When I see CW on the enemy team, I just leave the match.
Matches without CWs in them are 10x more fun, regardless who wins.
CWs are poison on this game
I'm not saying they are OP - They aren't
They are just anti-fun.
The game needs diminishing returns for the sole reason of CWs
So take note friends, if you want a fun match, just leave when you see CWs.
edit: * note * My purpose here is that CW make GROUP pvp unfun. This has nothing to do with balance (overpowered/underpowered) just that their non stop cc and massive slows/knockbacks make PvP way less fun then it should be. therefore, thats why I just leave when I see them because spending 20 minutes being knocked around and slowed (with no Diminishing Returns, at that) is simply not fun.
as a cleric, my strategy has become just to leave after the starting timer starts unless I need it for the PvP quest
Quote for Great Justice! Spoooon!
Seriously, as a DC I only do PvP for the daily AD. My per-battle lifetime is 3 to 4 seconds tops in full PvP gear..wil one-shot kills being the more common outcome. It has improved a tad since the balance patch, but not much.
Quote for Great Justice! Spoooon!
Seriously, as a DC I only do PvP for the daily AD. My per-battle lifetime is 3 to 4 seconds tops in full PvP gear..wil one-shot kills being the more common outcome. It has improved a tad since the balance patch, but not much.
Well I always protect my healers. thats just me. But CWs ruin the entire fun.
Fighting someone ? nope, you just got knocked back 100 yards.
About to use a daily ? Nope you just got ice blocked
About to run to help a teammate? Nope. you just got black holed
I still kill them 1v1 - that isn't the problem. They just ruin the entire fun of the matches
Quote for Great Justice! Spoooon!
Seriously, as a DC I only do PvP for the daily AD. My per-battle lifetime is 3 to 4 seconds tops in full PvP gear..wil one-shot kills being the more common outcome. It has improved a tad since the balance patch, but not much.
the balance patch made things way worse for my clerics. AS time got cut in half, and it use to heal them up full, now it doesn't even give them 20% health if that. One of them lost close to around 50% of its divine power regeneration due to how it was slotted. Every other class also seemed instantly to have become OP.
About to use a daily ? Nope you just got ice blocked
My dailies get blocked during use after casting them, that is to say if they are already off and in the process of doing damage if my cleric gets controlled or knocked down or anything my daily in process gets post-terminated (half of the time its blocked anyways, and I just lose all the daily points for nothing)
I want to be very clear that I dont think CWs are OP
They are just anti-fun. I play to have fun, and being knocked around for 20 seconds straight or more is not fun. Period. There is nothing fun about it.
The DC is lvl 60, 10k GS and "critical cleric" spec without nearly the gear that is required for that spec. I try to limit my engagements to 3v3 or 2v2 because any more than that and I go "pop" very quickly. Hang back a bit, drop your AS and heals, hide behind your teammates and know when to disengage to try to stay alive, and know when it is worth just plain dying. I find I have hardly any offense but can help capture/defend points pretty well so I score ok.
The TR is lvl 60, 9.5k GS and kind of a mid-range/stealth build... I try to stay out of the fray, pop in to finish off someone who is injured with lashing blade or stay stealthed and throw CoS and Impact shot, use speed and stealth to slip by and capture a point behind them to distract the enemy from all focusing on one capture. I die a lot, but can also score a lot of captures and a good number of kills. Engaging in melee usually means I am gonna die.
The GWF is lvl 44 so GS doesn't really matter lol. Good TR and CW are my nightmare. TR because they can burst a lot of damage really quick, and engage at range, CW because they can dodge so much (seemly a lot more than I can run) and they have knockbacks/freezes that really mess me up. If I can time my sprints, knockdown, lunge attacks and Unstoppable well than CW can be beat, just gotta keep 'em close. TR are tough because they can dodge pretty well, their face-to-face damage is higher than mine, and they have a couple good stuns. Using a knockdown and unstoppable can be good but I often find 1v1 TRs will melt me. In groups, especially when the enemy bunches up, GWF is a lot of fun because of the AoE at-wills and I find I am muuuuch more tanky now since the unbalancing patch.
