konidragosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited June 2013
Just logged into the launcher and had an update now the keyboard works fine
Preview isnt running this version at the moment - they rolled back to .19 for the GG playtest
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited June 2013
I don't have a problem with some of the leadership tasks being adjusted, but could you guys perhaps make it so XP is converted into something else if you're level 60? Even XP to copper would be fine, it's just that some tasks give larger XP bonuses and not much of anything else...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I don't have a problem with some of the leadership tasks being adjusted, but could you guys perhaps make it so XP is converted into something else if you're level 60? Even XP to copper would be fine, it's just that some tasks give larger XP bonuses and not much of anything else...
If you do this, Cryptic, please make it an option as the XP gains from leadership are useful in helping to level up companions.
Hey... don't forget GF sets bugs. There are several posts in bug section... we completed our sets but they are broken (pre-patch and post-patch items don't complete the same set!!). Why don't you answer to us? pelase, tell us what are you doing to fix this issue.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
If you do this, Cryptic, please make it an option as the XP gains from leadership are useful in helping to level up companions.
Hmm.. that's an interesting point you bring up. Perhaps a toggle like "Convert character XP to gold" could be added to effect this change on a per-character basis - this would also mean that the XP from running Foundry missions or from helping lower level people run missions would still be useful to 60's.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
[*]General: Powers, Feats, and effects that adjust cooldowns, such as Dazzling Blades and the Master Duelist set bonus for the Trickster Rogue, now adjust cooldowns by the proper amount.
Hiya, I have logged into the preview shard and tested the Archmage set bonus for wizards and it is still not functional.
Tab: Chill Strike - Repel, Icy Terrain, Steal Time. Spells that would previously activate this set bonus before it was broken by the patch two weeks ago.
Okay, now I'm confused, so, they patched preview to 20, then reversed it to 19, while live was at 18 and then today prepatches to 21.. I don't think I know which way is up anymore.
Okay, now I'm confused, so, they patched preview to 20, then reversed it to 19, while live was at 18 and then today prepatches to 21.. I don't think I know which way is up anymore.
They moved back to .19 because they were just adding gauntgrym fixes to the live patch. The prepatch is probably a combination of .20 and .19 changes.
This is very unfair glitches like this should not be frowned upon because of one individual whining about it. Things like this should be left alone just like they left the auction house glitch in World of Warcraft alone and only changed it for the simple fact that the new expansion required a complete redo of the whole city of Orgrimmar....
Seriously You make it so Rogues can still get up there that are not VIP yet you deny everyone else the ability to get up there... maybe you need to disable deft strike for friendly players.. Why don't you guys worry about making the two bedrooms in the back of the VIP area in the Moonstone Mask actually function fully as rooms instead of having invisible walls that prevent you from sitting on the couches in those rooms instead of preventing players that like to have fun and RP from doing so. Your foundry quests only allow 5 players per instance so it's impossible to get a group of more then 5 in one to do a decent role play.. there goes any chance at a decent web series and with denying paying players access to a room that has no VIP items accessible in it is just plain silly. I would understand if you had VIP shops up there but you have nothing but annoying Nobles that walk around and push you and stop you from doing your dance and get in your way all the time.
IMO you jut ruined all of the FUN a lot of players have in-between dungeons and PVP because that's really the only place to hang out and be social that can accept more then 5 players per instance.
You know there are people out there like myself that are Disabled and have a set income that isn't very high we cannot afford to pay rent buy food for ourselves and our kids pay car insurance, gas and pay for internet monthly fee's and ON top of that fronting $200 to your company as a one time payment in full. I would like a payment plan and I might consider the founders pack but you don't offer that. and I have spent money on the game when I have had spare money I could afford to throw towards you guys in support of such a great game even with all the flaws.
It's not very fair how you treat your none founder of the north players by denying them access to a place that doesn't serve ANY benefits to the Founders of the North other then a place where they can Roleplay BUT once all of the none FotN players can't get in there anymore it will just be an empty area with 1 maybe 2 people in it at a time threw out the day because it's only full with us none FotN players trying to find a place that we won't get muted as spammers... there are no usable NPC's here no SHOPS no Vendors NOTHING so really it's pointless to even have this area again considering you can't even do the area up right and you have this invisible wall blocking the chairs in the two bedrooms at the back.
