Since before Open Beta test even began the community has been asking for many things. The top three most requested features are:
1) Additional classes, the majority seems to focus on ranger, with warlock being the very close 2nd, followed by some sort of paladin
2) More paragon paths for the existing classes, to add diversity to the class builds. As it stands, every Great Weapon Fighter is a Swordmaster, every CW a spellstorm mage etc.
3) Drow as a playable race
My question to you, the developers:
Why are you spending your time and efforts on content we have not been asking for?
The module1 page shows no additional classes and no paragon paths. You have not released any sort of information or timeline concerning the two most requested things.
You are giving us Moon and Sun elves, when we want Drow.
You are manufacturing "Product Y" when your customers have been asking for "Product X".
I wasn't expecting it to happen fast. I just think it's a bit ridiculous they are allocating resources on this module1 content when it doesn't contain the things we've been asking for for more than 2 months.
If they took all the people working on module1 and said "finish ranger" its far more likely we would be getting ranger this summer.
czarkazmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
While I was extremely disappointed that there was no new class along with the latest patch, reading the planned expansion notes leads me to believe the exact opposite of what you are saying. I think they ARE considering what people say, and ARE trying to implement it. I just wish some of it was coming a little bit faster, especially the classes.
They REALLY need to implement the new Paragon paths. I mean, what we have here would be pretty close to Rift releasing with 2 souls when each class was suppsoed to have 8.
It is unfinished. Can we please finish the player's options with your very limited class choices before adding more nonsense.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
Because things take time to code, do the artwork for, animate, balance, test, get aproval from Wizards of the Coast....
What the players want is coming...
Except the "now" part. Patience, you must learn patience!
While I was extremely disappointed that there was no new class along with the latest patch, reading the planned expansion notes leads me to believe the exact opposite of what you are saying. I think they ARE considering what people say, and ARE trying to implement it. I just wish some of it was coming a little bit faster, especially the classes.
The planned expansion contains none of the 3 most requested things in my original post. It's quite obvious they are not considering what we want, and are implementing a whole bunch of other things to try to appease us; to distract us from the fact that they either can't or won't deliver on their promises of "soon".
Furthermore, in what universe do people get banned for finding bugs and exploits in a game that is supposedly in a "beta" state?
The entire thing with the auction house/astral diamonds and their suspensions and bans is just proof that this game has in fact been in a "live" state for the past two months. In every game I've ever beta tested, finding such exploits and bugs are rewarded (definitely not PUNISHED), so that they are eliminated from the "live" version. This whole promise of not having wipes during open beta was in actuality a Head Start sort of thing, which encouraged people to spend their money/zen on things with the comfort that their progress would not be erased. Essentially, we Quality Tested their game for them, found major problems with it and that's that.
I digress, the topic is about wasting resources making a product their customers have expressed little interest in, in comparison to the very high interest in what they're not making.
If movie makers were more focused on making romantic comedies and children movies, when the masses are all screaming for more of the box office blockbuster Super Hero and Action movies (, they would lose a quite sizeable amount of customers/money, don't you think?
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
Drow as a playable race is coming at least 60 days after launch. Nothing has changed since February. Pacience. You're getting exactly what you were promised no sooner or later.
As for the other two...
Do you really think they told you everything about Module 1? It's not due for another month or two. It would be incredibly foolish to reveal all of the cards in their hand this early on. They only confirmed what is in the expansion pack. They have not confirmed what isn't in it.
Drow as a playable race is coming at least 60 days after launch. Nothing has changed since February. Pacience. You're getting exactly what you were promised no sooner or later.
As for the other two...
Do you really think they told you everything about Module 1? It's not due for another month or two. It would be incredibly foolish to reveal all of the cards in their hand this early on. They only confirmed what is in the expansion pack. They have not confirmed what isn't in it.
I know they said "60 days", but why? Why 60 days? Menzoberranzan Renegades are Drow, so the models are there. The racial bonuses are basically the same so clearly the content is there. Why are they holding onto something that high in demand/popular and throwing moon & sun elves out first? And if the mentality was "we want our Hero Founders to have something special way before our free2play customers", the Hero Founders have been able to play Renegades since April 25th. Well more than 60 days.
If you notice my forum title, I am a Hero founder. I'm not that interested in Drow. I'm taking up the mantle of voicing community concerns because it's downright insulting to us that have supported them with our money to be supporting their development of content we have not been requesting.
Since before Open Beta test even began the community has been asking for many things.
Why are you spending your time and efforts on content we have not been asking for?