I haven't played GF but god **** are they hard to beat at level 60, GS matters sooo much it is pants-on-head HAMSTER. I haven't played CW either but they have a nasty mix of roots, slows and knockbacks, as well as big AoE dps and alphastrike attacks... idk if they are OP but they are definitely a pain in the ***. They aren't quite as squishy as you'd expect either, especially if they are geared out. They can be beat, just gotta be dodgy and try not to come straight at them and facetank.
I want to be very clear that I dont think CWs are OP
They are just anti-fun. I play to have fun, and being knocked around for 20 seconds straight or more is not fun. Period. There is nothing fun about it.
Try playing against a lvl 60 premade with a couple GFs who are all geared out... the "tank" class which has killed me in two hits, both of which are KB or KD attacks... bounce, bounce, dead. Or, getting stuck between two of them, I feel like a cheap ping-pong ball.
Long story short, almost any class when they are super geared out in T2 13290483290x proc enchants will such to play against when you're in T1 PvP gear. GS is king at level 60 right now and the difference between 7k and 9k is huge so you can imagine the difference between 9k and 13k.
The DC is lvl 60, 10k GS and "critical cleric" spec without nearly the gear that is required for that spec. I try to limit my engagements........
Not saying L2P buuuuut....
That was a really decent write up man thanks for sharing. As I said I don;t have a problem beating CWs 1v1. (in b4 "game is not balanced around 1v1" ) My point here is that they make the whole match - the gameplay - unfun. Let me give you an example.
Say you are playing a TR and dueling another TR and an enemy GWF comes up. Well you can try to outplay them but most likely you are gonna get stunned and you are boned. You can try to run though, and you can try to outplay them.
Now take the same duel class vs class and a CW comes. There is now zero counterplay. You will be frozen in place and killed. Or knocked away and killed, Or slowed immensely and killed etc etc etc. So to me, there needs to be counterplay for a game to be fun but there is no counterplay to CWs in group pvp.
That was a really decent write up man thanks for sharing. As I said I don;t have a problem beating CWs 1v1. (in b4 "game is not balanced around 1v1" ) My point here is that they make the whole match - the gameplay - unfun. Let me give you an example.
Say you are playing a TR and dueling another TR and an enemy GWF comes up. Well you can try to outplay them but most likely you are gonna get stunned and you are boned. You can try to run though, and you can try to outplay them.
Now take the same duel class vs class and a CW comes. There is now zero counterplay. You will be frozen in place and killed. Or knocked away and killed, Or slowed immensely and killed etc etc etc. So to me, there needs to be counterplay for a game to be fun but there is no counterplay to CWs in group pvp.
try playing as a cleric where every class makes you feel that way except for other clerics... your dailies are always interrupted even though they were casted first, have gone half off, and then get cancelled out cause a second or so later a control or stun move is used upon you
When I see CW on the enemy team, I just leave the match.
Matches without CWs in them are 10x more fun, regardless who wins.
CWs are poison on this game
I'm not saying they are OP - They aren't
They are just anti-fun.
The game needs diminishing returns for the sole reason of CWs
So take note friends, if you want a fun match, just leave when you see CWs.
edit: * note * My purpose here is that CW make GROUP pvp unfun. This has nothing to do with balance (overpowered/underpowered) just that their non stop cc and massive slows/knockbacks make PvP way less fun then it should be. therefore, thats why I just leave when I see them because spending 20 minutes being knocked around and slowed (with no Diminishing Returns, at that) is simply not fun.
ON the 20th this month they will probably add leaver penalties for PvP & PvE , if not on the 20th it will be soon enough to discourage players like you to even think about afk or leaving .
ON the 20th this month they will probably add leaver penalties for PvP & PvE , if not on the 20th it will be soon enough to discourage players like you to even think about afk or leaving .
Have a nice day .
Oh I'm sorry for wanting a fun gaming experience
darkchlorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I would say being able to one or two shot anyone in PvP is the same problem - there is no counterplay.
The counterplay is your team backing you up or you sacrificing your life for a team objective . The PvP in this game is based on capping points defending them and fighting for them . It's not a deathmatch and it will never be . Now if you want deathmatch or duels there are plenty of MMOs that has them already . Neverwinter on the other hand doesn't have this option atm . Is it too hard to understand or you're just one of these people that cry that everything is OP because they refuse to adapt and learn ?
