Kind of sad there are no mentions to any skirmish changes. Was really hoping for either some kind of epic version of all at 60, or at least more options at 60.
dicemakerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
what about companion book upgrades? can we finally upgrade them by working for it instead of the "pay to win at random?"
This is nice, I suppose, but really shouldn't you just make Mighty Leap the dodge mechanic for GWF in general instead of Dash? Why do we need to waste an Encounter on something just to dodge? Dash is simply not effective as a dodge mechanic versus bosses that have a gather ability before their large AoE circle. This at least gives us an alternative to just eating the circle, but I don't think anyone will use it given that the damage on Leap is paltry and GWF is at heart a damage based class. Maybe this is intended as a survival encounter for Sentinel builds? Not sure what the thought process was here.
If they change Mighty Leap as this way, they should change the name too. It's not "mighty" if the purpose is to runaway, isn't it? More range + deflection - what so mighty about that
Why are you waiting to push this out? Why are you -actually testing- everything that will fix your broken game?
You don't hesitate to fix the exploits... you don't hesitate to patch in things that actually lead to more exploits. So I say again, why wait? At least 60% of everything in that Patch is going to result in a happy community.... your Great Weapon Fighters and Guardian Fighters might actually start playing the game again.
Might I remind you, like how you remind us, that this is OPEN BETA. We ARE your testing base... you shouldn't have to put up a "Testing Server" to test things out before you put it on an OPEN BETA server. Own up to your "We're not really Live/Released" claims right now. We're here.... your OPEN BETA TESTERS, right now... release it and we'll test it and give you feedback in a very timely manner.
I just can't understand why you want to -wait- to "Test" all these excellent fixes to your horribly broken and incomplete game to a declining community base? You're not in a position where you can 'wait and see' on these fixes. You need these in your game now before it's too late... you're on the fence right now with a lot of people; if you wait to long, there won't be a fence any longer.
My suggestion to you... is to push out this 'fix' as soon as you can. It's better for classes to be working and things to be 'too easy' -but working correctly- than for people to be struggling and frustrated with broken classes and gameplay mechanics.
Why are you waiting to push this out? Why are you -actually testing- everything that will fix your broken game?
You don't hesitate to fix the exploits... you don't hesitate to patch in things that actually lead to more exploits. So I say again, why wait? At least 60% of everything in that Patch is going to result in a happy community.... your Great Weapon Fighters and Guardian Fighters might actually start playing the game again.
I just can't understand why you want to -wait- to "Test" all these excellent fixes to your horribly broken and incomplete game to a declining community base? You're not in a position where you can 'wait and see' on these fixes. You need these in your game now before it's too late... you're on the fence right now with a lot of people; if you wait to long, there won't be a fence any longer.
My suggestion to you... is to push out this 'fix' as soon as you can. It's better for classes to be working and things to be 'too easy' -but working correctly- than for people to be struggling and frustrated with broken classes and gameplay mechanics.
Guardian Fighter: Knight Captain's Set no longer drops with minimum levels below 60. Any existing Knight Captain's gear that has a minimum level below 60 will still keep their lower minimum level.
This wasn't the only GF set that had this problems. All the GF Tier-1 sets do (e.g., Stalwart Bulwark set, Valiant Warrior set); and also some of the non-setted GF gear with level 60 v.rare stats (e.g., Shield of the Crusher). And not all of it was dropped, either, some of the seal-acquired GF gear had levels too low on it (e.g., Unicorn versions of the Stalwart Bulwark shield and sword).
Most of this was reposted from a closed thread. I am generally happy with the state of the game, think at minimum that it has gotten off to a good start, and like the existing content.
One thing that makes the game especially enjoyable is the power level of player characters, which for the most part seems pretty good for an MMO. Even my GWF, which many seem to feel is an underperforming class, has been fun and not too frustrating. I gather that the GWF is in for some substantial buffs; most of the changes are cooldown reductions and immunities.
