Currently I need to patch 1.5kMB and in over 30 minutes only 101mb have gone by. I was in the middle of a Tier 2 dungeon and restarted client to fix a lag issue and could not log back in. Thankfully my guildies understood but I'm unable to log in at all and play. I did a flush, restarted client, restarted computer and force verify and I've yet to get any results. Patches usually take 5 minutes tops if it's a big one but never this long. Can anyone help please?
Currently I need to patch 1.5kMB and in over 30 minutes only 101mb have gone by. I was in the middle of a Tier 2 dungeon and restarted client to fix a lag issue and could not log back in. Thankfully my guildies understood but I'm unable to log in at all and play. I did a flush, restarted client, restarted computer and force verify and I've yet to get any results. Patches usually take 5 minutes tops if it's a big one but never this long. Can anyone help please?
You are not alone. I am in Oz but not sure if my location would make a difference.
Hmmm I wanna say I logged in a few times today; perhaps around 11am PST; I think this was the time it patched 109mb; got done pretty fast.
Or it couldve been at 530pm PST
Either way I re logged around 11:20pm PST; absolutely no problems logging in; but after logging out it proceeded to start patching....this time weighing at 1589mb meaning 1.5gigs
And I'm pretty sure well over 10minutes has past by and only 65mb has been downloaded.
Extremely slow patching
However I think I'm gonna go to bed and HOPE by 5pm PST tomorrow (Saturday) the patcher will fix itself because I'm pretty sure any normal 1.5gig file I can get it downloaded within 10minutes flat !!!
So I just CANCELLED the patching process; re launched NeverWinter client; after logging in it doesnt download any patches; but it looked like it was connecting to a .47 version
So I'm ready to hit PLAY with no patching process.
While I'm still here and before i go to bed. Sometimes when I launch the .exe I will see in the upper left corner saying 'updating patcher' in 5...4....3...2 or whatever.
After login screen appears my launcher version says:
Laucher version is the same but its trying to connect to a .3 version; give me a min while I search for recent patch notes
PS. HMMM Only .3 version possibly points to NW.1.20130416a.30 but not sure if this is exact version. And if it is, this is a May 21st build and seeing as I'm sure all of us has logged in since and patched; why is it accessing this version?
So if you cancel the Patcher and re launch .exe it will load just fine especially if you just recently patched loads .47
After you hit PLAY and are at Main Screen you can choose; log out and EXIT and the Patcher will re connect and try and download a 1.5gig file which takes astronomically long.
And the good news??? I screen-shotted the Version number...Here ya GO!!!
VERSION NW.3.20130529A.3.
Again; if I hit close in upper right and re launch it will load .47 and wont patch at all; its when you exit the game it tries to re-download or downloads that version!!
draelin1978Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
So if you cancel the Patcher and re launch .exe it will load just fine especially if you just recently patched loads .47
After you hit PLAY and are at Main Screen you can choose; log out and EXIT and the Patcher will re connect and try and download a 1.5gig file which takes astronomically long.
And the good news??? I screen-shotted the Version number...Here ya GO!!!
VERSION NW.3.20130529A.3.
Again; if I hit close in upper right and re launch it will load .47 and wont patch at all; its when you exit the game it tries to re-download or downloads that version!!
Same, it was after downloading, playing the game for a bit, and then finally exiting out. I don't know if it is the same patch number, but I assume. I have left it running for 3 hours and it is still only 79% done. curious what is going on here.
elthiruilMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Yea this happened to me too, I was trying to do a pvp group and experienced multiple grouping problems with our guild group having to relogin many times, then I decided to exit and see if that helped, and then I ended up patch the A.3 version, quite strange. I'm currently at 34% - should I leave it just keep going?
Ok there is something really wrong here, so I canceled it, got into the game, played for awhile, after exiting the game again, the launcher - AUTO-restarts itself and the whole process continues again .. er WTF!?!?
rew1ndrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited June 2013
7 hrs and only 46% done
(3gb patch because I HAVE to have on-demand patching disbaled)
elthiruilMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
chuckwolf - thanks for some actual information on what is happening, personally its surprising that there was no actual confirmation on what was happening from Cryptic, very un-profressional. Can't just jump sh|t on the end-user and then go o and btw that HUGE file you are downloading is the test-server, I read all the upcoming details and recent patch notes, and *nothing* was said about this, other than it was coming, and they also didn't say that it would require a full re-download.