In closing you should be more concerned with stats and zone bugs that actually cause instability to the game and the economy NOT a glitch that just allows players to be more social.
HOLY $hit!! This needs a T.l.d.r attached at the top. Good God, I sat here and read all of it and at the beginning you had me, then in the middle with all the (Woes is me, I am disabled and on a fixed income, and blah, blah, good lord) maybe you shouldn't be worrying about being able to access a room that's reserved for (buyers of the Hero of the North Pack or the Guardian of Neverwinter Pack.) Maybe you should focus on other life issues out side of this video game.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
These leadership nerfs were completely uncalled for - the AD rewards were a joke already - yet they got nerfed even more.
Chests sucked hard - and got nerfed even more (who cares about hp potions if you can craft AND buy them and they drop alot).
The time increase on one of the few doable xp missions at med lvls got ****ed up aswell now withotu boost in xp amount.
Those pointless 2 silver and few 100 xp and hp potions are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS.
s32ialxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
HOLY $hit!! This needs a T.l.d.r attached at the top. Good God, I sat here and read all of it and at the beginning you had me, then in the middle with all the (Woes is me, I am disabled and on a fixed income, and blah, blah, good lord) maybe you shouldn't be worrying about being able to access a room that's reserved for (buyers of the Hero of the North Pack or the Guardian of Neverwinter Pack.) Maybe you should focus on other life issues out side of this video game.
Well I don't know why me mentioning that there are people that cannot afford to drop $200 on a game at one single interval and not spread out threw months is an issue with you or that disabled people have fixed incomes... but having a room dedicated to people that pay $200 and the room serves no significant purpose to the point where the devs care so little about it they cant even make it fully accessible (by that I'm referring to the invisible wall at the back that prevents the chairs being used). the fact they they still let Rogues get in there even if they are VIP or not... makes it oh so worth $200? they get a lot more then a room and a pointless serves no purpose to them room they barley use...
I see and talk to more none VIP's there than VIP's and I know a few VIP's that are upset that they are blocking all other classes except rogues from getting in there... I mean they could give VIPs free access to that room and at least charge the none VIP's a fee it is the only place people can go to hang out with more then 5 player limit the other taverns you can't socialize in they are instanced. I wasn't really woe is me'ing but more or less explaining that expecting people to front $200 just go to into a room is not worth it esp considering a lot of player cannot afford it either being to young to have $200 to blow on a game or being on a fixed income. I think the price is a little steep for what you get TBH... $700 value I don't think so.
Nothing's stopping them from using paypal to make a payment plan for Founder of the North and I'd gladly pay them $10-$20 a month to help support the game and become a "Found of the North" but I cannot drop $200 on a game all at once I've already bought enough Zen in this game and back in the day on Battle of Immortals. So I have supported Development of this game in my own way but I honestly don't care about all the perks of founders other then that VIP room which is where I've made all my friends in this game.
We've all grown quite fond of that little area and the majority of us are about to get the boot from it just for having fun and hanging out there for ONE "Founder of the North" reporting us. yet I know Plenty that are upset with this change. and the fact that they will JUMP on fixing that but won't Fix the Clothing/Cape glitch or the Invisible wall.. hell they want to ruin all the fun things.. like jumping around on rooftops they have pretty much disabled every roof top adventure hang out, it's becoming really hard to get to that island under the Moonstone mask to hang out. and who wants to hang out on the streets of PE where trolls can come along and bother you, I mean they are not even cool trolls like the Trolls of wow... they just want to annoy you and complain that your talking in say and not in private.
hmusicaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited June 2013
Please, please, re-buff cleric healing and reduce the quantity and strength of adds in all dungeons. Also, giving a flat damage mitigation to all players in PvP will solve a lot of problems without needing nerfs.
Will those characters get punished(if yes how) or that glitch is just fixed?
Yeah, I'm a little curious about this as well. I personally know more than a few people that are making soo much AD a day doing this that those of us legit players will never/many many months to catch up. Should it bother me? No, I suppose it shouldn't but I'll admit it does a bit lol.
We've all grown quite fond of that little area and the majority of us are about to get the boot from it just for having fun and hanging out there for ONE "Founder of the North" reporting us.
Incidentally, said one person isnt in a guild, and does not interact with anyone else - they just stand in the room, probably filing a ticket for everyone that comes in the incorrect way (this is what they threatened to do).
