I don't read thaaaat much forgotten realms stuff, but I remember a certain series saying that dark elves and drow were different. Something about a Balor corrupting a bloodline of a certain family or faction of dark elves, making them into the 'drow' we now know.
Again I may be way off, I don't really read that stuff that much. So don't fly off the handle if I'm wrong.
edit: And now that I think about it... It had somethign to do with the Faerzress and the way it lured certain dark elves to the underdark but didn't lure others?
Make a Drow and RP as dark elf? Could be fun. I'm sure there is a group or two on Mindslayer that would be up for it.
The Renegade is available now for people that purchased the Hero of The North pack. Others have to wait for the race to be released.
I don't read thaaaat much forgotten realms stuff, but I remember a certain series saying that dark elves and drow were different. Something about a Balor corrupting a bloodline of a certain family or faction of dark elves, making them into the 'drow' we now know.
Again I may be way off, I don't really read that stuff that much. So don't fly off the handle if I'm wrong.
Those were the fey'ri - and other Daemonfey.
Drow in 3.5 and earlier were derived from regular elves who were banished from the elven cities on the surface for experimenting with magic they were asked not to utilize, as well as using it for their own nefarious purposes. They fled underground and remained there for thousands of years and for the longest time no one really had a clue of what happened to them, how many there were left, or if they even survived.
Drow in 3.5 and earlier were derived from regular elves who were banished from the elven cities on the surface for experimenting with magic they were asked not to utilize, as well as using it for their own nefarious purposes. They fled underground and remained there for thousands of years and for the longest time no one really had a clue of what happened to them, how many there were left, or if they even survived.
But at the end of the Lady Penitent series when they do that High Magic ritual to rid the Underdark of Faerzress, the drow without the demon-taint turned into dark elves (the book even mentions their skin turning more of a shade of brown) and the ones with taint remained Drow.
So to me, that means there is a difference between the two.
Will I need to go out and get some citations? :P
EDIT: I'm only saying this because you lore 'experts' are all just bunching them up as being identical, and I clearly remember a Forgotten Realms licensed series stating otherwise
every dark elf, in every game takes their root from Drow...
Just want to argue this point a bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6kk%C3%A1lfar So more accurately Dark Elves from other games and Forgotten Realms trace their roots back to old myths. Like most fantasy games do
elsje1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
But at the end of the Lady Penitent series when they do that High Magic ritual to rid the Underdark of Faerzress, the drow without the demon-taint turned into dark elves (the book even mentions their skin turning more of a shade of brown) and the ones with taint remained Drow.
So to me, that means there is a difference between the two.
Will I need to go out and get some citations? :P
EDIT: I'm only saying this because you lore 'experts' are all just bunching them up as being identical, and I clearly remember a Forgotten Realms licensed series stating otherwise
Well good thing about lore is can bring sooo much more to the game in RP and would make for a really interesting RP convo too
But at the end of the Lady Penitent series when they do that High Magic ritual to rid the Underdark of Faerzress, the drow without the demon-taint turned into dark elves (the book even mentions their skin turning more of a shade of brown) and the ones with taint remained Drow.
So to me, that means there is a difference between the two.
Will I need to go out and get some citations? :P
Youre talking about a crossover novel series written in the 3.5 -> 4.0e crossover.
My text was copied right out of an old AD&D compendium, and I only added the "in 3.5 and before" portion, because I knew that you or someone else would reference that far mor erecent series.
And no, they didnt originate as tained from demons. Well after they moved underground, priestesses began experimenting w/ mating with daemons such as dreagoloth to try to strengthen their race. This was before the skin color change, but well after they had been banished from surface cities.
Just want to argue this point a bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6kk%C3%A1lfar So more accurately Dark Elves from other games and Forgotten Realms trace their roots back to old myths. Like most fantasy games do
Speaking strictly fantasy gaming bud. Dark Elves / Drow first showed up in D&D, Tolkien did not have them...
Speaking strictly fantasy gaming bud. Dark Elves / Drow first showed up in D&D, Tolkien did not have them...
I didn't mention anything about Tolkien. I was saying that Dark Elves and Drow themselves were taken from Norse Mythology. Therefore when other games use Dark Elves they aren't necessarily drawing their inspiration from Drow.
Eol was "Dark" by his nature, not by his appearance.