Another thing that makes the game enjoyable is the team content, especially the skirmishes. I have enjoyed every skirmish I have been through. Some of the later dungeons are a bit too demanding, but the Cloak Tower is great fun as well. I enjoy the chaotic, steamroller style of play as characters just move forward to annihilate mobs and get loot. That is relaxing and fun to me, and I haven't enjoyed the actual gameplay of levelling content in any game as much since City of Heroes.
I do not want much choreography and cat-herding to be added to team content. Anything that sends people to Ventrilo/Teamspeak to get through is probably going to be bad design and not much fun. I want the developers to be thinking in terms of bringing underperforming classes up rather than putting powerful classes down. I want them to develop the chaotic, action oriented play in the game they have now, because most of it is in fact fun to play for me now. I don't want this to play like other MMOs.
Unstoppable: This power now grants temporary health based on how much Determination the player had when activating it.
Unstoppable still give immune and atack speed or it only give hp now?
I think that they added those effects while not touching the core operation of Unstoppable in it's current iteration. I'm really not sure what the purpose of this buff to Unstoppable is, just like I'm really not sure why they're failing to address the fact that Unstoppable is still glitching with attack speed not increasing on the first attack. Basically they're adding functions onto an ability that doesn't work correctly with the functions it currently has. I'm very disappointed to see them adding another function onto Unstoppable before fixing the glitches it currently has.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
As a matter of fact; I am in IT... and have been for over 10 years. (So yes, I'm rather good at it)
Obviously; your assumptions aren't that great. Find another person to troll and please stick to the conversation/feedback that this thread if for and about, and stay on topic.
Why are you waiting to push this out? Why are you -actually testing- everything that will fix your broken game?
You don't hesitate to fix the exploits... you don't hesitate to patch in things that actually lead to more exploits. So I say again, why wait? At least 60% of everything in that Patch is going to result in a happy community.... your Great Weapon Fighters and Guardian Fighters might actually start playing the game again.
I just can't understand why you want to -wait- to "Test" all these excellent fixes to your horribly broken and incomplete game to a declining community base? You're not in a position where you can 'wait and see' on these fixes. You need these in your game now before it's too late... you're on the fence right now with a lot of people; if you wait to long, there won't be a fence any longer.
My suggestion to you... is to push out this 'fix' as soon as you can. It's better for classes to be working and things to be 'too easy' -but working correctly- than for people to be struggling and frustrated with broken classes and gameplay mechanics.
So again; Why wait, and why now?
There is a different between working and playing, you know. As much as I love to have this patch comes out soon but think about it, it is not that simple to just "fix" and "release", it's a process.
I don't think they wait or anything, they just need time to implement & test the patch, more rush more risk.
There is a different between working and playing, you know. As much as I love to have this patch comes out soon but think about it, it is not that simple to just "fix" and "release", it's a process.
I don't think they wait or anything, they just need time to implement & test the patch, more rush more risk.
Because we know how well those previous patches have worked out for them, right? It just doesn't make sense to put up a "Testing Server" for a group a testers already testing.
Because we know how well those previous patches have worked out for them, right? It just doesn't make sense to put up a "Testing Server" for a group a testers already testing.
Well, this is what I don't understand. I thought they create a PreviewShard for the Gauntlgrym updates before Live, not this one. If so, well, I agree with your question, what is the point of have another Test while we are already testing it :eek:
Most of the update and class balancing is gr8, looking forward to test that asap, keep up the good work
But my main concern is with the power tray, there should be an interchangeable power tray implementation and here is my suggestion for that.
The Keys F1,F2,F3 and F4 have 2 sets of power trays linked to them which can be interchanged using the tilder '~' key. So there are 6 encounter powers available to a player in F1 set which can be switched by ~ key. Now this also poses a threat of too much power spam since there is no "Mana" bar here. so here is my solution to that. when the power trays is switched using '~' key all power go in a 5sec shared CD. While when the set is changed using F1,F2,F3 and F4, the powers go in a 10sec shared CD, the 10sec CD overwrite the 5 sec CD if '~' is pressed immediately after F1,F2,F3 and F4. The class power 'Tab' and the AT-Will powers 'Left-Click/Right-Click' cannot be switched using this method.
So here is what ppl will get............................................................................................................
