This is the MMO that has great potential, but one that has died before it even started!
PVE is bugged so much that no one goes for normal dungeon runs any more. Everyone is going for fast runs and bug exploits. In return we have huge number of players with best equipment and economy in ruins.
PVP has become unplayable as well - every time I go to a fight, there are at least 2 bots in my team with level 10 equipment. They always die in 2-3 shots so there is no point healing them or helping them in any way. That is a huge handicap for any team.
I paid for founders pack and 4000 zen. Never cheated, never used exploits. It was fun for me before exploits and bots started, but now I feel I was cheated for my money. I don't see a point in playing this game any more. More over - there is no point in playing any Cryptic or Perfect World game with this kind of attitude. :mad:
These changes are on NeverwinterPreview as of ~7:00PM PDT, 6/21.
Combat and Powers
Guardian Fighter
Block: Extremely high amounts of damage no longer break through Block when the player has plenty of the Block meter remaining.
Block: When Block is broken, the damage is now more significantly reduced by the amount of Block meter remaining before the meter breaking hit.
General: Powers, Feats, and effects that adjust cooldowns, such as Dazzling Blades and the Master Duelist set bonus for the Trickster Rogue, now adjust cooldowns by the proper amount.
Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Thievery, and Religion now have unique icons.
High-tier Arm slot pieces no longer require Tier 2 dungeon resources.
The tasks that make the high-tier Arm slot pieces now require the piece to be upgraded. These tasks are now always visible.
Alchemy: Experimentation tasks now display their potential rewards on the Summary screen.
Leadership: The rewards for several tasks have been updated, as well as the contents of Leadership chests.
Rank 3: Extended Guard Duty: A medium chest has been added to the rewards for this task.
Rank 4: Protect Caravan: The Astral Diamond reward for this task has been lowered to 100.
Rank 4: Protect Local Merchant: 150 XP and a medium chest have been added to the rewards for this task.
Rank 5: Explore: The time to complete this task has been increased to 2 hours.
Rank 5: Raid Supply Cache: 450 XP has been added to the rewards for this task.
Rank 6: Protect Survey Team: 2 Silver has been added to the rewards for this task.
Small Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 1.
Medium Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 3, but the Healing Potion count has been increased to 2.
Large Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 6, but the Greater Healing Potion count has been increased to 2.
Very Large Chest: The Greater Healing Potion count given by this chest has been increased to 7.
Profession Pack reward windows now properly inherit the color of the best item in the pack.
Quests and Environments
Protector's Enclave
Moonstone Mask: The security on the VIP area of the Moonstone Mask has been beefed up.
Tower District
Cloak Tower: Campfires now only act as respawn points after defeating the minibosses preceding them.
Cloak Tower: There is now a gate after Makred. It opens upon defeating him.
Blackdagger Ruins
A dip in terrain next to Blackdagger Keep has been smoothed out. It is no longer possible to become stuck in that location.
Several quests have been updated to have proper "Return" objectives.
Several spawns have been cleared out from frequently traveled pathways.
Some locations that previously displayed flickering characters and objects have been addressed.
Hidden Cove: The Religion skill node in this instance is no longer blocked by an invisible wall.
Cragmire Crypts: The introductory quest to this dungeon no longer requires a turn-in.
Neverdeath Graveyard
There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Religion skill node.
History Lessons has had another flow improvement. The scrolls are now more visible and the objective order is clearer.
History Lessons now properly provides progress for the Maps II achievement.
Doomguide's Duty: This quest is now lit correctly at the beginning.
The Emissary: Adventurers may want to be more careful near sarcophagi going forward.
Helm's Hold
Hellfire Archmagi now spawn less frequently near the Old Dirty Dwarf Tavern.
Several spawns have been cleared out from frequently traveled pathways.
The secret passage from the forest to the street outside the tavern has been removed, but the passage to the tavern basement still works properly.
Crypt of Vigilance: There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Religion skill node.
Lair of the Mad Dragon: The pit under the Pit Fiend now kills players instead of teleporting them.
The campfires now properly give the Mending Wounds effect.
The map now depicts the player's location more accurately.
There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Thievery skill node.
Gray Wolf Den: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space and skip content.
Pirates' Skyhold
Lair of the Pirate King: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space and skip content.
Lair of the Pirate King: Due to increased dungeon safety standards, enemies in the third part of this dungeon are now much less susceptible to being knocked off the edge.
Icespire Peak
Several encounters through the zone have been removed or adjusted to provide better enemy density.
To Remember the Fallen: Planting the flag no longer requires super precise positioning.
The Frozen Heart: Players may no longer destroy Grast the Gutcruncher's orbs and open the path before engaging him.
