I had that axe but recently switched to the ancient greatsword from CN, which would you think is better for sent build? No I dont have the offhand yet for the 2 piece bonus.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] All Out Assault - Not just a guild...but a gaming community Website/Recruitment Thread
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Don't even have to pay, just need to use that thing that rests between your ears to make AD, something most these scrubs trying to hate don't comprehend.
Don't even have to pay, just need to use that thing that rests between your ears to make AD, something most these scrubs trying to hate don't comprehend.
Tell me about it. If people are still playing in a year, they will still be saying P2W. It's a counter when they just want to be negative.
If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
how well do you go PVE wise with this build?
Did you go full CON to hit ARP cap, and are you stacking stam gear to get more out of the tenebrous enchants?
how well do you go PVE wise with this build?
Did you go full CON to hit ARP cap, and are you stacking stam gear to get more out of the tenebrous enchants?
I did go full STR/CON
I don't do pve. I'm built and centered for pvp. I have a wizard if and when I do go pve.
Could someone link a Sentinel build? It seems there's supposed to be a commonly known one, but I can't find it posted anywhere.
No one has posted an official one yet. I have a Sentinel build, but it's STR/DEX based and focuses a lot on Crit and Deflection. So it's not the standard STR/CON with focus on Armor Pen.
Could someone link a Sentinel build? It seems there's supposed to be a commonly known one, but I can't find it posted anywhere.
I think the most common build atm is 10/0/21. There's been some variations and I have tried a few others but this seems to bring the most to the field. Reall just got to feel around with what works for you.
From experience with going 0/(5-10)/(21-26) I've found it doesn't bring enough to pve or pvp to be worth going though, unless your strictly pve. The bleed is HAMSTER since you won't have enough power to make it worth it, unless your gemming power (ugh please don't. Just... don't.....). The 10% to at-wills is nice, but either giving up on a heal when unstoppable or stunning flourish... no thanks (unless pve)
Also just some advise to some GWfs out there, since some of you make me laugh hysterically when I fight you.
1. Don't stand there trying to go toe to toe with someone who's destroying your health while your only dealing a quarter of the damage back, tactical retreat, use it love it, do it unless you have a **** good reason not to.
2. Speaking of tactical retreats, some do it way to soon, I've seen a few that retreat if they drop below 80. Hey thanks for the base! Bet not dying once really matters when your team loses by 700+ points cause you running around in the middle of nowhere. Your a steel clad juggernaut of destruction, not a kill stealing rogue. Act like it :P.
3. Ok this one really makes me laugh my *** off, don't use your stuns on someone who is in unstoppable. Seriously do you know your own class? I see so many people trying to stun me while I'm in it, save your stuns till it wears off! Or use them and entertain me, whatever makes you feel good inside.
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I think the most common build atm is 10/0/21. There's been some variations and I have tried a few others but this seems to bring the most to the field. Reall just got to feel around with what works for you.
From experience with going 0/(5-10)/(21-26) I've found it doesn't bring enough to pve or pvp to be worth going though, unless your strictly pve. The bleed is HAMSTER since you won't have enough power to make it worth it, unless your gemming power (ugh please don't. Just... don't.....). The 10% to at-wills is nice, but either giving up on a heal when unstoppable or stunning flourish... no thanks (unless pve)
Also just some advise to some GWfs out there, since some of you make me laugh hysterically when I fight you.
1. Don't stand there trying to go toe to toe with someone who's destroying your health while your only dealing a quarter of the damage back, tactical retreat, use it love it, do it unless you have a **** good reason not to.
2. Speaking of tactical retreats, some do it way to soon, I've seen a few that retreat if they drop below 80. Hey thanks for the base! Bet not dying once really matters when your team loses by 700+ points cause you running around in the middle of nowhere. Your a steel clad juggernaut of destruction, not a kill stealing rogue. Act like it :P.
3. Ok this one really makes me laugh my *** off, don't use your stuns on someone who is in unstoppable. Seriously do you know your own class? I see so many people trying to stun me while I'm in it, save your stuns till it wears off! Or use them and entertain me, whatever makes you feel good inside.
I'm sure you're great and all, but let's not turn this thread into who is better please.
I'm sure you're great and all, but let's not turn this thread into who is better please.
