This game is dying, but they are giving you the illusion that they give a **** about your feedback and nothing could be further from the truth.
The devs do not listen. They simply do not. If they did, the critical and game-breaking issues being posted about on these forums day in and day out, week in and week out, would be getting addressed before ridiculous items like nerfing leadership. Again, with the leadership nerf, they show that they only truly care about their cash-flow.
In a few months time, people will say "Hey! Remember that flop of a game with so much potential that fell flat because the devs were too immersed in making money rather than fixing issues to keep the cash coming in?! Yeah, I think it was called Dungeons and Dragons: Neverfixedproperly or something."
The only critical and game-breaking issues I found so far is PVP and complaining ppl. I have solo-played TR, CW, GWF, GF and DC to lvl 60 and everything is working as they should work in a Role Playing Game. If you can't play a role and take some drawback's I recommend Pokemon or something like that.
Yeah. I guess people don't just leave matches these days, either.
It's not fair to a losing team that you camp them at a spawn area and kill them as soon as they respawn. It's not very sportsman-like and it's not very fun for the losing team. Encourage them to fight, don't be a belligerent idiot who camps them and greifs them repeatedly just because you can.
Not allowing a team to regroup and pick them off as they respawn is a way to prevent them from being able to win, because the worst thing you can do is grief the opposing team when you think you're winning, and then you lose. That really hurts their ego.. so they've done their best to prevent fairness. Its a lot like bragging how tough you are, based on your ability to sucker-punch unsuspecting people; but when somebody tough calls you out, you've got every excuse in the book to still try to prevent fairness, most likely in the hopes to distract your opponent so you can cheap-shot him too. Its just weak, and cowardly.
konidragosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 17Arc User
can we please make it even harder for a DC to heal ourselves it is easy to die and would love to see us get 1 shotted more than normal.*sarcasm off* Not sure why were are nerfed to fk as a DC when other classes are getting boosted up the YIN and YANG. I can heal others like gang busters but when I have a gaping wound I try to throw a bandaid on it instead of a huge bandage, WT-FIRETRUCK
Not allowing a team to regroup and pick them off as they respawn is a way to prevent them from being able to win, because the worst thing you can do is grief the opposing team when you think you're winning, and then you lose. That really hurts their ego.. so they've done their best to prevent fairness. Its a lot like bragging how tough you are, based on your ability to sucker-punch unsuspecting people; but when somebody tough calls you out, you've got every excuse in the book to still try to prevent fairness, most likely in the hopes to distract your opponent so you can cheap-shot him too. Its just weak, and cowardly.
Also, GF buff? Have you played PvP? You can't even damage them behind them while they're blocking. Since when is a shield a bubble?
You must be doing something horribly wrong, or something changed since yesterday.
All the patch notes say is that now a guardian fighter can block at least one full hit before their guard drops. You're probably one of the people saying their guard stays up forever so you won't be affected at all by this patch.
A class which is nearly indestructible in PvP is now *more* indestructible.
This is getting stupid at this point. Nerf DC healing, beef up the damage that can be done to everyone else because a class that can knock you down repeatedly and block repeatedly is just the right thing to do.
You wanna NERF the Cleric, are you ****ing mad? lmao. You CLEARLY have never played as the DC in NW. If they nerf DC again, now that we're so broken people are already quitting the game, there will not be a single Cleric in the game. Learn more about the game's current state, please.
So who even crafter those leadership chests before? with less items and mroe... POTIONS... why should anyone waste that much tiem on those now? Or rather... whats worth wasting time on at all now?
AND NO - stop begging for "pvp balance" - unless they actually separate pvp from pve, if you keep askign that, they WILL *** up pve.
werealchemistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You wanna NERF the Cleric, are you ****ing mad? lmao. You CLEARLY have never played as the DC in NW. If they nerf DC again, now that we're so broken people are already quitting the game, there will not be a single Cleric in the game. Learn more about the game's current state, please.
The only critical and game-breaking issues I found so far is PVP and complaining ppl. I have solo-played TR, CW, GWF, GF and DC to lvl 60 and everything is working as they should work in a Role Playing Game. If you can't play a role and take some drawback's I recommend Pokemon or something like that.
In the same instance, I'd say that if you cannot use proper grammar and punctuation, that you should definitely use a spellchecker before you reply to me.
See how that works?
The game is broken. Shortcuts in nearly every dungeon. Where is the challenge? PvP is ridiculously broken. Why no fix? Your healers have a "skill" that reduces heals on themselves by FORTY PERCENT!! Yes, 40% reduced heals on yourself from your own heals. Seriously? Was someone smoking crack when they thought that up?
Rogues killing anything and everything from stealth. Heck, rogues can stay in stealth and throw knives for 16k crits (watch any video on this on youtube) and that isn't broken?
Also, I think you do not understand what "Role Playing Game" means. It doesn't mean "a game works a certain way." It means that you act, talk and think in a manner consistent with the time period set forth in the game. It means playing a role. It means not running around, shouting "LOL i 4m t3h bes7! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!111!".
In conclusion, before you try to insult someone by telling them to go play another game which you obviously consider to be a child's game... sit back and reflect on the fact that you are playing a video game to begin with. A game. Children play games.
Dammit, that made me laugh out loud and then I had to explain why to the wife, like that was worth trying to explain anyhow.
gorrundMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited June 2013
Wow, Leadership which was already tedious, but at least rewarding in some ways just became irritating. The least inefficient way to rank up was a few level 5 Explore Local Area, then 9 Chart Region when you have enough maps. Then 14 Combine Maps to get some region maps. I've been working at that since beginning of open beta and just hit lvl 16. I do other professions as well so only used a couple slots for Leadership. For just leveling, War Game Training seems the only way to go..but that last 8 hours and you end up missing rares.
