Can't even cast dailies or AOE's, they keep asking for targets.
That's another part of the infamous "keyboard bug".
The game is asking for a target because instead of waiting for you to select the area of the AOE he tries to cast one of your at-wills (binded on mouse left click).
When you're not in "English US Mode" if you try to cast AOEs (let's assume you have something binded to "E") you have to press "E" twice. Once for selecting the AOE and one for casting it. Instead of "E" -> Mouse Click.
I'd like to know why I suddenly can't do ANYTHING in game now. If I close the launch pad window I can only stand there. My keyboard does not function PERIOD. and... I am using a US keyboard as I AM in the US..... None of my settings have changed anywhere and this is the only game that I now can't function in as every single fricken thing requires a keyboard.. Even trying to log out or use the mouse. Alt doesn't work.. nothing.. It's as if the second I log in and close the launch window I unplug my keyboard.. If I don't close the launch pad window then I can at least open professions, but heaven forbid I need more supplies for doing anything... I can't even open my backpack to see what I do have..
I'm still wondering why we have a "test" server if they are just going to dump this HAMSTER on us live without actually testing it.
My keyboard and mouse will not work in game other than in text or chat windows. Can't play the game at all, can't walk, mount, or use skills. Also why do you have a test shard if you aren't going to use it to test these patches before putting them into prod. The keyboard issues could have been identified in test and not impacted the gamers experience in prod. If you are going to have a test server please make use of it rather than impacting the game, I'm sure it will reduce the number of emergency patches you guys will have to do in the future.
My Keyboard is Logitech G510 Mouse is Logitech G500
Okay I was able to click on the options icon and rebind my keys, all my skills were unset and many of my other keybinds were set for a joystick which I don't even have one connected to my PC.
After rebinding everything it seems to be working again. Talking to an NPC was bound to Ab
Now the issue I have is on one of my other toons the Launch page doesn't come up when I login so I can't click the options icon, since alt is bound to a joystick function.
Ok. Are you devs all chimps or something?
What in the actual f***. Re the problem with aoe ground attacks requiring 2 presses of the same key instead of 1 press and then left click to deploy. This was a problem on preview that got reported and then ... got fixed ... and now, you've broken it again and broken it on live too?? Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned (I didn't read through all this) - profession vendor - blank - no goods, no buy button and no finished button. How do you do this stuff? How do you fix one or two things and break 20 unrelated things in the process .... every single time.
Ok. Are you devs all chimps or something?
What in the actual f***. Re the problem with aoe ground attacks requiring 2 presses of the same key instead of 1 press and then left click to deploy. This was a problem on preview that got reported and then ... got fixed ... and now, you've broken it again and broken it on live too?? Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned (I didn't read through all this) - profession vendor - blank - no goods, no buy button and no finished button. How do you do this stuff? How do you fix one or two things and break 20 unrelated things in the process .... every single time.
It's one of the trolls that lives in object oriented coding. I would guess there's probably a break down in proper source code management
Another 3d world I use has a QA server where users can help test stuff.
After n patches that went live with the same errors myself and others had reported...guess what all the users stopped helping.
The management claimed that dev team were sacked, guess they all found new jobs.
At least the other place never bothered with the performance of going live (6 years of beta, 6 years of excuse), there is no difference between open beta and live, both get regular updates and patches to fix the bug that was bought in with the previous patch to fix the bug that....
Broken is broken, if it's messed up in QA without stress, putting it into production will not fix it, is it really that hard a concept?
Hey hum, same s..., different company.
shandareneeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
That's another part of the infamous "keyboard bug".
The game is asking for a target because instead of waiting for you to select the area of the AOE he tries to cast one of your at-wills (binded on mouse left click).
When you're not in "English US Mode" if you try to cast AOEs (let's assume you have something binded to "E") you have to press "E" twice. Once for selecting the AOE and one for casting it. Instead of "E" -> Mouse Click.
Thank you for the feedback but I only have that keyboard standard installed.
How on earth have you guys not fixed the ability to instantly spam 30 lines of text in Zone chat? Gets really old seeing gold sellers wipe out an entire chat window of zone chat.
What could possibly be the reason for not adding in a limit on spamming? I mean it's got to be one of the easiest changes you could make. I can not fathom why people are still able to do this after so many months.
Is anyone having FPS drops after this patch, dropped like hell?
