Either MAKE A FULL LIST OF which powers/feats are bugged so they dont spec wrongly or REMOVE ZEN COST on respec.
It can almost be consider SCAMMING since ppl pay for respec and then realise their new build is actually bugged. And there is NO ETA on when its going to be fixed.
Stop being reasonable. This is the internet and PW has to make money.
gulrakdarkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
How can we get the attention of Cryptic/PW any better to these issues? I have this paranoid feeling that they are running a skeleton crew and laughing at all the money they've made, making PW proud.
To think this many core abilities and feat passives are bugged for one class is crazy. I've been arguing for free respecs but that might be futile when you have nothing else working to respec to heh. Yet I really like the class, CW's game play is fun. Just hope they fix these things. Just can't believe the audacity of PW to charge for REPSECS in an OPEN BETA when so many abilities are BUGGED!?!
How can we get the attention of Cryptic/PW any better to these issues? I have this paranoid feeling that they are running a skeleton crew and laughing at all the money they've made, making PW proud.
Yeah. I mean why fix something major like this when they can fix two minor issues?
After all if it doesn't cut into their profits, why even bother?
m0n3d4Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
So after having reviewed this and another video I've made I've come to believe that Chaos Magic procs are occurring but the text notifications aren't working properly. I received a text notifications of Chaotic Growth and Chaotic Fury approximately 5 and a half minutes into this video when someone else's Magic Missile debuffs me, but I haven't been receiving notifications of my own procs for days.
The Gladiator Mage 4 Piece PVP set bonus says it reduces the cooldown of the ability in spell mastery slot by 25%, but currently doesn't reduce the cooldown at all. Been trying every encounter ability in both normal encounter slot and tab slot and every ability has the same cooldown regardless of the spot.
shgthMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
The Gladiator Mage 4 Piece PVP set bonus says it reduces the cooldown of the ability in spell mastery slot by 25%, but currently doesn't reduce the cooldown at all. Been trying every encounter ability in both normal encounter slot and tab slot and every ability has the same cooldown regardless of the spot.
Weird as it reduces my encounter cooldowns. Tried with 3 obvious ones. If you want to test it, remove all 4 pieces and compare the tooltips and actual cooldowns after using encounters. If you only remove one set item, you still get %18,75 reduced cooldowns. Every set piece upto 4 decreases more and more cooldowns, you don't need all 4 to reduce them.
- Shagath, VoTF
Previous guilds: Double Deviants, Orum, Sandwitches, Dragon Order of Arcanix and many many more.
Hope I find some old friends!
Weird as it reduces my encounter cooldowns. Tried with 3 obvious ones. If you want to test it, remove all 4 pieces and compare the tooltips and actual cooldowns after using encounters. If you only remove one set item, you still get %18,75 reduced cooldowns. Every set piece upto 4 decreases more and more cooldowns, you don't need all 4 to reduce them.
If i have every set piece equipped and I put f.ex. steal time to my spell mastery slot and use it, the cooldown will count down from 15 seconds, exactly from the same time it starts counting down from if it's in any other given slot.
Besides, it isn't even supposed to reduce cooldowns from any other encounter except the one which is in the spell mastery (tab) slot.
Sometimes when I drop an Icy Terrain, Eye of the Storm will proc. The target appears to glitch. The subject will be immobilized for the duration of Eye of the Storm (at least, the immobilize/snow pile graphic doesn't fade), and the target is NOT subject to Eye of the Storm.
A fairly minor glitch. I haven't nailed the behavior down just yet, but that's the gist of it.
Icy Ray does not display it's improved damage when spell mastery. VERY minor issue. The spell receives the damage for spell mastery though.
Shard of Endless Avalanche doesn't seem to get the promised cooldown reduction for levelling it up.
Will test all of them more.
Weird as it reduces my encounter cooldowns. Tried with 3 obvious ones. If you want to test it, remove all 4 pieces and compare the tooltips and actual cooldowns after using encounters. If you only remove one set item, you still get %18,75 reduced cooldowns. Every set piece upto 4 decreases more and more cooldowns, you don't need all 4 to reduce them.
You forget the 2 piece bonus and that all the pieces each comes with recovery. Of course you will have CD reduction with the pieces on. Point is that the 4 piece bonus doesn't work. Period.