Excellent job on punishing the many because of a few. Seems to be the predominant way to handle every problem.
You wanna NERF the Cleric, are you ****ing mad? lmao. You CLEARLY have never played as the DC in NW. If they nerf DC again, now that we're so broken people are already quitting the game, there will not be a single Cleric in the game. Learn more about the game's current state, please.
Where, in ANY of my statement, did I say to nerf clerics?
My statement reflected on that which was DONE already. Not that which I wish to be done. I play a cleric... do you think I wish to have my class nerfed?
Auto-Refine: When Rough Astral Diamonds have been automatically refined, a notification now appears upon logging in.
Great, now add an option to auto-identify loot so when we pick it up it says the actual name instead of "unidentified belt". Better yet, add an option to auto-identify only usable loot (not stuff we can't equip), for those of us who don't bother identifying HAMSTER we can't use.
nick0021Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Do they realize that A LOT of players only log in to farm CN? Between that and GG being the failure that it is, cya later guys!
Unless you fix the Clerics (give us a reason to keep playing..) in the next patch. You're gonna lose a ton of players. Right now it's literally the worst healing class in all of MMO history, we have 1, ONE, viable power and that's obviously Astral Shield. Not even exaggerating, weakest healing I've ever seen in a MMO game, also not a single anti-CC or survivability power/ability. In no other game is the healer just as easy to take down as a cloth wearing caster class. And don't say "AS is your defense", it's not a personal defense ability and you gotta cast it on the ground and stay in it (gl doing that if you're dazed or knocked down), also you need 1 pip on the divine power to cast a blue AS, which you don't have from scratch. I'm kind of sick of getting one-shotted or killed in less than 3 seconds (about how long daze lasts, or a serious of knock downs) while not being able to do HAMSTER because my spells are silenced. And that's at 11k GS.
werealchemistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The only critical and game-breaking issues I found so far is PVP and complaining ppl. I have solo-played TR, CW, GWF, GF and DC to lvl 60 and everything is working as they should work in a Role Playing Game. If you can't play a role and take some drawback's I recommend Pokemon or something like that.
Not allowing a team to regroup and pick them off as they respawn is a way to prevent them from being able to win, because the worst thing you can do is grief the opposing team when you think you're winning, and then you lose. That really hurts their ego.. so they've done their best to prevent fairness. Its a lot like bragging how tough you are, based on your ability to sucker-punch unsuspecting people; but when somebody tough calls you out, you've got every excuse in the book to still try to prevent fairness, most likely in the hopes to distract your opponent so you can cheap-shot him too. Its just weak, and cowardly.
So, which dev wants a hug first?
its a rogue
You must be doing something horribly wrong, or something changed since yesterday.
All the patch notes say is that now a guardian fighter can block at least one full hit before their guard drops. You're probably one of the people saying their guard stays up forever so you won't be affected at all by this patch.
You wanna NERF the Cleric, are you ****ing mad? lmao. You CLEARLY have never played as the DC in NW. If they nerf DC again, now that we're so broken people are already quitting the game, there will not be a single Cleric in the game. Learn more about the game's current state, please.
AND NO - stop begging for "pvp balance" - unless they actually separate pvp from pve, if you keep askign that, they WILL *** up pve.
he was being sarcastic
Same goes on when the match is way too unbalanced and you don't need to feed the ego of a 5yo no-life kid.
quit losing to 5 year olds then.
Yes!! +10 so sick if the QQing If you don't like the game simple, Leave. Hell i'd bet they'd even give you your money back.. oh.. wait...
That removes another AD source = more zen= more $$$
See how that works?
The game is broken. Shortcuts in nearly every dungeon. Where is the challenge? PvP is ridiculously broken. Why no fix? Your healers have a "skill" that reduces heals on themselves by FORTY PERCENT!! Yes, 40% reduced heals on yourself from your own heals. Seriously? Was someone smoking crack when they thought that up?
Rogues killing anything and everything from stealth. Heck, rogues can stay in stealth and throw knives for 16k crits (watch any video on this on youtube) and that isn't broken?
Also, I think you do not understand what "Role Playing Game" means. It doesn't mean "a game works a certain way." It means that you act, talk and think in a manner consistent with the time period set forth in the game. It means playing a role. It means not running around, shouting "LOL i 4m t3h bes7! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!111!".
In conclusion, before you try to insult someone by telling them to go play another game which you obviously consider to be a child's game... sit back and reflect on the fact that you are playing a video game to begin with. A game. Children play games.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
Or not.
Dammit, that made me laugh out loud and then I had to explain why to the wife, like that was worth trying to explain anyhow.
Excellent job on punishing the many because of a few. Seems to be the predominant way to handle every problem.
My statement reflected on that which was DONE already. Not that which I wish to be done. I play a cleric... do you think I wish to have my class nerfed?
newbie rogue extraordinaire
BLOOD neverwinter wiki -
Great, now add an option to auto-identify loot so when we pick it up it says the actual name instead of "unidentified belt". Better yet, add an option to auto-identify only usable loot (not stuff we can't equip), for those of us who don't bother identifying HAMSTER we can't use.
I've spent money on this game. I do regret it, now, but that is the past.
I will not spend any more money on this. At least not until the game is fixed.
newbie rogue extraordinaire