Oh I'm by no means saying I'm the best, not saying my builds the best either. To be honest I think anyone claiming to be the best is full of **** since there is no way of proving it :-)
But even you gotta admit there's a lot of gfws out there that are doing things that just make you shake your head and go "wtf...". Figure maybe if someone puts it out there and people realise the things they are doing wrong it might help them.
Oh I'm by no means saying I'm the best, not saying my builds the best either. To be honest I think anyone claiming to be the best is full of **** since there is no way of proving it :-)
But even you gotta admit there's a lot of gfws out there that are doing things that just make you shake your head and go "wtf...". Figure maybe if someone puts it out there and people realise the things they are doing wrong it might help them.
There are a lot of bad players of all classes. Badly geared (some have good gear because tried to P2Win), badly spec'd, badly played. This game has more casual baddies than any MMO I've ever played. Then they all come here to whine non-stop about another OP killing them in PvP when it's really their own terrible self that's to blame.
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh I'm by no means saying I'm the best, not saying my builds the best either. To be honest I think anyone claiming to be the best is full of **** since there is no way of proving it :-)
But even you gotta admit there's a lot of gfws out there that are doing things that just make you shake your head and go "wtf...". Figure maybe if someone puts it out there and people realise the things they are doing wrong it might help them.
Of course, I've shaken my head at people before. Doesn't mean I need to publicly broadcast it on a video thread :P However I do enjoy the bumps, so with that said, please continue.
yes it is true that there are a lot of bad players for every class in NW.
the problem is that gwf is the least played class by far, so the # of bad players is a lot more noticeable
Hey Krewcify, really enjoyed the video bro. Had been considering swapping to a Sentinel build for a bit after running a standard stunlock Destroyer focused build. Wasn't sure how to pull it off in play yet, but after watching you do it it made sense. I'm usually a pretty quick study in PvP for any MMO anyways with a heavy background in PvP scenes, but this clarified some things. I'm now running the 10/0/21 Sentinel build. My gear isn't as top notch as yours by far (2/4 Titan and 2/4 Imposing.. still missing most of my tenebrous enchants and soulforged, with only rank 5/6 gems in gear), but even with that minor handicap I've been tearing it up pretty good. I just need more AD so I can get his GS up a bit from 11k.
Anyways, very clearly demonstrated the potential of the setup as well as how to use it. I wasn't clear on which encounters and class features to slot until watching you do it.
Cheers dude, hope to see some more videos from you!
(Narfus: GWF - Mindflayer)
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Hey Krewcify, really enjoyed the video bro. Had been considering swapping to a Sentinel build for a bit after running a standard stunlock Destroyer focused build. Wasn't sure how to pull it off in play yet, but after watching you do it it made sense. I'm usually a pretty quick study in PvP for any MMO anyways with a heavy background in PvP scenes, but this clarified some things. I'm now running the 10/0/21 Sentinel build. My gear isn't as top notch as yours by far (2/4 Titan and 2/4 Imposing.. still missing most of my tenebrous enchants and soulforged, with only rank 5/6 gems in gear), but even with that minor handicap I've been tearing it up pretty good. I just need more AD so I can get his GS up a bit from 11k.
Anyways, very clearly demonstrated the potential of the setup as well as how to use it. I wasn't clear on which encounters and class features to slot until watching you do it.
Cheers dude, hope to see some more videos from you!
(Narfus: GWF - Mindflayer)
Thanks for the support! I'll be sure to make more in the future!
yes it is true that there are a lot of bad players for every class in NW.
the problem is that gwf is the least played class by far, so the # of bad players is a lot more noticeable
they are only FOTM for pvp
in pve, there is still a lot of skeptisism towards gwf. the general viewpoint on class priorit hasnt changed (overall): 1dc/1tr/1cw req, last 2 spots are filled as follows: 1dc/1tr/1cw (usually both slots are filled by these) > gf > gwf
this is only a general viewpoint overall. there are those that see the viability of gwf, but they are few in comparison and the #'s of the "visionaries" are only growing ever so slowly
my above observations are drawn from forums and in game chat on mindflayer.
Could someone please post me a link to the 10/0/21 sentinel build for pvp? it would really help me out, i been trying to search for one but no luck, thank you very much!
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Krew, Im curious why you use lifedrinker now over plaguefire... Seems like plague does ALOT more damage and the heal from lifedrinker is lackluster... Either that or like a holy avenger since the damage is nice and the DR is very good...
