Wow... These weekend; God took away my luck. I was excited to play on Friday to play Gauntlgrym for the first time aaaaaaaaaand it was offline. On Saturday I spent 6 keys and it gave me rank 4-5 enchantments, a blue item for lvl 40+,1 jeweled Idol, etc(no purple). And on Sunday(today) I was expecting that the Gauntlgrym will be online, Unfortunately not. and I lost my net connection for 7hrs. What a weekend... What a weekend..... Guess I am one of the most unluckiest player in Neverwinter. BTW pls fix one of the worst bug that a player can get which is the ability scores bug. Its holiday tomorrow means no work hopefully the gauntlgrym will be online.
I was playing like 10 min at this game and i get fatal error:
"Fatal Error : Error Decompressing data. Veifying Files in the Launcher may fix this issue.:
Technical Details: Error Decompressing data. Veifying Files in the Launcher may fix this issue.
How can i fix that?
Now when i wanna play game jams when i patching it.
PS: Sorry for english
Can somebody help me? I cant create a new thread dont know why and also wanna help in this situation. Nobody helped me in technical support and this is the only way to get me someone heard. U can also send me a priv message. Sorry and thanks.
Any update as to when Gaunt will be back up? This is getting pretty ridiculous.
They'll announce it during the next announcement of the next big surprise announcements to be released. Stay tuned. We appreciate your mothers esophagus. :rolleyes:
People unhappy with Gauntlgrym being on a schedule have perhaps unrealistic impressions of the active game population.
Putting it on the schedule helps ensure you can actually get 40 people to queue for it.
IF that is how small the player base is now and that is their actual reasoning, then this game has 1/4inch left in its final nail before the coffin is closed.
Honestly it shouldn't come to a surprise that Beta was a major failure. Considering that there was never a "real" beta. You can't expect to have a successful beta when you charge people to be apart of the process.
Instead of making players buy a expensive pack to be apart of the beta they should have gone through applications to find players who would help submit bugs.
The fact they didn't do that, brings me to the obvious conclusion that their not interested in fixing issues. Should have been a single player game like it was originally intended.
IF that is how small the player base is now and that is their actual reasoning, then this game has 1/4inch left in its final nail before the coffin is closed.*
Could we get a footnote for this information?
* - Zlainfurry's bottom
Oh, nevermind then.
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
Its certainty impressive to see people holding back, while playing TOR or Rift when there was a bug. Let alone one that crashed en entire new dungeon. The community would be more vocal about it. As it drags on the weekend. I realize its been entire weekend that its been offline. I don't magically expect it to jump into online mode however same time deeply frustrated what was promoted was major content in the patch.
Its certainty impressive to see people holding back, while playing TOR or Rift when there was a bug. Let alone one that crashed en entire new dungeon. The community would be more vocal about it. As it drags on the weekend. I realize its been entire weekend that its been offline. I don't magically expect it to jump into online mode however same time deeply frustrated what was promoted was major content in the patch.
well..... what do u expect honest.....ppl are getting tired of complaining ......
1 class doesn't work i go play another , some content doesn't work i will use another , i get bored i go play something else
and its prety much repeat until i find something else to entertain me
some advice don't get your hopes up
templarknight91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
You guys should really take off the GG hourly bonus things, there's no point in having them up and they take up slots for the other activities making players wait longer for the next DD or next Arena, or next Foundry for whoever actually runs Foundry.
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
well..... what do u expect honest.....ppl are getting tired of complaining ......
1 class doesn't work i go play another , some content doesn't work i will use another , i get bored i go play something else
and its prety much repeat until i find something else to entertain me
some advice don't get your hopes up
A little bit. I expected this thread to reach nearly a hundred pages. The longer time goes on without the dungeon, perhaps people raging about not doing it, or threats of quitting from a random person. Being through the launch of TOR, Rift. The complain meter always raging off the charts.
They called it their "passionate user base" I just sincerely would like this dungeon to work. I was only doing one round of it, before they cut it out the next night. I have to admit. It was pretty fun. Nothing to do In game with my current person. He has full T2 almost.
When they fix the dungeon. I suppose I'll play a new person to level up.
I wouldn't worry about that wiki quote. It had been added before Gauntlgrym's release date was announced.
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
I love this game. I really do. I'm addictively playing it even this early. However I just cannot ignore the question about the new mega epic dungeon still not working. Since the launch. That was the new content really worth playing. I could PVE and PVP for hours with what we have. If its possible, could we get some kind message about, how long the fix may take.
I love this game. I really do. I'm addictively playing it even this early. However I just cannot ignore the question about the new mega epic dungeon still not working. Since the launch. That was the new content really worth playing. I could PVE and PVP for hours with what we have. If its possible, could we get some kind message about, how long the fix may take.
Can just agree. Was sad to see Gauntlgrym go offline after launch without even having set my foot there, but felt as if it (and thus us player and our experience here) was taken seriously which I appreciate a lot. But now it's been silent for almost 3 days, and some kind of eta on when it comes online again would be likewise highly appreciated!
