Or you could spend that time getting to 60, doing the pitiful end-game content and getting drops to sell.
herbtrader20Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
OP UPDATE Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up with the thread, positive or negative views alike! I wish I could update this more, but as you can imagine, I am pressed for time
I am currently sitting at a total of 26 Characters with 120+ profession slots between them 0.o. Each of the workers is able to open the 7/7 Celestial Coin pack each week for a chance at a Coalescent Ward ( Usually nets around 8 wards out of 26 characters... sometimes more, sometimes less) but even the Preservation Wards are useful in upgrading runestones! They each also receive 1x Profession Pack from their quest in the graveyard. I cannot tell you how many Dragon eggs & Blue Tools that I have gotten out of these things... Suffice it to say, I have my AD/Zen generating machine!
I believe that enough time has passed that I could have made it all the way to 50 total character slots by now, but as I started amassing such riches, the little girl inside of me made me want to go out and buy a bunch of shiny things! Which, the next day, someone would be spamming about WTB for 2x what I paid for my items, and so I would sell and be even richer than before, but without shinies once more. Thus developed my love of trading via a combination of /zone wtb/wts advertisements and the Auction House and this has become a major drain on both my time and desire to log back into the game to invoke or log into the gateway to do a "Peon Check":) I will say that I spent MUCH more time ONLINE & LOGGED IN to Neverwinter in my pursuit of "the next amazing trade", than I ever had before with my profession farming tactic (which was not stopped, but simply changed throughout the course of the past month or so).
Here is an update on how my profession farming has come along:
Once my desire to be actually logged into Neverwinter for trading purposes took over, (as opposed to being online for leveling/invoking and gateway for professions) I gradually found myself clearing peons "Protect Caravan" missions hours after they had completed, essentially wasting valuable peon time.... tsk tsk. This created problem # 1.... Better time management! Without it, I would need to focus on playing the Merchant in-game, or playing the Overlord with peons via gateway... but not both.
Around this same time, I discovered that many (12 to be precise) of my peons had passed the character level 20 mark as well as the Leadership level 13 mark!! This meant that they were now mobile, via the free 110% mount provided to each character on my account (Founder Pack), that they were now able to create Footmen, and to do the Rare mission "Protect Diamond Shipment" which nets a cool 1600 AD in a 12 hour period! With the new found mobility, I found that I could bridge the gap between levels 20-30 with these peons and unlock the additional Profession Slot! *Faints at having to recalculate each peons input/output again, but whatever! MORE STUFFS! I took all 12 to level 30. This was the most fun I have had in a while, simply by doing the quests in 2 zones... Black Dagger Ruins & Neverdeath Graveyard! And would you believe it? I ding level 30 by completing the quest chain for "The Undead & The Dying", which rewards a Profession Special Pack!!! Hello 12x packs This created problems #2 .... Need more workers& need more time to Trade all the cool assets I got... ties into problem #1
I ended up classifying my workers into two categories.... Grunt (level 20 character, level 13 Leadership), and Peon (level 10-19 with Leadership 1-12).
I began having Grunts perform tasks designed around gaining Leadership XP (Patrol the Mines, War Games Training). Patrol (4hrs & 120xp) during the day, when I can reset it as needed. War Games (8hours & 240xp) if on a weekend and not near a computer, or sleeping. This keeps them leveling at a decent pace, as opposed to the snails pace they will make from Leadership Lvl 12-20 by only focusing on AD missions (Protect Caravan & Battle Undead). Any empty slots left over can be filled with an AD generator or XP generator, depending on my mood. Peons Now focus almost entirely on creating workers with any open spots being used for XP gain. I found the most common tasks setup to be 1x Peon doing 1x Train Guard, 3x Hire Mercenary, and 1x Tactical Training (160xp)when available. This leveled them to 20/13 just in time They should have at least 16 guards which can be turned into 4x Footmen, assuring that you can do the rare "Protect Diamond Shipment" when it appears, and can focus on gaining XP with the Patrol Mines and War Games mission described above.
This method has allowed me to continue to grow leadership (Currently Leader Level 20 on my main with several scattered between level 19 and 16, and the majority between 13-15!). Thats right... I have more Grunts than Peons at this point, and it will probably stay that way for a while (enjoying trading and actually running an instance once and a while).
Please, stay with the thread! I would love to hear about how your attempts at Neverwinter Tycoon status are going! And, as always,keep the flame/hate comments coming too! I just stuff them deep down inside myself and pile beer on top. All good, baby.
*Shout-out to a few people who have helped me see the other enjoyable aspects of this game.