Also, can you comment about flourish giving 5 procs of w.e weapon enchant you have meaning. Greater Life Drinker = 7% of weapon damage (941) = 66 damage/healing. With flourish that *5 = 330 damage/healing?
With a plague fire that = 3 stacks. With a holy avenger that = (15% *941*5 700 damage...
JW what you know about it and why you went with your enchant...
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Krew, Im curious why you use lifedrinker now over plaguefire... Seems like plague does ALOT more damage and the heal from lifedrinker is lackluster... Either that or like a holy avenger since the damage is nice and the DR is very good...
Also, can you comment about flourish giving 5 procs of w.e weapon enchant you have meaning. Greater Life Drinker = 7% of weapon damage (941) = 66 damage/healing. With flourish that *5 = 330 damage/healing?
With a plague fire that = 3 stacks. With a holy avenger that = (15% *941*5 700 damage...
JW what you know about it and why you went with your enchant...
After the plague nerf, I was told about the regen build floating around, it just fits more with the current build I'm using. Damage isn't an issue for me, considering all of my damage basically comes from tenes. High hit points on return is what I'm interested in, Lifedrinker helps with that especially considering our attack speed. Little maybe yes, however stacking abilites/pots at once with det Lifedrinker stacks and helps a constant regen. It isn't for everyone and if I wasn't using this build, I'd probably use plague again.
After the plague nerf, I was told about the regen build floating around, it just fits more with the current build I'm using. Damage isn't an issue for me, considering all of my damage basically comes from tenes. High hit points on return is what I'm interested in, Lifedrinker helps with that especially considering our attack speed. Little maybe yes, however stacking abilites/pots at once with det Lifedrinker stacks and helps a constant regen. It isn't for everyone and if I wasn't using this build, I'd probably use plague again.
Yea, I am torn between plague/lifedrinker but also looking at holy avenger. Have you considered that? The greater holy avenger is over double the damage of lifedrinker (not a big deal) but it grants 10 seconds of 15% DR.. So in that 10 seconds if you WOULD have gotten hit for a total of even 15k, that just became 12750. So a 2250 difference. If you heal 66 each hit, you need to hit someone 34 times to get the "same effect" or the equiv effect, not to mention the damage helps some..
It gets even better if you get crit for 20k, its now roughly 17000 and so a 3000 difference = 45 times...
The ONLY draw back I see is that it can proc at bad times and it has a 1 min CD, but rally its 50 seconds since youll have it up for 10 and we all know how the serverside CDs work.
Seems like it could also run very well with G. Tene/GWF set up.
I had that axe but recently switched to the ancient greatsword from CN, which would you think is better for sent build? No I dont have the offhand yet for the 2 piece bonus.
All Out Assault - Not just a guild...but a gaming community
Website/ Recruitment Thread
P2W = FTW get on board VORTIX44
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Don't even have to pay, just need to use that thing that rests between your ears to make AD, something most these scrubs trying to hate don't comprehend.
thank you
Build is the standard Sent build. 10/0/21
Tell me about it. If people are still playing in a year, they will still be saying P2W. It's a counter when they just want to be negative.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
but must to say gwf after patch - strong, that regen is so annoying
Where is the standard Sent build posted? None of the GWF builds listed in the forum sticky are Sentinel focused.
That's a neat idea. I rarely pve so, flourish for me is a must
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Good GWFs are very rare, but if you're fighting them in PvP its really hard to kill them. Unstoppable is just a great skill.
And here is the reason:
Did you go full CON to hit ARP cap, and are you stacking stam gear to get more out of the tenebrous enchants?
I did go full STR/CON
I don't do pve. I'm built and centered for pvp. I have a wizard if and when I do go pve.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
No one has posted an official one yet. I have a Sentinel build, but it's STR/DEX based and focuses a lot on Crit and Deflection. So it's not the standard STR/CON with focus on Armor Pen.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I think the most common build atm is 10/0/21. There's been some variations and I have tried a few others but this seems to bring the most to the field. Reall just got to feel around with what works for you.
From experience with going 0/(5-10)/(21-26) I've found it doesn't bring enough to pve or pvp to be worth going though, unless your strictly pve. The bleed is HAMSTER since you won't have enough power to make it worth it, unless your gemming power (ugh please don't. Just... don't.....). The 10% to at-wills is nice, but either giving up on a heal when unstoppable or stunning flourish... no thanks (unless pve)
Also just some advise to some GWfs out there, since some of you make me laugh hysterically when I fight you.
