do professions and wait for queue's. since hanging out in Protectors Enclave you just get harassed and they blocked all the rooftop access for having fun on the roof tops (instead of just putting invisible walls where there holes where the blocked off the whole roofs)
I would consider clothing graphical glitches to be more of a priority than the VIP Section of the mask... I mean how is it physically possible that your cape fly's forward and threw your head while your moving on your mount.. or just turning around your cape cut's you in half... and it's not just you that see's it it's your party too... this game's designed around being able to roll play how can you be serious about your role when your capes is slicing you threw the middle or your neck...
4) 'This or that class is SOOOO much overpowered...It's so unbalanced...waaaah!' ...yeah...get over yourselves. For those of you not familiar with D&D, this is considered a team-effort game...PW has already done what they can to allow as much solo play as possible...but if you want to truly be effective, learn to work as a TEAM! A Rogue will do massive damage, as will a Great Weapons Fighter...a Healer will...well, HEAL. Yes, even in the PVP you need to work together as a team, playing on each others strengths...get out of the me, me, me mode...
Just as an extra onto this. *Casts Divinity+Astral Shield, Rogues and GWF does laughable damage, win* Play with your team, and you will succeed. Go Lone Wolf, and well, you know how that goes.
rathelasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 46Arc User
edited June 2013
SO.. is this all that goes in for the 1.5gb patch that we downloaded the other day?
Well think about it, what about 40% of the problems they fix are from their patches. Just be happy they are fixing at least 1 thing per patch.
The people who have paid real money into this game will disagree with you.
It's like buying a brand-new car that has every mechanical problem known to man. Then every month, instead of fixing the problem with your engine catching fire and blowing up, they replace the bulbs in the overhead lamps of the interior instead.
See? Fixing just "one thing" per patch isn't all that great.
Just as an extra onto this. *Casts Divinity+Astral Shield, Rogues and GWF does laughable damage, win* Play with your team, and you will succeed. Go Lone Wolf, and well, you know how that goes.
Except GWFs are running amok in PvP and killing entire teams alone.
Just watch any video about this. I am not explaining it any more.
One class killing an entire team even if that team has a healer is just wrong. GWFs are topping in at 50+ kills per game in some instances and rogues are a very close second. The whole p2w in PvP is out of control right now. Whether or not you want to admit it.
In any case, denial is not a river in Egypt.
Fletchette F. Fletch newbie rogue extraordinaire
cichardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
OMG! When are you guys going to do something about pvp???? It is so ****ing unbalanced it is not even funny!!!!!!!!! I will not pay another dime into this game tell you guys start fixing what really needs to be fixed. HUGE balance issues between classes.
QQQQ.... i have every class to 60 and i can go 20kill 0 deaths 30 assists and win the pvp match on any of them. its the player not the class system.
bloodletter24Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 44Arc User
QQQQ.... i have every class to 60 and i can go 20kill 0 deaths 30 assists and win the pvp match on any of them. its the player not the class system.
Lol Yeah that's funny man. So GFs shield smashing for 1 hit kills is balanced? GFs knocking you down and keeping you on the ground tell you are dead is balanced? Rogues rolling or stealthing out of all CCs is balanced??? How about the fact that clerics healing is now a joke in pvp. Oh and rogues can back stab you for 3/4 of you life stun you then kill you with the next strike "rinse and repeat." Oh how about they can attack you with ranged attacks that does just as much if not more damage than CWs ranged attacks and stay stealthed. I have seen GWFs take on 2 or 3 people at once and same with GFs. Pvp is not even close to being balanced. Pretty sure you probably play Those 3 classes the most in pvp. So of course you are going to say pvp is balanced. Plus this was not suppose to be a pay to win. Well it is big time. Those with the money to spend own in pvp period and you know it.
Lol Yeah that's funny man. So GFs shield smashing for 1 hit kills is balanced? GFs knocking you down and keeping you on the ground tell you are dead is balanced? Rogues rolling or stealthing out of all CCs is balanced??? How about the fact that clerics healing is now a joke in pvp. Oh and rogues can back stab you for 3/4 of you life stun you then kill you with the next strike "rinse and repeat." Oh how about they can attack you with ranged attacks that does just as much if not more damage than CWs ranged attacks and stay stealthed. I have seen GWFs take on 2 or 3 people at once and same with GFs. Pvp is not even close to being balanced. Pretty sure you probably play Those 3 classes the most in pvp. So of course you are going to say pvp is balanced. Plus this was not suppose to be a pay to win. Well it is big time. Those with the money to spend own in pvp period and you know it.