Keruya Banhammer - GF @ Beholder
Shaniqua Dreadnought - CW @ Beholder
Shaydra - DC @ Beholder
I get maybe 2-4k AD per day per slot at leadership 14 doing about 4-5 missions each, and I have 5 slots
I think the total amount of AD I've made from leadership over a month on this guy is less than 200k
But yea, you can farm 200k AD off two level 10 guys in 3 days
You could run a couple of CN 2/4 ring neck runs and get 200k plus necks and rings or more. 10mins a run rinse repeat. Bis rings necks go for crazy amounts.
Farming has never been the best way to make AD. Use it to get your starting scratch and then play the ah.
The best way to make money in mmos is ah trading. Make notes create spreadsheets and track prices and amounts. Buy low sell high. Buy large stacks of 99 and restack at 10. Buy during the week and sell on weekends, prices always go up on weekends. Look at professions requirements. People will spend AD to save some time. Help them spend it.
Read patch notes to looks for changes. Read BIS gear notes changes for each class ie high vizir for CW was supposed to be BIS post patch prior to the patch the prices skyrocketed. If you bought low and sold high you would be buying and 40k and selling at 600k an item.
Yea, that would work if I didn't quit the day I hit 60 due to the worst pve I've ever seen in an MMO, absolutely zero PVE content outside leveling to 60 and doing dungeons, and the fact I had already gotten full epics in about an hour just by dropping 100k AD on the AH
All I've done in the last two weeks is start some AD tasks two times a day in case the day comes when you can sell them for $, and I'll cash out the $50 bucks or whatever it is
None of this has anything to do with this guide, which is a joke. The time estimates are off, the author talks about how he's not spending money on the game but then points out he has a 110 mount on each guy because he's a founder, showing that he's also a HAMSTER because he could have initially bought more character slots and exponentially increased everything he's done
He's not even playing the game, he's turned it into a sim. A bad one. A bad one with a clunky interface, no real payout, and sure enough he already got bored and had to find new life by doing the same zone on his 20 alts. lol.
Would have been better off playing Star Kingdoms or Travian or an actual sim game or any sort of game where you can convert your in game wealth into actual money
Don't forget to recommend the Gateway for your profession run. You may not have time to log in every hour for Invocation, but at least you can earn them via profession.
Given that the gateway often loses some of the rewards from a task, this is terrible advice.
I just read this out of curiosity and while I enjoy the professions system, the gateway and the AD>Zen exchange.. I don't get it, what's the point of this?
I mean yeah, I use these mechanics to make AD and then Zen, to buy stuff I will use in game, without paying real money.. but what is the point of this AD&Zen-making monster? do you get satisfaction from having all this AD?
as jeffislegendary, pointed out, you can't convert it to real money..
anyway.. good job to Cryptic for making a game which people with different interest can enjoy, you have: PvE, PvP, The Foundry and a tycoon sim
I am also using your technique, currently have 13 going. I like that recommendation about running the graveyard and will likely run that this weekend for my level 20ish-30 chars, one thing I did notice while doing this is creating 1 guard takes to long 4 slots filled for 18hrs then another for 18hrs, I usually just spend between 1-2k AD and buy a guard off of the AH.
am at 25 playing so much it isn`t healthy anymore. but going to enjoy my 50k each 6 hours soon.
lucky my plan wasn`t targeted at protect caravan, since it has been cut down to 100.
most likely because of bots.
for someone doing it each 2 hours the whole day (can`t think any other then a bot which does that ;p
it would be more AD then the higher lvl jobs. when it was still on 200.
but ok, don`t want to talk about that, just hope they won`t go cut in the higher jobs, because otherwise all my effort is broken to nothing.
playing from the beginning each day, almost all day.
i saw someone about taxes job, but that requires maps. i hate organizing maps, so skipping those jobs.
aiming at 25 x lvl 30 chars for extra slots.5 each char.
2 slots fight of spellplagued(leadership lvl 16)
3 slots battle undead.
since i hate the extra stuf from chests to take care of also, otherwise i`d do 3,2.
so soon at 125 crafting slots.
guess i`m one of the craziest legal players at the moment
it does have a shadowside ;p i don`t go anywhere, or do anything, but this.
glad if it`s over.
or if they decide to drop all rewards from it because of bots, i don`t care.
i`ll find another game anything else then pwe/cryptic
am at 25 playing so much it isn`t healthy anymore. but going to enjoy my 50k each 6 hours soon.
lucky my plan wasn`t targeted at protect caravan, since it has been cut down to 100.
most likely because of bots.
for someone doing it each 2 hours the whole day (can`t think any other then a bot which does that ;p
it would be more AD then the higher lvl jobs. when it was still on 200.
but ok, don`t want to talk about that, just hope they won`t go cut in the higher jobs, because otherwise all my effort is broken to nothing.
playing from the beginning each day, almost all day.
i saw someone about taxes job, but that requires maps. i hate organizing maps, so skipping those jobs.
aiming at 25 x lvl 30 chars for extra slots.5 each char.