There are 4 sets of power trays that can be switched using F1,F2,F3 and F4. Switching between power tray sets put all powers in power tray in 10sec shared CD.
There are 2 power trays for each set (F1,F2,F3 and F4) that can be switched using '~' key. Switching between power tray put all powers in power tray in 5sec shared CD.
The 10sec CD of switching power tray sets (F1,F2,F3 and F4) overwrite(replace) or ignore the 5 sec CD of switching the power tray (~).
This will provide for the use of encounter powers more efficiently and players will actually think more on putting points in the powers rather than just dumping the points till they get the requirement for desired power tree. Also this will improve the over all role and gameplay experience of D&D Neverwinter for every class.
I hope my suggestion will be considered and Neverwinter will be getting good to better as the time pass by, this game shows potential.
I've always had the faith.
Vindication is a sweet thing.
It's wonderful there is something for everyone here. And even those areas that appear to not be addressed (such as level cap over-shooting) might become addressed through some of the other fixes (such as class balancing). Hopefully it will create a smother synergy in the overall game-play experience and provide a smoother ride for all.
And thank you for adding the "Change Character" option so quickly. I think it took Star Trek Online something like two years to add that. ~winks~
Most of the update and class balancing is gr8, looking forward to test that asap, keep up the good work
But my main concern is with the power tray, there should be an interchangeable power tray implementation and here is my suggestion for that.
The Keys F1,F2,F3 and F4 have 2 sets of power trays linked to them which can be interchanged using the tilder '~' key. So there are 6 encounter powers available to a player in F1 set which can be switched by ~ key. Now this also poses a threat of too much power spam since there is no "Mana" bar here. so here is my solution to that. when the power trays is switched using '~' key all power go in a 5sec shared CD. While when the set is changed using F1,F2,F3 and F4, the powers go in a 10sec shared CD, the 10sec CD overwrite the 5 sec CD if '~' is pressed immediately after F1,F2,F3 and F4. The class power 'Tab' and the AT-Will powers 'Left-Click/Right-Click' cannot be switched using this method.
So here is what ppl will get............................................................................................................
There are 4 sets of power trays that can be switched using F1,F2,F3 and F4. Switching between power tray sets put all powers in power tray in 10sec shared CD.
There are 2 power trays for each set (F1,F2,F3 and F4) that can be switched using '~' key. Switching between power tray put all powers in power tray in 5sec shared CD.
The 10sec CD of switching power tray sets (F1,F2,F3 and F4) overwrite(replace) or ignore the 5 sec CD of switching the power tray (~).
This will provide for the use of encounter powers more efficiently and players will actually think more on putting points in the powers rather than just dumping the points till they get the requirement for desired power tree. Also this will improve the over all role and gameplay experience of D&D Neverwinter for every class.
I hope my suggestion will be considered and Neverwinter will be getting good to better as the time pass by, this game shows potential.
This is a LOT of changes to go live all at once and they're big changes... hopefully we see these type of updates secluded to the testing shard only for a few weeks before something with this many huge changes go live.
The biggest issue I have with a lot of the changes is it sounds like the devs listened to a lot of the little girls who spend all day QQ'ing on forums and made changes to make them happy. Double edged sword IMO. You're going to make the QQ'ers OP and they're going to be the new trolls. GWF was a good and viable class, This is coming from a full ancient and T2 Rogue. The GWF in my guild, also full ancient/T2 owns in pvp and dps. In PVP he can destroy almost any class 1v1. In castle never he can maintain top DPS (If the CW plays correctly) up until Drako, which is when the rogue will pass him and most likely the wizard. So now people who are geared and know how to play the class will be completely OP most likely. Hopefully the changes do at least make them get invited and not kicked from pve groups more often, though the changes implemented are not what I felt was really needing to be changed in the class. To all the GWF's out there anyways, much love.