1. Don't stand there trying to go toe to toe with someone who's destroying your health while your only dealing a quarter of the damage back, tactical retreat, use it love it, do it unless you have a **** good reason not to.
2. Speaking of tactical retreats, some do it way to soon, I've seen a few that retreat if they drop below 80. Hey thanks for the base! Bet not dying once really matters when your team loses by 700+ points cause you running around in the middle of nowhere. Your a steel clad juggernaut of destruction, not a kill stealing rogue. Act like it :P.
3. Ok this one really makes me laugh my *** off, don't use your stuns on someone who is in unstoppable. Seriously do you know your own class? I see so many people trying to stun me while I'm in it, save your stuns till it wears off! Or use them and entertain me, whatever makes you feel good inside.
I'm sure you're great and all, but let's not turn this thread into who is better please.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Oh I'm by no means saying I'm the best, not saying my builds the best either. To be honest I think anyone claiming to be the best is full of **** since there is no way of proving it :-)
But even you gotta admit there's a lot of gfws out there that are doing things that just make you shake your head and go "wtf...". Figure maybe if someone puts it out there and people realise the things they are doing wrong it might help them.
There are a lot of bad players of all classes. Badly geared (some have good gear because tried to P2Win), badly spec'd, badly played. This game has more casual baddies than any MMO I've ever played. Then they all come here to whine non-stop about another OP killing them in PvP when it's really their own terrible self that's to blame.
Of course, I've shaken my head at people before. Doesn't mean I need to publicly broadcast it on a video thread :P However I do enjoy the bumps, so with that said, please continue.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
the problem is that gwf is the least played class by far, so the # of bad players is a lot more noticeable
Anyways, very clearly demonstrated the potential of the setup as well as how to use it. I wasn't clear on which encounters and class features to slot until watching you do it.
Cheers dude, hope to see some more videos from you!
(Narfus: GWF - Mindflayer)
Thanks for the support! I'll be sure to make more in the future!
They're kinda FOTM now though. =/
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
in pve, there is still a lot of skeptisism towards gwf. the general viewpoint on class priorit hasnt changed (overall): 1dc/1tr/1cw req, last 2 spots are filled as follows: 1dc/1tr/1cw (usually both slots are filled by these) > gf > gwf
this is only a general viewpoint overall. there are those that see the viability of gwf, but they are few in comparison and the #'s of the "visionaries" are only growing ever so slowly
my above observations are drawn from forums and in game chat on mindflayer.
Haha whatever you need bud.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Krew, Im curious why you use lifedrinker now over plaguefire... Seems like plague does ALOT more damage and the heal from lifedrinker is lackluster... Either that or like a holy avenger since the damage is nice and the DR is very good...
Also, can you comment about flourish giving 5 procs of w.e weapon enchant you have meaning. Greater Life Drinker = 7% of weapon damage (941) = 66 damage/healing. With flourish that *5 = 330 damage/healing?
With a plague fire that = 3 stacks. With a holy avenger that = (15% *941*5
JW what you know about it and why you went with your enchant...
After the plague nerf, I was told about the regen build floating around, it just fits more with the current build I'm using. Damage isn't an issue for me, considering all of my damage basically comes from tenes. High hit points on return is what I'm interested in, Lifedrinker helps with that especially considering our attack speed. Little maybe yes, however stacking abilites/pots at once with det Lifedrinker stacks and helps a constant regen. It isn't for everyone and if I wasn't using this build, I'd probably use plague again.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Yea, I am torn between plague/lifedrinker but also looking at holy avenger. Have you considered that? The greater holy avenger is over double the damage of lifedrinker (not a big deal) but it grants 10 seconds of 15% DR.. So in that 10 seconds if you WOULD have gotten hit for a total of even 15k, that just became 12750. So a 2250 difference. If you heal 66 each hit, you need to hit someone 34 times to get the "same effect" or the equiv effect, not to mention the damage helps some..
It gets even better if you get crit for 20k, its now roughly 17000 and so a 3000 difference = 45 times...
The ONLY draw back I see is that it can proc at bad times and it has a 1 min CD, but rally its 50 seconds since youll have it up for 10 and we all know how the serverside CDs work.
Seems like it could also run very well with G. Tene/GWF set up.