Semantics, imo. A rose by another name ... and all.
Not fitting physical appearance doesn't change what he was meant to represent. Modern (and early) adaptations of many classic fantasy creatures aren't independant of each other, they are all categorized as the name they're given.
I agree he was no drow, but he most certainly should/is categorized as a 'dark elf'. The mythos he existed in just had lesser requirements for the classification.
The entire origin thing goes much further back than this crossover series between 3.5e and 4e that keeps being referenced. In AD&D - which was still Forgotten Realms, the skin color thing is attributed to radiation. They never make any distinction between drow and dark elves until fairly recently -> 2006-2008. The origins I am referring to are ~1988.
The same radiation is also the enchantment on the lowest tier of their weapons, and alot of other low level gadgets, which is why they all fall apart and disenchant when they are exposed to sunlight for too long.
The entire origin thing goes much further back than this crossover series between 3.5e and 4e that keeps being referenced. In AD&D - which was still Forgotten Realms, the skin color thing is attributed to radiation. They never make any distinction between drow and dark elves until fairly recently -> 2006-2008. The origins I am referring to are ~1988.
So since it is only mentioned recently, it has no bearing on the setting, and should be ignored, because it wasn't mentioned in 1988? .... I'm glad I don't play PnP rpgs.
So I don't get it, where do you draw the line? I'm totally ignorant of these different 3e/4e things, I didn't even know they had editions. But what I mean is, why is it safe to say this lore applies to the setting, but that lore doesn't?
Is there some magic year where a line was drawn? Confused
Let's start by taking a deep breath. We're here to have fun and to share information with each other. Disagreements are bound to happen now and then. It's how we conduct ourselves during these situations makes all the difference.
So since it is only mentioned recently, it has no bearing on the setting, and should be ignored, because it wasn't mentioned in 1988? .... I'm glad I don't play PnP rpgs.
So I don't get it, where do you draw the line? I'm totally ignorant of these different 3e/4e things, I didn't even know they had editions. But what I mean is, why is it safe to say this lore applies to the setting, but that lore doesn't?
Is there some magic year where a line was drawn? Confused
Its not really as simple as that. A lot of lore is built upon, some is restated and some assumed. Usually in fsntasy the most recent canon takes precident over previous iterations (tolkien and his revisions being an example of this).
Its also a matter of drow creation in the forgotten realms universe doesnt necessarily correlate to drow creation in the eberron, greyhawk, or home brew universes.
Its not really as simple as that. A lot of lore is built upon, some is restated and some assumed. Usually in fsntasy the most recent canon takes precident over previous iterations...
So in this instance, wouldn't the series I'm quoting be the more relevant piece of lore?
The entire origin thing goes much further back than this crossover series between 3.5e and 4e that keeps being referenced. In AD&D - which was still Forgotten Realms, the skin color thing is attributed to radiation. They never make any distinction between drow and dark elves until fairly recently -> 2006-2008. The origins I am referring to are ~1988.
The same radiation is also the enchantment on the lowest tier of their weapons, and alot of other low level gadgets, which is why they all fall apart and disenchant when they are exposed to sunlight for too long.
Yeap exactly - I let the original authors tell it like it is, rather than the people who took over later on create entire new storylines, which are being edited by an author, who was brought up by the originators who edited his books on his way up.
The series youre referencing is gen3. The manuals Im referencing are gen1. We are discussing origins...
The race is coming to all players. Not sure of the go live date for them.
but i doubt it and he is ignorant to D&D lore like most players...
So I shall educate this fella...
They are called Drow ( pronounced dr-ow.... like when you hit your knee and say OW )
every dark elf, in every game takes their root from Drow...
Read zone chat in PE lately ?
Can you fault me for presuming ?
An average question in zone chat...
[zone] 0mG suxxorZ , Where is teh nite elvez
Again I may be way off, I don't really read that stuff that much. So don't fly off the handle if I'm wrong.
edit: And now that I think about it... It had somethign to do with the Faerzress and the way it lured certain dark elves to the underdark but didn't lure others?
I think it may have been Lady Penitent series
The Renegade is available now for people that purchased the Hero of The North pack. Others have to wait for the race to be released.
Those were the fey'ri - and other Daemonfey.