I'm with you the PvP is a joke, I hit 60 last night bought a couple of pieces of PVP gear didn't make a dint in anyone haha healing was no where enough to compensate for the amount of damage flying around clerics are useless.
My stupid little heal over times cannot heal over the 10.5k crits plus i was getting and that was AS down healing word forge masters and the divine armour and still no good team was wiping in a matter of seconds. Fix the PvP its not fun well unless you play one of the powerful classes.
CW just freeze you throw you around dead, rouges just stealth put you in a daze dead games stupid why no DR on the CC how can it be you get perma stunned/dazed and have no defense against it, makes no sense at all.
What gets me is that PWE are to busy singing the games praises and not actually addressing the real issues players care about, core parts of the game need looking in to, you have gone for the trinity model but it doesn't work with the crappy heals clerics put out.
I'm with you the PvP is a joke, I hit 60 last night bought a couple of pieces of PVP gear didn't make a dint in anyone haha healing was no where enough to compensate for the amount of damage flying around clerics are useless.
My stupid little heal over times cannot heal over the 10.5k crits plus i was getting and that was AS down healing word forge masters and the divine armour and still no good team was wiping in a matter of seconds. Fix the PvP its not fun well unless you play one of the powerful classes.
CW just freeze you throw you around dead, rouges just stealth put you in a daze dead games stupid why no DR on the CC how can it be you get perma stunned/dazed and have no defense against it, makes no sense at all.
What gets me is that PWE are to busy singing the games praises and not actually addressing the real issues players care about, core parts of the game need looking in to, you have gone for the trinity model but it doesn't work with the crappy heals clerics put out.
Ooooh. I hope I wasn't wailing on you last night, with my GF. I just started playing PvP since probably 25th level.
PvP is fubar, but a lot of it, is tricked out classes and good players. I got into it, last night with some lvl 60 purpled out GF. He landed a kill, then I went agro on him and landed one. Eventually, for us, PvP came down to him looking for me and my looking for him, ignoring everything else (we're GFs - we have reps to protect! ;P) Still, my GF (now) has a whopping two T1 purples. Guess what? We're friends now, 'cos we appreciated the battle and that's what you do.
There are some class issues, for real. I got caught by two different CWs in hold spells, at the same time, that just bled me dry. I was dealing with "24-7 stealthed" rogues, constantly shredding my hitpoints (but there are ways around that. ) GWF can be beasts, but if you know how to combat them they're toast, but only another GWF or GF can do that and expect to win, 'cos it's flesh for flesh damage.
If I time it right, I can do "cleave, bull's rush, shield slam, lunging strike, cleave, shield slam, frontline surge, shield slam, cleave." That's called a combo, it's not EASY to pull off, requires some magic fingers on my part and per Cryptic's ruleset, perfectly legal. Just like 2 CWs spamming me with entangling force, to where I never drop and get choked to death, is apparently legal too, as well in rogues in 100% stealth all the time, doing multiple daze attacks, spamming a single character with the inability to attack or do anything for several seconds, all the while critting the happless, defenseless character. D&D was always about party balance, but WoTC wholly broke that with their "uber-character" HAMSTER in 4E. Nevermind the fact that 95% of the time, PvP is a free-for-all, 'cos people don't bother using tactics at all in PUG.
Now for some irony......
So, I finally decided to run the Dread Vault Dungeon, since I hit 60. I've been boycotting the game a lot, mostly 'cos when I hit 60, my "glory booster" didn't work. I got nothing, but the party poppers, my "title name" and a rank 5 that I didn't really need, since I have rank 6s or 7s of everything else. (yeah, there's a ticket for that, believe it or not.) Anyways, I got stuck, due to poor level design (I fell through a hollow point in the floor). Chimed out to the GMs, but was ignored. After about 10 minutes of waiting (and my party going on without me), I just broke down and did "/kill me."
Anyway, last night, when the server shut down for maintenance, I checked my email. Cryptic actually sent me a response to a CS report I did and wanted me to fill out a survey about their CS. I was absolutely ELATED!!!!!
Until I realized it was about my being stuck in the Dread Vault earlier........
Not about the Wondrous Bazaar jacking me for 20 scrolls of ID, but taking my AD. (a month old ticket)
Not about 42k in AD just disappearing from my character, while in game, immediately after the Wondrous Bazaar incident (a month old ticket)
Not about Rhix not compensating me for 6 skirmishes I ran, not getting the AD for them (a month old ticket)
Not about Rhix being a complete cheapskate and not paying me the AD I got, for completing 4 Spider Temple runs (a month old ticket)
Not about the Achievements not working correctly and my not getting Achievements for running certain Skirmishes and Dungeons (3 weeks ago)
Not about the Block feature of GFs not working (2 months ago - and as of last night, thanks to the CW spamming I encountered, I fear it's still broken.)