Seriously You make it so Rogues can still get up there that are not VIP yet you deny everyone else the ability to get up there... maybe you need to disable deft strike for friendly players.. Why don't you guys worry about making the two bedrooms in the back of the VIP area in the Moonstone Mask actually function fully as rooms instead of having invisible walls that prevent you from sitting on the couches in those rooms instead of preventing players that like to have fun and RP from doing so.
I always wondered what was in that private VIP room. No matter how hard I try, my CW just can't teleport in there. You say there are a couple of bedrooms in the back? Hot dang.
So, basically Cryptic needs to add a little area with ummm...a couple of private bedroom areas to the public Moon Stone Mask. Problem solved!
I don't understand why developers waste time in wrong things like nerfing leadership (why? Explain me the reasons. It's incredible...) instead of serious things like major bugs (ex: i complete may stalwart set and cannot use it. I can't improve my game couse I cand wear sets)
Stop wasting time...
twerkulatorrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 55Arc User
For class-related feedback: We hear you and are constantly looking at it. Thanks for your patience and keep the feedback coming.
That's good to hear! Let me suggest you boost damage on rogue encounters and/or sly flourish. The last nerf to duelists's flourish was quite significant and in my opinion, too much. We need a way to make up for that loss in damage!
Quitting the game, here's some constructive feedback as a thanks:
Dungeon delve event being every 6 hours is bad.
It is only worth doing dungeons while DD event is active. DD chest isn't a bonus, it's mandatory to balance terrible drop rates under so much time invested (assuming unexploited run). Yet it's only every 6 hours. You guys work and have family too, think about it. If I can only play 3 or 4 hours a day (with job and family that's not even an "only"), and that time is consistently between 2 dungeon delves across the whole week, because it doesn't even fluctuate enough, then you effectively kept me from playing the game at 60 for 5 days in a row.
Since I turned 60, between 4-7 dozen runs in T2 dungeons gave me 2 T1 and 2 T2 pieces (half or even x1/3 that amount with proper runs without skipping). All of the sort I didn't need. So my full T2 gear and trinkets with all rank 7 gems are from sitting at the mailbox between DDs "playing" the AH. Very bad game design imo.
I'm also a Devoted Cleric (aka "aura pet" that gives HP regen, Damage resistance, and power boost to the party), so this was the last straw for me. PvP is humiliating and PvE is time restricted at 60. Sry, but the lvl 60 content isn't worth my time even when it's free.
The forum is filled with great Cleric ideas. Listen to the ppl, balance the numbers they might present with their ideas and implement them. SO much potential in the class, yet it's reduced to the level of a killable augment pet with smarter AI in PvE and a slight road bump in PvP.
Levelling up was sort of nice (barring those few impossible-with-randoms dungeons and skirmishes), and I enjoyed sub 60 PvP too. Levelling just went a bit too fast for my taste. I wanted to do more things but WHOOPS, everything I do throws XP at me Lose the XP from PvP rewards if you ask me, so ppl can actually do every content and do some PvP till they hit 60. Maybe make a switch in the options to set "only questing gives XP" - default off ofc. I had to skip 4 whole quest Zones because PvP, Inciting and Profession XPs boosted me so far the NPCs didn't mark they had quests for me. Also fix the level range of Skirmishes and dungeons. If nothing else, don't write "lvl 52" in their tooltip, but rather "lvl 51-53" so players may know when to stop questing. Also give some more leeway in that level range. I started playing with some friends, but some very few level differences already kept us from doing dungeons and skirmishes together. It was fine until Idris or so. It's especially frustrating above 50, where some skirmishes and dungeons just disappear from one level to another, not even giving you the "you can enter the lower and higher level instance too, so be aware that you will soon outgrow the lower one". So sad
You could also use more community managers on the forums to at least tell ppl in wonderful and constructive threads that those are great ideas, they will be taken into consideration or whatever. Tell ppl you are clear on class problems, make more State of the game posts telling that you know of the reported class balance issues or at least acknowledge that they have to be looked into. Just let ppl know they aren't writing for nothing on the forums, that they are actually being read.
Oh, and more GM support. I have a mailbox bug for 4 weeks standing now, my first ticket just got closed and told me to reopen one if the problem still persists, and my second ticket didn't do anything either.
Maybe I'll revisit your game in a few months after you make the lvl 60 content not-hate players.
I had some fun pre-50 though, so gj on that.