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
Can just agree. Was sad to see Gauntlgrym go offline after launch without even having set my foot there, but felt as if it (and thus us player and our experience here) was taken seriously which I appreciate a lot. But now it's been silent for almost 3 days, and some kind of eta on when it comes online again would be likewise highly appreciated!
Yes, we can agree on that. Its very sad to see it go offline. I had this weekend planned out. I was planing to dish some junk food, and blast away the entire weekend in the new dungeon. I mean it has epic loot, it has tons of people with two teams. Its like best of PVE and PVP.
Welcome to what happens when you introduce major content outside of beta. What, precisely, is the point of beta if you release new, untested content after beta has ended?
Who runs perfect-world? This is software production 101.
If there is anyone at your company who did not see this train wreck coming, FIRE THEM, because it was obvious beyond words.
So.... When is Module 1 update? lol realy ! i think they need to step up and fix all the broken and buged content there is at presant before even thinking about bringing any more out.
Not to mention, all the character feats, powers gear that dont work as inteneded, or some that dont work at al !!
Thats without even looking at the economy, who the hell is working on that? it is a absolute joke now, even just small in game vendors are way out of being inline with the economy
eg: mount training, it cost just short of 3 milion AD in total to upgrade a mount from rank 1 to rank 3, which is blue, with 80% speed,
SERIOUSLY!!! you can go to the AH on my shard, 'Dragon' and buy a Heavy Inferno Nightmare for 750.000 AD, and i have seen them as low as 600,000, thats for a epic purple 110% speed mount , loooooooooool
1000's and 1000's of people were realy looking forward to the new content, there was 20+ full time neverwinter ,livestreams on twitch tv all looking forwrd to the new content, plus with 'live' launch alot of people were exspecting a least a few of the old bugs and problems to have been adressed and fixed.
the 20th comes, shards go down for the 'live' patch, 1000's of people waiting axiously for shards to go back up, and finaly the do, YAY but , hang on, nothings been fixed, my feats still dont work, in fact there is even more bugs and broken gear, abiltys now !!!
ok ok ,chill, lets check out the new content at least..........Hmm thats not working properly either wtf, and aparenty those that did manage to complete it were only very disapointed to find out the loot rewards are not even any better than what is already in the game elsewere, or what you could buy on the AH. loooooool
This game in 'open beta' had so much potential to be big, it had a huge folowing , now people are giving up every day, dungeon queues are getting longer and longer, even the live streams have given up, there reasons given are the game is 'dying'
in my opionion the game should not have gone live so soon i realy dont understand them releasing content that does not work or as been tested,
Obviously thier investers have been giving them the push to get more monetary returns for them, but obviously they do not realise, that they are actualy killing the game in the process ! GG !!
i am sad for the game and for many players too who love the game, but in reality since 'launch' the game is going backwards at a very fast rate
Maybe thier in hiding lol,, been no updates or coments on thier Twitter site for 2 days either.
is the ship sinking altogether, did somone call for abandon ship ?
Curious for an update myself. Last Update was 6/21/
For those that don't like PvP and who are level 60 can participate in the PvE Contest against the other faction for Phase 1 and 2. Just don't cue for Grym PvP in Phase 2.
I do think the Cueing for PvP in Phase 2 needs to get looked at though. On the first and only day Grym was up - you only got your "token" if you stayed through the whole phase. So you got penalized if you cued for that PvP in phase 2 even if you side was winning because you did not get your winner's "token" from that phase. From my understanding you need both "tokens" to do the 2nd T2 Dungeon - Dwarf King's Crypt. Didn't happen in both my attempts on Day 1 - even with our side winning both phases in the later evening session.
(I'm using the word token - for a physical item that was put in my inventory upon winning a phase - sorry I don't remember the name off hand)
Would Love to see:
1) Your Party Colored Different Than Everyone Else when you look on the map for this Raid. Had to refer to it a lot to find out were locations of things were - Near impossible and time consuming. Visual Scanning was slightly better.
2) Obviously the bugs fixed so there actually is a way you can get into Dwarf King's Crypt.
3) Interactions with some of the items in Phase 2 (namely turning in food) was not working correctly.
Can somebody help me? I cant create a new thread dont know why and also wanna help in this situation. Nobody helped me in technical support and this is the only way to get me someone heard. U can also send me a priv message. Sorry and thanks.
They'll announce it during the next announcement of the next big surprise announcements to be released. Stay tuned. We appreciate your mothers esophagus. :rolleyes:
I also think having Gauntlygrym every 6 hours is a terrible idea, people dont play game around your ingame schedule really bad system.
Agreed. Seems kind of ridiculous to introduce new content then limit access to such an extreme degree.
Putting it on the schedule helps ensure you can actually get 40 people to queue for it.
IF that is how small the player base is now and that is their actual reasoning, then this game has 1/4inch left in its final nail before the coffin is closed.
Instead of making players buy a expensive pack to be apart of the beta they should have gone through applications to find players who would help submit bugs.