I don't understand threads like this. We play completely broken game, where top-tier dungeon is exploited 24/7 by most players, last boss farmed twice per hour etc. Prices of items from the dungeon fall rapidly every day, making the end-game content completely unrewarding if done the legit way....etc...
This hasn't been fixed for 2-3 weeks and you are asking about some new fancy features...
zaneyzeianneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited June 2013
If they put everything in the game all at once, to many would rush thru seeing it and proclaim the game boring and leave it. Demanding it now only makes players look like toddlers throwing tantrums. It will come out on the devs schedule, not ours.
I don't understand threads like this. We play completely broken game, where top-tier dungeon is exploited 24/7 by most players, last boss farmed twice per hour etc. Prices of items from the dungeon fall rapidly every day, making the end-game content completely unrewarding if done the legit way....etc...
This hasn't been fixed for 2-3 weeks and you are asking about some new fancy features...
Every time they "fix" something, they break something else.
Auction House, Gateway, Guardian Fighter block, logging in, their new content GG was disabled less than 24 hours after being pushed out to live.
This is a whole other subject. I'm focusing on their promise of "new content" that isn't the new content the majority have been clamoring for.
Every time they "fix" something, they break something else.
Auction House, Gateway, Guardian Fighter block, logging in, their new content GG was disabled less than 24 hours after being pushed out to live.
This is a whole other subject. I'm focusing on their promise of "new content" that isn't the new content the majority have been clamoring for.
You're correct. They should add new code into the game because fixing the code that is there hasnt been adding new bugs, so why not add more to that mess.
And the only "Majority" that I have seen clamoring for new **** has been the forum community, which is by far the Minority.
If they put everything in the game all at once, to many would rush thru seeing it and proclaim the game boring and leave it. Demanding it now only makes players look like toddlers throwing tantrums. It will come out on the devs schedule, not ours.
That's kind of the point, they're putting in things that could have waited until after they delivered things we want. No one said we wanted all this stuff at once. Moon and Sun elves could have waited until after the first planned race was released. The "Coming Soon" race in the character creation screen has the shape of a Drow in a cloak, does it not?
And why is the "devs schedule" NOT based on customer feedback? That's just bad business.
If they put everything in the game all at once, to many would rush thru seeing it and proclaim the game boring and leave it. Demanding it now only makes players look like toddlers throwing tantrums. It will come out on the devs schedule, not ours.
Seriously? This game is DESIGNED to be rushed through. What do you remember about lvling? I mean, be honest here. If they REALLY wanted us to take our time wouldn't they have given us more to lvl through? Maybe 1 or 2 more starting areas? Or home towns? Or lvling paths? THERE IS JUST ONE. I have never seen such simplicity from a game while at the same time people are claiming the devs want us to take our time.:rolleyes:
You're correct. They should add new code into the game because fixing the code that is there hasnt been adding new bugs, so why not add more to that mess.
And the only "Majority" that I have seen clamoring for new **** has been the forum community, which is by far the Minority.
If the "majority" do not voice their concerns/opinions on the medium given to us, ie: the official forums, what sort of majority are they?
The people that take the time to put their feedback on this forum are people that care enough to have a voice that deserves attention.
If you went to Taco Bell and ordered a #6, received a #4, drove away and never called to complain or returned to have your order fulfilled correctly, how is Taco Bell supposed to know you were dissatisfied?
czarkazmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The planned expansion contains none of the 3 most requested things in my original post. It's quite obvious they are not considering what we want, and are implementing a whole bunch of other things to try to appease us; to distract us from the fact that they either can't or won't deliver on their promises of "soon".
You can't possibly know what they may or may not have coming out next week, or the week after, or the week after... Personally, I'm going to be unhappy if we have to wait till the next expansion to get something new classwise. I don't want to dungeon grind, and I'm running out of classes to play to 60.
Furthermore, in what universe do people get banned for finding bugs and exploits in a game that is supposedly in a "beta" state?
The entire thing with the auction house/astral diamonds and their suspensions and bans is just proof that this game has in fact been in a "live" state for the past two months. In every game I've ever beta tested, finding such exploits and bugs are rewarded (definitely not PUNISHED), so that they are eliminated from the "live" version. This whole promise of not having wipes during open beta was in actuality a Head Start sort of thing, which encouraged people to spend their money/zen on things with the comfort that their progress would not be erased. Essentially, we Quality Tested their game for them, found major problems with it and that's that.
I hope you get banned for exploiting in every universe. Those that don't are fools.
I digress, the topic is about wasting resources making a product their customers have expressed little interest in, in comparison to the very high interest in what they're not making.