2 slots fight of spellplagued(leadership lvl 16)
3 slots battle undead.
since i hate the extra stuf from chests to take care of also, otherwise i`d do 3,2.
so soon at 125 crafting slots.
guess i`m one of the craziest legal players at the moment
it does have a shadowside ;p i don`t go anywhere, or do anything, but this.
glad if it`s over.
or if they decide to drop all rewards from it because of bots, i don`t care.
i`ll find another game anything else then pwe/cryptic
I tallied all of the hours for each task that gives AD, I also included the pre-requisite hours for the tasks as well. IE: In order to do Protect Diamond Shipment mission you need to get a mining claim first. This requires an additional 4 hours. Note: You shouldn't consider the task balance on AD only, because some of these missions give out items, experience or leadership Exp. If you're only aiming for AD though, this is the priority I've given each task:
133 AD per hour - Destroy Enemy Camp - 12hrs - 1600 AD
100 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Protect Diamond Shipment - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
72 AD per hour - 3 hrs prereq - Collect Taxes - 8hrs - 800 AD
67 AD per hour - Battle Undead - 6hrs - 400 AD
67 AD per hour - Fight off Spellplagued - 6hrs - 400 AD
60 AD per hour - 12 hrs prereq - Deliver metals - 3 mining claims - 8hrs - 1200 AD
50 AD per hour - Protect Caravan - 2hrs - 100 AD
50 AD per hour - RARE - Gather Astral Diamonds - 8hrs - 400 AD
45 AD per hour - 6 hrs prereq - RARE, Give refugees a home - 3 refugees - 12hrs - 800 AD
38 AD per hour - 18 hrs prereq - Resell Goods at Bazaar - 3 bill of sale - 8hrs - 400 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Follow Map to Unknown Location - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Region Map - 12hrs - 1600 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Recover Large Mineral Claim - 3x Mark of Gratitude - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
33 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Raid enemy treasury - Region Map - 8hrs - 400 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - RARE - Escort Goods to Market - 12hrs - 400 AD
30 AD per hour - 36 hrs prereq - RARE - Put enemy keep under Siege - 3 Siege engine - 18hrs - 1600 AD
30 AD per hour - 42 hrs prereq - RARE - Assault Enemy Stronghold - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Siege Engine - 12hrs - 1600 AD
25 AD per hour - Survey Terrain - 4hrs - 100 AD
17 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Wizard - 18hrs - 300 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Cleric - 8hrs - 100 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Protect Temple - 16hrs - 200 AD
shunterinoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I tallied all of the hours for each task that gives AD, I also included the pre-requisite hours for the tasks as well. IE: In order to do Protect Diamond Shipment mission you need to get a mining claim first. This requires an additional 4 hours. Note: You shouldn't consider the task balance on AD only, because some of these missions give out items, experience or leadership Exp. If you're only aiming for AD though, this is the priority I've given each task:
133 AD per hour - Destroy Enemy Camp - 12hrs - 1600 AD
100 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Protect Diamond Shipment - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
72 AD per hour - 3 hrs prereq - Collect Taxes - 8hrs - 800 AD
67 AD per hour - Battle Undead - 6hrs - 400 AD
67 AD per hour - Fight off Spellplagued - 6hrs - 400 AD
60 AD per hour - 12 hrs prereq - Deliver metals - 3 mining claims - 8hrs - 1200 AD
50 AD per hour - Protect Caravan - 2hrs - 100 AD
50 AD per hour - RARE - Gather Astral Diamonds - 8hrs - 400 AD
45 AD per hour - 6 hrs prereq - RARE, Give refugees a home - 3 refugees - 12hrs - 800 AD
38 AD per hour - 18 hrs prereq - Resell Goods at Bazaar - 3 bill of sale - 8hrs - 400 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Follow Map to Unknown Location - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Region Map - 12hrs - 1600 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Recover Large Mineral Claim - 3x Mark of Gratitude - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
33 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Raid enemy treasury - Region Map - 8hrs - 400 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - RARE - Escort Goods to Market - 12hrs - 400 AD
30 AD per hour - 36 hrs prereq - RARE - Put enemy keep under Siege - 3 Siege engine - 18hrs - 1600 AD
30 AD per hour - 42 hrs prereq - RARE - Assault Enemy Stronghold - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Siege Engine - 12hrs - 1600 AD
25 AD per hour - Survey Terrain - 4hrs - 100 AD
17 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Wizard - 18hrs - 300 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Cleric - 8hrs - 100 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Protect Temple - 16hrs - 200 AD
Awesome post, thanks very much for breaking it down.