Bugs, upon bugs, and bugs .. bugs, something bugs ... GET YOUR FREAKIN ACT TOGETHER!
My game patched - it took maybe 2 hours and I am also in oz - but now I've swapped characters and it's decided it's going to patch it again and again it's very very slow.
I was just swapping for DD
I'm fairly heartbroken about this. I don't get a lot of opportunities to play DD (and therefore any dungeons really and therefore any T2 loot) and this happens
Currently 2230KB of 1589MB and not going very fast.
~*~ Sparkles! ~*~
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
My game patched - it took maybe 2 hours and I am also in oz - but now I've swapped characters and it's decided it's going to patch it again and again it's very very slow.
I was just swapping for DD
I'm fairly heartbroken about this. I don't get a lot of opportunities to play DD (and therefore any dungeons really and therefore any T2 loot) and this happens
Currently 2230KB of 1589MB and not going very fast.
I updated my launcher it hit 100% and then when I got into the game and logged off the dumb launcher started patching again - what is this sorcery ?! what is going on here ?
i dont see the point in making an epic game and then not supporting it properly?
it tooke me 60+ hours just to DL, am lvl 7 and have died more than 10 times due to lag, spent all my time at a campfire healing injuries (says it should take 5 mins for minor inj) every 2-3 mins server is unresponsive for 2 mins, injusry heals after about 15 minutes and then i am DCd for being unactive even though i make sure to move char between unresponsive server times, upon log out im supposed to DL 1.5 gigs everytime? how does this make any sense? im on day 4 of playing now and have got about an hour of good playtime total.
i expect this game will fail if not looked after quick, i am ready to give up and uninstall as im sure other players are too.
no matter how epic a game it WILL fail if not properly supported or supported at all (tribes vengeance did better with no support, do you understand what that means cryptic? it means a game that was released dead had more life)
the users cannot squeeze blood from this stone
edit : how can servers expect to be ran normally when all players are constantly DLing 1.5 gigs? hope patches come from seperate servers...
Been downloadin this patch since 11am UK time, I thought I would have an hour on my 30mb connection to download everything before the DD event started at midday... what a mistake that was! 5pm now and its only at 78%.
Makes for a sad angel.
Eleanor - Guardian Fighter Level 60 - Genuine Tank
Selina - Trickster Rogue Level 20 - Under Construction
I was uploading a foundry for the first time around 2:00am this morning, and then some how I got knock off, and then I quit the launcher like usual to restart it, and I all of a sudden the Launcher comes up and starts downloading a patch, and it was taking a while, so I went to bed. Then I got up this morning, and walk over to my computer, and it was at 98%. After a while it reset to 0%, and this time round it is downloading extremely slow. Its been like an hour later, and its at 2%.
Been downloadin this patch since 11am UK time, I thought I would have an hour on my 30mb connection to download everything before the DD event started at midday... what a mistake that was! 5pm now and its only at 78%.
Makes for a sad angel.
I don't think your speed matters they must limit it on their server or something I have 120mb and I've been stuck at 91% for about an hour and its been patching for nearly 4 hours.
@Fatdwarf thanks for the link, will read after posting this, no matter what the news: at least there is news right? thanks again
edit: news is 2 days old, as far as i know its been implemented and that this is either a new patch or for some reason downloading this patch all over again?
either way, i know they're doing alot of work but i want it now :rolleyes:
Only thing that works for me is Disable Patch on Demand, my computer can't handle to be on overnight since it overheats but thank you all for all the replies! Maybe we will get a dev response with so many having this issue.
draelin1978Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
did it again this afternoon, it never finished and was only receiveing 0.1 kb every 10 mins or so. so i closed it down, worked fine today, if you count all bots in PVP fine... and hen i closed it down it tried to again, i shut it off before it loaded the patcher though.
Each time client is exited after loggin, a new client is automatically opened. Tries to patch and closes on its own, not patching anything.
Game is also acting weird, currently trying to run some dungeons. The queues for the said dungeons does not show and one get's stuck inside the instance. Upon relogg, you are still have the "return to inctanse" option to previous instances/old clears.
galdmeikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
So were are the Devs????? Why no answers/feedback?
It'll take me days to download this patch. You want me to reccomend this game to my friends, then please respond so we know you are aware and working on problem!
You are not alone. I am in Oz but not sure if my location would make a difference.
Hmmm I wanna say I logged in a few times today; perhaps around 11am PST; I think this was the time it patched 109mb; got done pretty fast.