The fact they didn't do that, brings me to the obvious conclusion that their not interested in fixing issues. Should have been a single player game like it was originally intended.
Could we get a footnote for this information?
Oh, nevermind then.
well..... what do u expect honest.....ppl are getting tired of complaining ......
1 class doesn't work i go play another , some content doesn't work i will use another , i get bored i go play something else
and its prety much repeat until i find something else to entertain me
some advice don't get your hopes up
A little bit. I expected this thread to reach nearly a hundred pages. The longer time goes on without the dungeon, perhaps people raging about not doing it, or threats of quitting from a random person. Being through the launch of TOR, Rift. The complain meter always raging off the charts.
They called it their "passionate user base" I just sincerely would like this dungeon to work. I was only doing one round of it, before they cut it out the next night. I have to admit. It was pretty fun. Nothing to do In game with my current person. He has full T2 almost.
When they fix the dungeon. I suppose I'll play a new person to level up.
You guys at PWE/CRYPTIC toss a coin, draw a straw, WHATEVER, select ONE guy to use that COOL green text.....and give us an update.
So.... When is Module 1 update?
"This summer"
I wouldn't worry about that wiki quote. It had been added before Gauntlgrym's release date was announced.
Can just agree. Was sad to see Gauntlgrym go offline after launch without even having set my foot there, but felt as if it (and thus us player and our experience here) was taken seriously which I appreciate a lot. But now it's been silent for almost 3 days, and some kind of eta on when it comes online again would be likewise highly appreciated!
Yes, we can agree on that. Its very sad to see it go offline. I had this weekend planned out. I was planing to dish some junk food, and blast away the entire weekend in the new dungeon. I mean it has epic loot, it has tons of people with two teams. Its like best of PVE and PVP.
Yes, it would be highly appreciated an update.
Who runs perfect-world? This is software production 101.
If there is anyone at your company who did not see this train wreck coming, FIRE THEM, because it was obvious beyond words.
Not to mention, all the character feats, powers gear that dont work as inteneded, or some that dont work at al !!
Thats without even looking at the economy, who the hell is working on that? it is a absolute joke now, even just small in game vendors are way out of being inline with the economy
eg: mount training, it cost just short of 3 milion AD in total to upgrade a mount from rank 1 to rank 3, which is blue, with 80% speed,
SERIOUSLY!!! you can go to the AH on my shard, 'Dragon' and buy a Heavy Inferno Nightmare for 750.000 AD, and i have seen them as low as 600,000, thats for a epic purple 110% speed mount , loooooooooool
1000's and 1000's of people were realy looking forward to the new content, there was 20+ full time neverwinter ,livestreams on twitch tv all looking forwrd to the new content, plus with 'live' launch alot of people were exspecting a least a few of the old bugs and problems to have been adressed and fixed.
the 20th comes, shards go down for the 'live' patch, 1000's of people waiting axiously for shards to go back up, and finaly the do, YAY but , hang on, nothings been fixed, my feats still dont work, in fact there is even more bugs and broken gear, abiltys now !!!
ok ok ,chill, lets check out the new content at least..........Hmm thats not working properly either wtf, and aparenty those that did manage to complete it were only very disapointed to find out the loot rewards are not even any better than what is already in the game elsewere, or what you could buy on the AH. loooooool
This game in 'open beta' had so much potential to be big, it had a huge folowing , now people are giving up every day, dungeon queues are getting longer and longer, even the live streams have given up, there reasons given are the game is 'dying'
in my opionion the game should not have gone live so soon i realy dont understand them releasing content that does not work or as been tested,
Obviously thier investers have been giving them the push to get more monetary returns for them, but obviously they do not realise, that they are actualy killing the game in the process ! GG !!
i am sad for the game and for many players too who love the game, but in reality since 'launch' the game is going backwards at a very fast rate
is the ship sinking altogether, did somone call for abandon ship ?
For those that don't like PvP and who are level 60 can participate in the PvE Contest against the other faction for Phase 1 and 2. Just don't cue for Grym PvP in Phase 2.
I do think the Cueing for PvP in Phase 2 needs to get looked at though. On the first and only day Grym was up - you only got your "token" if you stayed through the whole phase. So you got penalized if you cued for that PvP in phase 2 even if you side was winning because you did not get your winner's "token" from that phase. From my understanding you need both "tokens" to do the 2nd T2 Dungeon - Dwarf King's Crypt. Didn't happen in both my attempts on Day 1 - even with our side winning both phases in the later evening session.
(I'm using the word token - for a physical item that was put in my inventory upon winning a phase - sorry I don't remember the name off hand)
Would Love to see:
1) Your Party Colored Different Than Everyone Else when you look on the map for this Raid. Had to refer to it a lot to find out were locations of things were - Near impossible and time consuming. Visual Scanning was slightly better.
2) Obviously the bugs fixed so there actually is a way you can get into Dwarf King's Crypt.
3) Interactions with some of the items in Phase 2 (namely turning in food) was not working correctly.