I can also see why they nerfed protect caravan. It was way ahead of the other tasks.
Myself 50K and I don't work at it as hard as herbtrader20 describes. One thing that he left out IMO is watch what you are spending AD on. If you are removing enchants everytime you get a new weapon, you are wasting the AD's. Use low level enchants for green or white gear and save the high level stuff for epic gear.
Yep when I gem low lvl gear I just sell it to the vendor with the gem in it when i am done. Although for some reason I am starting to suspect that they nerfed gem drops... I can't prove it just feels like it.... I used to get tons of gems now working on my 4th character to 60 (now at about lvl 40) the gems drops seem much worse than they used to be even a week or so ago... maybe I'm wrong... just saying.
Yep. Since Protect Caravan was every 2 hours it was very difficult to keep it going with many characters. Only botters would be able to use it in mass and efficiently. Sad they felt they had to nerf it though. I'm sure many regular players that didn't farm leadership as a priority used it (and Explore Local Area too) since it was a short/profitable mission.
yes it`s bad they cut it because of bots.
we don`t need confirmation about that if it was done because that
it was nice yes, for the real players and kind to give some extra for shorter playing.
i don`t have words for it, besides bad ones, which would be a waste of time now.
but i don`t care, untill they mess with the higher lvl ones.
i`m not even sure if i`m investing in something that will last, it takes loads of time and ad, .
it does take a big investment, buying 22 extra slot, 500 zen for 2.
is that 6000 zen ;p
just woke up and math not interesting hehe.
fight off spellplagued takes rank 3 persons i thought, checking.
yes it does, so i`m busy on footman and man-at-arms, which is an expensive thing if you don`t want to craft footman yourself.
and they need infantry weapon and armor.
for 5 slots it takes 5 infantry weapons and 2 armor. so 4,5g each char.(the gold isn`t that much)
i remember i spend 200k on footman haha, or more.
and lots on guards.
o yes and it needs 2 hero`s to unlock the extra slot.
yes it does, so i`m busy on footman and man-at-arms, which is an expensive thing if you don`t want to craft footman yourself.
At least the average AH price on the man-at arms has dropped. 3-4 weeks ago they were 25K AD each. With someone throwing one in for lower every now and then. Since launch (and alchemy) you can usually find them for about 17K on my server now.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
vallistarMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited July 2013
Each two character slots run ~200k ad. Each character slot is going to make about ~5k ad per day assuming you keep this stuff running constantly in your two slots at 200 ad per 2 hours per slot. Not to mention leveling time for those toons. You run a loss for about 20 days on each slot purchase... assuming that you are using this method to get your slots, that means several months before turning any profit. This method requires a very large time commitment before it could ever pay off. Frankly, most people would get bored far before they ever profited. Yes, this is potentially quite profitable after that investment, but the amount of that investment is being underplayed in this thread.
Each two character slots run ~200k ad. Each character slot is going to make about ~5k ad per day assuming you keep this stuff running constantly in your two slots at 200 ad per 2 hours per slot. Not to mention leveling time for those toons. You run a loss for about 20 days on each slot purchase... assuming that you are using this method to get your slots, that means several months before turning any profit. This method requires a very large time commitment before it could ever pay off. Frankly, most people would get bored far before they ever profited. Yes, this is potentially quite profitable after that investment, but the amount of that investment is being underplayed in this thread.
pretty much this...
However, if you are actually playing the game, doing the plot quests, and taking your toon up to 60, then leadership can add a steady flow of AD with minial extra work
pretty much this...
However, if you are actually playing the game, doing the plot quests, and taking your toon up to 60, then leadership can add a steady flow of AD with minial extra work
This more or less sums it up as if you happen to be levelling up characters anyway, this is a good idea. Although logging in once per day per character to Invoke (and do a task too if you want) is a pretty decent idea, since the first invoke of the day for a high level character gives a fair amount of AD and every seven days you get a 10-15% chance (I think) of a blue ward.
vallistarMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited July 2013
Invoking at the lower levels only nets about 500ad/day iirc. Max level brings about 2000... doesn't really change the prognosis much.... but yeah, if you're not doing any other crafting, leadership is worth throwing on while you play. Though, making shirts and pants is probably more profitable.... I haven't done the math on that. I also had a lot of success abusing the inflated prices of low level alchemy mats for a while.