Drow in 3.5 and earlier were derived from regular elves who were banished from the elven cities on the surface for experimenting with magic they were asked not to utilize, as well as using it for their own nefarious purposes. They fled underground and remained there for thousands of years and for the longest time no one really had a clue of what happened to them, how many there were left, or if they even survived.
Dark Elves AKA Drow are already in the game. If you purchase the Hero of the North Founder Pack you can make one.
Founder Pack
But at the end of the Lady Penitent series when they do that High Magic ritual to rid the Underdark of Faerzress, the drow without the demon-taint turned into dark elves (the book even mentions their skin turning more of a shade of brown) and the ones with taint remained Drow.
So to me, that means there is a difference between the two.
Will I need to go out and get some citations? :P
EDIT: I'm only saying this because you lore 'experts' are all just bunching them up as being identical, and I clearly remember a Forgotten Realms licensed series stating otherwise
The Drow that returned unto Corellon were some of Kiaransalee's worship, after her "death"... and other "lost drow"
Never heard or seen anything about a "taint" or Demon Infused changing.
Edit: Regarding The Faerzress -- this is something actually sought after by Drow..
Just want to argue this point a bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6kk%C3%A1lfar So more accurately Dark Elves from other games and Forgotten Realms trace their roots back to old myths. Like most fantasy games do
Well good thing about lore is can bring sooo much more to the game in RP and would make for a really interesting RP convo too
Youre talking about a crossover novel series written in the 3.5 -> 4.0e crossover.
My text was copied right out of an old AD&D compendium, and I only added the "in 3.5 and before" portion, because I knew that you or someone else would reference that far mor erecent series.
And no, they didnt originate as tained from demons. Well after they moved underground, priestesses began experimenting w/ mating with daemons such as dreagoloth to try to strengthen their race. This was before the skin color change, but well after they had been banished from surface cities.
Speaking strictly fantasy gaming bud. Dark Elves / Drow first showed up in D&D, Tolkien did not have them...
I didn't mention anything about Tolkien. I was saying that Dark Elves and Drow themselves were taken from Norse Mythology. Therefore when other games use Dark Elves they aren't necessarily drawing their inspiration from Drow.
Semantics, imo. A rose by another name ... and all.
Not fitting physical appearance doesn't change what he was meant to represent. Modern (and early) adaptations of many classic fantasy creatures aren't independant of each other, they are all categorized as the name they're given.
I agree he was no drow, but he most certainly should/is categorized as a 'dark elf'. The mythos he existed in just had lesser requirements for the classification.
The same radiation is also the enchantment on the lowest tier of their weapons, and alot of other low level gadgets, which is why they all fall apart and disenchant when they are exposed to sunlight for too long.
I'm going to give ya'll one last chance to get it right. Come on gentlemen, you can do it!
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So since it is only mentioned recently, it has no bearing on the setting, and should be ignored, because it wasn't mentioned in 1988? .... I'm glad I don't play PnP rpgs.
So I don't get it, where do you draw the line? I'm totally ignorant of these different 3e/4e things, I didn't even know they had editions. But what I mean is, why is it safe to say this lore applies to the setting, but that lore doesn't?
Is there some magic year where a line was drawn? Confused
i'm seriously trying, Aandre
Let's start by taking a deep breath. We're here to have fun and to share information with each other. Disagreements are bound to happen now and then. It's how we conduct ourselves during these situations makes all the difference.
Carry on...!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Its not really as simple as that. A lot of lore is built upon, some is restated and some assumed. Usually in fsntasy the most recent canon takes precident over previous iterations (tolkien and his revisions being an example of this).
Its also a matter of drow creation in the forgotten realms universe doesnt necessarily correlate to drow creation in the eberron, greyhawk, or home brew universes.
So in this instance, wouldn't the series I'm quoting be the more relevant piece of lore?
Since, ya know, 2008 > 1988
Yep, imo at least.
This is the first, and last, lore discussion I have ever gotten into :P
I don't play table-top I just read the books
Yeap exactly - I let the original authors tell it like it is, rather than the people who took over later on create entire new storylines, which are being edited by an author, who was brought up by the originators who edited his books on his way up.
The series youre referencing is gen3. The manuals Im referencing are gen1. We are discussing origins...
Only thing worse than a lore argument is the alignment debates... Those things are awful.