Not about my reporting my "EPIC HERO" Glory Booster not doing jack and it just disappearing, when I clicked on it. (2 weeks old.)
Nope it was a survey I was expected to fill out for them helping me get unstuck, when they didn't even help me in the first place.
BTW, Frontline Surge is glitching.... sometimes, it will force a cooldown of 50+ seconds.......
What about the quests? Can I finally continue lvling my character?
And what about the AoE skills? can we left-mouse click them again as last target confirmation?
And the Pirate dungeon? the anker to challenge last boss?
OMG! When are you guys going to do something about pvp???? It is so ****ing unbalanced it is not even funny!!!!!!!!! I will not pay another dime into this game tell you guys start fixing what really needs to be fixed. HUGE balance issues between classes.
The only issue I have with your statement is for my Cleric. I've rolled every other class since, and I always get top kills or close to it on my Wizard, same with my rogue, and same with me Guardian. I've only done 2 PvP Matches but was top kills and 3rd kills. The only one I have trouble with is my 60 DC because I get 2 hit with rogue/wizard dailies and do no damage, and die too quick to get my heals off. The only class in need of support is Cleric. Source: I play all 5.
oh well, i'll wait for them to be fix.
they better be fast!
This ^ Is my ONLY problem.
Just rebind the mouse cursor key (ALT) to something else. I bind it to middle mouse button. Hit esc, then options, keybinds.
Yes that problem I have as well as I use ALT GR for @, but I start to write the @handlename on a notpad window I have open so I get around with it, copy -> paste. It's ok but still annoying, I also have to do that when it come to report improper names that I meet in the game
I fixed that by binding the "mouse screen over" to ctrl+alt, easy fix.
Well think about it, what about 40% of the problems they fix are from their patches. Just be happy they are fixing at least 1 thing per patch.
it still shouldnt use ALT GR for the mousemode when leftALT is bound to it since ALT GR is rightALT
Another option is to make a blank @handlename message to yourself and use it to reply. That way you don't have to keep switching.
Boom goes the King of Neverwinter... I'm a Kingslayer!
The King likes his Courtesans
The King does not mind but I'm sure considering the fact that you try to block people from getting to him for some odd reason... you would think you would make that flawless... since you know the king MUST be protected from players that cannot hurt him anyways... and the MASK must be protected from "Guardian Fighters, Devoted Clerics and Control Wizards but None VIP Rogues and Great Weapon Fighters they are still allowed to glitch in that's OK... Even though Founders of the North have clearly stated that they don't mind none VIP's being up in that section, and that it was just one Founder that is not in a guild and just sits in the mask reporting people all day then logs out.
Wave to the team of bad developers Sir King! They only care about money and not what there customers want.
King Of Neverwinter Waving to the Developers
I take no credit for finding this but it's there is obviously exist but it's not my point to fix it as players need fun things to do and explore especially once they reach max level cap and are pretty much fully geared out. I mean professions take so long there is no point in playing if that's all your going to do... I know most of Neverfun guild quiet playing because the games boring them now.
Ah yes I have empty mail in my mail box that I use to send myself stuff and just change the subject... but it's more when I send stuff to other players, I have their name or put their name on a notepad and copy past. As one is just allowed to have x-amount of mail in the mail box
This is why I didn't bother playing at all today. I logged in, closed the launch pad window and... got to move my camera around and look at whatever, but nothing else. I haven't changed anything but yet after this morning's patch my keyboard is now seen as a joystick.... I'm hoping they undo this nightmare. Rebinding my keys won't work too well as not all the things can be rebound.. I know it works for the basics but like the Companion window for example. I mean I know I can just open the char screen and go from there but it's nice to pop open my companions real fast and close them for switching while running somewhere.
I shouldn't have to rebind anything when it's their patch that caused this and no other game I have ever had this issue with. I am in the US and have never run any other keyboard drivers.
I am still wondering why they didn't try this on the test server first and asked us to test it.. I'm sure we would have found a few issues well before it went live.. I mean really, why have a test server if you're not actually going to use it for .. testing?
That file extension is so apt since these "patches" are little more than bandwidth hogs. As someone with a bandwidth cap, it would be nice if Cryptic would actually patch the game and not just have us all redownload the same data over and over again.