If movie makers were more focused on making romantic comedies and children movies, when the masses are all screaming for more of the box office blockbuster Super Hero and Action movies (, they would lose a quite sizeable amount of customers/money, don't you think?
Maybe, but quite possibly not. Having lots of options is not equal to spending. Some restaurants serve 8 types of beer, some have two. That does not mean that people don't buy beer.
You can't possibly know what they may or may not have coming out next week, or the week after, or the week after... Personally, I'm going to be unhappy if we have to wait till the next expansion to get something new classwise. I don't want to dungeon grind, and I'm running out of classes to play to 60.
I don't know what they have planned that they have not released information for. If they do have these planned, one would think they would have added it to the Fury of the Feywild preview page, or have better communication about it.
I hope you get banned for exploiting in every universe. Those that don't are fools.
I wasn't even online during the time window that whole fiasco occured on. I was on a beach in South Carolina. I'm not an exploiter, I'm just referencing the fact that they banned people for finding a bug in a game that was in a beta test phase.
Maybe, but quite possibly not. Having lots of options is not equal to spending. Some restaurants serve 8 types of beer, some have two. That does not mean that people don't buy beer.
I'm not understanding your comparison. If the number one beer being bought in the country was Miller Lite, and a certain bar did not have Miller Lite, do you think there would be customers disappointed with this? Some might concede to drinking something else, a little sour that the product they wanted was not available; some may even leave and go to a different bar.
If the "majority" do not voice their concerns/opinions on the medium given to us, ie: the official forums, what sort of majority are they?
The people that take the time to put their feedback on this forum are people that care enough to have a voice that deserves attention.
If you went to Taco Bell and ordered a #6, received a #4, drove away and never called to complain or returned to have your order fulfilled correctly, how is Taco Bell supposed to know you were dissatisfied?
Complain if you want, I dont know why you think that will make coding go any faster.
They have their schedules that have been set by guys in business suits. I dont know if you are new to MMO's, but I dont think I have seen Developers change from their set schedule because of some people whining that what is being worked on isnt what they want.
I wasn't even online during the time window that whole fiasco occured on. I was on a beach in South Carolina. I'm not an exploiter, I'm just referencing the fact that they banned people for finding a bug in a game that was in a beta test phase.
You dont seem to know the difference between finding a bug and exploiting a bug for profit.
Complain if you want, I dont know why you think that will make coding go any faster.
They have their schedules that have been set by guys in business suits. I dont know if you are new to MMO's, but I dont think I have seen Developers change from their set schedule because of some people whining that what is being worked on isnt what they want.
You dont seem to know the difference between finding a bug and exploiting a bug for profit.
If they allocated the team dedicated to the Fury of the Feywild update to coding the new classes and paragon paths, we'd have them much sooner than later. Fact.
If the guys in the suits base their business model on NOT prioritizing content the community asks for, they are doomed to fail.
I understand the difference very well. Shame on them for not quality testing their own patches, and then punishing people for their own incompetence. If they had put the content on a test shard for a few days, the bug might have been found out before it caused "Caturday".
If they allocated the team dedicated to the Fury of the Feywild update to coding the new classes and paragon paths, we'd have them much sooner than later. Fact.
Fact. They have a schedule set for Fury of the Feywild. They wont drop everything because of your *****ing.
Fact. They have a schedule set for Fury of the Feywild. They wont drop everything because of your *****ing.
They have an ambigious date of "Summer 2013". And they wouldn't have to drop anything if they had started working on things people wanted before Open Beta even began.
They have an ambigious date of "Summer 2013". And they wouldn't have to drop anything if they had started working on things people wanted before Open Beta even began.
They have given us the ambiguous date of Summer 2013, I can guarantee they have a set internal date.
And you think they will be able to code both Fury of the Feywild and new Paragon Paths and new Classes all at the same time? All while trying to bug fix as much as they can? Who are these super programmers?!
They have given us the ambiguous date of Summer 2013, I can guarantee they have a set internal date.
And you think they will be able to code both Fury of the Feywild and new Paragon Paths and new Classes all at the same time? All while trying to bug fix as much as they can? Who are these super programmers?!
That is the point. Why are they coding Fury of the Feywild instead of the new classes and paragon paths.
Why are they not fixing the existing coding that is currently bug-addled and getting worse by the patch.
That is the point. Why are they coding Fury of the Feywild instead of the new classes and paragon paths.
Why are they not fixing the existing coding that is currently bug-addled and getting worse by the patch.
Im gonna go ahead and just point out that you dont know how game development works and just end this conversation now. Until you understand then it is pointless.