The Frozen Heart: There is no longer a wall that allows players to walk directly through it.
The Chasm
The third major section of the exterior now spawns level 53 enemies, up from level 49.
Spellplague Caverns: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
Rothe Valley
Temple of the Spider: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
Temple of the Spider: Lord Jevahn Jhalvar has sealed up his doorframe to prevent crafty adventurers from sneaking past him.
Temple of the Spider: There is now a gate after Halbryn Darkstalker. It opens upon Halbryn's defeat.
Mount Hotenow
A path that was missing from the Map window now shows up more brightly.
Seeds of Rebirth: Seedlings can now be seen from farther away on low graphics settings.
Caverns of Karrundax: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
Whispering Caverns
Illithid Enclave: A few skill nodes have been removed from this instance.
Illithid Enclave: This instance is now considered level 59 for random drop calculations, down from 60.
The Dread Vault: The intro quest to this dungeon is now level 60, down from level 61.
Castle Never
Player characters who phase through one of the solid walls at the beginning of Castle Never will now swiftly meet their end.
Campfires now only act as respawn points after defeating the minibosses preceding them.
The gate after the third boss may now only be used after killing him.
Fardelver Crypt: There is no longer phantom collision blocking part of the gameplay area.
Domination: Mount Hotenow and Rivenscar Ruins: Players may no longer target and attack players in spawn points with ranged or teleport attacks. Players in spawn points may not snipe from their perches there, either.
Thats the sad truth op, some people just dont realize it yet.
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Wrong. There are tons of people who are still playing. The "Fastest MMO death in history" and also one of the most expensive to make MMO was Star Wars: The Old Republic. It costed an estimated 150-200 million dollars and went free to play after a few months.
Wrong. There are tons of people who are still playing. The "Fastest MMO death in history" and also one of the most expensive to make MMO was Star Wars: The Old Republic. It costed an estimated 150-200 million dollars and went free to play after a few months.
True, Getting really bored with the game, it's funny how "NEVERWINTER GOES LIVE !" on the 20th.. and in less than 24 hours, new content is shutdown, been 3 days without Gauntlgyrm. lol.
Well to be fair the game is not dead yet. But the majority of my guild and some of my friends quitted already. Lack of content, exploits, crappy pvp are some of the reasons. We gonna check NW again when the expansion arrives
that's the way it is today - since many games are "free2play" and/or there are lots of them (even different genres) everyone hopps from game to game. many of the great games from the past (some still running) had issues in various ways - exploits, bugs, imbalance, missing content. they took time to get "really good". hell... even starcraft 1 needed broodwar to become what it is/was (guess many here never played it and i am old ****!). but (!) i have to admit that especially pve dungeon "fast runs" have been taken over and the time to fix them was tooooo long.
conclusion: play a game and have fun, leave when you have no fun (even it might be early) - but please stop crying & complaining all day long.
edit: not related to any other post (so no one feels offended)
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
even starcraft 1 needed broodwar to become what it is/was (guess many here never played it and i am old ****!).
Completely off topic but the box set is actually sitting next to me. Even though I haven't played it in years I still cant get rid of it. And I am sure plenty of people heard of it as Star Craft II is still pretty popular though I don't play it.
lol guess the OP wasnt in closed and open beta then.
Also, to point out that ALL games even that WoW game had it's exploits (was anyone in NW for Caturday?)
Anyhow i for one enjoy the game and ive seen plenty of MMO's in my time
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Caturday was not that long ago. Think it happened May 19th, on a Sunday. I literally had logged off about 15 minutes prior to where they did the roll back. So not all was lost other than a day of playing.
Wrong. There are tons of people who are still playing. The "Fastest MMO death in history" and also one of the most expensive to make MMO was Star Wars: The Old Republic. It costed an estimated 150-200 million dollars and went free to play after a few months.
I'm not a fanboy, and I definitely bailed on that sinking ship before the second month BUT.
The production costs were INSTANTANEOUSLY regained from the sale of the game itself. The monthly subscription gave them a nice profit, and now I don't know what they do but it didn't end up a financial failure.
Though I think the consumers wouldn't fall for that trick again ;-) (oh wait lol, neverwinter )
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm not a fanboy, and I definitely bailed on that sinking ship before the second month BUT.
The production costs were INSTANTANEOUSLY regained from the sale of the game itself. The monthly subscription gave them a nice profit, and now I don't know what they do but it didn't end up a financial failure.