It's been over an hour since the server went down, and all for such minute changes which is guaranteed to require a "patch" to the tune of AT LEAST several hundred megabytes.
If they can't even master something as simple as a patcher, what hope do we have for performance improvements?
THIS IS A FREE GAME! Sure, you can end up spending money for certain 'cool' items and what have you not...I do...but it is a fully functional FREE game.
1) Be happy that the developers actually care about this game enough that they are pushing out patches as soon as they can. By the way, it takes a while to figure out which code did what and where, as well as to fix it without causing other issues...even then that isn't a guarantee. And yes,'s a bit more complicated than you care to aren't all that, otherwise you would be working on games like this instead of playing them and whining.
2) As mentioned above, sometimes patches cause other issues...sure, there is a testing phase where you run possibilities and look for code errors, etc. However they can't discover EVERY single glitch right away. Sometimes it just takes people in-game to find the glitches.
3) Take into consideration that the team working on Neverwinter is PRIORITIZING their fixes...if they do a patch 'just' for a 'seemingly small issue', then perhaps it isn't that small of an issue, and takes a higher priority over actual minor thankful that they aren't waiting weeks, if not months to push out larger patches.
4) 'This or that class is SOOOO much overpowered...It's so unbalanced...waaaah!' ...yeah...get over yourselves. For those of you not familiar with D&D, this is considered a team-effort game...PW has already done what they can to allow as much solo play as possible...but if you want to truly be effective, learn to work as a TEAM! A Rogue will do massive damage, as will a Great Weapons Fighter...a Healer will...well, HEAL. Yes, even in the PVP you need to work together as a team, playing on each others strengths...get out of the me, me, me mode...
Fixing the Glitch in the Moonstone mask because of ONE Founder of the North complaining is NOT a priority... I know more than three Founders of the North that are upset that they "patched" this glitch because now they're hang out consist of trolling GWF's and TR's ... instead of a friendly community of VIP/None VIP players trying to find a place to chat while they do professions and wait for queue's. since hanging out in Protectors Enclave you just get harassed and they blocked all the rooftop access for having fun on the roof tops (instead of just putting invisible walls where there holes where the blocked off the whole roofs)
I would consider clothing graphical glitches to be more of a priority than the VIP Section of the mask... I mean how is it physically possible that your cape fly's forward and threw your head while your moving on your mount.. or just turning around your cape cut's you in half... and it's not just you that see's it it's your party too... this game's designed around being able to roll play how can you be serious about your role when your capes is slicing you threw the middle or your neck...
Just as an extra onto this. *Casts Divinity+Astral Shield, Rogues and GWF does laughable damage, win* Play with your team, and you will succeed. Go Lone Wolf, and well, you know how that goes.
How do you even manage to break it in the first place?
Uh, no...this is just the emergency patch to fix the most critical new bugs. The big patch was NW.3.20130529g.25 - different thread.
It's like buying a brand-new car that has every mechanical problem known to man. Then every month, instead of fixing the problem with your engine catching fire and blowing up, they replace the bulbs in the overhead lamps of the interior instead.
See? Fixing just "one thing" per patch isn't all that great.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
Just watch any video about this. I am not explaining it any more.
One class killing an entire team even if that team has a healer is just wrong. GWFs are topping in at 50+ kills per game in some instances and rogues are a very close second. The whole p2w in PvP is out of control right now. Whether or not you want to admit it.
In any case, denial is not a river in Egypt.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
QQQQ.... i have every class to 60 and i can go 20kill 0 deaths 30 assists and win the pvp match on any of them. its the player not the class system.
Lol Yeah that's funny man. So GFs shield smashing for 1 hit kills is balanced? GFs knocking you down and keeping you on the ground tell you are dead is balanced? Rogues rolling or stealthing out of all CCs is balanced??? How about the fact that clerics healing is now a joke in pvp. Oh and rogues can back stab you for 3/4 of you life stun you then kill you with the next strike "rinse and repeat." Oh how about they can attack you with ranged attacks that does just as much if not more damage than CWs ranged attacks and stay stealthed. I have seen GWFs take on 2 or 3 people at once and same with GFs. Pvp is not even close to being balanced. Pretty sure you probably play Those 3 classes the most in pvp. So of course you are going to say pvp is balanced. Plus this was not suppose to be a pay to win. Well it is big time. Those with the money to spend own in pvp period and you know it.
I'm with you the PvP is a joke, I hit 60 last night bought a couple of pieces of PVP gear didn't make a dint in anyone haha healing was no where enough to compensate for the amount of damage flying around clerics are useless.
