Are there any web pages that are not changing right now?
We are creating a whole new website infrastructure, but there are some bits and pieces of functionality that we’ll need to preserve in their current state in order to ensure that our players still have access to them. All Games – Charge Rewards
Star Trek Online – Test Server Signup/Character Copy, Gateway, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption Neverwinter – Test Server Signup/Character Copy, Gateway, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption
Champions Online – Test Server, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption
Are there any web pages that are not changing right now?
We are creating a whole new website infrastructure, but there are some bits and pieces of functionality that we’ll need to preserve in their current state in order to ensure that our players still have access to them.
All Games – Charge Rewards
Star Trek Online – Test Server Signup/Character Copy, Gateway, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption
Neverwinter – Test Server Signup/Character Copy, Gateway, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption
Champions Online – Test Server, Account Guard, Key/Code Redemption
Blacklight Retribution - Key/Code Redemption
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
If you're logged in this should still work. If you are NOT LOGGED IN it will redirect you, as far as I've experienced.
Edited: I just tried it again after I posted this ^ , and it worked properly for me.
When I posted this topic however it didn't work.