Oh yeah... lets say 15% chance of a ward brings about an additional 2000ad on average per day. (15% of 100k / 7 days.)
Invoking at the lower levels only nets about 500ad/day iirc. Max level brings about 2000... doesn't really change the prognosis much.... but yeah, if you're not doing any other crafting, leadership is worth throwing on while you play. Though, making shirts and pants is probably more profitable.... I haven't done the math on that. I also had a lot of success abusing the inflated prices of low level alchemy mats for a while.
Oh yeah... lets say 15% chance of a ward brings about an additional 2000ad on average per day. (15% of 100k / 7 days.)
I was thinking about this yesterday- shirts/pants are probably money makers but they are expensive in terms of investment needed for purple tools and you need to be willing to spend time on the AH. Also prices will get more competitive as time goes on.
So if you are in a Guild then it makes sense to have one person with max professions. For an individual player I am not so sure.
At least the average AH price on the man-at arms has dropped. 3-4 weeks ago they were 25K AD each. With someone throwing one in for lower every now and then. Since launch (and alchemy) you can usually find them for about 17K on my server now.
hahaha didn`t want to say that because i still need some and was afraid other people go buy them ;p
but it doeasn`t matter much for me, if it`s a footman or man-at-arms, yes they go for almost the same price ;p
the speedbonus doesn`t matter much for me, because i won`t check each 5h37m or something, when 2 or 3 of them are done sooner then the guards.
Each two character slots run ~200k ad. Each character slot is going to make about ~5k ad per day assuming you keep this stuff running constantly in your two slots at 200 ad per 2 hours per slot. Not to mention leveling time for those toons. You run a loss for about 20 days on each slot purchase... assuming that you are using this method to get your slots, that means several months before turning any profit. This method requires a very large time commitment before it could ever pay off. Frankly, most people would get bored far before they ever profited. Yes, this is potentially quite profitable after that investment, but the amount of that investment is being underplayed in this thread.
have to say it`s getting boring yes
have even 15 chars not put to work last time i logged in hehe.
still don`t feel like it, but wouldn`t have matter much, because it would be 1 am when they would have finished and hoped for an early night in bed.
but was planning on some coffee, and i`m hypersensitive so i freak out of that stuf ;p
i often forget to eat also when drinking coffee, it has about the same effect on me as a combo of speed and weed for others haha.
pretty much this...
However, if you are actually playing the game, doing the plot quests, and taking your toon up to 60, then leadership can add a steady flow of AD with minial extra work
i do have 2 60`s, so i`ve seen something hehe.
but no GG yet, i`m never realy skilled in games, i just try to outgear.
but actualy wanting an mmo without the difference in gear, one that doesn`t give so much work, because it realy is a lot, i could have had 2 jobs instead of this hahaha.
diericx1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
How long does it take you to get your Leadership profession to level 15(ish) and gain access to Collecting Taxes? I have been doing the Protect the Caravan "Mission" pretty consistently for about 2 days now and I'm only level 7 and now it is REALLY slow going. Is it supposed to take multiple weeks? I only question the speed because you said in a post that you "proved that it can be done in a mere day". I'm not trying to say this plan is a bad thing, I'm totally down to be doing this profession grinding stuff for a couple weeks until I see results because it really isn't that hard, especially with the gateway. Just wondering how long it should take to see results
How long does it take you to get your Leadership profession to level 15(ish) and gain access to Collecting Taxes? I have been doing the Protect the Caravan "Mission" pretty consistently for about 2 days now and I'm only level 7 and now it is REALLY slow going. Is it supposed to take multiple weeks? I only question the speed because you said in a post that you "proved that it can be done in a mere day". I'm not trying to say this plan is a bad thing, I'm totally down to be doing this profession grinding stuff for a couple weeks until I see results because it really isn't that hard, especially with the gateway. Just wondering how long it should take to see results
Leadership is really slow compared to the other professions. I don't have an estimate for you, sorry. But I will say that I log in and run leadership missions every day, and my characters still haven't reached 20. I've got several that are 18 or 19 though.
My suggestion (if you are trying to reach a specific mission like Collecting Taxes) is to temporarily drop the AD missions like Protect Caravan. Then focus on missions that boost leadership experience the most efficiently.
NW-DNZTNE2SA -A Hell Under the City
NW-DOG5LREQJ-Necro Master's Last Breath
Really hope so... just started on leadership and plan to see it through... what's the most profitable way to convert Gold to AD?
Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up with the thread, positive or negative views alike! I wish I could update this more, but as you can imagine, I am pressed for time
I am currently sitting at a total of 26 Characters with 120+ profession slots between them 0.o. Each of the workers is able to open the 7/7 Celestial Coin pack each week for a chance at a Coalescent Ward ( Usually nets around 8 wards out of 26 characters... sometimes more, sometimes less) but even the Preservation Wards are useful in upgrading runestones! They each also receive 1x Profession Pack from their quest in the graveyard. I cannot tell you how many Dragon eggs & Blue Tools that I have gotten out of these things... Suffice it to say, I have my AD/Zen generating machine!
I believe that enough time has passed that I could have made it all the way to 50 total character slots by now, but as I started amassing such riches, the little girl inside of me made me want to go out and buy a bunch of shiny things! Which, the next day, someone would be spamming about WTB for 2x what I paid for my items, and so I would sell and be even richer than before, but without shinies once more. Thus developed my love of trading via a combination of /zone wtb/wts advertisements and the Auction House and this has become a major drain on both my time and desire to log back into the game to invoke or log into the gateway to do a "Peon Check":) I will say that I spent MUCH more time ONLINE & LOGGED IN to Neverwinter in my pursuit of "the next amazing trade", than I ever had before with my profession farming tactic (which was not stopped, but simply changed throughout the course of the past month or so).
Here is an update on how my profession farming has come along:
Once my desire to be actually logged into Neverwinter for trading purposes took over, (as opposed to being online for leveling/invoking and gateway for professions) I gradually found myself clearing peons "Protect Caravan" missions hours after they had completed, essentially wasting valuable peon time.... tsk tsk. This created problem # 1.... Better time management! Without it, I would need to focus on playing the Merchant in-game, or playing the Overlord with peons via gateway... but not both.
Around this same time, I discovered that many (12 to be precise) of my peons had passed the character level 20 mark as well as the Leadership level 13 mark!! This meant that they were now mobile, via the free 110% mount provided to each character on my account (Founder Pack), that they were now able to create Footmen, and to do the Rare mission "Protect Diamond Shipment" which nets a cool 1600 AD in a 12 hour period! With the new found mobility, I found that I could bridge the gap between levels 20-30 with these peons and unlock the additional Profession Slot! *Faints at having to recalculate each peons input/output again, but whatever! MORE STUFFS! I took all 12 to level 30. This was the most fun I have had in a while, simply by doing the quests in 2 zones... Black Dagger Ruins & Neverdeath Graveyard! And would you believe it? I ding level 30 by completing the quest chain for "The Undead & The Dying", which rewards a Profession Special Pack!!! Hello 12x packs
I ended up classifying my workers into two categories.... Grunt (level 20 character, level 13 Leadership), and Peon (level 10-19 with Leadership 1-12).
I began having Grunts perform tasks designed around gaining Leadership XP (Patrol the Mines, War Games Training). Patrol (4hrs & 120xp) during the day, when I can reset it as needed. War Games (8hours & 240xp) if on a weekend and not near a computer, or sleeping. This keeps them leveling at a decent pace, as opposed to the snails pace they will make from Leadership Lvl 12-20 by only focusing on AD missions (Protect Caravan & Battle Undead). Any empty slots left over can be filled with an AD generator or XP generator, depending on my mood.
Peons Now focus almost entirely on creating workers with any open spots being used for XP gain. I found the most common tasks setup to be 1x Peon doing 1x Train Guard, 3x Hire Mercenary, and 1x Tactical Training (160xp)when available. This leveled them to 20/13 just in time
This method has allowed me to continue to grow leadership (Currently Leader Level 20 on my main with several scattered between level 19 and 16, and the majority between 13-15!). Thats right... I have more Grunts than Peons at this point, and it will probably stay that way for a while (enjoying trading and actually running an instance once and a while).
Please, stay with the thread! I would love to hear about how your attempts at Neverwinter Tycoon status are going! And, as always,keep the flame/hate comments coming too! I just stuff them deep down inside myself and pile beer on top. All good, baby.
*Shout-out to a few people who have helped me see the other enjoyable aspects of this game.
Keruya Banhammer - GF @ Beholder
Shaniqua Dreadnought - CW @ Beholder
Shaydra - DC @ Beholder
I get maybe 2-4k AD per day per slot at leadership 14 doing about 4-5 missions each, and I have 5 slots
I think the total amount of AD I've made from leadership over a month on this guy is less than 200k
But yea, you can farm 200k AD off two level 10 guys in 3 days
You could run a couple of CN 2/4 ring neck runs and get 200k plus necks and rings or more. 10mins a run rinse repeat. Bis rings necks go for crazy amounts.
