Into the Portrait
Save an artist by traveling into his own painting.
A very light, quick quest. Quick encounters and many are skippable if patient.
10-15 Minutes long.
Dialogue for 1 player, could still be challenging with 2.
Please-Please Try it and review. I could really use feedback. I've been playing around in foundry for a while but it's really hard to know if anything is decent because I don't get many plays.
Edit: Getting a ton great reviews, and fixing a bunch of little non-gamebreaking bugs. Thanks everyone.
Bay of Pigs by @Bostish
Mission Type: Indoor/Outdoor Location Mission
Average Duration:15 min
Amount of Combat:average
Starts at: Auction House NPC
Mission Summary: The final battle to seal the fate of two species is finally here. Participate and possibly gain allies.
Description: At the base of all battles is nothing more important that what strikes at a man
Wow, very well done. The environment was perfect. I did have problems with some of the pathing lines and one of the signs I needed to hop up to read(22:25 in video). Rated you 5 stars for originality and a good time. I did die though
Play Test Video: (41 GWF)
I will be playing yours in approx 1 hour. And will post review
Very original quest and story. One of the few I've given 5 stars for! Keep up the good work.
Appreciate a review in return. Links in my signature below. Couple of short campaigns.
If you only have time for one, I'm trying to get the 2nd part of the campaign - Amulet of the Shining Sun, eligible for dailies.
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
Quest Title: Don't "Count" on it - Ch. 1
Short Code: NW-DQ3H4MXKG
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Edit: Thank you SO much bostish for the video. It helps me see all the little bugs and things I need to work out. Love the feedback too.
Double Edit: Looks like the encounters were taking a long time, considering tweaking them, but could have just been your class, not sure, will need more testing.
My death on the last boss was a maneuverability, not the encounter itself. Once I got it on the wall, was a pain to get behind her.
Hey Bostish
Had a lot of fun playing your quest. here's just a couple things I wrote down while running it.
Loved the fire effects, especially with the barrels.
I was one shotting the pig hunters as CW, maybe up the difficulty of those random encounters, or make them more dense, because there weren't many random fights.
I cracked up when the two armies fought each other, that hasn't happened to me before on a quest.
By far the most annoying thing of this quest was something that bugged probably just me. There were a bunch of zones one after another, you zone in the house, almost immediately zone out to the field, then zone on the horse to another field. Just feels like maybe those zones could've all been put together or condensed.
I had a blast playing your quest, Lot's of fun, rated and reviewed and tipped. Thanks for allowing me to play it.
Hi, I just got done playing your "Three Suns" quest. I will keep it short. To summarize, I enjoyed it, I fell asleep half way though lol, but I did enjoy it. It needs a ~lot~ of polish. I can tell you spent a lot of time on this quest, just clean it up, fix spelling mistakes, graphic stuff, just run it yourself and try to put yourself in the mindset of a typical first time player.
I posted your quote in my thread for the quest (Bay of Pigs).
I should of had the link in my quest info I posted here in your thread.
Another review from his thread on his quest
The majority of the notes have been fixed.
My foundry is in the sig
I loved the first map, was incredibly pretty and really nice interactions. And then it broke, sign was out of LoS. I ran around it over and over, and I can see it was not your fault, really frustrating.
Hey, not sure when you played but a lot was fixed about an hour ago, including what you mentioned, thanks.
Ok will try again.
If you play the 2nd one then could you look at the combat difficulty please? I've tweaked it recently.
The 1st one has also been changed, had more detail put in and the combat mixed up to give more variety, so I'd appreciate some feedback on that if that's the one you choose.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
That was very fun, and different. I was waiting to see if I could get painted troll fat from any of the painted trolls. Some minor problems but mainly very well done.
* Woodstack in room to left of door in house as you go in is slightly in the wall.
* Couch also wall just slightly
* Bed dito.
* Both Paintings in master bedroom floating off wall
* Some of the tumbledown portraits in the room with the quest giver are clipping into walls. Largest one not leaning on anything.
* Hay bales near river clip into tree (though this may be the fault of the painter
* Near those bales there is a plant growing out of a crate
* House near village entrance 1/2 floating off the ground. In fact, several houses floating.
* Waterfall is higher than cliff. (look at it from far away).
* SW corner of village. Wall clips through door of house.
* Several places on edge of map where you can see out of the world (out of the painting?)
* The fight with 2 flamespikers and a magma beast is hard at higher levels. I've used it myself as a miniboss. It's made more difficult by the lack of space where you fight it. The boss was easy compared to this one. Maybe switch them?
* In the crypt room there is an error with the cryptic lighting (I know because I encountered this myself). One of the hanging lanterns has a chain thar goes through the floor beneath it. Not much you can do about this except ether wait until it's fixed or turn off the lights and make your own.
* The archway under the stairs in same room is floating off the ground a little. again, not your fault. I used a platform bring the ground level up to the right height.
* Sarcophagus stuck in wall
* The Fire is somewhat difficult to click. You could use an invisible clicky instead.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
All in all, good quests, not really any complaints. I didn't use the teleporter at all at the beginning and didn't read what it was for, so it may not be necessary.
Some of the encounters were really hard and took awhile, but it was okay. Gave it 5/5 and tip.
Fixed the important things. Also just finished your quest, it was a lot of fun, I thought the sewer was a bit lengthy but I'm sure everyone else will enjoy it. Felt like a really old style adventure game, I enjoyed it a lot, very well done. I haven't done the second part yet but I will, feel free to post this on your review page if you want.
Check my sign to return the favor
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Have you considered the idea of replacing the signs with something more scenic? Surely you have a lot of imagination so you shouldn't have difficulty in inventing something.
5 stars and time well spent.
I hope you'll return the favor reviewing my quest. I'm curious to read the commentary of a person so imaginative
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
It's a unique premise driving the story that makes the questing more interesting itself. Some unique mechanics. Light on dialogue but what is there is well written and fairly interesting. Nice environment consistent with painting hopping.
Certainly there is room for improvement in some areas but once you get some plays I think your weighted rating should make it over 4 which is where you need to be at.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Code: NW-DJ5BFT52F
Author: @oortexplorer
Now eligible for Daily Foundry!
Kind of felt like the encounters were generic, perhaps you could think about either (a) figuring out the best ones to use that fit your story, and changing them, or (b) keeping these ones, but expanding the story a bit to explain a little more about who they are, and why they are doing this. I guess you want to keep a little mystery there too (it's that kind of quest), so it's a balancing act. So I guess the story could use a little tweaking, but not much really. It's quite good as is.
More people should check this one out. Very imaginative and well-presented, with a great ending.
Code: NW-DJ5BFT52F
Author: @oortexplorer
Now eligible for Daily Foundry!
Info and comments at!-Kind-hearted-reviewers-wanted-)&p=4198891#post4198891