The game really is the best free-to play MMO until lvl 50.
I fear theses fixes won't be enough to prevent people from exploiting frozen heart and karrundax. Both dungeons needs to get the same campfire mechanics you've implemented in castle never: defeat the miniboss to unlock the next one. You should also reduce dramatically the radius of campfires, many will still be unlocked as soon as you get near the door before it, allowing suicide skip runs or perma stealth rogue race to the last campfire. It should fix FH and most of karrundax if you do that. If you add a "gate" before the last campfire of karrundax it should be completely fixed.
Oh, and the /stuck exploit in spider is back. People get though the walls thanks to the spider-looking prop near the benining instance, jump, do /stuck and skip a lot of stuff. I thought it was fixed but it's not, i've been offered a "speedrun" too many times.
randallskiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited June 2013
on actual PreviewServer NW.3.20130529z.19 Master Duelist's Set 4th piece bonus seems to be buggy again (sry dont find the thread for that version)
is this the fabled kitchen sink patch notes in the works or will we be seeing a larger one? Some of my friends can't play the game because of the way the targeting is handled with the reticle, gives them virtigo and headaches.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
If you do this, Cryptic, please make it an option as the XP gains from leadership are useful in helping to level up companions.
Hmm.. that's an interesting point you bring up. Perhaps a toggle like "Convert character XP to gold" could be added to effect this change on a per-character basis - this would also mean that the XP from running Foundry missions or from helping lower level people run missions would still be useful to 60's.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Hiya, I have logged into the preview shard and tested the Archmage set bonus for wizards and it is still not functional.
Tab: Chill Strike - Repel, Icy Terrain, Steal Time. Spells that would previously activate this set bonus before it was broken by the patch two weeks ago.
My opinions are my own, and do not represent those of Perfect World Entertainment, or Cryptic Studios
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They moved back to .19 because they were just adding gauntgrym fixes to the live patch. The prepatch is probably a combination of .20 and .19 changes.
Maybe this is overused because all other options are bunk. instead of nerfing this how about raising other jobs up,
HOLY $hit!! This needs a T.l.d.r attached at the top. Good God, I sat here and read all of it and at the beginning you had me, then in the middle with all the (Woes is me, I am disabled and on a fixed income, and blah, blah, good lord) maybe you shouldn't be worrying about being able to access a room that's reserved for (buyers of the Hero of the North Pack or the Guardian of Neverwinter Pack.) Maybe you should focus on other life issues out side of this video game.
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem
Chests sucked hard - and got nerfed even more (who cares about hp potions if you can craft AND buy them and they drop alot).
The time increase on one of the few doable xp missions at med lvls got ****ed up aswell now withotu boost in xp amount.
Those pointless 2 silver and few 100 xp and hp potions are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS.
Well I don't know why me mentioning that there are people that cannot afford to drop $200 on a game at one single interval and not spread out threw months is an issue with you or that disabled people have fixed incomes... but having a room dedicated to people that pay $200 and the room serves no significant purpose to the point where the devs care so little about it they cant even make it fully accessible (by that I'm referring to the invisible wall at the back that prevents the chairs being used). the fact they they still let Rogues get in there even if they are VIP or not... makes it oh so worth $200? they get a lot more then a room and a pointless serves no purpose to them room they barley use...
I see and talk to more none VIP's there than VIP's and I know a few VIP's that are upset that they are blocking all other classes except rogues from getting in there... I mean they could give VIPs free access to that room and at least charge the none VIP's a fee it is the only place people can go to hang out with more then 5 player limit the other taverns you can't socialize in they are instanced. I wasn't really woe is me'ing but more or less explaining that expecting people to front $200 just go to into a room is not worth it esp considering a lot of player cannot afford it either being to young to have $200 to blow on a game or being on a fixed income. I think the price is a little steep for what you get TBH... $700 value I don't think so.
Nothing's stopping them from using paypal to make a payment plan for Founder of the North and I'd gladly pay them $10-$20 a month to help support the game and become a "Found of the North" but I cannot drop $200 on a game all at once I've already bought enough Zen in this game and back in the day on Battle of Immortals. So I have supported Development of this game in my own way but I honestly don't care about all the perks of founders other then that VIP room which is where I've made all my friends in this game.