Or it couldve been at 530pm PST
Either way I re logged around 11:20pm PST; absolutely no problems logging in; but after logging out it proceeded to start patching....this time weighing at 1589mb meaning 1.5gigs
And I'm pretty sure well over 10minutes has past by and only 65mb has been downloaded.
Extremely slow patching
However I think I'm gonna go to bed and HOPE by 5pm PST tomorrow (Saturday) the patcher will fix itself because I'm pretty sure any normal 1.5gig file I can get it downloaded within 10minutes flat !!!
So I just CANCELLED the patching process; re launched NeverWinter client; after logging in it doesnt download any patches; but it looked like it was connecting to a .47 version
So I'm ready to hit PLAY with no patching process.
So yes; whats going on here??
After login screen appears my launcher version says:
Gonna log into game; exit and see what happens
Laucher version is the same but its trying to connect to a .3 version; give me a min while I search for recent patch notes
PS. HMMM Only .3 version possibly points to NW.1.20130416a.30 but not sure if this is exact version. And if it is, this is a May 21st build and seeing as I'm sure all of us has logged in since and patched; why is it accessing this version?
So if you cancel the Patcher and re launch .exe it will load just fine especially if you just recently patched loads .47
After you hit PLAY and are at Main Screen you can choose; log out and EXIT and the Patcher will re connect and try and download a 1.5gig file which takes astronomically long.
And the good news??? I screen-shotted the Version number...Here ya GO!!!
VERSION NW.3.20130529A.3.
Again; if I hit close in upper right and re launch it will load .47 and wont patch at all; its when you exit the game it tries to re-download or downloads that version!!
Same, it was after downloading, playing the game for a bit, and then finally exiting out. I don't know if it is the same patch number, but I assume. I have left it running for 3 hours and it is still only 79% done. curious what is going on here.
Ok there is something really wrong here, so I canceled it, got into the game, played for awhile, after exiting the game again, the launcher - AUTO-restarts itself and the whole process continues again .. er WTF!?!?
(3gb patch because I HAVE to have on-demand patching disbaled)
Bugs, upon bugs, and bugs .. bugs, something bugs ... GET YOUR FREAKIN ACT TOGETHER!
update:it crashed it ffing CRASHED......Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
I was just swapping for DD
Currently 2230KB of 1589MB and not going very fast.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
Just turn it off and restart game
Just patches again
Bah. I give up. Someone let me know when they fix this. I'll give this game a break for a while.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
it tooke me 60+ hours just to DL, am lvl 7 and have died more than 10 times due to lag, spent all my time at a campfire healing injuries (says it should take 5 mins for minor inj) every 2-3 mins server is unresponsive for 2 mins, injusry heals after about 15 minutes and then i am DCd for being unactive even though i make sure to move char between unresponsive server times, upon log out im supposed to DL 1.5 gigs everytime? how does this make any sense? im on day 4 of playing now and have got about an hour of good playtime total.
i expect this game will fail if not looked after quick, i am ready to give up and uninstall as im sure other players are too.
no matter how epic a game it WILL fail if not properly supported or supported at all (tribes vengeance did better with no support, do you understand what that means cryptic? it means a game that was released dead had more life)
the users cannot squeeze blood from this stone
edit : how can servers expect to be ran normally when all players are constantly DLing 1.5 gigs? hope patches come from seperate servers...
someone should increase the upload on the server
Makes for a sad angel.
Selina - Trickster Rogue Level 20 - Under Construction
This is the "Pre-patch" for the next big update not the Preview.
If you have activated on launcher "Patch on-demand" will download 1.5Gb else 3Gb.
You can check this is right having a look inside your installation folder: Neverwinter\Live\prepatch\piggs
Best regards, fat dwarf.
I don't think your speed matters they must limit it on their server or something I have 120mb and I've been stuck at 91% for about an hour and its been patching for nearly 4 hours.
edit: news is 2 days old, as far as i know its been implemented and that this is either a new patch or for some reason downloading this patch all over again?
either way, i know they're doing alot of work but i want it now :rolleyes:
Each time client is exited after loggin, a new client is automatically opened. Tries to patch and closes on its own, not patching anything.
Game is also acting weird, currently trying to run some dungeons. The queues for the said dungeons does not show and one get's stuck inside the instance. Upon relogg, you are still have the "return to inctanse" option to previous instances/old clears.
It'll take me days to download this patch. You want me to reccomend this game to my friends, then please respond so we know you are aware and working on problem!