The counterplay is your team backing you up or you sacrificing your life for a team objective . The PvP in this game is based on capping points defending them and fighting for them . It's not a deathmatch and it will never be . Now if you want deathmatch or duels there are plenty of MMOs that has them already . Neverwinter on the other hand doesn't have this option atm . Is it too hard to understand or you're just one of these people that cry that everything is OP because they refuse to adapt and learn ?
Yeah right, first to solve this issue, all CC skills must be disabled so pvp will be pure dps. Second, there should be PVP only skills, or the same skill with different use in PVP.
Seems non of you played GW pvp, which is had a well balanced pvp.
Whoever call this game has a pvp, he is kidding himself. This game has zero pvp, ZERO.
The counterplay is your team backing you up or you sacrificing your life for a team objective . The PvP in this game is based on capping points defending them and fighting for them . It's not a deathmatch and it will never be . Now if you want deathmatch or duels there are plenty of MMOs that has them already . Neverwinter on the other hand doesn't have this option atm . Is it too hard to understand or you're just one of these people that cry that everything is OP because they refuse to adapt and learn ?
before level 60, matches were fairly even and didn't one hit kill... perhaps slotted gems and enchantments shouldn't work in PvP
The counterplay is your team backing you up or you sacrificing your life for a team objective . The PvP in this game is based on capping points defending them and fighting for them . It's not a deathmatch and it will never be . Now if you want deathmatch or duels there are plenty of MMOs that has them already . Neverwinter on the other hand doesn't have this option atm . Is it too hard to understand or you're just one of these people that cry that everything is OP because they refuse to adapt and learn ?
I never said they were OP. I said it was not fun being CCed for 20 seconds straight. Being able to 2 shot them doesn't make the relentless CC fun.
I never said they were OP. I said it was not fun being CCed for 20 seconds straight. Being able to 2 shot them doesn't make the relentless CC fun.
There are at least 2 more classes that can knockback you just the same as a CW and kill you faster than a CW. There is at least one more class that can drop you from 100% to 0% with just an at-will and a broken feature.
There are at least 2 more classes that can knockback you just the same as a CW and kill you faster than a CW. There is at least one more class that can drop you from 100% to 0% with just an at-will and a broken feature.
And yet you only complain about CWs... LOL
Because they are the only ones that can CC you for 20 seconds straight...what part of 20 seconds CC do you either not understand or are false relating to other classes ?
When I see CW on the enemy team, I just leave the match.
Matches without CWs in them are 10x more fun, regardless who wins.
CWs are poison on this game
I'm not saying they are OP - They aren't
They are just anti-fun.
The game needs diminishing returns for the sole reason of CWs
So take note friends, if you want a fun match, just leave when you see CWs.
edit: * note * My purpose here is that CW make GROUP pvp unfun. This has nothing to do with balance (overpowered/underpowered) just that their non stop cc and massive slows/knockbacks make PvP way less fun then it should be. therefore, thats why I just leave when I see them because spending 20 minutes being knocked around and slowed (with no Diminishing Returns, at that) is simply not fun.
Please name those CC abilities' they're using on you, and tell me how long that control lasts.
Then compare it to GWF/GF stunlock duration and you'll be surprised.
Because they are the only ones that can CC you for 20 seconds straight...what part of 20 seconds CC do you either not understand or are false relating to other classes ?
so wait, you're complaining that you can actually stay alive for 20 FULL seconds when the other 3 classes can anihilate anyone in like 5 seconds? You amuse me. I bet you're a TR, or better yet, a GF.
so wait, you're complaining that you can actually stay alive for 20 FULL seconds when the other 3 classes can anihilate anyone in like 5 seconds? You amuse me. I bet you're a TR, or better yet, a GF.
Gotta love your mascara tears.
ya, gloat it up, but if it lasts a minute and a half to two minutes the cleric can kill you
Yeah... 2shot kills,no gearscore check or anything,bots,perma cc, pvp combat most of the times beeing a bad thing to do..
Just a few things that dont really let me enjoy "pvp" in Neverwinter.. Might be cause im not a lvl 60 that has full enchants and 2shots people.. I do,to people with worse gear then me tho.. Not really "Fun" or "challenging" PvP for me atleast.. But the point is,avoiding fights,and just capping Points gives better results most of the time in random Queue atleast from my experience..
But sure,those with fully geared chars will come here and tell us l2p. Balance is always scary to those who profit from it not beeing there Some love to steamroll their opponent due to gear difference or class imbalances..
I just stopped PvPing on cleric,dps is king in this game and there is no denying it (premade groups are the only way i would even bother to pvp on cleric nowdays)
But oh well,dont like it : here is the door! stop crying and adapt,aka roll a tank,open the wallet(use some exploit hrhr,or simply grind for a few months),buy broken enchants,go 2hit people and spam /say nooooob l2p.
as a cleric, my strategy has become just to leave after the starting timer starts unless I need it for the PvP quest
Quote for Great Justice! Spoooon!
Seriously, as a DC I only do PvP for the daily AD. My per-battle lifetime is 3 to 4 seconds tops in full PvP gear..wil one-shot kills being the more common outcome. It has improved a tad since the balance patch, but not much.
Well I always protect my healers. thats just me. But CWs ruin the entire fun.
Fighting someone ? nope, you just got knocked back 100 yards.
About to use a daily ? Nope you just got ice blocked
About to run to help a teammate? Nope. you just got black holed
I still kill them 1v1 - that isn't the problem. They just ruin the entire fun of the matches
the balance patch made things way worse for my clerics. AS time got cut in half, and it use to heal them up full, now it doesn't even give them 20% health if that. One of them lost close to around 50% of its divine power regeneration due to how it was slotted. Every other class also seemed instantly to have become OP.
My dailies get blocked during use after casting them, that is to say if they are already off and in the process of doing damage if my cleric gets controlled or knocked down or anything my daily in process gets post-terminated (half of the time its blocked anyways, and I just lose all the daily points for nothing)
They are just anti-fun. I play to have fun, and being knocked around for 20 seconds straight or more is not fun. Period. There is nothing fun about it.
The DC is lvl 60, 10k GS and "critical cleric" spec without nearly the gear that is required for that spec. I try to limit my engagements to 3v3 or 2v2 because any more than that and I go "pop" very quickly. Hang back a bit, drop your AS and heals, hide behind your teammates and know when to disengage to try to stay alive, and know when it is worth just plain dying. I find I have hardly any offense but can help capture/defend points pretty well so I score ok.
The TR is lvl 60, 9.5k GS and kind of a mid-range/stealth build... I try to stay out of the fray, pop in to finish off someone who is injured with lashing blade or stay stealthed and throw CoS and Impact shot, use speed and stealth to slip by and capture a point behind them to distract the enemy from all focusing on one capture. I die a lot, but can also score a lot of captures and a good number of kills. Engaging in melee usually means I am gonna die.
The GWF is lvl 44 so GS doesn't really matter lol. Good TR and CW are my nightmare. TR because they can burst a lot of damage really quick, and engage at range, CW because they can dodge so much (seemly a lot more than I can run) and they have knockbacks/freezes that really mess me up. If I can time my sprints, knockdown, lunge attacks and Unstoppable well than CW can be beat, just gotta keep 'em close. TR are tough because they can dodge pretty well, their face-to-face damage is higher than mine, and they have a couple good stuns. Using a knockdown and unstoppable can be good but I often find 1v1 TRs will melt me. In groups, especially when the enemy bunches up, GWF is a lot of fun because of the AoE at-wills and I find I am muuuuch more tanky now since the unbalancing patch.
I haven't played GF but god **** are they hard to beat at level 60, GS matters sooo much it is pants-on-head HAMSTER. I haven't played CW either but they have a nasty mix of roots, slows and knockbacks, as well as big AoE dps and alphastrike attacks... idk if they are OP but they are definitely a pain in the ***. They aren't quite as squishy as you'd expect either, especially if they are geared out. They can be beat, just gotta be dodgy and try not to come straight at them and facetank.
Not saying L2P buuuuut....