We've all grown quite fond of that little area and the majority of us are about to get the boot from it just for having fun and hanging out there for ONE "Founder of the North" reporting us. yet I know Plenty that are upset with this change. and the fact that they will JUMP on fixing that but won't Fix the Clothing/Cape glitch or the Invisible wall.. hell they want to ruin all the fun things.. like jumping around on rooftops they have pretty much disabled every roof top adventure hang out, it's becoming really hard to get to that island under the Moonstone mask to hang out. and who wants to hang out on the streets of PE where trolls can come along and bother you, I mean they are not even cool trolls like the Trolls of wow... they just want to annoy you and complain that your talking in say and not in private.
seriously first invisible walls in PE and now that. its like you WANT people to quit your game by taking all the fun things away from us.
its not like we have anything else to do with 60...
Yeah, I'm a little curious about this as well. I personally know more than a few people that are making soo much AD a day doing this that those of us legit players will never/many many months to catch up. Should it bother me? No, I suppose it shouldn't but I'll admit it does a bit lol.
Incidentally, said one person isnt in a guild, and does not interact with anyone else - they just stand in the room, probably filing a ticket for everyone that comes in the incorrect way (this is what they threatened to do).
I always wondered what was in that private VIP room. No matter how hard I try, my CW just can't teleport in there. You say there are a couple of bedrooms in the back? Hot dang.
So, basically Cryptic needs to add a little area with ummm...a couple of private bedroom areas to the public Moon Stone Mask. Problem solved!
Stop wasting time...
That's good to hear! Let me suggest you boost damage on rogue encounters and/or sly flourish. The last nerf to duelists's flourish was quite significant and in my opinion, too much. We need a way to make up for that loss in damage!
Peter Puffer's Foundation @ Mindflayer
Dungeon delve event being every 6 hours is bad.
It is only worth doing dungeons while DD event is active. DD chest isn't a bonus, it's mandatory to balance terrible drop rates under so much time invested (assuming unexploited run). Yet it's only every 6 hours. You guys work and have family too, think about it. If I can only play 3 or 4 hours a day (with job and family that's not even an "only"), and that time is consistently between 2 dungeon delves across the whole week, because it doesn't even fluctuate enough, then you effectively kept me from playing the game at 60 for 5 days in a row.
Since I turned 60, between 4-7 dozen runs in T2 dungeons gave me 2 T1 and 2 T2 pieces (half or even x1/3 that amount with proper runs without skipping). All of the sort I didn't need. So my full T2 gear and trinkets with all rank 7 gems are from sitting at the mailbox between DDs "playing" the AH. Very bad game design imo.
I'm also a Devoted Cleric (aka "aura pet" that gives HP regen, Damage resistance, and power boost to the party), so this was the last straw for me. PvP is humiliating and PvE is time restricted at 60. Sry, but the lvl 60 content isn't worth my time even when it's free.
The forum is filled with great Cleric ideas. Listen to the ppl, balance the numbers they might present with their ideas and implement them. SO much potential in the class, yet it's reduced to the level of a killable augment pet with smarter AI in PvE and a slight road bump in PvP.
Levelling up was sort of nice (barring those few impossible-with-randoms dungeons and skirmishes), and I enjoyed sub 60 PvP too. Levelling just went a bit too fast for my taste. I wanted to do more things but WHOOPS, everything I do throws XP at me
You could also use more community managers on the forums to at least tell ppl in wonderful and constructive threads that those are great ideas, they will be taken into consideration or whatever. Tell ppl you are clear on class problems, make more State of the game posts telling that you know of the reported class balance issues or at least acknowledge that they have to be looked into. Just let ppl know they aren't writing for nothing on the forums, that they are actually being read.
Oh, and more GM support. I have a mailbox bug for 4 weeks standing now, my first ticket just got closed and told me to reopen one if the problem still persists, and my second ticket didn't do anything either.
Maybe I'll revisit your game in a few months after you make the lvl 60 content not-hate players.
I had some fun pre-50 though, so gj on that.
The game really is the best free-to play MMO until lvl 50.
Oh, and the /stuck exploit in spider is back. People get though the walls thanks to the spider-looking prop near the benining instance, jump, do /stuck and skip a lot of stuff. I thought it was fixed but it's not, i've been offered a "speedrun" too many times.
What Class Are You?
That is because .19 is .18 that the live server currently has along with fixes for gauntgrym. It doesn't include any of the .20 fixes.
Very good feed back. I agree!
He was pretty spot on.