Though I think the consumers wouldn't fall for that trick again ;-) (oh wait lol, neverwinter )
They had one million subscribers in the first three days which made it the fastest growing MMO of all time after release. But the following month they lost a whole lot of subscriptions. But then again, that's only 60 million dollars in sales. I am sure they made there money back over time though. And if Neverwinter was a subscription based MMO I am sure the same thing would of happened with only having a bunch of one month subs. But either way, I am still having fun and I like it.
11k+ GS CW | Langor@shadedkin | Dragon Server
notmuchleftMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm sensing competing publisher trolls again...
Only two things in this life are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former. ~ Albert Einstein
i was steam rolling a cleric to 60 until they nerfed them..shes dead now.Sitting back in my CW beach chair watching guilds close.Another Mai Tai over here please!!
i was steam rolling a cleric to 60 until they nerfed them..shes dead now.Sitting back in my CW beach chair watching guilds close.Another Mai Tai over here please!!
the guild I was in had around 20 members, I quit when it scaled down to 3
Just fix the perma knock back from fighters and I will be happy.
Or at least allow people to be immune to it if they use stun break abilities.
It's totally HAMSTER and ruins pvp for everyone.
Ok I will agree about PVE, its sad just had a discussion with guild and they basically said Guardian Fighters and GWF and basically other than DC and CW were not needed in dungeons. Because you can dodge everything, no need for tanking, and people just exploit as much as possible.
Not the traditional DnD dungeon exploration I had in mind. Wish someone would have the courage to make a good PVE game instead of copying poor games like GW2.
True, Getting really bored with the game, it's funny how "NEVERWINTER GOES LIVE !" on the 20th.. and in less than 24 hours, new content is shutdown, been 3 days without Gauntlgyrm. lol.
Is that a bad thing? Gauntlgottajoinaguild is terrible. Terrible idea. Terrible design. Terrible execution.
But I am not gettin gbored with the game. loving it.
Wrong. There are tons of people who are still playing. The "Fastest MMO death in history" and also one of the most expensive to make MMO was Star Wars: The Old Republic. It costed an estimated 150-200 million dollars and went free to play after a few months.
Oh man...I had no idea that a year now only consisted of 3 months. I'm so glad you and your "facts" are here.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
Well to be fair the game is not dead yet. But the majority of my guild and some of my friends quitted already. Lack of content, exploits, crappy pvp are some of the reasons. We gonna check NW again when the expansion arrives
Yes! Loyalty at its finest! Leave a game that has been out for 1.5 months and come back to check expansions.
Yes, this game is not without faults and issues. I have blasted perfectworld and cryptic on here: Namely about gauntlgottajoinaguild, the cash shop, customer service, etc.
But if people take this game for what it is, everyone will be better off:
-Much better than average combat system(second to only Tera)
-Much better than average talent system(second only to Diablo 3, even though that isnt an CAN make modifications to your spec and be successful. I am living proof on my cleric).
-A dungeon-focused game whether its solo dungeons, mini dungeons, or 5 mans.
-Epics/hardmodes are actually difficult in this game. No way! what a breath of fresh air. Want a roflstomp dungeon experience? Try WoW or GW2.
-Leveling is quick and painless. Have a 60 cleric, and Ive only played my GWF for 1.5 weeks(2-3 hours per night) and I am 48 or so.
-Undead/deathy/devil/underworld-esq type of environments
-Let me stress the instanced/dungeony aspect again.
So if people would take some of these points to heart and realize the following, we would be better off:
-this isnt an open world go explore and be an adventurer!
-there are no raids, yet(gauntlgrym is a joke).
-there are bugs(Ive barely seen any tbh), but the game is 1.5 months old and is a free game. It doesnt have the (60 dollar x number of purchases) * (15/month * account ) income to have the staff to support EEEEEEEEEEVERYTHING
-This isnt WoW
-The dynamic events in this game are a joke...and this isnt GW2
the game is not dying...but it will be a fast burner that is for sure. I imagine Elderscrolls will take this one down to a very small playerbase. But the game isnt going to die. I think Age of Conan is still going...and that game was sad.
If people just accept that this game is all about the combat, difficulty and dungeony style of'll enjoy it more. I made peace with the fact that theres no reason or room to explore the world, the world feels more like rooms than zones...I've made peace with all that and enjoy the combat, talent system, difficulty, dungeons.
By difficulty I mean not only in epic dungeons, but leveling. I hear people whining in zone chat "omg I cant solo skullfortress, I cant solo rhimehound". Pft. Did it on my cleric no problem and once again on my GWf even easier. So some people have difficulty leveling, others have it in dungeons. Its all around. Its not a cakewalk game for most and THAT is value.
conclusion: play a game and have fun, leave when you have no fun (even it might be early) - but please stop crying & complaining all day long.