Yes , I have just been on for about a hour and most of the time the game is ok but then I get huge drops in framerate as well as rubberbanding , something I have never really experienced in this game before this "patch" .
How on earth have you guys not fixed the ability to instantly spam 30 lines of text in Zone chat? Gets really old seeing gold sellers wipe out an entire chat window of zone chat.
What could possibly be the reason for not adding in a limit on spamming? I mean it's got to be one of the easiest changes you could make. I can not fathom why people are still able to do this after so many months.
Report him, if 25 ppl report one guy for spamming he get banned for 24h (not that it does a matter for a goldseller in a f2p game though).
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Report him, if 25 ppl report one guy for spamming he get banned for 24h (not that it does a matter for a goldseller in a f2p game though).
It should still be a "feature" in the game itself. I agree with the OP there's no reason the client should allow that much text to be flooded out in such a quick fashion. 5 lines of text in under 5 seconds? autoban! How hard can it be.
Moonstone Mask: The security on the VIP area of the Moonstone Mask has been beefed up.
**Paste from Preview Post**
This is very unfair glitches like this should not be frowned upon because of one individual whining about it. Things like this should be left alone just like they left the auction house glitch in World of Warcraft alone and only changed it for the simple fact that the new expansion required a complete redo of the whole city of Orgrimmar....
Seriously You make it so Rogues can still get up there that are not VIP yet you deny everyone else the ability to get up there... maybe you need to disable deft strike for friendly players.. Why don't you guys worry about making the two bedrooms in the back of the VIP area in the Moonstone Mask actually function fully as rooms instead of having invisible walls that prevent you from sitting on the couches in those rooms instead of preventing players that like to have fun and RP from doing so. Your foundry quests only allow 5 players per instance so it's impossible to get a group of more then 5 in one to do a decent role play.. there goes any chance at a decent web series and with denying paying players access to a room that has no VIP items accessible in it is just plain silly. I would understand if you had VIP shops up there but you have nothing but annoying Nobles that walk around and push you and stop you from doing your dance and get in your way all the time.
IMO you jut ruined all of the FUN a lot of players have in-between dungeons and PVP because that's really the only place to hang out and be social that can accept more then 5 players per instance.
You know there are people out there like myself that are Disabled and have a set income that isn't very high we cannot afford to pay rent buy food for ourselves and our kids pay car insurance, gas and pay for internet monthly fee's and ON top of that fronting $200 to your company as a one time payment in full. I would like a payment plan and I might consider the founders pack but you don't offer that. and I have spent money on the game when I have had spare money I could afford to throw towards you guys in support of such a great game even with all the flaws.
It's not very fair how you treat your none founder of the north players by denying them access to a place that doesn't serve ANY benefits to the Founders of the North other then a place where they can Roleplay BUT once all of the none FotN players can't get in there anymore it will just be an empty area with 1 maybe 2 people in it at a time threw out the day because it's only full with us none FotN players trying to find a place that we won't get muted as spammers... there are no usable NPC's here no SHOPS no Vendors NOTHING so really it's pointless to even have this area again considering you can't even do the area up right and you have this invisible wall blocking the chairs in the two bedrooms at the back.
In closing you should be more concerned with stats and zone bugs that actually cause instability to the game and the economy NOT a glitch that just allows players to be more social.
s32ialxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Seriously PWE this is not fair that you Let Rogues and now I'm hearing GWF's have a work around to get back in there... you need to just remove your silliness and move on to more important issues... If people are complaining about this mask patch that HAVE paid $200 don't you think you should listen to them... ONE Single FotN should not have more say then others. This is not a exploit that causes any damage to the economy or player stats or any unfair advantage in gaining rare or epic loot or making you better at PVP in anyways... in-fact it has now became UNFAIR due to Rogues and GWF's being able to laugh at the others that cannot get up there at least before EVERY class could get in and be social. BUT no leave it to PW to say we don't care about our clientele lets just mess up the game more and make it MORE imbalanced in the social aspect as well as the classes.
Just because I'm sick of this THIS MOONSTONE MASK PATCH IS ALL BECAUSE OF "Andariel" an lone ranger FotN who's not in a guild doesn't do anything in the game except sit at the mask for 10 minutes to report then logs back off. they had months to fix that issue with the mask but they only did it once Andariel started reporting.
randallskiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited June 2013
Pirates Lair is buggy ..there is no anchor at the endboss (all versions normal and epic)
Glad I haven't wasted my time on this game in the past week. Track records speak volumes. Don't see myself playing anytime soon. Maybe when the expansion comes out but I think I'll be preoccupied with something else by then.
So where are the patch notes for the performance changes you made?
Don't tell there weren't any, because there quite clearly were.
Prior to patch I had spent weeks honing my graphics settings to get the best performance I can get from a system that is lagging behind the times. My CPU would run at about 60%-80% of capacity, and my GPU would run at around 40% (idling in PE) to 80% (hectic combat in an instance).
Now, after this patch something changed. Not my settings, not my PC, something in the game.
Because everything looks and acts the same until I enter combat, and then my GPU usage drops to 1-10%, and I get around 1FPS and the game is, effectively, unplayable.
So, Cryptic, what stealth-changes did you just push out?
Because you certainly changed something that isn't listed in the Patch Notes.
Pirates Lair is buggy ..there is no anchor at the endboss (all versions normal and epic)
Yep I can verify this , just ran it in DD , got to the end and no anchor...
Granted I'm by no means an expert on these things and I know programming is a difficult job since changing one thing can lead to unforseen changes elsewhere but this is just getting silly now , this patch needs to be completely rolled back before too many people do too much/earn too much and we end up with a situation like the cat day fail again.
This game is <not improving well> with every patch they try. I don't even mean that in the sarcastic casual forum comment way. I seriously have lost any confidence in this company and their programmers. It's a lost cause with this team, game over bro. Game over.
darkstorn42Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Bugs and more bugs. Maybe its reverse psychology (patch suposed to fix the game, but instead crashes the entire game)?
grembler1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited June 2013
Thanks for the nerf bat on protect caravan - are profesions really worth the effort? No end game - inflated AD cost for anything now nerf the one way lower levels can farm AD. Screw you - no more real money for you. Burn me once shame on you burn me twice -
Dialogue day - Where a massive infectious cloud of HAMSTER-ism wreaks havoc in neverwinter and the surrounding area's and all Npc's forget how to talk. The source of this is though to come out of the Dwarf kings *** himself.
A nice Cloak of lost dialogue to be passed out to all those not affected by the HAMSTER-ism (cool looking cloak random writeing all over) to help the npc's remember how to talk. free enchant removals for the not so savage enchantments. Double Ad weekends to happen more often due to the unnecessary nerf to Leadership
That's another part of the infamous "keyboard bug".
The game is asking for a target because instead of waiting for you to select the area of the AOE he tries to cast one of your at-wills (binded on mouse left click).
When you're not in "English US Mode" if you try to cast AOEs (let's assume you have something binded to "E") you have to press "E" twice. Once for selecting the AOE and one for casting it. Instead of "E" -> Mouse Click.
I'm still wondering why we have a "test" server if they are just going to dump this HAMSTER on us live without actually testing it.
My Keyboard is Logitech G510 Mouse is Logitech G500
Okay I was able to click on the options icon and rebind my keys, all my skills were unset and many of my other keybinds were set for a joystick which I don't even have one connected to my PC.
After rebinding everything it seems to be working again. Talking to an NPC was bound to Ab
Now the issue I have is on one of my other toons the Launch page doesn't come up when I login so I can't click the options icon, since alt is bound to a joystick function.
What in the actual f***. Re the problem with aoe ground attacks requiring 2 presses of the same key instead of 1 press and then left click to deploy. This was a problem on preview that got reported and then ... got fixed ... and now, you've broken it again and broken it on live too?? Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned (I didn't read through all this) - profession vendor - blank - no goods, no buy button and no finished button. How do you do this stuff? How do you fix one or two things and break 20 unrelated things in the process .... every single time.
It's one of the trolls that lives in object oriented coding. I would guess there's probably a break down in proper source code management
After n patches that went live with the same errors myself and others had reported...guess what all the users stopped helping.
The management claimed that dev team were sacked, guess they all found new jobs.
At least the other place never bothered with the performance of going live (6 years of beta, 6 years of excuse), there is no difference between open beta and live, both get regular updates and patches to fix the bug that was bought in with the previous patch to fix the bug that....
Broken is broken, if it's messed up in QA without stress, putting it into production will not fix it, is it really that hard a concept?
Hey hum, same s..., different company.
Thank you for the feedback but I only have that keyboard standard installed.