TR - As far as the CW and TR class nerfs go... I'll have to really play through it and see how much of an impact it has. The rogues seem to have taken a large nurf on pve dps (deulist furry changes). Removing 60% of the damage on shocking execution and making power boost more is just going to make people not using shocking execution at all anymore. Lurkers assault will be the main one for pvp and whirlwind of blades might even be viable as a secondary now. Sadly though EVERY qq'er is just going to start crying about lurkers assault and lashing blade though when they get hit out of stealth when a rogue is running first strike. With power helping us more, lurkers assault, lashing blade from stealth and first strike people are going to get 1 shotted (especially with a vorpal enchant). Not like a '1 shot' finishing move like shocking execution WAS, a 1 shot from full to 0 hp. If history repeats itself per this patch/forums, everyone will QQ about what rogues have started using post patch and we'll get a big nerf stick again. I still really feel like the rogues still have 0 mobility in pvp. If our encounters are dodged or blocked or don't hit very hard we're pretty much done. Only so much damage cloud of steal can do (especially with pots/heals on our target). Slow (form a stealth'd deft strike) and increased run speed are useless since we have to stand still to use our dps viable at-will, making us rely on encounters/dailys only. This is also the reason why we have to rely on big hits/'1 shots'. I'm not saying we're under powered or over powered, personally I believe each class is over powered in there own way and from a dev stand point it seems intended. They want each person playing every class to feel powerful in their own way. I really wish rogues had some mobility though. (You'll see a large portion of rogues roll ranger when it's released due to this most likely). Who knows though, maybe with the power changes for rogues cloud of steal and impact shot will become a lot more viable.
DC - Honestly, I nor my guild never knew that cleanse was taking away the rez sickness stuff... I was wondering how we got up in boss fights though even after 2+ deaths. All makes sense now. I can see how this was not intended but it'll make boss fights a lot harder. I'd REALLY like to see the clerics get some kind of rez in combat move. Even if it's once and a 30 minute cool down. Also, the double circles made things a lot easier and I think it was just taken away because you want to see more of a variety of classes which is understandable.
GF - As far as the GF changes go, while I still think 1v1 in pvp they're OP I'm okay with not nerfing the way their pvp mechanics work. I'm glad there's threat changes to make them more of a viable and useful tanking class. The cleric threat changes are also nice.
A special thanks to fixing rogues T2 armor visuals in this update.
Keep in mind everything said currently is prior to these patch notes going live. I'll hopefully post a much more in depth out look after the patch goes live and after playing for a good 20+ hours in combat.
This patch is pretty much everything we've been *****ing about for a month and a half. I don't really understand why most of this stuff hasn't been trickling in for weeks, but I guess I can't complain!
Because we know how well those previous patches have worked out for them, right? It just doesn't make sense to put up a "Testing Server" for a group a testers already testing.
If we were actually testing the game we would have infinite resources of ZEN and AD and test everything inside and out without limitations.
I am surprised you don't even understand the basic concepts of Q&A.
What IT do you work in? Troubleshooting people's windows OS problems like "How to open up MS Word?".
DEVS: no need for test shard. Just push the changes through. This is a BETA already.
Also, I can tell you from reading the list that you're not done with this game balance thing quite yet. The faster you get everybody this patch the faster we can help you get it right before launch. Unless you want to have multiple balance patches AFTER launch... just sayin.
I agree with the guy above who pointed out that the nerf to Shocking Execution will make many people not use it in PVP, which is a shame because it's a cool, iconic type ability.
My feedback would be that while Shocking Execution did need a nerf, 60% is an overreaction that should be reexamined.
Great, such awesome work you have put into it,
looking forward to see how this pans out,
mostly curious seeing boss encounters
and the pug players reaction and in-reaction how to encounter them.
My mindset is still back in vanilla wow and anarchy-online,
easy battle overview, detailed stages of combat
every one has his role, place and task during a stage.
Also looking forward to more foundry development for sure,
would be great to see (video interview) or read in more detail
you visions and future plans for this tool.
I do belive in an advance payable feature for foundry,
letting author have access to placing chest, drops and searchible rewards.
Either as I discussed before with author pay daily fees to keep it online,
either ingame or monthly basis. I for one would pay extra to have such options
to create more elaborated quests.
