These changes will be on NeverwinterPreview once again before the Gauntlgrym playtest at 3:00 PM PDT on 6/26. Prepatching is up, so please log in and out again if you want to prepare for GG!
Combat and Powers
Guardian Fighter
- Block: Extremely high amounts of damage no longer break through Block when the player has plenty of the Block meter remaining.
- Block: When Block is broken, the damage is now more significantly reduced by the amount of Block meter remaining before the meter breaking hit.
- General: Powers, Feats, and effects that adjust cooldowns, such as Dazzling Blades and the Master Duelist set bonus for the Trickster Rogue, now adjust cooldowns by the proper amount.
- Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Thievery, and Religion now have unique icons.
- Story Editor: Several cases have been addressed where dragging a component between maps would create undeletable components.
- Well-Informed Barmaids now properly show Featured quests.
- Well-Informed Barmaids now properly show the first quest in a campaign.
- Well-Informed Barmaids now properly show the player's language in their default search.
- Auctions: Page updates now occur in an improved fashion.
- Auctions: Expired lots now have an "N/A" bid instead of "-1."
- General: Account Guard fields are now much easier to read in IE8.
- General: The Login page now has a link back to the main Neverwinter site.
- General: Tooltips have seen general layout and display improvements.
- General: Tooltips for companions now appear correctly.
- General: Error messages when logging in are now more accurate to the reason the error is thrown.
- Guilds: When switching out of the Guild screen into character-based sections, navigation buttons properly re-enable.
- Guilds: The Guild Roster no longer automatically updates when it changes. Instead, a manual Refresh button has been added.
- Guilds: Thin Guild Roster columns now have tooltips.
- Inventory: Players may now only view the inventory of their own characters.
- Mail: Items in mail, such as Astral Diamonds, now show their quantity.
- Mail: Players can once again send email from Gateway.
- Mobile: Professions: Filter dropdowns no longer overlap.
- Mobile: Text fields and dropdown menus have increased in height for improved usability.
- Mobile: The Auction House search flow has been improved.
- Mobile: There is now an outfit switcher on the Character screen.
- Mobile: When tapping on an item icon, a tooltip now displays.
- Professions: The Alchemy Primer now properly has an icon.
- Professions: Tasks are now less likely to fall out date.
- Professions: Tasks now show the number of resources the player has on hand if he or she doesn't have enough.
- Professions: The Task list's default sort setting now matches the game.
- In the German locale, the Y key now toggles the Quest Path and the Z key now opens the Zen Market.
- Italian, Polish, and Turkish locales are now available with text translation.
- Italian, Polish, and Turkish language versions of the intro cinematic are now available for viewing (and listening).
- The Neverwinter client now properly detects installed keyboards with non-English locale settings and binds keys appropriately.
- High-tier Arm slot pieces no longer require Tier 2 dungeon resources.
- The tasks that make the high-tier Arm slot pieces now require the piece to be upgraded. These tasks are now always visible.
- Alchemy: Experimentation tasks now display their potential rewards on the Summary screen.
- Leadership: The rewards for several tasks have been updated, as well as the contents of Leadership chests.
- Rank 3: Extended Guard Duty: A medium chest has been added to the rewards for this task.
- Rank 4: Protect Caravan: The Astral Diamond reward for this task has been lowered to 100.
- Rank 4: Protect Local Merchant: 150 XP and a medium chest have been added to the rewards for this task.
- Rank 5: Explore: The time to complete this task has been increased to 2 hours.
- Rank 5: Raid Supply Cache: 450 XP has been added to the rewards for this task.
- Rank 6: Protect Survey Team: 2 Silver has been added to the rewards for this task.
- Small Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 1.
- Medium Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 3, but the Healing Potion count has been increased to 2.
- Large Chest: The number of skill items given by this chest has been reduced to 6, but the Greater Healing Potion count has been increased to 2.
- Very Large Chest: The Greater Healing Potion count given by this chest has been increased to 7.
- Profession Pack reward windows now properly inherit the color of the best item in the pack.
Quests and Environments
Protector's Enclave
- Moonstone Mask: The security on the VIP area of the Moonstone Mask has been beefed up.
Tower District
- Cloak Tower: Campfires now only act as respawn points after defeating the minibosses preceding them.
- Cloak Tower: There is now a gate after Makred. It opens upon defeating him.
Blackdagger Ruins
- A dip in terrain next to Blackdagger Keep has been smoothed out. It is no longer possible to become stuck in that location.
- Several quests have been updated to have proper "Return" objectives.
- Several spawns have been cleared out from frequently traveled pathways.
- Some locations that previously displayed flickering characters and objects have been addressed.
- Hidden Cove: The Religion skill node in this instance is no longer blocked by an invisible wall.
- Cragmire Crypts: The introductory quest to this dungeon no longer requires a turn-in.
Neverdeath Graveyard
- There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Religion skill node.
- History Lessons has had another flow improvement. The scrolls are now more visible and the objective order is clearer.
- History Lessons now properly provides progress for the Maps II achievement.
- Doomguide's Duty: This quest is now lit correctly at the beginning.
- The Emissary: Adventurers may want to be more careful near sarcophagi going forward.
Helm's Hold
- Hellfire Archmagi now spawn less frequently near the Old Dirty Dwarf Tavern.
- Several spawns have been cleared out from frequently traveled pathways.
- The secret passage from the forest to the street outside the tavern has been removed, but the passage to the tavern basement still works properly.
- Crypt of Vigilance: There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Religion skill node.
- Lair of the Mad Dragon: The pit under the Pit Fiend now kills players instead of teleporting them.
- The campfires now properly give the Mending Wounds effect.
- The map now depicts the player's location more accurately.
- There is no longer an invisible wall blocking a Thievery skill node.
- Gray Wolf Den: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space and skip content.
Pirates' Skyhold
- Lair of the Pirate King: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space and skip content.
- Lair of the Pirate King: Due to increased dungeon safety standards, enemies in the third part of this dungeon are now much less susceptible to being knocked off the edge.
Icespire Peak
- Several encounters through the zone have been removed or adjusted to provide better enemy density.
- To Remember the Fallen: Planting the flag no longer requires super precise positioning.
- The Frozen Heart: Players may no longer destroy Grast the Gutcruncher's orbs and open the path before engaging him.
- The Frozen Heart: There is no longer a wall that allows players to walk directly through it.
The Chasm
- The third major section of the exterior now spawns level 53 enemies, up from level 49.
- Spellplague Caverns: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
Rothe Valley
- Temple of the Spider: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
- Temple of the Spider: Lord Jevahn Jhalvar has sealed up his doorframe to prevent crafty adventurers from sneaking past him.
- Temple of the Spider: There is now a gate after Halbryn Darkstalker. It opens upon Halbryn's defeat.
Mount Hotenow
- A path that was missing from the Map window now shows up more brightly.
- Seeds of Rebirth: Seedlings can now be seen from farther away on low graphics settings.
- Caverns of Karrundax: The collision in this map has been simplified and adjusted. It is now more difficult to exit the gameplay space.
Whispering Caverns
- Illithid Enclave: A few skill nodes have been removed from this instance.
- Illithid Enclave: This instance is now considered level 59 for random drop calculations, down from 60.
- The Dread Vault: The intro quest to this dungeon is now level 60, down from level 61.
Castle Never
- Player characters who phase through one of the solid walls at the beginning of Castle Never will now swiftly meet their end.
- Campfires now only act as respawn points after defeating the minibosses preceding them.
- The gate after the third boss may now only be used after killing him.
- Fardelver Crypt: There is no longer phantom collision blocking part of the gameplay area.
- Domination: Mount Hotenow and Rivenscar Ruins: Players may no longer target and attack players in spawn points with ranged or teleport attacks. Players in spawn points may not snipe from their perches there, either.
- A crash in mouse buffering has been fixed.
User Interface
- Auto-Refine: When Rough Astral Diamonds have been automatically refined, a notification now appears upon logging in.
- Calendar: The Event tooltip display now shows the number of days until the event begins.
- Death / Near Death: When clicking Release, the confirmation window now properly appears at the center of the screen.
- Request GM Help: Fields that require entry now actually require entry before submitting a request.
- Request GM Help: The categories in the category selection menu have been rearranged.
- Request GM Help: The "Other" category has been changed to "Bug Report."
- Request GM Help: When reporting Behavior issues, the ticket confirmation now properly informs the player that a GM will only contact him or her if there is a need to follow up.
- Wealth: The tooltips for Gold, Astral Diamonds, Glory, Ardent Coins, and Celestial Coins now show the maximum amount a player can hold.
As always, the content on NeverwinterPreview is subject to change. The investigation list is not comprehensive, but represents some of the issues brought up in Preview threads currently being confirmed or addressed.
Thanks a ton for checking out NeverwinterPreview!
Domination: Mount Hotenow and Rivenscar Ruins: Players may no longer target and attack players in spawn points with ranged or teleport attacks. Players in spawn points may not snipe from their perches there, either.
Aww, but I loved going up there and dancing with AFKers. Nice fix though. Prevents a lot of spawn camping.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Player characters who phase through one of the solid walls at the beginning of Castle Never will now swiftly meet their end.
Campfires now only act as respawn points after defeating the minibosses preceding them.
The gate after the third boss may now only be used after killing him.
W0h000 -- Finaly!
The lunge animation is executed. The toon "reaches" the target. The toon is then rubbered back to initial launch point of lunge. The target gets away.
Thank you for listening.
same here!
Now if you would kindly address the DPS tree, buffs,debuffs and other healing skills on the cleric so I can slot things other then astral shield,sunburst and (insert crappy third heal here) and be useful to a group that would be much appreciated.
Not, that I disagree with this change. If a task gets used exclusively, at the expense of all others. There is obviously something wrong with it.
But perhaps earmuffs can be included to drown out the vast amounts of NOooooooo! this will generate
Now only a ton of CW fixes that are very needed.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
If characters manage to phase through the wall, they'll just die and have to respawn.
For class-related feedback: We hear you and are constantly looking at it. Thanks for your patience and keep the feedback coming.
I always believed this rubberbanding action i see in PVP was something to do with my connection on the GF. I'm not pleased others are experiencing such frustration, but I hope it's something that can be addressed if there are many players like us experiencing it.
Also, I understand the need to address that critical issue with Knight Captain's armor and Into the Fray and other such exploitative hijinks with emergency fixes. My question is, when will Miracle Healer's set be addressed to 1)correct the helmet label, and 2) correct whatever is broken about the 4/4 piece bonus or reword it to reflect what it presently does if that's how it was intended?
I have laptop Lenovo Z500. I'm using Polish locale. I tried run game in Polish and English. My OS: Windows 8 Pro N 64-bit
Razer Blackwidow ultimate, not sure what you mean by locale, unless you mean HDD? Neverwinter is on my
English (UK)
locale = language
via entrance not queue (there is completely no text in the dialogue and you only can abort via double ESC)
Entered norm MD fine.
I second this question. I thought that was patched a couple of weeks ago, but it is NOT working.