I've noticed that Eye of the storm can proc on Shard of The Endless Avalanche or Icy Terrain
(possibly other spells that cannot crit).
When it procs on these spells you do not gain the benefits of Eye of The Storm.
This means it wastes the proc and you do half the dps you should be doing.
You would probably be better using Evocation and Storm Spell if you're using icy terrain. It procs Eye of the storm all the time.
...*some bla-bla-bla about Tiefling bug*...
So please share the spells you tested, as the top 3 CW's in my guild re-rolled Humans after figuring this out. They are pretty hardcore min/maxers and theorycrafters, and wouldn't jump to such conclusions lightly.
Kind of feeling really bad for those guys. In terms of doing damage from 0 to 100% hp (and, statistically, on eternity-long periods of time u doing exactly 0-100% damage) doing 15% more damage on targets <30% hp means u doing 4.5% more overall damage (0.7+0.3*1.15). While tiefling racial means you doing 2.5% more everall damage (0.5+1.05*0.5). Its kinda less than 2% overall damage increase. (less because its not 4.5% - 2.5% = 2%, but 1.045/1.025 instead)
Take this positively - u have 5 more feat points to spend!;)
With best regards, Lazy tiefling CW Theorycrafter.
Well, if thaumaturge path blocked with this bug and renegade gonna be nerfed soon i honestly dunno what to build for. (Sorry for bad eng.)
Been testing on preview shard. Snap Freeze still bugged, was testing tabbed and untabbed CoI and Chill Strike. Only time Snap Freeze would actually increase damage was on untabbed Chill Strike still. So that feat is kinda pointless too, along with Tempest Magic still being bugged for Tiefling. Oh, and Elemental Empowerment doesn't proc off tabbed Chill Strike. Thaumaturge is so buggy imo you basically waste feats just to get to the mitigation debuff.
Just found another bug or least I believe it's not intended. Decided to mess around with Critical Power just outta curiousity. Anyways, when it procs off criticals on an AE ability, you get the 5% bonus AP per target hit, don't think I've seen this posted anywhere before so there it is.
stelarvgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Bugs I've tested on Preview:
Sudden storm can't crit (initial damage), still doesn't damage targets being pulled by Singularity. Damage got fixed it's no longer lower than tooltip.
Evocation still doesn't affect a lot of AoE spells, spells not affected: Singularity, Conduit of ice, Sudden storm, Icy terrain, Shard of the... and probably Storm pillar though I'm not 100% sure about that. Spells that benefit from Evocation: Ice storm, Steal time, Chill strike(tab). I didn't test Evocation on Oppresive force, Repel(tab), Chilling cloud and Shield yet.
Icy terrain can't crit, procs Eye of the Storm floater but not the effect.
Storm pillar also can't crit on initial strike, though no one will be using it anyway so it doesn't matter that much.
PvP set reduces tabbed spells cooldown but only for 15% not 25%.
Conduit of Ice: The primary effect of this power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation.
Sudden Storm: The Spell Mastery version of this power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation. (I guess the none mastery version of this spell is still not considered as AOE)
Entangling Force: This power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation.
To me this means that does spells are not considered as AOE ability's
Icy Terrain - this is a big mystery why Evocation do not increase it's damage.
Storm Pillar is At-Will power... I doubt that Evocation will have any effect on it (period)
Shard of the Endless Avalanche - I don't think that this spell will be effected by Evocation at all! I know, I know... it does explode and do AOE damage but let's face it... this spell is still useless in PVE
I have to agree that a lot of things are not fixed yet... and I want to mention that Oppressive Force also cannot hit enemy's when Arcane Singularity is active... just as Sudden Storm and also cannot crit as well!
I find the last thing very problematic... considering that the new content has 20 vs 20 PVP phase where you gonna have more then one CW and some of them will cast does spells together... and dus makes "Oppressive Force" useless
I think the problem that does spells have is that they are considered as ground damage ability's... where Arcane Singularity is not!
Only icestorm, Shield, Steal Time and Chilling Strike benefit from aoe modifiers aka Evocation and feats. Other AOE do not, why?
Stop being reasonable. This is the internet and PW has to make money.
No it doesn't. At least not with Magic Missile. I did ACT testing and ended up doing .4% more damage WITHOUT TM.
Edit: Yeah, I can't spell. Fixed.