What could possibly be the reason for not adding in a limit on spamming? I mean it's got to be one of the easiest changes you could make. I can not fathom why people are still able to do this after so many months.
Report him, if 25 ppl report one guy for spamming he get banned for 24h (not that it does a matter for a goldseller in a f2p game though).
It should still be a "feature" in the game itself. I agree with the OP there's no reason the client should allow that much text to be flooded out in such a quick fashion. 5 lines of text in under 5 seconds? autoban! How hard can it be.
**Paste from Preview Post**
This is very unfair glitches like this should not be frowned upon because of one individual whining about it. Things like this should be left alone just like they left the auction house glitch in World of Warcraft alone and only changed it for the simple fact that the new expansion required a complete redo of the whole city of Orgrimmar....
Seriously You make it so Rogues can still get up there that are not VIP yet you deny everyone else the ability to get up there... maybe you need to disable deft strike for friendly players.. Why don't you guys worry about making the two bedrooms in the back of the VIP area in the Moonstone Mask actually function fully as rooms instead of having invisible walls that prevent you from sitting on the couches in those rooms instead of preventing players that like to have fun and RP from doing so. Your foundry quests only allow 5 players per instance so it's impossible to get a group of more then 5 in one to do a decent role play.. there goes any chance at a decent web series and with denying paying players access to a room that has no VIP items accessible in it is just plain silly. I would understand if you had VIP shops up there but you have nothing but annoying Nobles that walk around and push you and stop you from doing your dance and get in your way all the time.
IMO you jut ruined all of the FUN a lot of players have in-between dungeons and PVP because that's really the only place to hang out and be social that can accept more then 5 players per instance.
You know there are people out there like myself that are Disabled and have a set income that isn't very high we cannot afford to pay rent buy food for ourselves and our kids pay car insurance, gas and pay for internet monthly fee's and ON top of that fronting $200 to your company as a one time payment in full. I would like a payment plan and I might consider the founders pack but you don't offer that. and I have spent money on the game when I have had spare money I could afford to throw towards you guys in support of such a great game even with all the flaws.
It's not very fair how you treat your none founder of the north players by denying them access to a place that doesn't serve ANY benefits to the Founders of the North other then a place where they can Roleplay BUT once all of the none FotN players can't get in there anymore it will just be an empty area with 1 maybe 2 people in it at a time threw out the day because it's only full with us none FotN players trying to find a place that we won't get muted as spammers... there are no usable NPC's here no SHOPS no Vendors NOTHING so really it's pointless to even have this area again considering you can't even do the area up right and you have this invisible wall blocking the chairs in the two bedrooms at the back.
In closing you should be more concerned with stats and zone bugs that actually cause instability to the game and the economy NOT a glitch that just allows players to be more social.
Just because I'm sick of this THIS MOONSTONE MASK PATCH IS ALL BECAUSE OF "Andariel" an lone ranger FotN who's not in a guild doesn't do anything in the game except sit at the mask for 10 minutes to report then logs back off. they had months to fix that issue with the mask but they only did it once Andariel started reporting.
What Class Are You?
Don't tell there weren't any, because there quite clearly were.
Prior to patch I had spent weeks honing my graphics settings to get the best performance I can get from a system that is lagging behind the times. My CPU would run at about 60%-80% of capacity, and my GPU would run at around 40% (idling in PE) to 80% (hectic combat in an instance).
Now, after this patch something changed. Not my settings, not my PC, something in the game.
Because everything looks and acts the same until I enter combat, and then my GPU usage drops to 1-10%, and I get around 1FPS and the game is, effectively, unplayable.
So, Cryptic, what stealth-changes did you just push out?
Because you certainly changed something that isn't listed in the Patch Notes.
All The Best
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Granted I'm by no means an expert on these things and I know programming is a difficult job since changing one thing can lead to unforseen changes elsewhere but this is just getting silly now , this patch needs to be completely rolled back before too many people do too much/earn too much and we end up with a situation like the cat day fail again.
also, when will they fix character history, i don't think it's that hard to fix anyway
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This game is going down the drain. What we need is new classes and new races (and Drow won't do).
A nice Cloak of lost dialogue to be passed out to all those not affected by the HAMSTER-ism (cool looking cloak random writeing all over) to help the npc's remember how to talk. free enchant removals for the not so savage enchantments. Double Ad weekends to happen more often due to the unnecessary nerf to Leadership
Just a though