It's actually pretty ironic, but female half-orcs do have better looking models than for example - elves.
They do not suffer with this strange elongated neck, twiggy limbs and strange angle of eye placement.
It's actually pretty ironic, but female half-orcs do have better looking models than for example - elves.
They do not suffer with this strange elongated neck, twiggy limbs and strange angle of eye placement.
Yes! I was rather disappointed when I saw the character models for Elves in this game. It is extremely hard to make an attractive female Elf. They always look... off, or at least that is my personal opinion. I have found that it is easiest to make an attractive half-elf; male or female.
kagetempestMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
If we go by dnd 3.5 stats, she is not dumb lol. You need an 8 in intelligence to speak and understand common, but average intelligence is at "10" Given that her charisma is also above 10, that means she is rather quite beautiful, or at least has a personality that more than makes up for her body if it is unappealing.
I had one elf NPC in my Foundry, ended redoing her as half-elf because she was supposed to be attractive. She's still an elf story-wise, but uses half elf model.
I think that most female models looks better than elves and it's because of eyes and overly sharp angles in elven faces.
All character models in Neverwinter are following closely official character art for 4th ed.
Problem is, what looks good in 2d art may not look as good in 3d art.
While 4th ed half-orcs are simply humans with pointy ears and protruding tusks, 4th ed elves are looking strange.
Not Cryptic's fault, they did everything to follow WoTC licence.
Those characters don't look very orc-ish at all, and it's an official 4th ed art for half-orcs:
On the other hand, how 4th ed elves are made is also official WoTC design:
Skyrim has the same problem. It's very easy to make good looking orc of every gender with no mods, but elves are always looking very "uncanny valley" and it's because of face angles.
Nah. I'd hate to hit a cripple girl.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
I didnt post my stats haha 24 str / 24 dex / 14 cha / 12 int haha. yeah shes a dummy. a sexy dummy.
I doubt informing you of the topic will help at all, since it's so obvious anyway.
Ill have you know Im a perfect patient.
They do not suffer with this strange elongated neck, twiggy limbs and strange angle of eye placement.
--Part 1: Spells and Coin (NW-DHM3XQVQK)
--Part 2: A Blind Eye (NW-DI3QTHZGJ)
--Part 3: Dodo's Dinner (NW-DHPA8O253)
-One Shots
--The Wizard of Eldeur (NW-DRKQNE4S7)
You might have a 24 strength, but you have no legs.
That makes you a cripple.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
Just kidding, I think you look cool, but why does everyone choose that dye scheme for the wedding attire?.
Yes! I was rather disappointed when I saw the character models for Elves in this game. It is extremely hard to make an attractive female Elf. They always look... off, or at least that is my personal opinion. I have found that it is easiest to make an attractive half-elf; male or female.
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat
I'd have to agree. Some Tiefling females also look really good.
I actually think the Dwarf women are kinda cute. I'm really not sure I wanna speculate what that says about me.
I think that most female models looks better than elves and it's because of eyes and overly sharp angles in elven faces.
All character models in Neverwinter are following closely official character art for 4th ed.
Problem is, what looks good in 2d art may not look as good in 3d art.
While 4th ed half-orcs are simply humans with pointy ears and protruding tusks, 4th ed elves are looking strange.
Not Cryptic's fault, they did everything to follow WoTC licence.
Those characters don't look very orc-ish at all, and it's an official 4th ed art for half-orcs:
On the other hand, how 4th ed elves are made is also official WoTC design:
Skyrim has the same problem. It's very easy to make good looking orc of every gender with no mods, but elves are always looking very "uncanny valley" and it's because of face angles.
... dumb *** wants attention
I don't like it. There's no contrast. Your skin color almost matches your dress color.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
I'll take the one on the right..
Just don't look under the dress, and you wont have any surprises.
Surprises?! I like surprises!