And please stop complaining about the complainers. It creates an endless cycle and why these threads grow. I do NOT agree with the OP either, but if I didn't like what he said I can 1.) ignore it, or 2.) don't reply/argue with it directly or personally. I opted for the latter. Why can't you?
yeah... late... i know...
Oh man this is awesome! Exactly my thoughts.
/10 char
^ correct answer!
conclusion: play a game and have fun, leave when you have no fun (even it might be early) - but please stop crying & complaining all day long.
edit: not related to any other post (so no one feels offended)
Completely off topic but the box set is actually sitting next to me. Even though I haven't played it in years I still cant get rid of it. And I am sure plenty of people heard of it as Star Craft II is still pretty popular though I don't play it.
Also, to point out that ALL games even that WoW game had it's exploits (was anyone in NW for Caturday?)
Anyhow i for one enjoy the game and ive seen plenty of MMO's in my time
I'm not a fanboy, and I definitely bailed on that sinking ship before the second month BUT.
The production costs were INSTANTANEOUSLY regained from the sale of the game itself. The monthly subscription gave them a nice profit, and now I don't know what they do but it didn't end up a financial failure.
Though I think the consumers wouldn't fall for that trick again ;-) (oh wait lol, neverwinter
They had one million subscribers in the first three days which made it the fastest growing MMO of all time after release. But the following month they lost a whole lot of subscriptions. But then again, that's only 60 million dollars in sales. I am sure they made there money back over time though. And if Neverwinter was a subscription based MMO I am sure the same thing would of happened with only having a bunch of one month subs. But either way, I am still having fun and I like it.
the force is strong in this one
somehow seeing that the GF and the Rogue are both receiving PvP buffs isn't thrilling me.
the guild I was in had around 20 members, I quit when it scaled down to 3
Even persistent world in old good NWN is not that full bugs. That servers was made by fans, no by professional programmers.
I write litle TODO for inspire Cryptic
Or at least allow people to be immune to it if they use stun break abilities.
It's totally HAMSTER and ruins pvp for everyone.
Not the traditional DnD dungeon exploration I had in mind. Wish someone would have the courage to make a good PVE game instead of copying poor games like GW2.
Is that a bad thing? Gauntlgottajoinaguild is terrible. Terrible idea. Terrible design. Terrible execution.
But I am not gettin gbored with the game. loving it.
Why does this not fill me with confidence about Cryptic's grasp of class balance in PvP.......
Oh man...I had no idea that a year now only consisted of 3 months. I'm so glad you and your "facts" are here.
- JailBreak (in development)
Yes! Loyalty at its finest! Leave a game that has been out for 1.5 months and come back to check expansions.
Yes, this game is not without faults and issues. I have blasted perfectworld and cryptic on here: Namely about gauntlgottajoinaguild, the cash shop, customer service, etc.
But if people take this game for what it is, everyone will be better off:
-Much better than average combat system(second to only Tera)
-Much better than average talent system(second only to Diablo 3, even though that isnt an CAN make modifications to your spec and be successful. I am living proof on my cleric).
-A dungeon-focused game whether its solo dungeons, mini dungeons, or 5 mans.
-Epics/hardmodes are actually difficult in this game. No way! what a breath of fresh air. Want a roflstomp dungeon experience? Try WoW or GW2.
-Leveling is quick and painless. Have a 60 cleric, and Ive only played my GWF for 1.5 weeks(2-3 hours per night) and I am 48 or so.
-Undead/deathy/devil/underworld-esq type of environments
-Let me stress the instanced/dungeony aspect again.
So if people would take some of these points to heart and realize the following, we would be better off:
-this isnt an open world go explore and be an adventurer!
-there are no raids, yet(gauntlgrym is a joke).
-there are bugs(Ive barely seen any tbh), but the game is 1.5 months old and is a free game. It doesnt have the (60 dollar x number of purchases) * (15/month * account ) income to have the staff to support EEEEEEEEEEVERYTHING
-This isnt WoW
-The dynamic events in this game are a joke...and this isnt GW2
By difficulty I mean not only in epic dungeons, but leveling. I hear people whining in zone chat "omg I cant solo skullfortress, I cant solo rhimehound". Pft. Did it on my cleric no problem and once again on my GWf even easier. So some people have difficulty leveling, others have it in dungeons. Its all around. Its not a cakewalk game for most and THAT is value.
Reading comprehension not your thing? Those are both bug fixes and not buffs...
And please stop complaining about the complainers. It creates an endless cycle and why these threads grow. I do NOT agree with the OP either, but if I didn't like what he said I can 1.) ignore it, or 2.) don't reply/argue with it directly or personally. I opted for the latter. Why can't you?
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD