That's all I have to say.
If you want proof....private message me - I'll give it to you.
All it will take is one person to leak this information.
Message me.
IF YOU ARE NOT! I REPEAT: IF YOU ARE NOT making this company money (whether it's through means of a 3rd party source, such as or ign etc), then you will never be known. And the ONLY way to become part of these silly unreliable trends are to be in really close relations with them.
Ever hear this: Don't be a brown noser?
- Or don't BITE the HAND that feeds you? I'm sure you get it.
All in all, if you don't know this company through 3rd party or any other means, then you are just a player. Otherwise - you will be well known, a currently known marketing scheme that has been well employed for the health of this company.
Go ahead and back this up, I dare ya! Proof is what the people who play this game WANT and NEED finally. I'm ready and willing.
He is right guiz... truly... I got a quest onto the "best" page not because I put a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of time into it making a humorous, re-playable adventure with pop-culture references that people actually enjoy enough to give a high rating therefore rocketing me up to the "best" page, but because I am associated with a 3rd party that in some form or another makes Cryptic/PWE more money.
You see all of those 4 and 5 star ratings? They aren't actually real... Cryptic just has a highly payed team of individuals devoted to giving people like me misspelled praise. Now, you might be wondering, how do they afford such a team of highly skilled employees? Well, isn't it obvious? They can because of all the extra money I am making them of course. /sarcasm off
Seriously... you trolling.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
And you just bumped the thread, so I will to. lol xD
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Maybe it's because I am no native english speaker...but I couldn't really make heads or tails of the last 2 paragraphs O_o
I couldn't make sense of anything at all, except that almostcool is a secret agent hired by Cryptic! Whatever shall we do? :P
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash!&p=3337262&viewfull=1#post3337262
So put up or shut up.
Campaign: Night of Embers - NWS-DQX5GVNKO
1: A Flame In The Darkness - NW-DE47BTDI9
Yep, and yep. In the end it comes down to what -You- enjoy doing.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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A short solo hack-n-slash: The Dirty Dwarf
It would be nice if they addressed the issue directly instead of just ignoring it. It is kind of a big deal. I mean what is the point of making a quest if there is zero chance of anyone finding it.
Why give them the benefit of the doubt when they are ignoring you? Assume the worst when you are being ignored.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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A short solo hack-n-slash: The Dirty Dwarf
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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A short solo hack-n-slash: The Dirty Dwarf
I thought I saw yours yesterday when I was browsing the job board, ovaltine.
Foundry name: Vuelherring (with an extra 'R', matey)
"Bring out yer Dead" NW-DAI945C2G #humor #story #solo
I kind of want proof myself....
Foundry name: Vuelherring (with an extra 'R', matey)
"Bring out yer Dead" NW-DAI945C2G #humor #story #solo
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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btw- I added it to my play list and will give it a shot tomorrow!
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
I appreciate it. I believe you are wrong about them going off the new list after a certain amount of time though. There are quests that are older than mine that are still on there.
Edit: It would make sense for older quests to be removed from the new quest list. So let's say you are right. Let's assume my quest was removed because it was old. It took me three weeks to make my first quest. It was on the new list for a month. It was removed before I could finish my second quest. If that is the case, does it really pay to spend any time on creating your quests?
If they are removed from the new list after a certain amount of time, I would be okay with it IF there was another directory I could find my quest on. Making it completely unlisted is lame. The only way for people to find it is by accidently stumbling onto it through searching the database.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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The Gems of Destiny
Q1: The Mysterious Mage (NW-DH25ZWZ9T)
Q2: The Gem of Time (NW-DIV5JX7J3)
More to Come
The search is nearly worthless because of what I can only assume are bugs in its coding. Generally you can only find a map by using search if you have the short code or they are IN one of the pregenerated lists. Outside of that you would have to be subscribed to the author, which is problematic since the search often won't work if you use the author's name and you can't subscribe to someone if you can't find any of their maps. The two search fields, one in the "Best" list and the other in the "New" one, can have widely differing results. And overall the search is just flaky as all heck, I've been able to find maps by partial name, author name, or terms in the description that weren't anywhere in any of the pregenerated lists and other times I can't find those SAME quests with anything but the short code, and only by inputting it into the "Best" search, not the "New" one.
And that greatly exacerbates the other issue of what exactly are they using to create those pregenerated lists? Just from looking at them occasionally you can tell it's not the number of plays, it's not date created, it's not time spent in the lists, it's not rating, what in the world is it? I can only assume it's either very buggy and badly designed code, or people selecting them manually. If it's the former, it desperately needs to be fixed since I'm sure there's a ton of at least equally good player generated content that never sees the light of day, and if it's the latter then they need to create an automated system or hire some new people to improve the filtering of quests.
Okay, Panic.
If I wanted fame and glory I would make my own game from scratch. That way someday I can actually make money for the work I do, instead of letting some other company reap all the rewards for my efforts.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
For example:
I found these 2 reviews on my quest within the last 24 hours. In my 'personal' opinion, I am thinking it's only a way to sabotage my work in order to decrease my review ratings and increase someone else'.
While I do implore criticisms, I am thinking the mediocrity of this system is a very subtle way to negatively target authors and hold them back.
I am not thinking my quest is a 5/5, but it's definitely not a 2. What I find interesting though is that these two reviews have almost the same element behind their reasons as to why they gave me a 2/5 (the author's work looks as if it was 'practice,' and/or 'learning') - which is fine! If that is what you felt I deserved, then that is your subjective opinion.
But it's my OPINION that these are ways to attempt to sabotage my ratings, which is a little sad. I mean, instead of doing something like that why not just make another account and run your own quest and give it a 5/5 (which I know a lot of authors do this already to gain reverence). Let it be known that is the ONLY time I've ever gotten a 2 on my work.
Your seemingly little reviews will not bother me. But I do want to let other authors out there know that these types of things do happen within the foundry community and with no reason behind it, really. It's a sad, cruel world but what can ya do?
Good day folks! And happy foundry editing!
Proof is that you are a troll, and the alt of a failed author.
For someone who claims to be a highly respected author in other games, yet hasn't made a single quest in this game, you spend an awful bunch of time spouting nonsense and conspiracy theories about how the man is keeping authors down.
Here's some tough love:
The reason why you fail is because you are bad. Sorry, but someone's gotta level with you and give you the honest truth. Look at Almostcool. I was gone 2 weeks and now he's #1 out of nowhere. Put up a good quest, and people will play and share it. That's all.
PS. what you think are good quests, aren't. Which is why it's so confusing to you why fun quests are on the best list. Bye.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Of course there is no way to prove someone is doing that, but I am sure it goes on. It is of course another foundry author, we all know that. It is pretty pathetic that someone would create a new account just to grief other foundry authors. However I look at it this way. Those types of people are not the norm in the community. Most authors would not do something like that. Most players in the game would not do something like that. I have heard that even the authors that have made it to the best list or have been featured get these types of reviews from time to time, so it is a wash. It all evens out in the end. Your not going to get all five star reviews, and occasionally someone is going to try and trash your work to spite you. If it is any comfort to you, a person that would do something like this is probably a very sad individual that can't look himself in the mirror half the time because he hates what he sees. He is miserable with himself and the only comfort in life he can get is to try and make others miserable. Pity them.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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Wow Ovaltine, thanks for repressing my thoughts on how negative the community can actually be with one another. You, my friend are wonderful! Thank for cheering me up - you are so right in the avenues in which you spoke.
Yes, we all know....
What! I dated that guy and only got on the best list.
/must get some tips from Zovya
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
He has a SON???? Omg, I thought it was his daughter O_o
No wonder, that my quests are going into oblivion as soon as I publish them.....