Can also be guild quests, repository tab acts as drop for the author
could even be daily quests wich the guild does , the more they do the greater reward for guild quests.
Keep up da great work,
thanks for letting us in the thinktank !
see now discussions on, if one should have test shard,
its common practice and used in most live games.
So testing out the test shard in this stage is a must !
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited June 2013
This patch is huge, but from what I have read, its only the beginning of things that need to be fixed and balanced. A game like this has so many intricacies that I honestly think it will take a year before it is considered stable. I am willing to continue to play it no matter what.
twisted0utlawMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
No more greedy players stealing loot they can't use!
zombieelvisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
I agree with the guy above who pointed out that the nerf to Shocking Execution will make many people not use it in PVP, which is a shame because it's a cool, iconic type ability.
My feedback would be that while Shocking Execution did need a nerf, 60% is an overreaction that should be reexamined.
I don't think anyone uses it in PvE and this change will pretty much guarantee that.
Love this no further changes needed, hit the nail on the head for this issue
If they change Mighty Leap as this way, they should change the name too. It's not "mighty" if the purpose is to runaway, isn't it? More range + deflection - what so mighty about that
Thank you, yes, I see it now. It's a good thing you were so snide about it else I may have missed that too
You don't hesitate to fix the exploits... you don't hesitate to patch in things that actually lead to more exploits. So I say again, why wait? At least 60% of everything in that Patch is going to result in a happy community.... your Great Weapon Fighters and Guardian Fighters might actually start playing the game again.
Might I remind you, like how you remind us, that this is OPEN BETA. We ARE your testing base... you shouldn't have to put up a "Testing Server" to test things out before you put it on an OPEN BETA server. Own up to your "We're not really Live/Released" claims right now. We're here.... your OPEN BETA TESTERS, right now... release it and we'll test it and give you feedback in a very timely manner.
I just can't understand why you want to -wait- to "Test" all these excellent fixes to your horribly broken and incomplete game to a declining community base? You're not in a position where you can 'wait and see' on these fixes. You need these in your game now before it's too late... you're on the fence right now with a lot of people; if you wait to long, there won't be a fence any longer.
My suggestion to you... is to push out this 'fix' as soon as you can. It's better for classes to be working and things to be 'too easy' -but working correctly- than for people to be struggling and frustrated with broken classes and gameplay mechanics.
So again; Why wait, and why now?
Multi-Gaming Community Founded in 1999 ~ Casual/Hardcore Friendly ~ Ages 21+ Preferred
Enjoy our Community @ &
Obviously you've never had an IT job.
Unstoppable still give immune and atack speed or it only give hp now?
One thing that makes the game especially enjoyable is the power level of player characters, which for the most part seems pretty good for an MMO. Even my GWF, which many seem to feel is an underperforming class, has been fun and not too frustrating. I gather that the GWF is in for some substantial buffs; most of the changes are cooldown reductions and immunities.
Another thing that makes the game enjoyable is the team content, especially the skirmishes. I have enjoyed every skirmish I have been through. Some of the later dungeons are a bit too demanding, but the Cloak Tower is great fun as well. I enjoy the chaotic, steamroller style of play as characters just move forward to annihilate mobs and get loot. That is relaxing and fun to me, and I haven't enjoyed the actual gameplay of levelling content in any game as much since City of Heroes.
I do not want much choreography and cat-herding to be added to team content. Anything that sends people to Ventrilo/Teamspeak to get through is probably going to be bad design and not much fun. I want the developers to be thinking in terms of bringing underperforming classes up rather than putting powerful classes down. I want them to develop the chaotic, action oriented play in the game they have now, because most of it is in fact fun to play for me now. I don't want this to play like other MMOs.
I think that they added those effects while not touching the core operation of Unstoppable in it's current iteration. I'm really not sure what the purpose of this buff to Unstoppable is, just like I'm really not sure why they're failing to address the fact that Unstoppable is still glitching with attack speed not increasing on the first attack. Basically they're adding functions onto an ability that doesn't work correctly with the functions it currently has. I'm very disappointed to see them adding another function onto Unstoppable before fixing the glitches it currently has.