I don't understand threads like this. We play completely broken game, where top-tier dungeon is exploited 24/7 by most players, last boss farmed twice per hour etc. Prices of items from the dungeon fall rapidly every day, making the end-game content completely unrewarding if done the legit way....etc...
This hasn't been fixed for 2-3 weeks and you are asking about some new fancy features...
I think the main problem of this game was that, thats why it is dying too fast. CN exploits destroyed the game. Full geared characters in just 2-3 days. If CN wasnt exploitable the game should have lasted longer, at least for the next expansion. I can not understand why they didnt fix it and i dont care atm. They knew about it and they let it since beta release( a fix is coming soon)... its too late now
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
That is the point. Why are they coding Fury of the Feywild instead of the new classes and paragon paths.
Why are they not fixing the existing coding that is currently bug-addled and getting worse by the patch.
Im gonna go ahead and just point out that you dont know how game development works and just end this conversation now. Until you understand then it is pointless.
It doesn't matter if I understand it or not.
If I'm being asked to draw a picture of a house and a separate picture of a person, and I spend more time and effort drawing the house, which do you think is going to be completed first?
Well, they are giving some of it.... for ex, people complained (myself among them) about lack of visual diversity. So we have dyes in Alchemy, and Module 1 is apparently coming with more armor models.
(also, I'm definitely happy to see more quest content coming. Yeah, I'd like to see an archer class, too. But they can't do everything at once..... well, I suppose they could, but then it would be even more buggy. )
If they took all the people working on module1 and said "finish ranger" its far more likely we would be getting ranger this summer.
It is unfinished. Can we please finish the player's options with your very limited class choices before adding more nonsense.
What the players want is coming...
Except the "now" part.
Patience, you must learn patience!
The planned expansion contains none of the 3 most requested things in my original post. It's quite obvious they are not considering what we want, and are implementing a whole bunch of other things to try to appease us; to distract us from the fact that they either can't or won't deliver on their promises of "soon".
Furthermore, in what universe do people get banned for finding bugs and exploits in a game that is supposedly in a "beta" state?
The entire thing with the auction house/astral diamonds and their suspensions and bans is just proof that this game has in fact been in a "live" state for the past two months. In every game I've ever beta tested, finding such exploits and bugs are rewarded (definitely not PUNISHED), so that they are eliminated from the "live" version. This whole promise of not having wipes during open beta was in actuality a Head Start sort of thing, which encouraged people to spend their money/zen on things with the comfort that their progress would not be erased. Essentially, we Quality Tested their game for them, found major problems with it and that's that.
I digress, the topic is about wasting resources making a product their customers have expressed little interest in, in comparison to the very high interest in what they're not making.
If movie makers were more focused on making romantic comedies and children movies, when the masses are all screaming for more of the box office blockbuster Super Hero and Action movies (, they would lose a quite sizeable amount of customers/money, don't you think?
As for the other two...
Do you really think they told you everything about Module 1? It's not due for another month or two. It would be incredibly foolish to reveal all of the cards in their hand this early on. They only confirmed what is in the expansion pack. They have not confirmed what isn't in it.
I know they said "60 days", but why? Why 60 days? Menzoberranzan Renegades are Drow, so the models are there. The racial bonuses are basically the same so clearly the content is there. Why are they holding onto something that high in demand/popular and throwing moon & sun elves out first? And if the mentality was "we want our Hero Founders to have something special way before our free2play customers", the Hero Founders have been able to play Renegades since April 25th. Well more than 60 days.
If you notice my forum title, I am a Hero founder. I'm not that interested in Drow. I'm taking up the mantle of voicing community concerns because it's downright insulting to us that have supported them with our money to be supporting their development of content we have not been requesting.
I don't understand threads like this. We play completely broken game, where top-tier dungeon is exploited 24/7 by most players, last boss farmed twice per hour etc. Prices of items from the dungeon fall rapidly every day, making the end-game content completely unrewarding if done the legit way....etc...
This hasn't been fixed for 2-3 weeks and you are asking about some new fancy features...
Every time they "fix" something, they break something else.
Auction House, Gateway, Guardian Fighter block, logging in, their new content GG was disabled less than 24 hours after being pushed out to live.
This is a whole other subject. I'm focusing on their promise of "new content" that isn't the new content the majority have been clamoring for.
You're correct. They should add new code into the game because fixing the code that is there hasnt been adding new bugs, so why not add more to that mess.
And the only "Majority" that I have seen clamoring for new **** has been the forum community, which is by far the Minority.