To think this many core abilities and feat passives are bugged for one class is crazy. I've been arguing for free respecs but that might be futile when you have nothing else working to respec to heh. Yet I really like the class, CW's game play is fun. Just hope they fix these things. Just can't believe the audacity of PW to charge for REPSECS in an OPEN BETA when so many abilities are BUGGED!?!
Yeah. I mean why fix something major like this when they can fix two minor issues?
After all if it doesn't cut into their profits, why even bother?
So after having reviewed this and another video I've made I've come to believe that Chaos Magic procs are occurring but the text notifications aren't working properly. I received a text notifications of Chaotic Growth and Chaotic Fury approximately 5 and a half minutes into this video when someone else's Magic Missile debuffs me, but I haven't been receiving notifications of my own procs for days.
Previous guilds: Double Deviants, Orum, Sandwitches, Dragon Order of Arcanix and many many more.
Hope I find some old friends!
Besides, it isn't even supposed to reduce cooldowns from any other encounter except the one which is in the spell mastery (tab) slot.
and me too....useless team. greed always destroys everything good.
A fairly minor glitch. I haven't nailed the behavior down just yet, but that's the gist of it.
Icy Ray does not display it's improved damage when spell mastery. VERY minor issue. The spell receives the damage for spell mastery though.
Shard of Endless Avalanche doesn't seem to get the promised cooldown reduction for levelling it up.
Will test all of them more.
(possibly other spells that cannot crit).
When it procs on these spells you do not gain the benefits of Eye of The Storm.
This means it wastes the proc and you do half the dps you should be doing.
You would probably be better using Evocation and Storm Spell if you're using icy terrain. It procs Eye of the storm all the time.
Kind of feeling really bad for those guys. In terms of doing damage from 0 to 100% hp (and, statistically, on eternity-long periods of time u doing exactly 0-100% damage) doing 15% more damage on targets <30% hp means u doing 4.5% more overall damage (0.7+0.3*1.15). While tiefling racial means you doing 2.5% more everall damage (0.5+1.05*0.5). Its kinda less than 2% overall damage increase. (less because its not 4.5% - 2.5% = 2%, but 1.045/1.025 instead)
Take this positively - u have 5 more feat points to spend!;)
With best regards, Lazy tiefling CW Theorycrafter.
Well, if thaumaturge path blocked with this bug and renegade gonna be nerfed soon i honestly dunno what to build for.
My videos
Sudden storm can't crit (initial damage), still doesn't damage targets being pulled by Singularity. Damage got fixed it's no longer lower than tooltip.
Evocation still doesn't affect a lot of AoE spells, spells not affected: Singularity, Conduit of ice, Sudden storm, Icy terrain, Shard of the... and probably Storm pillar though I'm not 100% sure about that. Spells that benefit from Evocation: Ice storm, Steal time, Chill strike(tab). I didn't test Evocation on Oppresive force, Repel(tab), Chilling cloud and Shield yet.
Icy terrain can't crit, procs Eye of the Storm floater but not the effect.
Storm pillar also can't crit on initial strike, though no one will be using it anyway so it doesn't matter that much.
PvP set reduces tabbed spells cooldown but only for 15% not 25%.
Conduit of Ice: The primary effect of this power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation.
Sudden Storm: The Spell Mastery version of this power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation. (I guess the none mastery version of this spell is still not considered as AOE)
Entangling Force: This power is now considered a DoT for damage calculation.
To me this means that does spells are not considered as AOE ability's
Icy Terrain - this is a big mystery why Evocation do not increase it's damage.
Storm Pillar is At-Will power... I doubt that Evocation will have any effect on it (period)
Shard of the Endless Avalanche - I don't think that this spell will be effected by Evocation at all! I know, I know... it does explode and do AOE damage but let's face it... this spell is still useless in PVE
I have to agree that a lot of things are not fixed yet... and I want to mention that Oppressive Force also cannot hit enemy's when Arcane Singularity is active... just as Sudden Storm and also cannot crit as well!
I find the last thing very problematic... considering that the new content has 20 vs 20 PVP phase where you gonna have more then one CW and some of them will cast does spells together... and dus makes "Oppressive Force" useless
I think the problem that does spells have is that they are considered as ground damage ability's... where Arcane Singularity is not!