As a matter of fact; I am in IT... and have been for over 10 years. (So yes, I'm rather good at it)
Obviously; your assumptions aren't that great. Find another person to troll and please stick to the conversation/feedback that this thread if for and about, and stay on topic.
Multi-Gaming Community Founded in 1999 ~ Casual/Hardcore Friendly ~ Ages 21+ Preferred
Enjoy our Community @ &
There is a different between working and playing, you know. As much as I love to have this patch comes out soon but think about it, it is not that simple to just "fix" and "release", it's a process.
I don't think they wait or anything, they just need time to implement & test the patch, more rush more risk.
Because we know how well those previous patches have worked out for them, right? It just doesn't make sense to put up a "Testing Server" for a group a testers already testing.
Multi-Gaming Community Founded in 1999 ~ Casual/Hardcore Friendly ~ Ages 21+ Preferred
Enjoy our Community @ &
I use Firefox and I need a new code every time I log into the gateway. Any fix coming for that?
Well, this is what I don't understand. I thought they create a PreviewShard for the Gauntlgrym updates before Live, not this one. If so, well, I agree with your question, what is the point of have another Test while we are already testing it :eek:
But my main concern is with the power tray, there should be an interchangeable power tray implementation and here is my suggestion for that.
The Keys F1,F2,F3 and F4 have 2 sets of power trays linked to them which can be interchanged using the tilder '~' key. So there are 6 encounter powers available to a player in F1 set which can be switched by ~ key. Now this also poses a threat of too much power spam since there is no "Mana" bar here. so here is my solution to that. when the power trays is switched using '~' key all power go in a 5sec shared CD. While when the set is changed using F1,F2,F3 and F4, the powers go in a 10sec shared CD, the 10sec CD overwrite the 5 sec CD if '~' is pressed immediately after F1,F2,F3 and F4. The class power 'Tab' and the AT-Will powers 'Left-Click/Right-Click' cannot be switched using this method.
So here is what ppl will get............................................................................................................
There are 4 sets of power trays that can be switched using F1,F2,F3 and F4. Switching between power tray sets put all powers in power tray in 10sec shared CD.
There are 2 power trays for each set (F1,F2,F3 and F4) that can be switched using '~' key. Switching between power tray put all powers in power tray in 5sec shared CD.
The 10sec CD of switching power tray sets (F1,F2,F3 and F4) overwrite(replace) or ignore the 5 sec CD of switching the power tray (~).
This will provide for the use of encounter powers more efficiently and players will actually think more on putting points in the powers rather than just dumping the points till they get the requirement for desired power tree. Also this will improve the over all role and gameplay experience of D&D Neverwinter for every class.
I hope my suggestion will be considered and Neverwinter will be getting good to better as the time pass by, this game shows potential.
a PROUD zephyr of αlpha GUILD
" It's a cold cruel world and you'll freeze if you're weak. "
Vindication is a sweet thing.
It's wonderful there is something for everyone here. And even those areas that appear to not be addressed (such as level cap over-shooting) might become addressed through some of the other fixes (such as class balancing). Hopefully it will create a smother synergy in the overall game-play experience and provide a smoother ride for all.
And thank you for adding the "Change Character" option so quickly. I think it took Star Trek Online something like two years to add that. ~winks~
10char 10char
The biggest issue I have with a lot of the changes is it sounds like the devs listened to a lot of the little girls who spend all day QQ'ing on forums and made changes to make them happy. Double edged sword IMO. You're going to make the QQ'ers OP and they're going to be the new trolls. GWF was a good and viable class, This is coming from a full ancient and T2 Rogue. The GWF in my guild, also full ancient/T2 owns in pvp and dps. In PVP he can destroy almost any class 1v1. In castle never he can maintain top DPS (If the CW plays correctly) up until Drako, which is when the rogue will pass him and most likely the wizard. So now people who are geared and know how to play the class will be completely OP most likely. Hopefully the changes do at least make them get invited and not kicked from pve groups more often, though the changes implemented are not what I felt was really needing to be changed in the class. To all the GWF's out there anyways, much love.