My stupid little heal over times cannot heal over the 10.5k crits plus i was getting and that was AS down healing word forge masters and the divine armour and still no good team was wiping in a matter of seconds. Fix the PvP its not fun well unless you play one of the powerful classes.
CW just freeze you throw you around dead, rouges just stealth put you in a daze dead games stupid why no DR on the CC how can it be you get perma stunned/dazed and have no defense against it, makes no sense at all.
What gets me is that PWE are to busy singing the games praises and not actually addressing the real issues players care about, core parts of the game need looking in to, you have gone for the trinity model but it doesn't work with the crappy heals clerics put out.
Ooooh. I hope I wasn't wailing on you last night, with my GF. I just started playing PvP since probably 25th level.
PvP is fubar, but a lot of it, is tricked out classes and good players. I got into it, last night with some lvl 60 purpled out GF. He landed a kill, then I went agro on him and landed one. Eventually, for us, PvP came down to him looking for me and my looking for him, ignoring everything else (we're GFs - we have reps to protect! ;P) Still, my GF (now) has a whopping two T1 purples. Guess what? We're friends now, 'cos we appreciated the battle and that's what you do.
There are some class issues, for real. I got caught by two different CWs in hold spells, at the same time, that just bled me dry. I was dealing with "24-7 stealthed" rogues, constantly shredding my hitpoints (but there are ways around that.
If I time it right, I can do "cleave, bull's rush, shield slam, lunging strike, cleave, shield slam, frontline surge, shield slam, cleave." That's called a combo, it's not EASY to pull off, requires some magic fingers on my part and per Cryptic's ruleset, perfectly legal. Just like 2 CWs spamming me with entangling force, to where I never drop and get choked to death, is apparently legal too, as well in rogues in 100% stealth all the time, doing multiple daze attacks, spamming a single character with the inability to attack or do anything for several seconds, all the while critting the happless, defenseless character. D&D was always about party balance, but WoTC wholly broke that with their "uber-character" HAMSTER in 4E. Nevermind the fact that 95% of the time, PvP is a free-for-all, 'cos people don't bother using tactics at all in PUG.
Now for some irony......
So, I finally decided to run the Dread Vault Dungeon, since I hit 60. I've been boycotting the game a lot, mostly 'cos when I hit 60, my "glory booster" didn't work. I got nothing, but the party poppers, my "title name" and a rank 5 that I didn't really need, since I have rank 6s or 7s of everything else. (yeah, there's a ticket for that, believe it or not.) Anyways, I got stuck, due to poor level design (I fell through a hollow point in the floor). Chimed out to the GMs, but was ignored. After about 10 minutes of waiting (and my party going on without me), I just broke down and did "/kill me."
Anyway, last night, when the server shut down for maintenance, I checked my email. Cryptic actually sent me a response to a CS report I did and wanted me to fill out a survey about their CS. I was absolutely ELATED!!!!!
Until I realized it was about my being stuck in the Dread Vault earlier........
Not about the Wondrous Bazaar jacking me for 20 scrolls of ID, but taking my AD. (a month old ticket)
Not about 42k in AD just disappearing from my character, while in game, immediately after the Wondrous Bazaar incident (a month old ticket)
Not about Rhix not compensating me for 6 skirmishes I ran, not getting the AD for them (a month old ticket)
Not about Rhix being a complete cheapskate and not paying me the AD I got, for completing 4 Spider Temple runs (a month old ticket)
Not about the Achievements not working correctly and my not getting Achievements for running certain Skirmishes and Dungeons (3 weeks ago)
Not about the Block feature of GFs not working (2 months ago - and as of last night, thanks to the CW spamming I encountered, I fear it's still broken.)
Not about my reporting my "EPIC HERO" Glory Booster not doing jack and it just disappearing, when I clicked on it. (2 weeks old.)
Nope it was a survey I was expected to fill out for them helping me get unstuck, when they didn't even help me in the first place.
BTW, Frontline Surge is glitching.... sometimes, it will force a cooldown of 50+ seconds.......
And what about the AoE skills? can we left-mouse click them again as last target confirmation?
And the Pirate dungeon? the anker to challenge last boss?
The only issue I have with your statement is for my Cleric. I've rolled every other class since, and I always get top kills or close to it on my Wizard, same with my rogue, and same with me Guardian. I've only done 2 PvP Matches but was top kills and 3rd kills. The only one I have trouble with is my 60 DC because I get 2 hit with rogue/wizard dailies and do no damage, and die too quick to get my heals off. The only class in need of support is Cleric. Source: I play all 5.