That's kind of the point, they're putting in things that could have waited until after they delivered things we want. No one said we wanted all this stuff at once. Moon and Sun elves could have waited until after the first planned race was released. The "Coming Soon" race in the character creation screen has the shape of a Drow in a cloak, does it not?
And why is the "devs schedule" NOT based on customer feedback? That's just bad business.
Seriously? This game is DESIGNED to be rushed through. What do you remember about lvling? I mean, be honest here. If they REALLY wanted us to take our time wouldn't they have given us more to lvl through? Maybe 1 or 2 more starting areas? Or home towns? Or lvling paths? THERE IS JUST ONE. I have never seen such simplicity from a game while at the same time people are claiming the devs want us to take our time.:rolleyes:
If the "majority" do not voice their concerns/opinions on the medium given to us, ie: the official forums, what sort of majority are they?
The people that take the time to put their feedback on this forum are people that care enough to have a voice that deserves attention.
If you went to Taco Bell and ordered a #6, received a #4, drove away and never called to complain or returned to have your order fulfilled correctly, how is Taco Bell supposed to know you were dissatisfied?
You can't possibly know what they may or may not have coming out next week, or the week after, or the week after... Personally, I'm going to be unhappy if we have to wait till the next expansion to get something new classwise. I don't want to dungeon grind, and I'm running out of classes to play to 60.
I hope you get banned for exploiting in every universe. Those that don't are fools.
Maybe, but quite possibly not. Having lots of options is not equal to spending. Some restaurants serve 8 types of beer, some have two. That does not mean that people don't buy beer.
I don't know what they have planned that they have not released information for. If they do have these planned, one would think they would have added it to the Fury of the Feywild preview page, or have better communication about it.
I wasn't even online during the time window that whole fiasco occured on. I was on a beach in South Carolina. I'm not an exploiter, I'm just referencing the fact that they banned people for finding a bug in a game that was in a beta test phase.
I'm not understanding your comparison. If the number one beer being bought in the country was Miller Lite, and a certain bar did not have Miller Lite, do you think there would be customers disappointed with this? Some might concede to drinking something else, a little sour that the product they wanted was not available; some may even leave and go to a different bar.
Complain if you want, I dont know why you think that will make coding go any faster.
They have their schedules that have been set by guys in business suits. I dont know if you are new to MMO's, but I dont think I have seen Developers change from their set schedule because of some people whining that what is being worked on isnt what they want.
You dont seem to know the difference between finding a bug and exploiting a bug for profit.
pffts patience, that's why I joined Darkside! No patience required!
If they allocated the team dedicated to the Fury of the Feywild update to coding the new classes and paragon paths, we'd have them much sooner than later. Fact.
If the guys in the suits base their business model on NOT prioritizing content the community asks for, they are doomed to fail.
I understand the difference very well. Shame on them for not quality testing their own patches, and then punishing people for their own incompetence. If they had put the content on a test shard for a few days, the bug might have been found out before it caused "Caturday".
Fact. They have a schedule set for Fury of the Feywild. They wont drop everything because of your *****ing.
They have an ambigious date of "Summer 2013". And they wouldn't have to drop anything if they had started working on things people wanted before Open Beta even began.
They have given us the ambiguous date of Summer 2013, I can guarantee they have a set internal date.
And you think they will be able to code both Fury of the Feywild and new Paragon Paths and new Classes all at the same time? All while trying to bug fix as much as they can? Who are these super programmers?!
That is the point. Why are they coding Fury of the Feywild instead of the new classes and paragon paths.
Why are they not fixing the existing coding that is currently bug-addled and getting worse by the patch.
Im gonna go ahead and just point out that you dont know how game development works and just end this conversation now. Until you understand then it is pointless.
I think the main problem of this game was that, thats why it is dying too fast. CN exploits destroyed the game. Full geared characters in just 2-3 days. If CN wasnt exploitable the game should have lasted longer, at least for the next expansion. I can not understand why they didnt fix it and i dont care atm. They knew about it and they let it since beta release( a fix is coming soon)... its too late now
Why are you assuming they aren't?
It doesn't matter if I understand it or not.
If I'm being asked to draw a picture of a house and a separate picture of a person, and I spend more time and effort drawing the house, which do you think is going to be completed first?
Well, they are giving some of it.... for ex, people complained (myself among them) about lack of visual diversity. So we have dyes in Alchemy, and Module 1 is apparently coming with more armor models.
(also, I'm definitely happy to see more quest content coming. Yeah, I'd like to see an archer class, too. But they can't do everything at once..... well, I suppose they could, but then it would be even more buggy.
I'm assuming they aren't because they have zero communication about these issues, which leads me to believe they aren't.