TR - As far as the CW and TR class nerfs go... I'll have to really play through it and see how much of an impact it has. The rogues seem to have taken a large nurf on pve dps (deulist furry changes). Removing 60% of the damage on shocking execution and making power boost more is just going to make people not using shocking execution at all anymore. Lurkers assault will be the main one for pvp and whirlwind of blades might even be viable as a secondary now. Sadly though EVERY qq'er is just going to start crying about lurkers assault and lashing blade though when they get hit out of stealth when a rogue is running first strike. With power helping us more, lurkers assault, lashing blade from stealth and first strike people are going to get 1 shotted (especially with a vorpal enchant). Not like a '1 shot' finishing move like shocking execution WAS, a 1 shot from full to 0 hp. If history repeats itself per this patch/forums, everyone will QQ about what rogues have started using post patch and we'll get a big nerf stick again. I still really feel like the rogues still have 0 mobility in pvp. If our encounters are dodged or blocked or don't hit very hard we're pretty much done. Only so much damage cloud of steal can do (especially with pots/heals on our target). Slow (form a stealth'd deft strike) and increased run speed are useless since we have to stand still to use our dps viable at-will, making us rely on encounters/dailys only. This is also the reason why we have to rely on big hits/'1 shots'. I'm not saying we're under powered or over powered, personally I believe each class is over powered in there own way and from a dev stand point it seems intended. They want each person playing every class to feel powerful in their own way. I really wish rogues had some mobility though. (You'll see a large portion of rogues roll ranger when it's released due to this most likely). Who knows though, maybe with the power changes for rogues cloud of steal and impact shot will become a lot more viable.
DC - Honestly, I nor my guild never knew that cleanse was taking away the rez sickness stuff... I was wondering how we got up in boss fights though even after 2+ deaths. All makes sense now. I can see how this was not intended but it'll make boss fights a lot harder. I'd REALLY like to see the clerics get some kind of rez in combat move. Even if it's once and a 30 minute cool down. Also, the double circles made things a lot easier and I think it was just taken away because you want to see more of a variety of classes which is understandable.
GF - As far as the GF changes go, while I still think 1v1 in pvp they're OP I'm okay with not nerfing the way their pvp mechanics work. I'm glad there's threat changes to make them more of a viable and useful tanking class. The cleric threat changes are also nice.
A special thanks to fixing rogues T2 armor visuals in this update.
Keep in mind everything said currently is prior to these patch notes going live. I'll hopefully post a much more in depth out look after the patch goes live and after playing for a good 20+ hours in combat.
If we were actually testing the game we would have infinite resources of ZEN and AD and test everything inside and out without limitations.
I am surprised you don't even understand the basic concepts of Q&A.
What IT do you work in? Troubleshooting people's windows OS problems like "How to open up MS Word?".
Also, I can tell you from reading the list that you're not done with this game balance thing quite yet. The faster you get everybody this patch the faster we can help you get it right before launch. Unless you want to have multiple balance patches AFTER launch... just sayin.
My feedback would be that while Shocking Execution did need a nerf, 60% is an overreaction that should be reexamined.
looking forward to see how this pans out,
mostly curious seeing boss encounters
and the pug players reaction and in-reaction how to encounter them.
My mindset is still back in vanilla wow and anarchy-online,
easy battle overview, detailed stages of combat
every one has his role, place and task during a stage.
Also looking forward to more foundry development for sure,
would be great to see (video interview) or read in more detail
you visions and future plans for this tool.
I do belive in an advance payable feature for foundry,
letting author have access to placing chest, drops and searchible rewards.
Either as I discussed before with author pay daily fees to keep it online,
either ingame or monthly basis. I for one would pay extra to have such options
to create more elaborated quests.
Can also be guild quests, repository tab acts as drop for the author
could even be daily quests wich the guild does , the more they do the greater reward for guild quests.
Keep up da great work,
thanks for letting us in the thinktank !
see now discussions on, if one should have test shard,
its common practice and used in most live games.
So testing out the test shard in this stage is a must !
I don't think anyone uses it in PvE and this change will pretty much guarantee that.