Try playing against a lvl 60 premade with a couple GFs who are all geared out... the "tank" class which has killed me in two hits, both of which are KB or KD attacks... bounce, bounce, dead. Or, getting stuck between two of them, I feel like a cheap ping-pong ball.
That was a really decent write up man thanks for sharing. As I said I don;t have a problem beating CWs 1v1. (in b4 "game is not balanced around 1v1" ) My point here is that they make the whole match - the gameplay - unfun. Let me give you an example.
Say you are playing a TR and dueling another TR and an enemy GWF comes up. Well you can try to outplay them but most likely you are gonna get stunned and you are boned. You can try to run though, and you can try to outplay them.
Now take the same duel class vs class and a CW comes. There is now zero counterplay. You will be frozen in place and killed. Or knocked away and killed, Or slowed immensely and killed etc etc etc. So to me, there needs to be counterplay for a game to be fun but there is no counterplay to CWs in group pvp.
try playing as a cleric where every class makes you feel that way except for other clerics... your dailies are always interrupted even though they were casted first, have gone half off, and then get cancelled out cause a second or so later a control or stun move is used upon you
ON the 20th this month they will probably add leaver penalties for PvP & PvE , if not on the 20th it will be soon enough to discourage players like you to even think about afk or leaving .
Have a nice day .
Oh I'm sorry for wanting a fun gaming experience
I two shot CW's in PvP. So what is the problem? They make it unfun for you, I make it unfun for them. It's all balanced out in the end.
I would say being able to one or two shot anyone in PvP is the same problem - there is no counterplay.
The counterplay is your team backing you up or you sacrificing your life for a team objective . The PvP in this game is based on capping points defending them and fighting for them . It's not a deathmatch and it will never be . Now if you want deathmatch or duels there are plenty of MMOs that has them already . Neverwinter on the other hand doesn't have this option atm . Is it too hard to understand or you're just one of these people that cry that everything is OP because they refuse to adapt and learn ?
Yeah right, first to solve this issue, all CC skills must be disabled so pvp will be pure dps. Second, there should be PVP only skills, or the same skill with different use in PVP.
Seems non of you played GW pvp, which is had a well balanced pvp.
Whoever call this game has a pvp, he is kidding himself. This game has zero pvp, ZERO.
before level 60, matches were fairly even and didn't one hit kill... perhaps slotted gems and enchantments shouldn't work in PvP
I never said they were OP. I said it was not fun being CCed for 20 seconds straight. Being able to 2 shot them doesn't make the relentless CC fun.
There are at least 2 more classes that can knockback you just the same as a CW and kill you faster than a CW. There is at least one more class that can drop you from 100% to 0% with just an at-will and a broken feature.
And yet you only complain about CWs... LOL
I want this class in NW.
Because they are the only ones that can CC you for 20 seconds straight...what part of 20 seconds CC do you either not understand or are false relating to other classes ?
Teh horror.
Please name those CC abilities' they're using on you, and tell me how long that control lasts.
Then compare it to GWF/GF stunlock duration and you'll be surprised.
so wait, you're complaining that you can actually stay alive for 20 FULL seconds when the other 3 classes can anihilate anyone in like 5 seconds? You amuse me. I bet you're a TR, or better yet, a GF.
Gotta love your mascara tears.
I want this class in NW.
ya, gloat it up, but if it lasts a minute and a half to two minutes the cleric can kill you
Just a few things that dont really let me enjoy "pvp" in Neverwinter.. Might be cause im not a lvl 60 that has full enchants and 2shots people.. I do,to people with worse gear then me tho.. Not really "Fun" or "challenging" PvP for me atleast.. But the point is,avoiding fights,and just capping Points gives better results most of the time in random Queue atleast from my experience..
But sure,those with fully geared chars will come here and tell us l2p. Balance is always scary to those who profit from it not beeing there
I just stopped PvPing on cleric,dps is king in this game and there is no denying it (premade groups are the only way i would even bother to pvp on cleric nowdays)
But oh well,dont like it : here is the door! stop crying and adapt,aka roll a tank,open the wallet(use some exploit hrhr,or simply grind for a few months),buy broken enchants,go 2hit people and spam /say nooooob l2p.