Farming has never been the best way to make AD. Use it to get your starting scratch and then play the ah.
The best way to make money in mmos is ah trading. Make notes create spreadsheets and track prices and amounts. Buy low sell high. Buy large stacks of 99 and restack at 10. Buy during the week and sell on weekends, prices always go up on weekends. Look at professions requirements. People will spend AD to save some time. Help them spend it.
Read patch notes to looks for changes. Read BIS gear notes changes for each class ie high vizir for CW was supposed to be BIS post patch prior to the patch the prices skyrocketed. If you bought low and sold high you would be buying and 40k and selling at 600k an item.
All I've done in the last two weeks is start some AD tasks two times a day in case the day comes when you can sell them for $, and I'll cash out the $50 bucks or whatever it is
None of this has anything to do with this guide, which is a joke. The time estimates are off, the author talks about how he's not spending money on the game but then points out he has a 110 mount on each guy because he's a founder, showing that he's also a HAMSTER because he could have initially bought more character slots and exponentially increased everything he's done
He's not even playing the game, he's turned it into a sim. A bad one. A bad one with a clunky interface, no real payout, and sure enough he already got bored and had to find new life by doing the same zone on his 20 alts. lol.
Would have been better off playing Star Kingdoms or Travian or an actual sim game or any sort of game where you can convert your in game wealth into actual money
Given that the gateway often loses some of the rewards from a task, this is terrible advice.
I mean yeah, I use these mechanics to make AD and then Zen, to buy stuff I will use in game, without paying real money.. but what is the point of this AD&Zen-making monster? do you get satisfaction from having all this AD?
as jeffislegendary, pointed out, you can't convert it to real money..
anyway.. good job to Cryptic for making a game which people with different interest can enjoy, you have: PvE, PvP, The Foundry and a tycoon sim
lucky my plan wasn`t targeted at protect caravan, since it has been cut down to 100.
most likely because of bots.
for someone doing it each 2 hours the whole day (can`t think any other then a bot which does that ;p
it would be more AD then the higher lvl jobs. when it was still on 200.
but ok, don`t want to talk about that, just hope they won`t go cut in the higher jobs, because otherwise all my effort is broken to nothing.
playing from the beginning each day, almost all day.
i saw someone about taxes job, but that requires maps. i hate organizing maps, so skipping those jobs.
aiming at 25 x lvl 30 chars for extra slots.5 each char.
2 slots fight of spellplagued(leadership lvl 16)
3 slots battle undead.
since i hate the extra stuf from chests to take care of also, otherwise i`d do 3,2.
so soon at 125 crafting slots.
guess i`m one of the craziest legal players at the moment
it does have a shadowside ;p i don`t go anywhere, or do anything, but this.
glad if it`s over.
or if they decide to drop all rewards from it because of bots, i don`t care.
i`ll find another game anything else then pwe/cryptic
Get some fresh air man..
133 AD per hour - Destroy Enemy Camp - 12hrs - 1600 AD
100 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Protect Diamond Shipment - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
72 AD per hour - 3 hrs prereq - Collect Taxes - 8hrs - 800 AD
67 AD per hour - Battle Undead - 6hrs - 400 AD
67 AD per hour - Fight off Spellplagued - 6hrs - 400 AD
60 AD per hour - 12 hrs prereq - Deliver metals - 3 mining claims - 8hrs - 1200 AD
50 AD per hour - Protect Caravan - 2hrs - 100 AD
50 AD per hour - RARE - Gather Astral Diamonds - 8hrs - 400 AD
45 AD per hour - 6 hrs prereq - RARE, Give refugees a home - 3 refugees - 12hrs - 800 AD
38 AD per hour - 18 hrs prereq - Resell Goods at Bazaar - 3 bill of sale - 8hrs - 400 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Follow Map to Unknown Location - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Region Map - 12hrs - 1600 AD
35 AD per hour - 34 hrs prereq - RARE - Recover Large Mineral Claim - 3x Mark of Gratitude - Mining Claim - 12hrs - 1600 AD
33 AD per hour - 4 hrs prereq - RARE - Raid enemy treasury - Region Map - 8hrs - 400 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - Protect Market - 6hrs - 200 AD
33 AD per hour - RARE - Escort Goods to Market - 12hrs - 400 AD
30 AD per hour - 36 hrs prereq - RARE - Put enemy keep under Siege - 3 Siege engine - 18hrs - 1600 AD
30 AD per hour - 42 hrs prereq - RARE - Assault Enemy Stronghold - 3 Mark of Gratitude - Siege Engine - 12hrs - 1600 AD
25 AD per hour - Survey Terrain - 4hrs - 100 AD
17 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Wizard - 18hrs - 300 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Assist local Cleric - 8hrs - 100 AD
13 AD per hour - RARE - Protect Temple - 16hrs - 200 AD
Awesome post, thanks very much for breaking it down.
I can also see why they nerfed protect caravan. It was way ahead of the other tasks.
Yep when I gem low lvl gear I just sell it to the vendor with the gem in it when i am done. Although for some reason I am starting to suspect that they nerfed gem drops... I can't prove it just feels like it.... I used to get tons of gems now working on my 4th character to 60 (now at about lvl 40) the gems drops seem much worse than they used to be even a week or so ago... maybe I'm wrong... just saying.
no have to walk someone`s dog ;p
so doing profs fast and then go.
ahead for bots yes
Yep. Since Protect Caravan was every 2 hours it was very difficult to keep it going with many characters. Only botters would be able to use it in mass and efficiently. Sad they felt they had to nerf it though. I'm sure many regular players that didn't farm leadership as a priority used it (and Explore Local Area too) since it was a short/profitable mission.
we don`t need confirmation about that if it was done because that
it was nice yes, for the real players and kind to give some extra for shorter playing.
i don`t have words for it, besides bad ones, which would be a waste of time now.
but i don`t care, untill they mess with the higher lvl ones.
i`m not even sure if i`m investing in something that will last, it takes loads of time and ad, .
it does take a big investment, buying 22 extra slot, 500 zen for 2.
is that 6000 zen ;p
just woke up and math not interesting hehe.
fight off spellplagued takes rank 3 persons i thought, checking.
yes it does, so i`m busy on footman and man-at-arms, which is an expensive thing if you don`t want to craft footman yourself.
and they need infantry weapon and armor.
for 5 slots it takes 5 infantry weapons and 2 armor. so 4,5g each char.(the gold isn`t that much)
i remember i spend 200k on footman haha, or more.
and lots on guards.
o yes and it needs 2 hero`s to unlock the extra slot.
At least the average AH price on the man-at arms has dropped. 3-4 weeks ago they were 25K AD each. With someone throwing one in for lower every now and then. Since launch (and alchemy) you can usually find them for about 17K on my server now.
pretty much this...
However, if you are actually playing the game, doing the plot quests, and taking your toon up to 60, then leadership can add a steady flow of AD with minial extra work
This more or less sums it up as if you happen to be levelling up characters anyway, this is a good idea. Although logging in once per day per character to Invoke (and do a task too if you want) is a pretty decent idea, since the first invoke of the day for a high level character gives a fair amount of AD and every seven days you get a 10-15% chance (I think) of a blue ward.
Oh yeah... lets say 15% chance of a ward brings about an additional 2000ad on average per day. (15% of 100k / 7 days.)
I was thinking about this yesterday- shirts/pants are probably money makers but they are expensive in terms of investment needed for purple tools and you need to be willing to spend time on the AH. Also prices will get more competitive as time goes on.
So if you are in a Guild then it makes sense to have one person with max professions. For an individual player I am not so sure.
but it doeasn`t matter much for me, if it`s a footman or man-at-arms, yes they go for almost the same price ;p
the speedbonus doesn`t matter much for me, because i won`t check each 5h37m or something, when 2 or 3 of them are done sooner then the guards.
have to say it`s getting boring yes
have even 15 chars not put to work last time i logged in hehe.
still don`t feel like it, but wouldn`t have matter much, because it would be 1 am when they would have finished and hoped for an early night in bed.
but was planning on some coffee, and i`m hypersensitive so i freak out of that stuf ;p
i often forget to eat also when drinking coffee, it has about the same effect on me as a combo of speed and weed for others haha.
i do have 2 60`s, so i`ve seen something hehe.
but no GG yet, i`m never realy skilled in games, i just try to outgear.
but actualy wanting an mmo without the difference in gear, one that doesn`t give so much work, because it realy is a lot, i could have had 2 jobs instead of this hahaha.
Leadership is really slow compared to the other professions. I don't have an estimate for you, sorry. But I will say that I log in and run leadership missions every day, and my characters still haven't reached 20. I've got several that are 18 or 19 though.
My suggestion (if you are trying to reach a specific mission like Collecting Taxes) is to temporarily drop the AD missions like Protect Caravan. Then focus on missions that boost leadership experience the most efficiently.